Jesus on Marriage...

Jesus is God in the flesh. Buddha was a little fat drunk who played with himself. Your kind of guy, no doubt.

Weren't you the guy who swore he knows how to talk to people about their religions without being insulting? LOL.

Shakamuni Buddha was a historical man. He was a married Prince, and he left his kingdom to become a monk, and became enlightened. Later, his former wife and son, became monks and achieved their own realization.

Buddha isn't a god. Buddha is the Sanskrit term for "awake". In Tibetan, the term is "sang gye" which means "to clear away" and "to unfold".

What is cleared away are adventitious flaws and what unfolds are radiant qualities of awareness.

Buddha was a man who lived and died and turned to dust. Jesus rose from the dead.

mmm, hmmm

and noah put all the animals on the ark two by two

except the dinosaurs

and the unicorns
Jesus is God in the flesh. Buddha was a little fat drunk who played with himself. Your kind of guy, no doubt.

Weren't you the guy who swore he knows how to talk to people about their religions without being insulting? LOL.

Shakamuni Buddha was a historical man. He was a married Prince, and he left his kingdom to become a monk, and became enlightened. Later, his former wife and son, became monks and achieved their own realization.

Buddha isn't a god. Buddha is the Sanskrit term for "awake". In Tibetan, the term is "sang gye" which means "to clear away" and "to unfold".

What is cleared away are adventitious flaws and what unfolds are radiant qualities of awareness.

Buddha was a man who lived and died and turned to dust. Jesus rose from the dead.

And plenty of buddhas achieve "rainbow body", the same accomplishment that Jesus had. Those masters of awareness have their bodies dissolve into light and they are able to send out emanations to benefit sentient beings. Some Buddhists think that Jesus traveled to Tibet during his retreat in the desert and studied under great masters of meditation in the Buddhist tradition. Jesus "arising" from the dead, his showing of his light body, and the disappearance of his physical body, are all documented experiences of great Buddhist masters.

Some Buddhists have great respect for Jesus as an enlightened master. body tulku thondup&f=false
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Weren't you the guy who swore he knows how to talk to people about their religions without being insulting? LOL.

Shakamuni Buddha was a historical man. He was a married Prince, and he left his kingdom to become a monk, and became enlightened. Later, his former wife and son, became monks and achieved their own realization.

Buddha isn't a god. Buddha is the Sanskrit term for "awake". In Tibetan, the term is "sang gye" which means "to clear away" and "to unfold".

What is cleared away are adventitious flaws and what unfolds are radiant qualities of awareness.

Buddha was a man who lived and died and turned to dust. Jesus rose from the dead.

mmm, hmmm

and noah put all the animals on the ark two by two

except the dinosaurs

and the unicorns

Actually, the Bible says God brought the animals to Noah, and the Bible also says that some were two by two, and other animals were in 7 pairs so they could be used for food and sacrifice. Genesis 7
Weren't you the guy who swore he knows how to talk to people about their religions without being insulting? LOL.

Shakamuni Buddha was a historical man. He was a married Prince, and he left his kingdom to become a monk, and became enlightened. Later, his former wife and son, became monks and achieved their own realization.

Buddha isn't a god. Buddha is the Sanskrit term for "awake". In Tibetan, the term is "sang gye" which means "to clear away" and "to unfold".

What is cleared away are adventitious flaws and what unfolds are radiant qualities of awareness.

Buddha was a man who lived and died and turned to dust. Jesus rose from the dead.

And plenty of buddhas achieve "rainbow body", the same accomplishment that Jesus had. Those masters of awareness have their bodies dissolve into light and they are able to send out emanations to benefit sentient beings. Some Buddhists think that Jesus traveled to Tibet during his retreat in the desert and studied under great masters of meditation in the Buddhist tradition. Jesus "arising" from the dead, his showing of his light body, and the disappearance of his physical body, are all documented experiences of great Buddhist masters.

Some Buddhists have great respect for Jesus as an enlightened master.

White Lotus: An Explanation of the Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava - Jamgon Mipham, Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho (¼Jam-mgon ¼Ju), Padmakara Translation Group - Google Books

Where does the Bible state the Jesus had a "rainbow body"?
Buddha was a man who lived and died and turned to dust. Jesus rose from the dead.

mmm, hmmm

and noah put all the animals on the ark two by two

except the dinosaurs

and the unicorns

Actually, the Bible says God brought the animals to Noah, and the Bible also says that some were two by two, and other animals were in 7 pairs so they could be used for food and sacrifice. Genesis 7

Buddha was a man who lived and died and turned to dust. Jesus rose from the dead.

And plenty of buddhas achieve "rainbow body", the same accomplishment that Jesus had. Those masters of awareness have their bodies dissolve into light and they are able to send out emanations to benefit sentient beings. Some Buddhists think that Jesus traveled to Tibet during his retreat in the desert and studied under great masters of meditation in the Buddhist tradition. Jesus "arising" from the dead, his showing of his light body, and the disappearance of his physical body, are all documented experiences of great Buddhist masters.

Some Buddhists have great respect for Jesus as an enlightened master.

White Lotus: An Explanation of the Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava - Jamgon Mipham, Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho (¼Jam-mgon ¼Ju), Padmakara Translation Group - Google Books

Where does the Bible state the Jesus had a "rainbow body"?

right after the part where he has a three way with peter and timothy

anal 3: 6-9
Buddha was a man who lived and died and turned to dust. Jesus rose from the dead.

And plenty of buddhas achieve "rainbow body", the same accomplishment that Jesus had. Those masters of awareness have their bodies dissolve into light and they are able to send out emanations to benefit sentient beings. Some Buddhists think that Jesus traveled to Tibet during his retreat in the desert and studied under great masters of meditation in the Buddhist tradition. Jesus "arising" from the dead, his showing of his light body, and the disappearance of his physical body, are all documented experiences of great Buddhist masters.

Some Buddhists have great respect for Jesus as an enlightened master.

White Lotus: An Explanation of the Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava - Jamgon Mipham, Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho (¼Jam-mgon ¼Ju), Padmakara Translation Group - Google Books

Where does the Bible state the Jesus had a "rainbow body"?

It doesn't. I'm saying that what Jesus did, others did before him and after him. That is, dissolve the physical body into light, and have the ability to send out emanations and perform miracles.

All of Jesus achievements are also recorded in Buddhist iconography as being accomplished by Buddhist yogis. We just use different terms to describe it.

Even the "Trinity" has a Buddha correlation to the Three Kayas.

Don't worry about it. Stay with your own understanding of your faith. I'm just sharing mine and how I relate to yours.
Lol...sure he is. You think you dictate who God is?

How does your god feel about being called "gawd", do you think?

Exodus 20

New International Version (NIV)

The Ten Commandments

20 And God spoke all these words:
2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
3 “You shall have no other gods before[a] me.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
7“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

Matthew 5:19

19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Of course I don't dictate that.

I DO dictate what MY beliefs are, or even if I have any.

Sorta nice living in the USA for that reason (and many others).

And, as an aside, I would bet the atheist community loves you. You probably turn more away from any faith in one year than ten of them can do in a lifetime.


Naw. As you know from being a veteran of this site, atheists typically hate my guts.

So tell me how you think your *gawd* feels about you using the word *gawd*.

I didn't say you don't dictate your beliefs. I said your beliefs don't dictate who God is. And they don't.
My gawd can't be described in mere words. It's a Jewish thing and I like it, so I use it as often as I can. Of course, there is the occasional ignorant with whom I try to communicate, so I set that personal belief aside, rather much to my distaste, to facilitate communication.

Ever noticed that Jews never spell out the word "god"? You really should be more observant.
And plenty of buddhas achieve "rainbow body", the same accomplishment that Jesus had. Those masters of awareness have their bodies dissolve into light and they are able to send out emanations to benefit sentient beings. Some Buddhists think that Jesus traveled to Tibet during his retreat in the desert and studied under great masters of meditation in the Buddhist tradition. Jesus "arising" from the dead, his showing of his light body, and the disappearance of his physical body, are all documented experiences of great Buddhist masters.

Some Buddhists have great respect for Jesus as an enlightened master.

White Lotus: An Explanation of the Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava - Jamgon Mipham, Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho (¼Jam-mgon ¼Ju), Padmakara Translation Group - Google Books

Where does the Bible state the Jesus had a "rainbow body"?

It doesn't. I'm saying that what Jesus did, others did before him and after him. That is, dissolve the physical body into light, and have the ability to send out emanations and perform miracles.

All of Jesus achievements are also recorded in Buddhist iconography as being accomplished by Buddhist yogis. We just use different terms to describe it.

Even the "Trinity" has a Buddha correlation to the Three Kayas.

Don't worry about it. Stay with your own understanding of your faith. I'm just sharing mine and how I relate to yours.

Buddhism doesn't relate to Christianity at all. Just another man-made religious cult made up of a cup of this, a dash of that, and a pinch of whatever.

Here is one documented case of "rainbow body". There are degrees of attainment.

"Sogyal Rinpoche (Chapter10 of Tibetan Book of Living & Dying) wrote: "In 1952 there was a famous instance of the rainbow body in the East of Tibet, witnessed by many people. The man who attained it, Sonam Namgyal, was the father of my tutor at the beginning of this book.

He was a very simple, humble person, who made his way as an itinerant stone carver, carving mantras and sacred texts. Some say he had been a hunter in his youth, and had received a teaching from a great master. No one really knew he was a practitioner; he was truly called a "hidden yogin."

. . . he then fell ill, or seemed to, but became strangely, increasingly happy. When he illness got worse, his family called in masters and doctors. His son told him he should remember, 'Everything is illusion, but I am confident that all is well.'

Just before his death at seventy-nine, he said "All I ask is that when I die, don't move my body for a week." When he died his family wrapped his body and invited Lamas and monks to come and practice for him. They placed the body in a small room in the house, and they could not help noticing that although he had been a tall person, they had no trouble getting it in, as if he were becoming smaller. At the same time, an extraordinary display of rainbow-colored light was seen all around the house. When they looked into the room on the sixth day, they saw that the body was getting smaller and smaller. On the eight day after his death, the morning in which the funeral had been arranged, the undertakers arrived to collect the body. When they undid its coverings, they found nothing inside but his nails and hair."
Dzogchen, an ancient but direct way of discovering and realizing the natural, primordial state or natural condition of every sentient being.
Where does the Bible state the Jesus had a "rainbow body"?

It doesn't. I'm saying that what Jesus did, others did before him and after him. That is, dissolve the physical body into light, and have the ability to send out emanations and perform miracles.

All of Jesus achievements are also recorded in Buddhist iconography as being accomplished by Buddhist yogis. We just use different terms to describe it.

Even the "Trinity" has a Buddha correlation to the Three Kayas.

Don't worry about it. Stay with your own understanding of your faith. I'm just sharing mine and how I relate to yours.

Buddhism doesn't relate to Christianity at all. Just another man-made religious cult made up of a cup of this, a dash of that, and a pinch of whatever.

That's fine. I can live with the fact that this is your view, your opinion. Be at peace.
It doesn't. I'm saying that what Jesus did, others did before him and after him. That is, dissolve the physical body into light, and have the ability to send out emanations and perform miracles.

All of Jesus achievements are also recorded in Buddhist iconography as being accomplished by Buddhist yogis. We just use different terms to describe it.

Even the "Trinity" has a Buddha correlation to the Three Kayas.

Don't worry about it. Stay with your own understanding of your faith. I'm just sharing mine and how I relate to yours.

Buddhism doesn't relate to Christianity at all. Just another man-made religious cult made up of a cup of this, a dash of that, and a pinch of whatever.

That's fine. I can live with the fact that this is your view, your opinion. Be at peace.

Agreed. We have to be at peace.
This BBC 4 documentary examines the question "Did Jesus Die?". It looks at a bunch of ideas around this question until minute 25, where this examination of ideas takes a very logical and grounded turn with surprising conclusions that demonstrate...

The three wise men were Buddhist monks who found Jesus and came back for him around puberty. After being trained in a Buddhist Monastery he spread the Buddhist philosophy, survived the crucifixion, and escaped to Kashmir, Afghanistan where he died an old man at the age of 80.

[ame=]Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary - YouTube[/ame]
Buddhism doesn't relate to Christianity at all. Just another man-made religious cult made up of a cup of this, a dash of that, and a pinch of whatever.

That's fine. I can live with the fact that this is your view, your opinion. Be at peace.

Agreed. We have to be at peace.

I am completely accepting that your view is different from mine. I mean no disrespect. I hold Jesus in high esteem.
This BBC 4 documentary examines the question "Did Jesus Die?". It looks at a bunch of ideas around this question until minute 25, where this examination of ideas takes a very logical and grounded turn with surprising conclusions that demonstrate...

The three wise men were Buddhist monks who found Jesus and came back for him around puberty. After being trained in a Buddhist Monastery he spread the Buddhist philosophy, survived the crucifixion, and escaped to Kashmir, Afghanistan where he died an old man at the age of 80.

Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary - YouTube

Are you speaking of the wise men who brought gifts to the baby Jesus? How do you know there were three?
This BBC 4 documentary examines the question "Did Jesus Die?". It looks at a bunch of ideas around this question until minute 25, where this examination of ideas takes a very logical and grounded turn with surprising conclusions that demonstrate...

The three wise men were Buddhist monks who found Jesus and came back for him around puberty. After being trained in a Buddhist Monastery he spread the Buddhist philosophy, survived the crucifixion, and escaped to Kashmir, Afghanistan where he died an old man at the age of 80.

Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary - YouTube

Are you speaking of the wise men who brought gifts to the baby Jesus? How do you know there were three?

I haven't watched the documentary yet. Have you?
Who knows what the hell she's talking about, at any given time?

Last week she was going on about Christ's homosexuality. Now she's pretending Buddhist monks are responsible for the resurrection.

The woman is a fruitcake.
This BBC 4 documentary examines the question "Did Jesus Die?". It looks at a bunch of ideas around this question until minute 25, where this examination of ideas takes a very logical and grounded turn with surprising conclusions that demonstrate...

The three wise men were Buddhist monks who found Jesus and came back for him around puberty. After being trained in a Buddhist Monastery he spread the Buddhist philosophy, survived the crucifixion, and escaped to Kashmir, Afghanistan where he died an old man at the age of 80.

Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary - YouTube

Are you speaking of the wise men who brought gifts to the baby Jesus? How do you know there were three?

I haven't watched the documentary yet. Have you?

Oh, I see. You were quoting what the article said. That seems to be the common legend even in Christianity, Three Wise Men. As far as the Biblical account, the Scriptures say three gifts and doesn't say how many wise men there were. I'm just wondering if they are just following the legend.

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