Jesus saves?

American Christians take their Bible basis from the King James Version which was diligently translated and revised using the original hebrew tongues during the great reformation and was tried by the fires of William Tyndales execution a myrterer that was burned at the stake for heresy (against that stumbling block the "catholic church") wanting to print all of the truth and not half of it and to put it at public print for all to have...So many great men of GOD have been executed and killed for the WORD William Tyndale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and many more to come before this life is thru...............never heard of anyone willing to die for Harry Potters books or excuted in defense of it lol

Thei absolutely no difference between Harry Potter and the bible..other than we know that we have the original with harry potter.
Pretending the OT is somehow NOT part of the Christian Bible is hilarious.

I'm not PRETENDING anything. It is the Torah, it is not the NT. In the council of Nicea it was included in the shiny new revised edition of "Things all cult-followers must know". A group of motivated men decided what would be part of the "Christian Bible" or not, not God. Were these men getting their instructions from God? Not at all; they included what they felt was most in line with their ends, and called the rest heretical. Yeah..that's a credible source of info~!

Claiming further that a discussion ABOUT Christian Beliefs can not include the NT is even funnier.
If I said a discussion on Christian beliefs could not include the NT, I either misspoke, or you misunderstood me. I agree that would be funny, as the NT is where Christian beliefs stem from. Perhaps a misunderstanding on both parts?

A Christian believes that Jesus is the Son of God, if someone does NOT believe that they are by definition NOT a Christian.

Key word: Believe.

Not KNOW. I stated that Christians do not KNOW Jesus is the son of God. They KNOW that someone wrote that this was so, and it was included in the NT because it fit with the Nicean agenda. I have no doubt they believe this to be true. But belief does not always equal a truth. That's why it's a...belief :)

And yes every Christian does in fact know that Jesus was a Jew. That he tried to correct Jewish teachings and that he came with a message for all.

Thus implying Jewish code and law was..incorrect? You are misinformed. What Jesus taught was Gnosis, not revised Judaism. Jesus was Gnosis incarnate. The Catholics consider them heretics, ask any good Cathar.

here's a question. Do you attribute your beliefs to ONLY those books that made the cut in Nicea, or do you attribute it to ALL works that were "of" Jesus?

Were you aware that the first book written on Jesus and his teachings after his death was in 40 AD? That's 20 years before one of the "Allowed" gospels.

The Gospel of Thomas was written in 40 AD. It is considered the most accurate story as it happened so soon after Jesus's death. It is considered heretical. It does not conform with that Constantine wanted to see. All of this is fact, not something I'm making up just because I wish to argue.

See, whatever you may think of me, I am not some close minded Jewess intent on tearing down Christianity. To the contrary, I am not a practicing Jew at all, have not been since my Bas Mitzvah. Why? because I found as many holes in Jewish doctrine as I have in all other religious doctrines. And I have studied. Alot.

Christianity disturbs me for one specific reason though, and this is my point: Zealous Christians are forces unto themselves. yet when asked reasonable questions about why their belief system is obviously flawed, and warped at times...they become vicious and sometimes violent.

Now ask a Wiccan about why they believe what they do, in the face of some serious contradictions. They will happily sit down and discuss these things with you, with an open mind. As will Buddhists, Hindus, and others.

Some Jews tend to get hostile when defending their faith, some Muslims try to blow you up for daring to question their dogma, and many Christians call you all sorts of hateful names, and then demand your immediate entrance to the fiery hell they know is waiting for you. Or in your case, a black sleep until the day I will be judged as the sinner I am.

Why is this? Those secure in faith should not react so. A question- is simply a question. A discussion, merely words exchanged. What is so threatening in asking these things? One can only assume that they are either not as secure as they want to appear, or there is something really wrong with what they are being taught. I cannot claim the expertise to know what it is, but it is deeply disturbing.

Now, if you would like to rationally discuss religious dogma or beliefs, we can do that. I am not ignorant in religion, and we might actually be able to teach EACH OTHER something. But insults and belittlement won't help things.

You expect US to keep our minds and hearts open, we expect the same of you.
Assuming a lot is your problem. Christians KNOW and BELIEVE. Jesus Christ IS the son of God. There is no doubt in a Christian's mind or heart about that. You can twist and turn it any way you want. That is simple fact. Faith is belief is truth.

The Bible is holy scripture and was inspired by Divine will, This would include all the process in creating it.

Have I had doubts about the missing books? Yes I have. I would love to see them in print. But my faith is that the Holy Bible was and is inspired by divine intervention of God and is correct. As is most Christians.

Actually you will find I am considered by a lot of Christians to not even be Christian because I am a member of the Mormon faith. Further I believe a lot of the teachings of the Jehovah Witness are correct also.
Assuming a lot is your problem. Christians KNOW and BELIEVE. Jesus Christ IS the son of God. There is no doubt in a Christian's mind or heart about that. You can twist and turn it any way you want. That is simple fact. Faith is belief is truth.

The Bible is holy scripture and was inspired by Divine will, This would include all the process in creating it.

Have I had doubts about the missing books? Yes I have. I would love to see them in print. But my faith is that the Holy Bible was and is inspired by divine intervention of God and is correct. As is most Christians.

Actually you will find I am considered by a lot of Christians to not even be Christian because I am a member of the Mormon faith. Further I believe a lot of the teachings of the Jehovah Witness are correct also.

And what about Hindusim, Sikhism, Islam, and shamanism?

Do you follow them also? If not, why not? I am guessing that if you were born somewhere else that you would have needed some support and taken to one of pathetic coward! Stand up and face reality...admit to it...and do not hide in fairytale comforts.
And what about Hindusim, Sikhism, Islam, and shamanism?

Do you follow them also? If not, why not? I am guessing that if you were born somewhere else that you would have needed some support and taken to one of pathetic coward! Stand up and face reality...admit to it...and do not hide in fairytale comforts.

The only coward here is you, coming into a forum you have no intention of participating in and troll for shock effect. Butt out and mind your own business. If you want to discuss religion do so or go away.
The only coward here is you, coming into a forum you have no intention of participating in and troll for shock effect. Butt out and mind your own business. If you want to discuss religion do so or go away.

How can i discuss religion with someone who has never studied religion??
You are a retard. Stop polluting this thread. Grow up and get lost.

Tell us, how much have YOU studied religion?

I am not the one advocating a particular religion (having been lazy and brainwashed), and having not studied any other religion.

So my theocracy is not in question.

I dont need religion..because i am not cowardly and weak.

Grow up??? am in the one living their life according to a fairytale...having not even studied the other fairytales around the world...and then judging others who do not wish to believe in your fairytale?
You two going to get back on topic, or do you both need to be snipped, clipped, and moved to your own room?
You two going to get back on topic, or do you both need to be snipped, clipped, and moved to your own room?

Apologies JF.

Jesus loves you and saves you... if you do not accept jesus in your life you are damned to the eternal fires of watching Tom Cruise or Julia roberts movies (has there ever been an uglier actress ever in the history of mankind?)
Funny, Jesus seems to spring from paganism, as well>.> BUT- of course you'll ignore this tidbit too.
Christmas and the tooth fairy are *NOT* biblical ideals, those are manmade ideals that spring from European paganism. You further show your lack of knowledge of the Bible.

Christianity is also a manmade invention...and would have died out ...if Emperor Constantine hadnt seen the power that religion had to control peasants like yourself.

read and learn.
ah, nothing brings out brotherly love more than a good internet theolgical discussion eh folks.....


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