Jesus: The First Transgender Man

Just the headline should make those here nuts but I really do want to know, when the science says we have more than two sexes, more than two genders, when even ancient Jews knew that, why do you reject the obvious, that there are Intersexed people, transgender people, those neither fully male or female but both? Why must it be black or white or you panic? You lash out in fear? What the hell is the actual problem here?

"The current flap in conservative Christian circles about bathroom access is a bit baffling. They shout about God not making mistakes, as if God only works in binaries and anything falling outside of black and white cannot be from him. But we don’t have a black and white God; creation is so full of color and variation that it’s incomprehensible how we Christians struggle to pare him down to the limited palette of our individual expectations.

The worst offenders are the Christian’s who claim to take the Bible literally. Of course they don’t actually do that; they impose their own filters on stories and phrases to fit their particular ideology. If they really did as they claim to do, they would quickly see that Jesus must be, by their own exegetical rules, the first transgender male."
Typical opinion of an nutter...
"Just the headline should make those here nuts"

Not me, I just laughed at Huffpos latest buffoonery
Unless God is a simple creature like us, Jesus was XX, from Mary.

Is your God a simple biological creature?
You believe God can impregnate a woman but it can't be a male?

Why would a God have a gender? Is he a fish? A worm? A monkey?
All knowing are we?
Common sense. A being beyond time and space would follow the simple biological rules he created for beings that live, at best, 90 years in most cases and spend much of that time eating, sleeping, and using the toilet? Beings that can survive on exactly one planet and even much of that is off limits to them?

That's not much of a God.
Why not, considering that the god created the rules for some reason.

I don't see a need for creativity here--maybe you should elaborate why things should be different.

By the way, why couldn't Jesus be XY? Adam was XY, yes. How did Adam gain his genetics without a mother or father?

If Adam was not XY, then where did the male/female genes come from?
Unless God is a simple creature like us, Jesus was XX, from Mary.

Is your God a simple biological creature?
You believe God can impregnate a woman but it can't be a male?

Why would a God have a gender? Is he a fish? A worm? A monkey?
All knowing are we?
Common sense. A being beyond time and space would follow the simple biological rules he created for beings that live, at best, 90 years in most cases and spend much of that time eating, sleeping, and using the toilet? Beings that can survive on exactly one planet and even much of that is off limits to them?

That's not much of a God.
Why not, considering that the god created the rules for some reason.

I don't see a need for creativity here--maybe you should elaborate why things should be different.

By the way, why couldn't Jesus be XY? Adam was XY, yes. How did Adam gain his genetics without a mother or father?

If Adam was not XY, then where did the male/female genes come from?
Why would Adam have XY, let alone a penis?

What was he supposed to have sex with?

Why did Jesus have a mother? Adam didn't.

The first man came about without a woman but not the Son of God?
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No I didn't.

You just jumped in and defended the holy book of a faith you don't profess and got really upset at anything that contradicts it.

So, can you answer this: Do you believe Jesus had a Y chromosome?

Careful, now. If you say you know he did, you'll be asked for proof.

Then you'll flame out as usual, because you have none.

So we're back to belief. What do you believe?
My beliefs aren't the issue, your stupidity IS. You made your argument about a faith demanding that it follow science and don't see a conflict. That makes you retarded.

Flameout as usual.
No, I said ....
"My beliefs aren't the issue, your stupidity IS. You made your argument about a faith demanding that it follow science and don't see a conflict. That makes you retarded."

Have a child walk you through it.

Yep, your response was to flame me. Do it again.
I pointed out the FACT that you are too stupid to keep your stupidity to yourself. You thought it made sense to attack a religion by claiming it needed to adhere to science. Religions are based on faith, one can believe or not but it makes no sense to make the statement.

Then to try to cover up your stupidity you decided to attack me and my beliefs. Without even know what they were. Then you decided to attack me again by claiming I "flamed out".

Your level of arrogance and stupidity is something we don't get to see everyday, even here at USMB. You are special.
Jesus Fucking Christ, a dup thread of this madness. I really am astonished anyone considers the jewish bible a source of scientific information. :p But the fact is Jesus was very much into the eunuch concept for the followers of his neo-Essene cult. The question of whether or not Jesus was a real false messiah of the racist, inbred jews of the time is intriguing though. They did manage one of the biggest hoaxes in human history.

For those interested in what the New Testament is actually about, it is Jesus Oedipus Complex with Mary. According to the narrative he had sex with Mary as Yahweh/Ghost to inseminate her with his seed. Then of course when Yahweh/Jesus was an adult Joseph is 100 years old and he is about 10 years younger then Mary. Jesus figures he is Mary's bridegroom. Thus Jesus' obsession with killing normal human sex drives by having dumbasses following him cut off body parts that offend thee.
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You just jumped in and defended the holy book of a faith you don't profess and got really upset at anything that contradicts it.

So, can you answer this: Do you believe Jesus had a Y chromosome?

Careful, now. If you say you know he did, you'll be asked for proof.

Then you'll flame out as usual, because you have none.

So we're back to belief. What do you believe?
My beliefs aren't the issue, your stupidity IS. You made your argument about a faith demanding that it follow science and don't see a conflict. That makes you retarded.

Flameout as usual.
No, I said ....
"My beliefs aren't the issue, your stupidity IS. You made your argument about a faith demanding that it follow science and don't see a conflict. That makes you retarded."

Have a child walk you through it.

Yep, your response was to flame me. Do it again.
I pointed out the FACT that you are too stupid to keep your stupidity to yourself. You thought it made sense to attack a religion by claiming it needed to adhere to science. Religions are based on faith, one can believe or not but it makes no sense to make the statement.

Then to try to cover up your stupidity you decided to attack me and my beliefs. Without even know what they were. Then you decided to attack me again by claiming I "flamed out".

Your level of arrogance and stupidity is something we don't get to see everyday, even here at USMB. You are special.

Science is still lacking, it can not explain everything ... although they'll try. Laying that aside, I don't see how any of this proves anything regarding Jesus and transgender.
You believe God can impregnate a woman but it can't be a male?

Why would a God have a gender? Is he a fish? A worm? A monkey?
All knowing are we?
Common sense. A being beyond time and space would follow the simple biological rules he created for beings that live, at best, 90 years in most cases and spend much of that time eating, sleeping, and using the toilet? Beings that can survive on exactly one planet and even much of that is off limits to them?

That's not much of a God.
Why not, considering that the god created the rules for some reason.

I don't see a need for creativity here--maybe you should elaborate why things should be different.

By the way, why couldn't Jesus be XY? Adam was XY, yes. How did Adam gain his genetics without a mother or father?

If Adam was not XY, then where did the male/female genes come from?
Why would Adam have XY, let alone a penis?

What was he supposed to have sex with?

Why did Jesus have a mother? Adam didn't.

The first man came about without a woman but not the Son of God?
Adam had sons, who had so , who had sons, who had son, who had son who sons, and so forth. Hard to argue that Adam was not a virile male given the observation

Also hard to argue that Eve was an XY female due to her virility, but is easier to believe.

According to the bible, yes. Adam had neither mother nor father. But Jesus mother was Mary. I don't think it is much for a of to impregnate Mary with a boy or girl at will. Especially since this is suppose to create men and women without parents.

Your argument that Jesus is intersex needs solid evidence. You are neglecting the fact that you are dealing with a being credited with creating both sexes.
Why would a God have a gender? Is he a fish? A worm? A monkey?
All knowing are we?
Common sense. A being beyond time and space would follow the simple biological rules he created for beings that live, at best, 90 years in most cases and spend much of that time eating, sleeping, and using the toilet? Beings that can survive on exactly one planet and even much of that is off limits to them?

That's not much of a God.
Why not, considering that the god created the rules for some reason.

I don't see a need for creativity here--maybe you should elaborate why things should be different.

By the way, why couldn't Jesus be XY? Adam was XY, yes. How did Adam gain his genetics without a mother or father?

If Adam was not XY, then where did the male/female genes come from?
Why would Adam have XY, let alone a penis?

What was he supposed to have sex with?

Why did Jesus have a mother? Adam didn't.

The first man came about without a woman but not the Son of God?
Adam had sons, who had so , who had sons, who had son, who had son who sons, and so forth. Hard to argue that Adam was not a virile male given the observation

Also hard to argue that Eve was an XY female due to her virility, but is easier to believe.

According to the bible, yes. Adam had neither mother nor father. But Jesus mother was Mary. I don't think it is much for a of to impregnate Mary with a boy or girl at will. Especially since this is suppose to create men and women without parents.

Your argument that Jesus is intersex needs solid evidence. You are neglecting the fact that you are dealing with a being credited with creating both sexes.
Following the rules of biology, Jesus had only on X.

And if Adam came without a mother, why did Jesus need Mary? Gods having sex with nubiles? That's pretty Greek.
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You just jumped in and defended the holy book of a faith you don't profess and got really upset at anything that contradicts it.

So, can you answer this: Do you believe Jesus had a Y chromosome?

Careful, now. If you say you know he did, you'll be asked for proof.

Then you'll flame out as usual, because you have none.

So we're back to belief. What do you believe?
My beliefs aren't the issue, your stupidity IS. You made your argument about a faith demanding that it follow science and don't see a conflict. That makes you retarded.

Flameout as usual.
No, I said ....
"My beliefs aren't the issue, your stupidity IS. You made your argument about a faith demanding that it follow science and don't see a conflict. That makes you retarded."

Have a child walk you through it.

Yep, your response was to flame me. Do it again.
I pointed out the FACT that you are too stupid to keep your stupidity to yourself. You thought it made sense to attack a religion by claiming it needed to adhere to science. Religions are based on faith, one can believe or not but it makes no sense to make the statement.

Then to try to cover up your stupidity you decided to attack me and my beliefs. Without even know what they were. Then you decided to attack me again by claiming I "flamed out".

Your level of arrogance and stupidity is something we don't get to see everyday, even here at USMB. You are special.

See, now there's a flame that took some effort and, oddly, while it's a blatant violation of the forum rules, it will remain as untouched as Mary was when the swan - er, pigeon - flew in the window and said "Hey, kid, you're the Chosen One...No, nobody's asking you what you want - don't you understand what 'chosen' means?"
My beliefs aren't the issue, your stupidity IS. You made your argument about a faith demanding that it follow science and don't see a conflict. That makes you retarded.

Flameout as usual.
No, I said ....
"My beliefs aren't the issue, your stupidity IS. You made your argument about a faith demanding that it follow science and don't see a conflict. That makes you retarded."

Have a child walk you through it.

Yep, your response was to flame me. Do it again.
I pointed out the FACT that you are too stupid to keep your stupidity to yourself. You thought it made sense to attack a religion by claiming it needed to adhere to science. Religions are based on faith, one can believe or not but it makes no sense to make the statement.

Then to try to cover up your stupidity you decided to attack me and my beliefs. Without even know what they were. Then you decided to attack me again by claiming I "flamed out".

Your level of arrogance and stupidity is something we don't get to see everyday, even here at USMB. You are special.

See, now there's a flame that took some effort and, oddly, while it's a blatant violation of the forum rules, it will remain as untouched as Mary was when the swan - er, pigeon - flew in the window and said "Hey, kid, you're the Chosen One...No, nobody's asking you what you want - don't you understand what 'chosen' means?"
You love to insult people but cry like a little bitch when they give it back to you. What a spineless sniveling idiot you are.
Jesus changes every time there is some sociological itch that needs to be scratched. Jesus is black. Jesus and all the disciples were gay. Jesus is transgendered. Even, Jesus was a woman. Elizabeth Farrelly: Could Jesus have actually been a woman?

Anything to keep people from accepting Jesus as He was and instead ascribe all manner of quirks, changes and even perversions.
Jesus changes every time there is some sociological itch that needs to be scratched. Jesus is black. Jesus and all the disciples were gay. Jesus is transgendered. Even, Jesus was a woman. Elizabeth Farrelly: Could Jesus have actually been a woman?

Anything to keep people from accepting Jesus as He was and instead ascribe all manner of quirks, changes and even perversions.
We don't know how Jesus was. No one does.

You don't even call him by his correct name.

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