Jesus on Marriage...

Speak out against sin? You mean guilt, shame and blame others for living their lives differently from you.

Other people's sins are none of your damn business. Why give what other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms any thought at all?

It's not about what "consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms".

It's about what marriage is defined as.

It's more a disagreement about whether Christians get to define civil marriage law or not.

And yes, it is about what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

You may not like our families, but we exist, and we will advocate for marriage equality.

It's a disagreement on the definition of marriage. Marriage in the USA has always been defined as a man and a woman. Marriage throughout civilization has been defined as a man and a woman. Go ahead and advocate for that, but that doesn't mean you can force your will on people. You demand tolerance, yet show none.
It's not about what "consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms".

It's about what marriage is defined as.

It's more a disagreement about whether Christians get to define civil marriage law or not.

And yes, it is about what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

You may not like our families, but we exist, and we will advocate for marriage equality.

It's a disagreement on the definition of marriage. Marriage in the USA has always been defined as a man and a woman. Marriage throughout civilization has been defined as a man and a woman. Go ahead and advocate for that, but that doesn't mean you can force your will on people. You demand tolerance, yet show none.

I could care less what you do in your bedroom.

You keep your boring sex life and I'll keep my exciting one.

I'm not in the slightest bit interested in forcing you to marry me. I'm already married to my wife, LEGALLY.

It's the civil law we want, not membership or recognition in your narrow minded church.

My Buddhist community was present and the marriage ceremoney between me and my wife was conducted by a Lama.

We don't need your church. Do what you choose there regarding marriage.
I do live and let live.

But that's not exactly a commandment. I do follow my commandments, I do live in peace with others.

That doesn't mean I can't participate in discussions about God and the bible, my religion, and society at large. Of course I can. Despite your best efforts, there's nothing in my religion that tells me that I should never speak out against sin.

Speak out against sin? You mean guilt, shame and blame others for living their lives differently from you.

Other people's sins are none of your damn business. Why give what other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms any thought at all?

It's not about what "consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms".

It's about what marriage is defined as.

And where do you find your definition of marriage? In the dictionary? That ship has already sailed? In your religion? Not even all Christians agree on that one. So....where?
Do you think Buddha enjoyed anal sex?

Another thing he had in common with your Jesus?

Jesus is God in the flesh. Buddha was a little fat drunk who played with himself. Your kind of guy, no doubt.

Weren't you the guy who swore he knows how to talk to people about their religions without being insulting? LOL.

Shakamuni Buddha was a historical man. He was a married Prince, and he left his kingdom to become a monk, and became enlightened. Later, his former wife and son, became monks and achieved their own realization.

Buddha isn't a god. Buddha is the Sanskrit term for "awake". In Tibetan, the term is "sang gye" which means "to clear away" and "to unfold".

What is cleared away are adventitious flaws and what unfolds are radiant qualities of awareness.
Another thing he had in common with your Jesus?

Jesus is God in the flesh. Buddha was a little fat drunk who played with himself. Your kind of guy, no doubt.

Weren't you the guy who swore he knows how to talk to people about their religions without being insulting? LOL.

Shakamuni Buddha was a historical man. He was a married Prince, and he left his kingdom to become a monk, and became enlightened. Later, his former wife and son, became monks and achieved their own realization.

Buddha isn't a god. Buddha is the Sanskrit term for "awake". In Tibetan, the term is "sang gye" which means "to clear away" and "to unfold".

What is cleared away are adventitious flaws and what unfolds are radiant qualities of awareness.

Buddha was a man who lived and died and turned to dust. Jesus rose from the dead.

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