Jesus on Marriage...

Lol...sure he is. You think you dictate who God is?

How does your god feel about being called "gawd", do you think?

Exodus 20

New International Version (NIV)

The Ten Commandments

20 And God spoke all these words:
2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
3 “You shall have no other gods before[a] me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
7“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

Matthew 5:19

19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Of course I don't dictate that.

I DO dictate what MY beliefs are, or even if I have any.

Sorta nice living in the USA for that reason (and many others).

And, as an aside, I would bet the atheist community loves you. You probably turn more away from any faith in one year than ten of them can do in a lifetime.


Naw. As you know from being a veteran of this site, atheists typically hate my guts.

So tell me how you think your *gawd* feels about you using the word *gawd*.

I didn't say you don't dictate your beliefs. I said your beliefs don't dictate who God is. And they don't.

i would say that the majority of people on this site, atheist or not, think you're a fucking loon.
Yes, well given the makeup of this site, that doesn't bother me a bit. The craziest and most extreme on this site certainly do have a problem with me.
What you fail to understand is that some religions don't even have a concept of sin. You want those people to feel badly, so you lay your religious trip on them, trying to shame, blame and guilt others.

Just because something is a sin to a Christian, doesn't mean it's a sin to atheists, or to people from non-theistic religions, like Buddhism. What you'd like to do, is impose YOUR morality on others. We have religious freedom in this country. Let's keep it. You abide by your rules and I'll abide by mine.

Why not just live and let live? Follow your own commandments, and live in peace with others.
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I do live and let live.

But that's not exactly a commandment. I do follow my commandments, I do live in peace with others.

That doesn't mean I can't participate in discussions about God and the bible, my religion, and society at large. Of course I can. Despite your best efforts, there's nothing in my religion that tells me that I should never speak out against sin, and I should encourage anti-Christian psychotics to spread lies about Christians, Christianity and God.
I do live and let live.

But that's not exactly a commandment. I do follow my commandments, I do live in peace with others.

That doesn't mean I can't participate in discussions about God and the bible, my religion, and society at large. Of course I can. Despite your best efforts, there's nothing in my religion that tells me that I should never speak out against sin.

Speak out against sin? You mean guilt, shame and blame others for living their lives differently from you.

Other people's sins are none of your damn business. Why give what other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms any thought at all?
That must explain the unprecedented reactions I get from them on this site. Cuz they're just so happy I'm around.

Also explains why so many have me on ignore, and continually strive to get me banned, hmmm?
I do live and let live.

But that's not exactly a commandment. I do follow my commandments, I do live in peace with others.

That doesn't mean I can't participate in discussions about God and the bible, my religion, and society at large. Of course I can. Despite your best efforts, there's nothing in my religion that tells me that I should never speak out against sin.

Speak out against sin? You mean guilt, shame and blame others for living their lives differently from you.

Other people's sins are none of your damn business. Why give what other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms any thought at all?

No, I mean what I say...there's no need for you to adjust it. Guilt is all on the person who feels it. I could care less if you feel guilty or not.

I don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms. I care when they try to bring it into the streets, the classrooms, and the church.
That must explain the unprecedented reactions I get from them on this site. Cuz they're just so happy I'm around.

Also explains why so many have me on ignore, and continually strive to get me banned, hmmm?

no one ever strove to get you banned in the 4 years i was a mod.

you can tell yourself they did if it makes you feel special, though.
I do live and let live.

But that's not exactly a commandment. I do follow my commandments, I do live in peace with others.

That doesn't mean I can't participate in discussions about God and the bible, my religion, and society at large. Of course I can. Despite your best efforts, there's nothing in my religion that tells me that I should never speak out against sin.

Speak out against sin? You mean guilt, shame and blame others for living their lives differently from you.

Other people's sins are none of your damn business. Why give what other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms any thought at all?

That's how they get their rocks off.
I don't believe I said when, del. Though truth and you often part ways, so it doesn't matter anyway.
I do live and let live.

But that's not exactly a commandment. I do follow my commandments, I do live in peace with others.

That doesn't mean I can't participate in discussions about God and the bible, my religion, and society at large. Of course I can. Despite your best efforts, there's nothing in my religion that tells me that I should never speak out against sin.

Speak out against sin? You mean guilt, shame and blame others for living their lives differently from you.

Other people's sins are none of your damn business. Why give what other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms any thought at all?

That's how they get their rocks off.

It's funny, I doubt either one of us spend a whole lot of time thinking about what THEY do in bed.:badgrin:
I do live and let live.

But that's not exactly a commandment. I do follow my commandments, I do live in peace with others.

That doesn't mean I can't participate in discussions about God and the bible, my religion, and society at large. Of course I can. Despite your best efforts, there's nothing in my religion that tells me that I should never speak out against sin.

Speak out against sin? You mean guilt, shame and blame others for living their lives differently from you.

Other people's sins are none of your damn business. Why give what other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms any thought at all?

It's not about what "consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms".

It's about what marriage is defined as.
I do live and let live.

But that's not exactly a commandment. I do follow my commandments, I do live in peace with others.

That doesn't mean I can't participate in discussions about God and the bible, my religion, and society at large. Of course I can. Despite your best efforts, there's nothing in my religion that tells me that I should never speak out against sin.

Speak out against sin? You mean guilt, shame and blame others for living their lives differently from you.

Other people's sins are none of your damn business. Why give what other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms any thought at all?

It's not about what "consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms".

It's about what marriage is defined as.

It's more a disagreement about whether Christians get to define civil marriage law or not.

And yes, it is about what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

You may not like our families, but we exist, and we will advocate for marriage equality.

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