Jesus Can Not Be Defeated.

wtf constituted "the ruling elite" of his time?

Isaiah is widely regarded as one of the greatest prophets of the Bible. He lived in Jerusalem and the prophecies God gave him were directed toward Israel, Judah and other nations. Jewish tradition says he was of royal descent, and he may have been a cousin to King Uzziah. This may have given him access to the kings of Judah in Jerusalem.
The seekers of easy street. The religious authorities who were openly fornicating with Belial.

Isaiah is widely regarded as one of the greatest prophets of the Bible.. He lived in Jerusalem and the prophecies God gave him were directed toward Israel, Judah and other nations. Jewish tradition says he was of royal descent, and he may have been a cousin to King Uzziah. This may have given him access to the kings of Judah in Jerusalem.
oh ---THEM.........who?

The few who perpetuated the corruption of Temple worship in cahoots with foreign powers to keep the people blind deaf dumb and paralyzed by poverty and fear and delusions so they could be easily fleeced daily so those few could lead smooth and easy lives off the suffering of the masses.

Not unlike the way things are today with politicians openly fornicating with religion creating a beast with the illusion of sanctity that renders the people a mindless herd easily led to the slaughter.
Isaiah is widely regarded as one of the greatest prophets of the Bible.. He lived in Jerusalem and the prophecies God gave him were directed toward Israel, Judah and other nations. Jewish tradition says he was of royal descent, and he may have been a cousin to King Uzziah. This may have given him access to the kings of Judah in Jerusalem.
Uzziah had a thing going with Belial?
The few who perpetuated the corruption of Temple worship in cahoots with foreign powers to keep the people blind deaf dumb and paralyzed by poverty and fear and delusions so they could be easily fleeced daily so those few could lead smooth and easy lives off the suffering of the masses.

Not unlike the way things are today with politicians openly fornicating with religion creating a beast with the illusion of sanctity that renders the people a mindless herd easily led to the slaughter.
oh ----is that how Biden justifies himself? How was the Temple worship corrupted at that time
The few who perpetuated the corruption of Temple worship in cahoots with foreign powers to keep the people blind deaf dumb and paralyzed by poverty and fear and delusions so they could be easily fleeced daily so those few could lead smooth and easy lives off the suffering of the masses.

Not unlike the way things are today with politics openly fornicating with religion to render the people a mindless herd easily led to the slaughter.

What foreign powers controlled the Temple? I don't think the Romans cared how the Jews worshipped as long as they paid their taxes.
oh ----is that how Biden justifies himself? How was the Temple worship corrupted at that time

lol... how? really?

Its that 666 thing. They were slaughtering farm animals in the name of the Lord for Christs sake.

The temple raked in what amounts to billions of dollars yearly fleeced from the poor, but only enjoyed by a few.

Did you know that Temple priests had elevated walkways going directly to the temple from their mansions so they wouldn't have to mingle with the rabble.
What foreign powers controlled the Temple? I don't think the Romans cared how the Jews worshipped as long as they paid their taxes.
wrong again-----In the time of your guy Jesus----the Romans
had full control of the Temple via the meshumad Sadducean
"priests" that they appointed. ----ie they did a herod in the
Temple in order to usurp control of the country. The Pharisees
were incensed which is why Jesus and friends went there to wipe
out the meshumad "money changers". Your sunday school
whore lied when she told you that they were unethical bankers.
But that was not the time of Isaiah. Are you still curious about
the recipe for making gold out of base metals hidden in the talmud?
lol... how? really?

Its that 666 thing. They were slaughtering farm animals in the name of the Lord for Christs sake.

The temple raked in what amounts to billions of dollars yearly fleeced from the poor, but only enjoyed by a few.

Did you know that Temple priests had elevated walkways going directly to the temple from their mansions so they wouldn't have to mingle with the rabble.

666? Nero wasn't born yet.
lol... how? really?

Its that 666 thing. They were slaughtering farm animals in the name of the Lord for Christs sake.

The temple raked in what amounts to billions of dollars yearly fleeced from the poor, but only enjoyed by a few.

Did you know that Temple priests had elevated walkways going directly to the temple from their mansions so they wouldn't have to mingle with the rabble.
Of course I know-----I am a levite. I know the recipe for turning
base metals to gold TOO!!!!!
666? Nero wasn't born yet.

666 is not about nero.

666 is only mentioned one other time in association with one specific man in the bible.

666 is the exact number of talents of gold (25 tons) that Solomon received yearly from the temple treasury not including taxes tributes tolls fines etc fleeced from the population daily.

Rome just copied this method of religious/political tyranny when they turned Jesus into an edible triune mangod in 325 ce.

It is no accident that catholic services mimic first century temple worship and ritual slaughter.
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wrong again-----In the time of your guy Jesus----the Romans
had full control of the Temple via the meshumad Sadducean
"priests" that they appointed. ----ie they did a herod in the
Temple in order to usurp control of the country. The Pharisees
were incensed which is why Jesus and friends went there to wipe
out the meshumad "money changers". Your sunday school
whore lied when she told you that they were unethical bankers.
But that was not the time of Isaiah. Are you still curious about
the recipe for making gold out of base metals hidden in the talmud?

What is the Sunday School Whore nonsense? Are you senile? Have tourettes?
What is the Sunday School Whore nonsense? Are you senile? Have tourettes?
"sunday school whore" is a complex concept, therefore, not
consistent with senile dementia. "tourettes" is a motor
tic unrelated to the phrase "sunday school whore" the verbalizations which constitute a "tourettes" tic are typically
short---usually single syllable
"sunday school whore" is a complex concept, therefore, not
consistent with senile dementia. "tourettes" is a motor
tic unrelated to the phrase "sunday school whore" the verbalizations which constitute a "tourettes" tic are typically
short---usually single syllable
for the record----I grew up in a very christian suburban town.
ALL the little protestant girls went to sunday school. There
were lots of little churches all over town of various flavors. The
COMMONLY held belief was that the temple money changers were
jewish bank loan officers who charged too much interest
for the record----I grew up in a very christian suburban town.
ALL the little protestant girls went to sunday school. There
were lots of little churches all over town of various flavors. The
COMMONLY held belief was that the temple money changers were
jewish bank loan officers who charged too much interest

Is that why you constantly write "Sunday School Whore"?

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