Jerusalem should be divided

Ha Ha Ha Ha! I knew it of course. :lol:

They weren't killed by Hamas. And RIP to the family, that was a stupid attack.

But Jewish Gangs used to do that to Palestinians back then.

God me gave me a gift, I can read Zionists minds, I also know who's a Jew just by looking at them

Now you're just a Goddamn liar:D:lol::D

No wayyyyyyyyyyy you could have looked at my nieces and know they're Jewish.

They look pure German.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! :lol::lol::lol: so you're a German, ahhh, so much ancestry to Israel LOL. :lol:

Yes I could.

Me? German? LOL!:lol: Talking about getting things totally wrong

Didn't you pay attantion to the last 1,000,000,000,000 times Ima, with her/his trolling kindness, endlessly mocked me about my ehmm, "impossibility" of being considered a Jew since I'm South American?
Ha Ha Ha Ha! I knew it of course. :lol:

They weren't killed by Hamas. And RIP to the family, that was a stupid attack.

But Jewish Gangs used to do that to Palestinians back then.

God me gave me a gift, I can read Zionists minds, I also know who's a Jew just by looking at them

Now you're just a Goddamn liar:D:lol::D

No wayyyyyyyyyyy you could have looked at my nieces and know they're Jewish.

They look pure German.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! :lol::lol::lol: so you're a German, ahhh, so much ancestry to Israel LOL. :lol:

Yes I could.

Nah Uh!:tongue::D
Now you're just a Goddamn liar:D:lol::D

No wayyyyyyyyyyy you could have looked at my nieces and know they're Jewish.

They look pure German.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! :lol::lol::lol: so you're a German, ahhh, so much ancestry to Israel LOL. :lol:

Yes I could.

Me? German? LOL!:lol: Talking about getting things totally wrong

Didn't you pay attantion to the last 1,000,000,000,000 times Ima, with her/his trolling kindness, endlessly mocked me about my ehmm, "impossibility" of being considered a Jew since I'm South American?

So you're a South American. Lol you have no right to be in Palestine you settler Khara :lol::lol::lol:
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! :lol::lol::lol: so you're a German, ahhh, so much ancestry to Israel LOL. :lol:

Yes I could.

Me? German? LOL!:lol: Talking about getting things totally wrong

Didn't you pay attantion to the last 1,000,000,000,000 times Ima, with her/his trolling kindness, endlessly mocked me about my ehmm, "impossibility" of being considered a Jew since I'm South American?

So you're a South American. Lol you have no right to be in Palestine you settler Khara :lol::lol::lol:

My family have been here since the first Aliya.

Wanna re-think what you've just said, Ya ayuni?
Now you're just a Goddamn liar:D:lol::D

No wayyyyyyyyyyy you could have looked at my nieces and know they're Jewish.

They look pure German.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! :lol::lol::lol: so you're a German, ahhh, so much ancestry to Israel LOL. :lol:

Yes I could.

Me? German? LOL!:lol: Talking about getting things totally wrong

Didn't you pay attantion to the last 1,000,000,000,000 times Ima, with her/his trolling kindness, endlessly mocked me about my ehmm, "impossibility" of being considered a Jew since I'm South American?

what does the torah say

do unto others
as you would have them do to you

i never for one second questioned your identity as a jewess

yet you don't stop slandering mine

and kvetching when others do it to you

not a very good, jewess, meshuggah, are you

NB...I have just changed my user profile

from "Anti-Zionist Jew"

to: AntiTheft - Zionist half Jew

just to be clear I very deeply respect Zion

too much to want to steal one inch of it from Arabs or Christians or anyone else

so in future i wont slag off zionism; i shall use the word theft-zionism instead

maybe klepto-zionism is better

and yes, only half my ass is jewish; tho i can talk thro both parts at the same time, can't I ???
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I support EMULATION OF THE POLICY OF THE PIG-------as mecca is barred to all non muslims-----it has become clear that
Jerusalem and Hebron and Safed and Yathrib ----should be barred to muslims of course christians and hindus and buddhists and Bahais must be made welcome------they should not have to pay for the barbarity of the meccaist pigs

muslims of course christians and hindus and buddhists and Bahais must be made welcome------

But they aren't under Israeli rule.

Israel treats Christians and Muslims equally because they are equally not Jews.
Me? German? LOL!:lol: Talking about getting things totally wrong

Didn't you pay attantion to the last 1,000,000,000,000 times Ima, with her/his trolling kindness, endlessly mocked me about my ehmm, "impossibility" of being considered a Jew since I'm South American?

So you're a South American. Lol you have no right to be in Palestine you settler Khara :lol::lol::lol:

My family have been here since the first Aliya.

Wanna re-think what you've just said, Ya ayuni?

Aww how cute, the settler Khara just called me her eye balls. :D:lol::lol::lol:

First Aliya was still pretty late.

She's learning Arabic , I'm proud of you.
When HaShem created the world, He started with the Foundation Stone, which is in Jerusalem. This is the center of the world. He later took soil from Jerusalem to create the first man, Adam, before He placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Later Shem, son of Noah, also called Melkizedek, became the first King of Salem (the original name for Jerusalem). At about the same time, HaShem commanded Abraham, the first Jew, to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac on Mt. Moriah, in Jerusalem. Isaac was saved at the last moment, and this act sanctified Jerusalem for all time. Many years later, after the Jews had entered the Promised Land, the pagan Jebusites, who held onto Jerusalem, taunted the young King David. They claimed that even their lame and blind ppl could kick the Jews' asses. In response, David conquered the city, and made it his capital. He was not allowed, however, to build the Holy Temple, because of his bloody hands. This task was left to his son, Solomon. The magnificent Temple served as a focal point for the Jews, who prayed and sacrificed there to HaShem. Part 2 to follow. :eusa_boohoo:

this may shock you, but not everybody believes in this hashhead cat you are talking about...and aren't

also, we do have a whole "sins of the father" issue on the solomon and david trip.

and on pagans...newgrange was built a millenium or two before your precious little temple and guess is still there. also, it was based on the earth revolving around the sun, unlike some peeps who thought everything revolved around them.
Israeli police kept Christians from celebrating Easter in Jerusalem.

Christians celebrated in the West Bank without a cop in sight.

Christians celebrated in Gaza without a cop in sight.

The Palestinian city of Jerusalem should not be divided.
So you're a South American. Lol you have no right to be in Palestine you settler Khara :lol::lol::lol:

My family have been here since the first Aliya.

Wanna re-think what you've just said, Ya ayuni?

Aww how cute, the settler Khara just called me her eye balls. :D:lol::lol::lol:

First Aliya was still pretty late.

She's learning Arabic , I'm proud of you.

Who ya calling Khara, Eh?!

Now to balance things you need to learn hebrew.

start with-

תפסיק לקדוח בשכל
'because' kharah, ayuni is almost hebrew "eyes"-------and aliyah means ASCEND you remind me of pakistani and indian muslims I used to know who though I speak arabic
----because I knew more arabic than they did------The samething happened to my son ----his high school chemistry lab partner was a pakistani kid---------he thought my son was magical ----because one day he said "do you know what my name siddique means"?------and my kid said-----"sure---its hebrew----you're a 'righteous guy---not"

for those who do not know------saying "you are my eyes" is a kind of endearment amongst arabs
My family have been here since the first Aliya.

Wanna re-think what you've just said, Ya ayuni?

Aww how cute, the settler Khara just called me her eye balls. :D:lol::lol::lol:

First Aliya was still pretty late.

She's learning Arabic , I'm proud of you.

Who ya calling Khara, Eh?!

Now to balance things you need to learn hebrew.

start with-

תפסיק לקדוח בשכל

You need to be Arabic to be able to yell like that. :D not scaring me yet Lipush :tongue:

Go ahead translate.
'because' kharah, ayuni is almost hebrew "eyes"-------and aliyah means ASCEND you remind me of pakistani and indian muslims I used to know who though I speak arabic
----because I knew more arabic than they did------The samething happened to my son ----his high school chemistry lab partner was a pakistani kid---------he thought my son was magical ----because one day he said "do you know what my name siddique means"?------and my kid said-----"sure---its hebrew----you're a 'righteous guy---not"

for those who do not know------saying "you are my eyes" is a kind of endearment amongst arabs

Quit fucking talking about Pakistanis, c'mon now grandma.

You are my eyes, is either a love thing, a couple saying that to each other.

Or a older person spoiling a kid.
Part 2. For 450 years, the Davidic dynasty ruled in Jerusalem. But the wicked King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon decided to destroy Jerusalem. That day, Tisha B-Av, is still memorialized today, when Jews fast and sit on the floor in mourning. Even at Jewish weddings today, the groom smashes a glass under the wedding canopy to symbolize that a rebuilt Jerusalem, under total Jewish control, is missing from our joy. Luckily, King Cyrus of Persia allowed the Jews to return and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem after only 70 years. But the nations of the world wouldn't leave the Jews alone. King Antiochus of the Syrian-Greek Empire tried to force the Jews to give up their faith, and defiled the Temple in Jerusalem with sacrifices of pigs. But Judah Maccabee and the Jews drove out the Greeks and rededicated the Temple. The holiday of Hanukkah was instituted. Part 3 to follow. :eusa_boohoo:
good point 'because' arabs do yell a lot----and like Tinnie----they do not say much. I learned that in 1967 during the televised proceeding of the UN---may thru june There were several jerks who did TINNIES ---------they kept screaming "ZIONIST ENTITY"
Part 2. For 450 years, the Davidic dynasty ruled in Jerusalem. But the wicked King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon decided to destroy Jerusalem. That day, Tisha B-Av, is still memorialized today, when Jews fast and sit on the floor in mourning. Even at Jewish weddings today, the groom smashes a glass under the wedding canopy to symbolize that a rebuilt Jerusalem, under total Jewish control, is missing from our joy. Luckily, King Cyrus of Persia allowed the Jews to return and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem after only 70 years. But the nations of the world wouldn't leave the Jews alone. King Antiochus of the Syrian-Greek Empire tried to force the Jews to give up their faith, and defiled the Temple in Jerusalem with sacrifices of pigs. But Judah Maccabee and the Jews drove out the Greeks and rededicated the Temple. The holiday of Hanukkah was instituted. Part 3 to follow. :eusa_boohoo:

Lol. Now if you are willing to accept that Hashem is Jesus and is Allah. Then most of the religious world will bother reading this.
good point 'because' arabs do yell a lot----and like Tinnie----they do not say much. I learned that in 1967 during the televised proceeding of the UN---may thru june There were several jerks who did TINNIES ---------they kept screaming "ZIONIST ENTITY"

Al 3adoooo al Suhiyineee!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
So you're a South American. Lol you have no right to be in Palestine you settler Khara :lol::lol::lol:

My family have been here since the first Aliya.

Wanna re-think what you've just said, Ya ayuni?

Aww how cute, the settler Khara just called me her eye balls. :D:lol::lol::lol:

First Aliya was still pretty late.

She's learning Arabic , I'm proud of you.
habibi very many many israelis speak arabic

its an official state language in Israel and Lipush may be as fluent as you are!

and most Gazaans do Ivrit..Hebrew, too

If you define an Arab as one whose native language is Arabic

Then most Israelis are also Arabs...including all the refugees and zionists from Arab lands, which Lipush may well be..they were first Aliyah, I think.

Try calling Israel a largely Arab country..they love that !!
that's impossible, mate

jews only legally bought 6% of palestine before 1948

the rest was taken illegally by force in 1948 and 1967

"giving back" gaza and half the west bank; about 12% of palestine that was stolen is not giving at all; only restoring

so how do you work that out...what crazy formula are you working on here

are you including egyptian sinai??

that's not even clever...........just dumb crap

There is no "Palestine" only in your own mind "mate"

It is important to keep in mind that the Ottoman Empire controlled the Middle East from the 16th to the early 20th century ― for some 400 years. During this time, the countries of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan etc. did not exist. The residents in these areas were predominately Arab subjects of the Ottoman Empire, living in loosely organized tribal communities.

The British Mandate included the landmass on the West Bank of the Jordan River all the way to the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the landmass on the East Bank of the Jordan River, an area known as Trans-Jordan. The British called this whole huge area "Palestine."

The Arabs got their countries they wanted it all...It isn't happening fraud
There is no "Palestine" only in your own mind "mate"

It is important to keep in mind that the Ottoman Empire controlled the Middle East from the 16th to the early 20th century ― for some 400 years. During this time, the countries of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan etc. did not exist. The residents in these areas were predominately Arab subjects of the Ottoman Empire, living in loosely organized tribal communities.

The British Mandate included the landmass on the West Bank of the Jordan River all the way to the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the landmass on the East Bank of the Jordan River, an area known as Trans-Jordan. The British called this whole huge area "Palestine."

duhhh...contradiction, folx???

The Arabs got their countries they wanted it all...It isn't happening fraud"

the arabs in palestine just wanted to be left alone in their towns and villages and not have them stolen by european interlopers; jewish or anyone else...just like anyone would

the Brits and Turks did not steal their land; the Zionists did and still do, violently, and lie about it.

what they were called then or now is irrelevant

fraud is pretending anything else

When the Arabs had east Jerusalem, Jews weren’t allowed to enter their holy places, Jewish cemeteries were desecrated and their headstones were used to build roads by the Arab scum. Now the Jews have it and everyone has access. If there were no Israel there still would be no country called “Palestine” as there never was in world history, what is now Israel would simply be part of the surrounding Arab countries.

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