Zone1 Jesus Christ suffered for you. And you... Will you suffer for Him?

I have suffered plenty. I'm Job from the bible.

Hopefully the Lord will ensure I don't suffer anymore, or maybe share this suffering with my enemies...
yeh, your enemies are probably more deserving of punishment than you are.. (I've read some of your posts).

The thing is, it seems there is no justice in this world, or very little.. seems God just leaves all that to the next realm.. the good suffer, the wicked (I think of the Sewer, DC) prosper.. and God seems to just do nothing.. until He does --which again is usually in the Next Realm, it seems.

But I don't think there is anything wrong with praying bad people get justice.. We just have to say such things as "In the Name of Jesus.. let [whatever] be done in this situation, 'yet not my will, but Yours be done'"

That's what Jesus said when facing Crucifixion in the Garden.. Does anyone think HE wanted to "be punished" like that?! No, He did not.. but He prayed that God's will be done.. and then ... Hell ensued

But then He was resurrected and went to Heaven, never to be Crucified again.. :)
the ironic thing about this post is the o.p. does not put their faith in Christ for salvation. But puts their faith in the rcc, the sacraments, man made tradition and legalism. Pharisee-ish.
who says, you?

You don't know me from the man in the moon

How arrogant and presumptuous..

But it's just another bad fruit .. more nefarious detritus coming originally from the malcontent, formally excommunicated by Christ's Church Luther
I think your question premise is simply wrong. Jesus Christ atoned for our sins so we won't have to suffer if we repent. He doesn't want us to suffer.
Then why do good people suffer?

bad people suffer also but I say the good suffer far more. I have observed such throughout my life on Earth.

Do you have any sufferings since you accepted Christ (your way)?

If you have found a way to avoid ALL sufferings.. you really need to write a book.. and yet Jesus PROMISED we would suffer. He said that His followers would be HATED by all

doesn't sound like Heaven on Earth, does it?

Are you a liberal? They believe in building Utopia on Earth...

(Please respond to highlighted)
Why would i suffer for someone that has been dead for thousands of years? 🥴
Then why do good people suffer?

bad people suffer also but I say the good suffer far more. I have observed such throughout my life on Earth.

Do you have any sufferings since you accepted Christ (your way)?

If you have found a way to avoid ALL sufferings.. you really need to write a book.. and yet Jesus PROMISED we would suffer. He said that His followers would be HATED by all

doesn't sound like Heaven on Earth, does it?

Are you a liberal? They believe in building Utopia on Earth...

(Please respond to highlighted)
He said they would be hated " for my name's sake" In other words, because they follow and do what he taught. The political christians of today are nothing like the loving compassionate things Jesus taught. They use religion to justify bigotry. You religious nuts have built so many straw men. Jesus would be ashamed of your hateful behavior.
yeh, your enemies are probably more deserving of punishment than you are.. (I've read some of your posts).

The thing is, it seems there is no justice in this world, or very little.. seems God just leaves all that to the next realm.. the good suffer, the wicked (I think of the Sewer, DC) prosper.. and God seems to just do nothing.. until He does --which again is usually in the Next Realm, it seems.

But I don't think there is anything wrong with praying bad people get justice.. We just have to say such things as "In the Name of Jesus.. let [whatever] be done in this situation, 'yet not my will, but Yours be done'"

That's what Jesus said when facing Crucifixion in the Garden.. Does anyone think HE wanted to "be punished" like that?! No, He did not.. but He prayed that God's will be done.. and then ... Hell ensued

But then He was resurrected and went to Heaven, never to be Crucified again.. :)

All your children were killed?
He said they would be hated " for my name's sake" In other words, because they follow and do what he taught. The political christians of today are nothing like the loving compassionate things Jesus taught. They use religion to justify bigotry. You religious nuts have built so many straw men. Jesus would be ashamed of your hateful behavior.

You get Most Ironic Post of the Week award.

Then why do good people suffer?

bad people suffer also but I say the good suffer far more. I have observed such throughout my life on Earth.

Do you have any sufferings since you accepted Christ (your way)?

If you have found a way to avoid ALL sufferings.. you really need to write a book.. and yet Jesus PROMISED we would suffer. He said that His followers would be HATED by all

doesn't sound like Heaven on Earth, does it?

Are you a liberal? They believe in building Utopia on Earth...

(Please respond to highlighted)
We all suffer good or bad. That has nothing to do with the premise again. We are all here on the same earth with our own set of circumstances. Suffering is part of life as well is not suffering. Often times suffering is brought on by the actions of people that are contrary to the laws and commandments of God. Sometimes suffering happens because we all have human conditions that are the same like carbon based bodies and so on. Or, people who are not good people hurt good people. Not because Jesus Christ wants anyone to suffer. But, because the primary law of God in the universe is "free moral agency" to choose good or evil. For that to happen, bad people have to be able to do evil to good people. Where the atonement comes in is when this happens. Those that accept Christ's atonement can lean on Christ to get through tough times without falling from grace as well.

Well, I can tell you many so-called Christians show their hatred towards The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the members as well. So, I understand this. And, I'm not attempting to avoid suffering. I'm looking to follow the laws and commandments of God. I know suffering will occur both physically and mentally. But, keeping the commandments allows me to fall from grace due to any sufferings that come along. And, who said heaven is on earth? There is a bit of heaven in the Kingdom of God on the earth, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But, we are on earth in mortality and thus subject to all free moral agency as was Jesus Christ himself.

I think you are giving a broad view of liberals. There are some, Marxists, who would force all to live a Utopia world on Earth. But, not all liberals. Just the few nutcases that use tenants of Marxism like socialism to trap people into poverty to control people forcing them into a false Utopia. I'm a conservative which fits the mold of free moral agency with laws of earth and heaven to make it possible.
I say Jesus is silently asking this Q of all his purported followers

People usually follow Him until.. they don't. . until some other thing begins to take precedence in their lives and they just cannot see giving that thing (or person or whatever) up for Him..

That is why we need all the helps that Christ's ORIGINAL Church provides. We cannot make it otherwise (to Heaven). This is the reason Christ founded a CHURCH (Mt 16:18). He knew how weak we all are..

This is also why we need to know such things as:

Where is Christ's True Church?

I have discovered... through many many years of experiences and knowlege-aquisition (both good and bad esperiences, some even hellish).. where His Church is

and if anyone thinks I am giving up on THAT.. (anti-Catholics seem to think they can achieve such)!

ha ha.. hilarious
Are you saying anyone who is not a Catholic is not a true Christian? Are they all going to hell?
who says, you?

You don't know me from the man in the moon

How arrogant and presumptuous..

But it's just another bad fruit .. more nefarious detritus coming originally from the malcontent, formally excommunicated by Christ's Church Luther
i say, yes, because if you did put your faith in Him you wouldnt be a member of the rcc.
who says, you?

You don't know me from the man in the moon

How arrogant and presumptuous..

But it's just another bad fruit .. more nefarious detritus coming originally from the malcontent, formally excommunicated by Christ's Church Luther
question- are you saved? if so how do you know; if not why not?

Will you suffer for Him?​

No thanks. I'm pretty sure someone who claims to be the son of the literal creator of The Universe needs me to suffer for him.

He doesn't even have to pay for his own wine.

Why would i suffer for someone that has been dead for thousands of years? 🥴
because you are going to suffer anyway?

And maybe suffering with Christ makes suffering meaningful

whereas w/o Him... I fail to see how life even has meaning... Are we just put here to grow old and in the end we die and that's it.. no meaning?

I feel sorry for those who think so
question- are you saved? if so how do you know; if not why not?
Well, since any answer I could give you will be picked apart and accusations thrown at me galore (past pattern)

I somehow do not feel like responding to this Q
because you are going to suffer anyway?

And maybe suffering with Christ makes suffering meaningful

whereas w/o Him... I fail to see how life even has meaning... Are we just put here to grow old and in the end we die and that's it.. no meaning?

I feel sorry for those who think so
Why does there have to be a meaning?
Why must you try to answer something that cant be answered?
What you see when u look @ a Crucifix

That is what a person has to go through to get into Heaven where there is NO sin.. no desire for sin whatsoever..

Your sinful body has to go through what Jesus went through in order to kill the demon inside you known as sinfulness

That is my opinion.. haven't heard the Catholic Church teach anything like that... Or have I?

But then.. I haven't heard of a lot of things.. doesn't mean it aint there.. somewhere in the Vatican archives or wherever..
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What you see when u look @ a Crucifix

That is what a person has to go through to get into Heaven where there is NO sin.. no desire for sin whatsoever..

Your sinful body has to go through what Jesus went through in order to kill the demon inside you known as sinfulness

That is my opinion.. haven't heard the Catholic Church teach anything like that, but then.. I haven't heard of a lot of things.. doesn't mean it aint there.. somewhere in the Vatican archives or wherever..

"I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun"...
whereas w/o Him... I fail to see how life even has meaning... Are we just put here to grow old and in the end we die and that's it.. no meaning?

That is called being a mature adult

Accepting your own mortality and not needing some fantasy about everlasting life......if you are good
Why does there have to be a meaning?
Why must you try to answer something that cant be answered?
try to answer?

I have found answers. I still don't know all about God but no one does. People in heaven know more about Him.. but that's them..

As to your first Q

If life does not have meaning, people end it all

i don't know if you have ever known someone who did that but if so, it may have affected you deeply and made you search for answers.. about the meaning of life, which you seem to think people can live without..

But everyone has to have meaning or life really is not worth living.. too many sufferings.. Oh, wait.. you don't suffer.. The implication was there.. Well, if I were filthy rich and had a very loving family and lots of friends who loved Jesus like I do... maybe I would not be seeking (or holding on to) meaning in life.. But some of us find ourselves doing that at times..

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