Jesus was not a Jew

Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

Jesus was never in Rome but Rome was in Judea. At the time there were completely roman towns and cities in Judea where people were living openly outside the law of the Jews. That is what is meant by the wilderness. Living among the wild beasts suggests that Jesus was running around with the Romans living in those lawless areas presumably doing what romans do.

sheeeesh------everything that romans were doing?--------poor Jesus-------pizza was not even
invented yet. I did not know that the time of Jesus in the wilderness was THAT HORRIFIC.
No wonder he did not eat
Do you know that by the time Christians become old enough for them to understand from the child's story, they are then taught the fuller physiological meaning of Jonah when they become mature enough, along with its education of its history in Bible Schools?

You mean the story of birth from the womans uterus?

You mean the Jews who believe their messiah is not yet been born and will be born from a mother and father of King David's line in the future?

No, just what you learn concerning the Jonah story?
Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

Jesus was never in Rome but Rome was in Judea. At the time there were completely roman towns and cities in Judea where people were living openly outside the law of the Jews. That is what is meant by the wilderness. Living among the wild beasts suggests that Jesus was running around with the Romans living in those lawless areas presumably doing what romans do.

sheeeesh------everything that romans were doing?--------poor Jesus-------pizza was not even
invented yet. I did not know that the time of Jesus in the wilderness was THAT HORRIFIC.
No wonder he did not eat
Yeah, poor sod. Although he did seem to enjoy being healed by his angels after doing time in the belly of the beast.

It is interesting to note that even after his resurrection and enlightenment he didn't stop partying with sinners and prostitutes or keeping company with all sorts of bad characters.....
Do you know that by the time Christians become old enough for them to understand from the child's story, they are then taught the fuller physiological meaning of Jonah when they become mature enough, along with its education of its history in Bible Schools?

You mean the story of birth from the womans uterus?

You mean the Jews who believe their messiah is not yet been born and will be born from a mother and father of King David's line in the future?

No, just what you learn concerning the Jonah story?

OH GOODY-----penny is going to interpret the JONAH story for us. I cannot wait.
The book of Jonah-----in modern times. is read ---ALL OVER THE WORLD (where there
are jews) on the holiday YOM KIPPUR------of course-----the day being what it is-----there
is plenty of time to BAT IT AROUND --------go ahead penny dear-------I CANNOT WAIT
Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

Jesus was never in Rome but Rome was in Judea. At the time there were completely roman towns and cities in Judea where people were living openly outside the law of the Jews. That is what is meant by the wilderness. Living among the wild beasts suggests that Jesus was running around with the Romans living in those lawless areas presumably doing what romans do.

sheeeesh------everything that romans were doing?--------poor Jesus-------pizza was not even
invented yet. I did not know that the time of Jesus in the wilderness was THAT HORRIFIC.
No wonder he did not eat
Yeah, poor sod. Although he did seem to enjoy being healed by his angels after doing time in the belly of the beast.

It is interesting to note that even after his resurrection and enlightenment he didn't stop partying with sinners and prostitutes or keeping company with all sorts of bad characters.....

not nice-----no matter who they were -------they were NOT DEGENERATES like the romans
Do you know that by the time Christians become old enough for them to understand from the child's story, they are then taught the fuller physiological meaning of Jonah when they become mature enough, along with its education of its history in Bible Schools?

You mean the story of birth from the womans uterus?

You mean the Jews who believe their messiah is not yet been born and will be born from a mother and father of King David's line in the future?

I think it would be ok if just the BABY DADDY is from David------but I am not sure even that
is a requirement------the baby should be a descendant from Jacob's son----JUDAH-----I think

Jesus is from the lineage of Jacob.
And yes the future messiah that they think is yet to come,does need to come from Jacob, and King David, in order to fit the Torah's (OT) future's prophesies.

There has been many well learned scholars in both religions who debate Jesus vs Future born messiah.
You know how it ends every single time?
We respectfully agree to disagree and waite to find out just who is right when he shows up in the not to far future. :)
Man some Christians are waiting for the end the world, they are crazy Christians, and yes listening to them, can be quite scary. Listen to them sometimes. Zealots are all the same.
Do you want to ban religion like Stalin and Mao tried to do or do you just want to stamp out Christianity?

our dear penny suffers from the LUTHER DILEMMA. she self ID'ed as a catholic and
then SUDDENLY REALIZED that when Jesus comes down on a cloud-----he will straighten his
white tunic, adjust his belt, put a comb thru his beard and take the shortest route to the local
kosher deli-------for lunch------and no doubt------he WILL wash his hands before he sits down.
That realization has broken her heart

I don't suffer from any delusion. Why do you so want Jesus to be Jewish?
It seems clear that he was Jewish. What makes you believe he wasn't and, lacking evidence, why do you so want him not to be Jewish?
Read Josephus.
Did. So what?
No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

Jesus was never in Rome but Rome was in Judea. At the time there were completely roman towns and cities in Judea where people were living openly outside the law of the Jews. That is what is meant by the wilderness. Living among the wild beasts suggests that Jesus was running around with the Romans living in those lawless areas presumably doing what romans do.

sheeeesh------everything that romans were doing?--------poor Jesus-------pizza was not even
invented yet. I did not know that the time of Jesus in the wilderness was THAT HORRIFIC.
No wonder he did not eat
Yeah, poor sod. Although he did seem to enjoy being healed by his angels after doing time in the belly of the beast.

It is interesting to note that even after his resurrection and enlightenment he didn't stop partying with sinners and prostitutes or keeping company with all sorts of bad characters.....

not nice-----no matter who they were -------they were NOT DEGENERATES like the romans

The romans were good people. The story of Jonah as taught from the RCC, at my time of learning , is about repentance and not about Jonah except how God disciplined him for being not following instructions. We must remember these were gentiles and not jews who repented. Repent and turn. Also Jesus referring to Jonah , is only about him setting the captives free, as Jesus did not need to repent or be reborn.
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Do you want to ban religion like Stalin and Mao tried to do or do you just want to stamp out Christianity?

our dear penny suffers from the LUTHER DILEMMA. she self ID'ed as a catholic and
then SUDDENLY REALIZED that when Jesus comes down on a cloud-----he will straighten his
white tunic, adjust his belt, put a comb thru his beard and take the shortest route to the local
kosher deli-------for lunch------and no doubt------he WILL wash his hands before he sits down.
That realization has broken her heart

I don't suffer from any delusion. Why do you so want Jesus to be Jewish?
It seems clear that he was Jewish. What makes you believe he wasn't and, lacking evidence, why do you so want him not to be Jewish?
Read Josephus.
Did. So what?

Apparently not good enough. If you did not note the similarities then you did not read it good enough.
there are all kinds of ancillary issues about DA MESSIAH and DA KING. Jacob said it all on
his death bed-----starting out with "I have lots of sons and all are schmucks". Amongst the schmucks
PROMINENTLY was LEVI (shimon too but levi is more important) Levi and his spawn could not be
KING--------Moses and Aaron were of the spawn of Levi. The person named as king and progenitor
of all the Kings was JUDAH. Among the spawn of Judah WAS David. Another interesting point
in various other messianic prophesies------the MESSIAH gets to rule but EVEN HE IS NOT KING.
Thus-----levites that is ALL THE PRIESTS that do the temple-----CANNOT be KING-----only
a descendant from Judah can be king. The NT marks Jesus as a descendant from Judah-----
He is not king. The romans got that one screwed up. A question does remain----since Levi was
such a schmuck----how do his spawn get to be temple priests. I don't know
our dear penny suffers from the LUTHER DILEMMA. she self ID'ed as a catholic and
then SUDDENLY REALIZED that when Jesus comes down on a cloud-----he will straighten his
white tunic, adjust his belt, put a comb thru his beard and take the shortest route to the local
kosher deli-------for lunch------and no doubt------he WILL wash his hands before he sits down.
That realization has broken her heart

I don't suffer from any delusion. Why do you so want Jesus to be Jewish?
It seems clear that he was Jewish. What makes you believe he wasn't and, lacking evidence, why do you so want him not to be Jewish?
Read Josephus.
Did. So what?

Apparently not good enough. If you did not note the similarities then you did not read it good enough.

similarities between what and what? Josephus wrote a book of HISTORY-----he did not claim
"divine inspiration" ------his book is not a scriptural work------like the Koran or Mein Kampf
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No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

Jesus was never in Rome but Rome was in Judea. At the time there were completely roman towns and cities in Judea where people were living openly outside the law of the Jews. That is what is meant by the wilderness. Living among the wild beasts suggests that Jesus was running around with the Romans living in those lawless areas presumably doing what romans do.

sheeeesh------everything that romans were doing?--------poor Jesus-------pizza was not even
invented yet. I did not know that the time of Jesus in the wilderness was THAT HORRIFIC.
No wonder he did not eat
Yeah, poor sod. Although he did seem to enjoy being healed by his angels after doing time in the belly of the beast.

It is interesting to note that even after his resurrection and enlightenment he didn't stop partying with sinners and prostitutes or keeping company with all sorts of bad characters.....

not nice-----no matter who they were -------they were NOT DEGENERATES like the romans

Once they heard the teaching of Jesus on how to correctly understand and conform to Mosaic law they acted on it and received the promised life for compliance. Thats what he meant by saying tax gatherers and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of God ahead of those who thought themselves righteous for obstinately conforming to a perverse interpretation of divine law..

Not unlike our dear confused christian friends who obstinately perpetuate irrational beliefs and degrading religious practices without thinking very deeply about it as if by not thinking at all they will receive presents from God after they die even though they slowly become degenerates while they live........

If you don't believe me check out the GOP, full of rabid religious degenerates like an offensive plague of unthinking people running amok like a herd of pigmen bent on destroying a free society.

Thank God for fences.

Move 'em on, head 'em up / Head 'em up, move 'em on / Move 'em on, head 'em up, rawhide !
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Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

Jesus was never in Rome but Rome was in Judea. At the time there were completely roman towns and cities in Judea where people were living openly outside the law of the Jews. That is what is meant by the wilderness. Living among the wild beasts suggests that Jesus was running around with the Romans living in those lawless areas presumably doing what romans do.

sheeeesh------everything that romans were doing?--------poor Jesus-------pizza was not even
invented yet. I did not know that the time of Jesus in the wilderness was THAT HORRIFIC.
No wonder he did not eat
Yeah, poor sod. Although he did seem to enjoy being healed by his angels after doing time in the belly of the beast.

It is interesting to note that even after his resurrection and enlightenment he didn't stop partying with sinners and prostitutes or keeping company with all sorts of bad characters.....

not nice-----no matter who they were -------they were NOT DEGENERATES like the romans

Once they heard the teaching of Jesus on how to correctly understand and conform to Mosaic law they acted on it and received the promised life for compliance. Thats what he meant by saying tax gatherers and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of God ahead of those who thought themselves righteous for obstinately conforming to a perverse interpretation of divine law..

Not unlike our dear confused christian friends who obstinately perpetuate irrational beliefs and degrading religious practices without thinking very deeply about it as if by not thinking at all they will receive presents from God after they die even though they slowly become degenerates while they live........

If you don't believe me check out the GOP, full of rabid religious degenerates like an offensive plague of unthinking people running amok like a herd of pigmen bent on destroying a free society.

Thank God for fences.

Even though I am a registered democrat since THE DAY I reached the age of majority------
-----I do not believe that all republicans are evil. -------I have witnessed degeneracy amongst
my NOBLE FELLOW DEMOCRATS------but STILL do not consider ALL OF THE GOPers----
worse.------I REFUSE TO BE LED DOWN THE ROSE LINED PATH OF..........vacuity
I don't suffer from any delusion. Why do you so want Jesus to be Jewish?
It seems clear that he was Jewish. What makes you believe he wasn't and, lacking evidence, why do you so want him not to be Jewish?
Read Josephus.
Did. So what?

Apparently not good enough. If you did not note the similarities then you did not read it good enough.

similarities between what and what? Josephus write a book of HISTORY-----he did not claim
"divine inspiration" ------his book is not a scriptural work------like the Koran or Mein Kampf

Josephus tells it like it was, of course he does not claim divine inspiration, he is not writing a theology except for what he wrote in the NT. You can't dismiss the similarities, they are not a coincidence. Philo , the uncle of Tiberius Alexander, who was Titus right hand man, also was involved which is how we got the Logos , of which he combine Hellenistic Judaism with Platonism.
Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

Jesus was never in Rome but Rome was in Judea. At the time there were completely roman towns and cities in Judea where people were living openly outside the law of the Jews. That is what is meant by the wilderness. Living among the wild beasts suggests that Jesus was running around with the Romans living in those lawless areas presumably doing what romans do.

sheeeesh------everything that romans were doing?--------poor Jesus-------pizza was not even
invented yet. I did not know that the time of Jesus in the wilderness was THAT HORRIFIC.
No wonder he did not eat
Yeah, poor sod. Although he did seem to enjoy being healed by his angels after doing time in the belly of the beast.

It is interesting to note that even after his resurrection and enlightenment he didn't stop partying with sinners and prostitutes or keeping company with all sorts of bad characters.....

not nice-----no matter who they were -------they were NOT DEGENERATES like the romans

The romans were good people. The story of Jonah as taught from the RCC, at my time of learning , is about repentance and not about Jonah except how God disciplined him for being not following instructions. We must remember these were gentiles and not jews who repented. Repent and turn. Also Jesus referring to Jonah , is only about him setting the captives free, as Jesus did not need to repent or be reborn.[/QUOTE]

there is no history represented in the NT or in reality of Jesus "setting captives free"------Not did Jonah
do so.
Jesus was never in Rome but Rome was in Judea. At the time there were completely roman towns and cities in Judea where people were living openly outside the law of the Jews. That is what is meant by the wilderness. Living among the wild beasts suggests that Jesus was running around with the Romans living in those lawless areas presumably doing what romans do.

sheeeesh------everything that romans were doing?--------poor Jesus-------pizza was not even
invented yet. I did not know that the time of Jesus in the wilderness was THAT HORRIFIC.
No wonder he did not eat
Yeah, poor sod. Although he did seem to enjoy being healed by his angels after doing time in the belly of the beast.

It is interesting to note that even after his resurrection and enlightenment he didn't stop partying with sinners and prostitutes or keeping company with all sorts of bad characters.....

not nice-----no matter who they were -------they were NOT DEGENERATES like the romans

Once they heard the teaching of Jesus on how to correctly understand and conform to Mosaic law they acted on it and received the promised life for compliance. Thats what he meant by saying tax gatherers and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of God ahead of those who thought themselves righteous for obstinately conforming to a perverse interpretation of divine law..

Not unlike our dear confused christian friends who obstinately perpetuate irrational beliefs and degrading religious practices without thinking very deeply about it as if by not thinking at all they will receive presents from God after they die even though they slowly become degenerates while they live........

If you don't believe me check out the GOP, full of rabid religious degenerates like an offensive plague of unthinking people running amok like a herd of pigmen bent on destroying a free society.

Thank God for fences.

Even though I am a registered democrat since THE DAY I reached the age of majority------
-----I do not believe that all republicans are evil. -------I have witnessed degeneracy amongst
my NOBLE FELLOW DEMOCRATS------but STILL do not consider ALL OF THE GOPers----
worse.------I REFUSE TO BE LED DOWN THE ROSE LINED PATH OF..........vacuity
I didn't say that all republicans are evil, calm down. I said that many in their party like a herd of unthinking pigmen are running amok.

Is this news to you?

I don't think all republicans are evil anymore than I think that all democrats or all of anything is evil but the deeper implications of present events reveals that many are deeply disturbed at best and are actively engaged in a treasonous assault on truth and liberty inspired by some nutty Jesus is coming christian end of the world insanity exposed by their dedication to perpetuating the ignorance of superstition and making life devoid of rational thought compulsory...

vacuity would be to deny that.
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Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

Jesus was never in Rome but Rome was in Judea. At the time there were completely roman towns and cities in Judea where people were living openly outside the law of the Jews. That is what is meant by the wilderness. Living among the wild beasts suggests that Jesus was running around with the Romans living in those lawless areas presumably doing what romans do.

sheeeesh------everything that romans were doing?--------poor Jesus-------pizza was not even
invented yet. I did not know that the time of Jesus in the wilderness was THAT HORRIFIC.
No wonder he did not eat
Yeah, poor sod. Although he did seem to enjoy being healed by his angels after doing time in the belly of the beast.

It is interesting to note that even after his resurrection and enlightenment he didn't stop partying with sinners and prostitutes or keeping company with all sorts of bad characters.....

not nice-----no matter who they were -------they were NOT DEGENERATES like the romans

The romans were good people. The story of Jonah as taught from the RCC, at my time of learning , is about repentance and not about Jonah except how God disciplined him for being not following instructions. We must remember these were gentiles and not jews who repented. Repent and turn. Also Jesus referring to Jonah , is only about him setting the captives free, as Jesus did not need to repent or be reborn.

there is no history represented in the NT or in reality of Jesus "setting captives free"------Not did Jonah
do so.[/QUOTE]

Sure both did, Jonah preached and they repented and the one locked up in the pit of the earth repented and all were set free.
It seems clear that he was Jewish. What makes you believe he wasn't and, lacking evidence, why do you so want him not to be Jewish?
Read Josephus.
Did. So what?

Apparently not good enough. If you did not note the similarities then you did not read it good enough.

similarities between what and what? Josephus write a book of HISTORY-----he did not claim
"divine inspiration" ------his book is not a scriptural work------like the Koran or Mein Kampf

Josephus tells it like it was, of course he does not claim divine inspiration, he is not writing a theology except for what he wrote in the NT. You can't dismiss the similarities, they are not a coincidence. Philo , the uncle of Tiberius Alexander, who was Titus right hand man, also was involved which is how we got the Logos , of which he combine Hellenistic Judaism with Platonism.

you are inventing history. Josephus had nothing to do with the writing of the NT----as to Philo---
the writers of the NT were undoubtedly familiar with his writings------after all he wrote in GREEK
and the people who wrote the NT ------were into Hellenistic stuff. Philo was CERTAINLY not
Hellenized------the romans all but worshipped the greeks. Philo may have liked feta cheese----
but that stuff has been made "kosher" for millennia. Olives are part and parcel of all of the
Mediterranean area.

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