Jesus was not a Jew

How did YHWH deal with the sins of the Jews before Moses was given the law?
YHWH isn't a figure or form, there is no figurative father spanking his child for being bad even though that is how those outside of Judaism would have you perceive.
The Essence that "causes to be" has a built in system called CAUSE & AFFECT that Jews refer to as Bestow and Receive, other cultures call Yin & Yang, and Carma.
Science calls it action reaction & theory of connectivity. The later laws and recorded stories help acknowledge the actions to make more stable our actions controlling repeat errors thus controlling those negative reactions and consequences.
And those masks were:
BAAL(harvest god-sun symbol cross) in dying and resurrecting MASKED his father Dagon(fishman god), & plagiarized mythology
upon dying the morning star
(Jesus-rev 22:16) surpasses(MASKS) his father Baal on his throne thus father and son as one (in the same mythology)=Canaanite dying god mythology of Athtar the Fierce.
That is why the image is given the Baal cross and Baal Dec 25th birthday.
Rome was trying to get Jews to Baal worship as proven by Millions of murders and millions of dollars spent on converting YHWH worshipers to Morning Star (Jesus) Worshipers.
How did YHWH deal with the sins of the Jews before Moses was given the law?

Yahweh allowed them to be captured. He was their tribal war God.
The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.

circumcised, bar mitzvahed, debated with temple scholars, preached the torah, as rabbi taught others, observed passover
He also worked miracles, don't forget.

So did Vespasian, he healed a lame man and also a blind man.
But did Vespasian have a Virgin mother, I wonder.
The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.

circumcised, bar mitzvahed, debated with temple scholars, preached the torah, as rabbi taught others, observed passover
He also worked miracles, don't forget.

So did Vespasian, he healed a lame man and also a blind man.
But did Vespasian have a Virgin mother, I wonder.

No and neither did the character of Jesus.
penny-----are you really worried that something MAGICAL will happen if the temple on the mount is
REBUILT? Actually----I got bad news for you-----the catechism vestal virgins still WAIT FOR

Man some Christians are waiting for the end the world, they are crazy Christians, and yes listening to them, can be quite scary. Listen to them sometimes. Zealots are all the same.
Do you want to ban religion like Stalin and Mao tried to do or do you just want to stamp out Christianity?

our dear penny suffers from the LUTHER DILEMMA. she self ID'ed as a catholic and
then SUDDENLY REALIZED that when Jesus comes down on a cloud-----he will straighten his
white tunic, adjust his belt, put a comb thru his beard and take the shortest route to the local
kosher deli-------for lunch------and no doubt------he WILL wash his hands before he sits down.
That realization has broken her heart

I don't suffer from any delusion. Why do you so want Jesus to be Jewish?
It seems clear that he was Jewish. What makes you believe he wasn't and, lacking evidence, why do you so want him not to be Jewish?
Read Josephus.
You're suggesting one cannot be part of a group and fight against that same group? That's your argument for why Jesus couldn't be a Jew?

You didn't really think that one through, did ya?

Jesus was a Rabbi, a radical one to be sure, but you can't be a Rabbi without being a Jew.
You're suggesting one cannot be part of a group and fight against that same group? That's your argument for why Jesus couldn't be a Jew?

then who are those they fought against and those that wrote their book in the 4th century ... which if not both are false religions.

The entirety of what we know of the life of Jesus is not limited to the scriptures in the church-approved bible.

Really don't care what you consider false, but thanks for sharing.

Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi. Get over it.
Really don't care what you consider false, but thanks for sharing.

you did not answer the question whether your consideration is relevant or not - those that fought Jesus or those that emerged in the 4th century ... and of course, a "rabbinic" epiphany - - > * they would gun him down today in a heartbeat, Jerusalem.

Not a question mark in sight. Guessing English isn't your first language.
Not a question mark in sight. Guessing English isn't your first language.

in religion no such expression exists ... (are) the 1st century crucifiers and those that emerged in the 4th century the same set of people. ? -

... they are the same today.

"this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

No idea what "set of people" means. Nobody lived from the 1st to 4th century.

Are you trying to make a point? Speak clearly man!
Man some Christians are waiting for the end the world, they are crazy Christians, and yes listening to them, can be quite scary. Listen to them sometimes. Zealots are all the same.
Do you want to ban religion like Stalin and Mao tried to do or do you just want to stamp out Christianity?

our dear penny suffers from the LUTHER DILEMMA. she self ID'ed as a catholic and
then SUDDENLY REALIZED that when Jesus comes down on a cloud-----he will straighten his
white tunic, adjust his belt, put a comb thru his beard and take the shortest route to the local
kosher deli-------for lunch------and no doubt------he WILL wash his hands before he sits down.
That realization has broken her heart

I don't suffer from any delusion. Why do you so want Jesus to be Jewish?
It seems clear that he was Jewish. What makes you believe he wasn't and, lacking evidence, why do you so want him not to be Jewish?

Read Josephus. Do you know there are 2 Jesus's in the NT , Jesus Barabbas and Jesus the Christ, and the Jews chose Barabbas , he was a sacarii or zealot., there were several Jesus in the first part of the first century. Are you aware that in Josephus a Mary baked her son and ate part of him, there was cannibalism happening in the Jerusalem due to the zealots burning the food supply to encourage the moderates jews to fight Rome. Eleazar=Lazarus. Read Josephus Rome considered the zealots mad and demonic. There are many similarities between Josephus and the gospels and even Josephus and Paul, shipwreck, and Atwill put a lot of it together. Even one was called lunatic Jesus who was a jew. At the end of Josephus Simon bar Giora goes to Rome to his death and John of Gischala spend his life in prison. One can't help but notice all the same things in Josephus and then I found Caesars Messiah and it made sense. Its free online. I am saying this although I'm a RC but I find the Evans and fundamental Christians to be so looking for the end times and as a RC , but we have to realize all religions are man made, Judaism and Islam as well. Does not mean there is no God, no one knows. In the end of the gospels Titus is Jesus the Messiah.

Now you know where the vicious lies came from, when Europeans believed Jews stole their babies for sacred sacrifices.
Do you want to ban religion like Stalin and Mao tried to do or do you just want to stamp out Christianity?

our dear penny suffers from the LUTHER DILEMMA. she self ID'ed as a catholic and
then SUDDENLY REALIZED that when Jesus comes down on a cloud-----he will straighten his
white tunic, adjust his belt, put a comb thru his beard and take the shortest route to the local
kosher deli-------for lunch------and no doubt------he WILL wash his hands before he sits down.
That realization has broken her heart

I don't suffer from any delusion. Why do you so want Jesus to be Jewish?
It seems clear that he was Jewish. What makes you believe he wasn't and, lacking evidence, why do you so want him not to be Jewish?

Read Josephus. Do you know there are 2 Jesus's in the NT , Jesus Barabbas and Jesus the Christ, and the Jews chose Barabbas , he was a sacarii or zealot., there were several Jesus in the first part of the first century. Are you aware that in Josephus a Mary baked her son and ate part of him, there was cannibalism happening in the Jerusalem due to the zealots burning the food supply to encourage the moderates jews to fight Rome. Eleazar=Lazarus. Read Josephus Rome considered the zealots mad and demonic. There are many similarities between Josephus and the gospels and even Josephus and Paul, shipwreck, and Atwill put a lot of it together. Even one was called lunatic Jesus who was a jew. At the end of Josephus Simon bar Giora goes to Rome to his death and John of Gischala spend his life in prison. One can't help but notice all the same things in Josephus and then I found Caesars Messiah and it made sense. Its free online. I am saying this although I'm a RC but I find the Evans and fundamental Christians to be so looking for the end times and as a RC , but we have to realize all religions are man made, Judaism and Islam as well. Does not mean there is no God, no one knows. In the end of the gospels Titus is Jesus the Messiah.

Now you know where the vicious lies came from, when Europeans believed Jews stole their babies for sacred sacrifices.

Where? I am talking about first century here.
then who are those they fought against and those that wrote their book in the 4th century ... which if not both are false religions.

The entirety of what we know of the life of Jesus is not limited to the scriptures in the church-approved bible.

Really don't care what you consider false, but thanks for sharing.

Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi. Get over it.
Really don't care what you consider false, but thanks for sharing.

you did not answer the question whether your consideration is relevant or not - those that fought Jesus or those that emerged in the 4th century ... and of course, a "rabbinic" epiphany - - > * they would gun him down today in a heartbeat, Jerusalem.

Not a question mark in sight. Guessing English isn't your first language.
Not a question mark in sight. Guessing English isn't your first language.

in religion no such expression exists ... (are) the 1st century crucifiers and those that emerged in the 4th century the same set of people. ? -

... they are the same today.

"this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

No idea what "set of people" means. Nobody lived from the 1st to 4th century.

Are you trying to make a point? Speak clearly man!

our dear penny is language and grammar compromised-----AND she is culturally
Man some Christians are waiting for the end the world, they are crazy Christians, and yes listening to them, can be quite scary. Listen to them sometimes. Zealots are all the same.
Do you want to ban religion like Stalin and Mao tried to do or do you just want to stamp out Christianity?

our dear penny suffers from the LUTHER DILEMMA. she self ID'ed as a catholic and
then SUDDENLY REALIZED that when Jesus comes down on a cloud-----he will straighten his
white tunic, adjust his belt, put a comb thru his beard and take the shortest route to the local
kosher deli-------for lunch------and no doubt------he WILL wash his hands before he sits down.
That realization has broken her heart

I don't suffer from any delusion. Why do you so want Jesus to be Jewish?
It seems clear that he was Jewish. What makes you believe he wasn't and, lacking evidence, why do you so want him not to be Jewish?
Read Josephus.

If you did ,you would know that Jesus was Jewish.
The entire book is about them and their heritage.
Josephus wrote it to have historical history records like all of the others had,Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and so on.
Man some Christians are waiting for the end the world, they are crazy Christians, and yes listening to them, can be quite scary. Listen to them sometimes. Zealots are all the same.
Do you want to ban religion like Stalin and Mao tried to do or do you just want to stamp out Christianity?

our dear penny suffers from the LUTHER DILEMMA. she self ID'ed as a catholic and
then SUDDENLY REALIZED that when Jesus comes down on a cloud-----he will straighten his
white tunic, adjust his belt, put a comb thru his beard and take the shortest route to the local
kosher deli-------for lunch------and no doubt------he WILL wash his hands before he sits down.
That realization has broken her heart

I don't suffer from any delusion. Why do you so want Jesus to be Jewish?
It seems clear that he was Jewish. What makes you believe he wasn't and, lacking evidence, why do you so want him not to be Jewish?
Read Josephus.

also ----read Beowulf and The Canterbury Tales. For the record----Jospehus wrote a scholarly
history of the Jewish resistance against the filth of Rome. He did so whilst a roman captive during
which time he managed to elevate himself because of his scholarly ability. Any reading of his
book requires a brain that makes note of the fact that whist Josephus wrote it he was a
SUBJECT, not only of Rome but also the "FLAVIUS" family. There were greek captives
---also enslaved that also managed to elevate themselves. -----"up from slavery"----was not particularly
utterly impossible in slavery cultures-----for people with special talents. In the bible----Daniel was
such an achiever in Babylon as was Joseph in Egypt. There were notable "up from slavery"
people in china and Japan and Persia. Getting back to rome-----former slaves or "freed slaves"---
REMAINED under the realm of control of the former owner. Landowners with large numbers of
slaves and former slaves were something like THE GODFATHERS of the USA mafia system.
They even had their own policing systems and---"dungeons" ----the landowner was the
PADRONE of large numbers of people----and POWERFUL
The idea that Jesus was a Jew is a big lie.

Jesus, in fact, fought the Jews and was crucified for it.

circumcised, bar mitzvahed, debated with temple scholars, preached the torah, as rabbi taught others, observed passover
He also worked miracles, don't forget.

So did Vespasian, he healed a lame man and also a blind man.
But did Vespasian have a Virgin mother, I wonder.

No and neither did the character of Jesus.
Read the Gospels.
Another interesting factoid------THE SENATE of ROME consisted of landowners that controlled
lots of client--slaves and formers slaves and plebians. Our Senate was kinda modeled on the
same idea------sorta. The Vatican COLLEGE OF CARDINALS----same thing
circumcised, bar mitzvahed, debated with temple scholars, preached the torah, as rabbi taught others, observed passover
He also worked miracles, don't forget.

So did Vespasian, he healed a lame man and also a blind man.
But did Vespasian have a Virgin mother, I wonder.

No and neither did the character of Jesus.
Read the Gospels.

read SUPERMAN comics-------little baby KAEL -----was placed in a little space ship and set
adrift in space and then landed in smallville, USA Ka El ----means "like 'god' " ------not
in latin-------or greek------in Hebrew.
circumcised, bar mitzvahed, debated with temple scholars, preached the torah, as rabbi taught others, observed passover
He also worked miracles, don't forget.

So did Vespasian, he healed a lame man and also a blind man.
But did Vespasian have a Virgin mother, I wonder.

No and neither did the character of Jesus.
Read the Gospels.

I have and know them by heart, read some other writings beside the bible. Read some history.
He also worked miracles, don't forget.

So did Vespasian, he healed a lame man and also a blind man.
But did Vespasian have a Virgin mother, I wonder.

No and neither did the character of Jesus.
Read the Gospels.

read SUPERMAN comics-------little baby KAEL -----was placed in a little space ship and set
adrift in space and then landed in smallville, USA Ka El ----means "like 'god' " ------not
in latin-------or greek------in Hebrew.

Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.
He also worked miracles, don't forget.

So did Vespasian, he healed a lame man and also a blind man.
But did Vespasian have a Virgin mother, I wonder.

No and neither did the character of Jesus.
Read the Gospels.

I have and know them by heart, read some other writings beside the bible. Read some history.

seems to me, penny dear-----that all posting on this thread or literate and far more
"well-read" than are you You know the NT "by heart" sheeeeesh WHY???
So did Vespasian, he healed a lame man and also a blind man.
But did Vespasian have a Virgin mother, I wonder.

No and neither did the character of Jesus.
Read the Gospels.

read SUPERMAN comics-------little baby KAEL -----was placed in a little space ship and set
adrift in space and then landed in smallville, USA Ka El ----means "like 'god' " ------not
in latin-------or greek------in Hebrew.

Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

nope----it is obvious that you never read the book of Jonah. Do you know what JONAH means?----
easy google. An interesting insight----my little genius attended a jewish day school for grammar
school -------for various reasons and circumstances sending him there was a kind of necessity for me
----not a RELIGIOUS choice. It was an EXTREMELY OLD AND CONSERVATIVE place. (I centainly
did not fit in) --------then for high school he went to a special "MAGNET" school for the city's smart kids.
He rubbed shoulders with lots of "GENTILES" His chem lab partner was SADDIQUE----
(that's like SADIQ----the mayor of London) Thus he ran into the muslim and Christian POV.
He commented to me one day (age 14)------"the Christian kids have the fairy tale version of the
'bible' When they think of the book of Jonah they seem to think it is all about a person
living inside a whale"

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