Jesus saves?

Christianity is also a manmade invention...and would have died out ...if Emperor Constantine hadnt seen the power that religion had to control peasants like yourself.

read and learn.

If you mean "Christianity" like Catholicism, Baptists, Mormons, Methodists, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Holiness, Pentecostal and any other church not found written in the Bible you would be true because those are all manmade, the Church of Christ isn't.
If YOU mean the Church of Christ as in What Jesus preached, that would be Gnostic Mysticism, not whatever it is you are spouting off about. But of course, you don't want to hear THAT do you?
If YOU mean the Church of Christ as in What Jesus preached, that would be Gnostic Mysticism, not whatever it is you are spouting off about. But of course, you don't want to hear THAT do you?

The Church of Christ is a New Testament based Church that follows the Bible only.
The New Testament based church would be Catholicism, since Catholics chose the books that became the NT out of the many others that existed. Would you like to revise your statement NOW?
The New Testament based church would be Catholicism, since Catholics chose the books that became the NT out of the many others that existed. Would you like to revise your statement NOW?

catholicism is based on outight lies and European paganism, not the Bible, get your facts straight.
I think I have my facts straight.

Catholics decided what books would be included in the NT- the bible you claim to follow. I dare you to say this is not true.
catholicism is based on outight lies and European paganism, not the Bible, get your facts straight.

Ever hear of the Niecene council Chucking Ass? That was the basis for the current version of the NT, which was overseen by Catholics.

Try again.

Oh yeah.....Michael Collins the Talking Twat, you wanna tangle religion with me? I'm a Christian Taoist with Torah learning. I'd tear you apart.
This Mike Collins guy is a troll who knows nothing about religion. Of course Jesus saves and has already saved souls.
Mike Collins and company(other non believers), are here just to agitate and debunk and are nothing more than anti-christ, so dust them off your feet, and find others worthy to hear the Gospel...
Ever hear of the Niecene council Chucking Ass? That was the basis for the current version of the NT, which was overseen by Catholics.

Try again.

Oh yeah.....Michael Collins the Talking Twat, you wanna tangle religion with me? I'm a Christian Taoist with Torah learning. I'd tear you apart.

You have an obsession with the rectal cavity, get that checked out. The Bass has studied all of the books of the Bible even those not included.
Ever hear of the Niecene council Chucking Ass? That was the basis for the current version of the NT, which was overseen by Catholics.

Try again.

Oh yeah.....Michael Collins the Talking Twat, you wanna tangle religion with me? I'm a Christian Taoist with Torah learning. I'd tear you apart.
Your a bumbling idiot period, and a stumbling block to work of Christ Jesus, Your references are nothing more than opinions of anti-christ so we ignore you as well....puke deck
Mike Collins and company(other non believers), are here just to agitate and debunk and are nothing more than anti-christ, so dust them off your feet, and find others worthy to hear the Gospel...

Yeah thats true, these non-believer face a fiery time in fire and brimstone.
You have an obsession with the rectal cavity, get that checked out. The Bass has studied all of the books of the Bible even those not included.

Um.....Chucking DO realize that a "twat" is a cavity for the vagina, right?

BTW.....since you've studied all the books, which gnostic text is your favorite? I'll be civil and give you a chance.
Your a bumbling idiot period, and a stumbling block to work of Christ Jesus, Your references are nothing more than opinions of anti-christ so we ignore you as well....puke deck


Hmmm......never been called the anti-christ before. I have been called a lunatic, heretic, as well as other names.

By the way, how do you know I'm a stumbling block? What is it in your own preconceived notions, bias and prejudice that makes you say that?

I'll wait..........
Really? Jesus never existed? Now your going to claim he is a figment of our imagination? What I thought he was Jewish Rabbi? Which is it?

Yeshua (Jesus) DID exist. He was a Jewish Tzadik actually.

Oh yeah.....if you're looking for proof? The Roman Empire printed coins, and on those coins were the figures of famous and great people who had lived. About a year or two ago, they were digging over in the ME to expand a prison. What they'd found was the remains of a church. Inside that church, was a coin, with the likeness and name of Jesus on it.

Nope.......He exists. And I use the present tense because Yeshua never died, He was resurrected. Kinda makes me wonder about all the idiots out there that are claiming to be the Second Coming.

Don't they realize He never dies?
Really? Jesus never existed? Now your going to claim he is a figment of our imagination? What I thought he was Jewish Rabbi? Which is it?

:eusa_eh:Odd...I don't recall ever saying he never existed.

What I have said is that "Jesus as the Son of God and Messiah" archetype was taken from various pagan god myths that were around far before Jesus the Man was. In fact there are numerous theories that many of the acts of Jesus the Man were staged to give credence to his Godly powers, and to fulfill the myths before him. He had very good PR.

And I never claimed he was a Rabbi. I stated he was Jew.

If you want to try to tear down my posts, at least get my quotes right.
:eusa_eh:Odd...I don't recall ever saying he never existed.

What I have said is that "Jesus as the Son of God and Messiah" archetype was taken from various pagan god myths that were around far before Jesus the Man was. In fact there are numerous theories that many of the acts of Jesus the Man were staged to give credence to his Godly powers, and to fulfill the myths before him. He had very good PR.

And I never claimed he was a Rabbi. I stated he was Jew.

If you want to try to tear down my posts, at least get my quotes right.

Sure thin, Now Pagens crated Christians, I wonder why and what for? I mean Pagens had it made with their beliefs already. But hey you stick with that story.
Truly you can't be this idiotic.

Do you understand the English language? I didn't say anything like what you are insinuating.

Pagans couldn't care less about Christians as a whole. They find it interesting, and entertaining, that Christians ripped off their gods, holidays, and ideas; as do most educated people who are not bible thumpers.
Sure thin, Now Pagens crated Christians, I wonder why and what for? I mean Pagens had it made with their beliefs already. But hey you stick with that story.

No.....but if you would think about it for a second RGS, they didn't so much create them as teach them THEIR beliefs. Some Christians thought they were good ideas, others looked at them as evil.

Personally? I think that Yeshua would approach ALL of them, and help them to clean out the lies.

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