Jesus was not a Jew

Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.
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Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.
For those who do not know------NINEVEH-----the place where Jonah landed upon being SPAT OUT
by the "WHALE"-----is approximately modern day ALEPPO
Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fishes. Where do you think Dagan came from?

DAGAN is a "god" worshipped by your fellow AMALEKITES It has nothing to do with GAMLIEL
and fishes. Fishes constitute an artistic motif in ancient (and even modern) Jewish art and SYMBOLISM---
their SWARMS are used as ONE OF THE METAPHORs for the ABUNDENCE of life on the planet-----but they are not considered the "ORIGIN OF LIFE". For the record the Hebrew/semitic word for
"fish" is ----------D. G. and its permutations The "god" Dagan-----is considered ---as a symbol to
ancient Hebrews---------- something evil and monstrous like your fellow Amalekites . Another
interesting factoid-----now that we are on SYMBOLS AND METAPHORS------your uncle ADOLF
is called "AN AMALEKITE"
Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

penny-----you get more and more pathetic. Jews did not invent the idea of swallowing gems----
and, in fact, did not do so--------the Russian sect of catholics------THE EASTERN ORTHODOX ----
did that--------when they escaped with their immense wealth from GREAT MOTHER RUSSIA .
The jewish doctors warned about lacerations to the gastrointestinal tract-----but the idiot goyim
did it anyway. They are STILL swallowing condoms filled with heroin? ----you might know----
do your people save up USED condoms for the purpose?

for the record-------jews used fish as an artistic motif long before rommulus and remus landed
in "ROME"
Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

penny-----you get more and more pathetic. Jews did not invent the idea of swallowing gems----
and, in fact, did not do so--------the Russian sect of catholics------THE EASTERN ORTHODOX ----
did that--------when they escaped with their immense wealth from GREAT MOTHER RUSSIA .
The jewish doctors warned about lacerations to the gastrointestinal tract-----but the idiot goyim
did it anyway. They are STILL swallowing condoms filled with heroin? ----you might know----
do your people save up USED condoms for the purpose?

for the record-------jews used fish as an artistic motif long before rommulus and remus landed
in "ROME"

in fact the BOOK OF JONAH was written long before little remus was suckled by a wild wolf
Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

penny-----you get more and more pathetic. Jews did not invent the idea of swallowing gems----
and, in fact, did not do so--------the Russian sect of catholics------THE EASTERN ORTHODOX ----
did that--------when they escaped with their immense wealth from GREAT MOTHER RUSSIA .
The jewish doctors warned about lacerations to the gastrointestinal tract-----but the idiot goyim
did it anyway. They are STILL swallowing condoms filled with heroin? ----you might know----
do your people save up USED condoms for the purpose?

for the record-------jews used fish as an artistic motif long before rommulus and remus landed
in "ROME"

in fact the BOOK OF JONAH was written long before little remus was suckled by a wild wolf

In the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) it is related that the fish died as soon as Jonah entered, but was revived after three days. When Jonah was thrown into the sea his soul immediately left his body and soared up to God's throne, where it was judged and sent back. As soon as it touched the mouth of the fish on its way back to the body, the fish died, but was later restored to life. The fish's name is given in "Shalshelet ha-Ḳabbalah" as
(i.e., "cetos" = "whale"). The fate of Jonah is allegorized in the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) as illustrative of the soul's relation to the body and to death. In the assumption that Jonah is identical with the Messiah, the son of Joseph, the influence of Christian thought is discernible (comp. Matt. xii. 39-41).

Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

penny-----you get more and more pathetic. Jews did not invent the idea of swallowing gems----
and, in fact, did not do so--------the Russian sect of catholics------THE EASTERN ORTHODOX ----
did that--------when they escaped with their immense wealth from GREAT MOTHER RUSSIA .
The jewish doctors warned about lacerations to the gastrointestinal tract-----but the idiot goyim
did it anyway. They are STILL swallowing condoms filled with heroin? ----you might know----
do your people save up USED condoms for the purpose?

for the record-------jews used fish as an artistic motif long before rommulus and remus landed
in "ROME"

in fact the BOOK OF JONAH was written long before little remus was suckled by a wild wolf

In the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) it is related that the fish died as soon as Jonah entered, but was revived after three days. When Jonah was thrown into the sea his soul immediately left his body and soared up to God's throne, where it was judged and sent back. As soon as it touched the mouth of the fish on its way back to the body, the fish died, but was later restored to life. The fish's name is given in "Shalshelet ha-Ḳabbalah" as
(i.e., "cetos" = "whale"). The fate of Jonah is allegorized in the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) as illustrative of the soul's relation to the body and to death. In the assumption that Jonah is identical with the Messiah, the son of Joseph, the influence of Christian thought is discernible (comp. Matt. xii. 39-41).


the Zohar is a book of MYSTICAL INTERPRETATIONS ----------try to google the word
ALLEGORY. The book itself has nothing to do with "the" JESUS of the NT or Christian thought-----
of course MATTHEW was influenced in his writings by jewish mysticism. Try to
get things straight in your little mind, penny dear. The "tax collector"------was, by his writings---
clearly familiar with Jewish writings, symbolism and mystical interpretations. I knew the story of
SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN DWARFS when I was six
No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

penny-----you get more and more pathetic. Jews did not invent the idea of swallowing gems----
and, in fact, did not do so--------the Russian sect of catholics------THE EASTERN ORTHODOX ----
did that--------when they escaped with their immense wealth from GREAT MOTHER RUSSIA .
The jewish doctors warned about lacerations to the gastrointestinal tract-----but the idiot goyim
did it anyway. They are STILL swallowing condoms filled with heroin? ----you might know----
do your people save up USED condoms for the purpose?

for the record-------jews used fish as an artistic motif long before rommulus and remus landed
in "ROME"

in fact the BOOK OF JONAH was written long before little remus was suckled by a wild wolf

In the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) it is related that the fish died as soon as Jonah entered, but was revived after three days. When Jonah was thrown into the sea his soul immediately left his body and soared up to God's throne, where it was judged and sent back. As soon as it touched the mouth of the fish on its way back to the body, the fish died, but was later restored to life. The fish's name is given in "Shalshelet ha-Ḳabbalah" as
(i.e., "cetos" = "whale"). The fate of Jonah is allegorized in the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) as illustrative of the soul's relation to the body and to death. In the assumption that Jonah is identical with the Messiah, the son of Joseph, the influence of Christian thought is discernible (comp. Matt. xii. 39-41).


the Zohar is a book of MYSTICAL INTERPRETATIONS ----------try to google the word
ALLEGORY. The book itself has nothing to do with "the" JESUS of the NT or Christian thought-----
of course MATTHEW was influenced in his writings by jewish mysticism. Try to
get things straight in your little mind, penny dear. The "tax collector"------was, by his writings---
clearly familiar with Jewish writings, symbolism and mystical interpretations. I knew the story of
SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN DWARFS when I was six

Of course its an allegory, but in those days people believed it as :

Origin of humankind[edit]
Anaximander speculated about the beginnings and origin of animal life. Taking into account the existence of fossils[dubiousdiscuss], he claimed that animals sprang out of the sea long ago. The first animals were born trapped in a spiny bark, but as they got older, the bark would dry up and break.[47] As the early humidity evaporated, dry land emerged and, in time, humankind had to adapt. The 3rd century Roman writer Censorinus reports:

Anaximander of Miletus considered that from warmed up water and earth emerged either fish or entirely fishlike animals. Inside these animals, men took form and embryos were held prisoners until puberty; only then, after these animals burst open, could men and women come out, now able to feed themselves.[48]

Anaximander put forward the idea that humans had to spend part of this transition inside the mouths of big fish to protect themselves from the Earth's climate until they could come out in open air and lose their scales.[49] He thought that, considering humans' extended infancy, we could not have survived in the primeval world in the same manner we do presently.
Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

penny-----you get more and more pathetic. Jews did not invent the idea of swallowing gems----
and, in fact, did not do so--------the Russian sect of catholics------THE EASTERN ORTHODOX ----
did that--------when they escaped with their immense wealth from GREAT MOTHER RUSSIA .
The jewish doctors warned about lacerations to the gastrointestinal tract-----but the idiot goyim
did it anyway. They are STILL swallowing condoms filled with heroin? ----you might know----
do your people save up USED condoms for the purpose?

for the record-------jews used fish as an artistic motif long before rommulus and remus landed
in "ROME"

in fact the BOOK OF JONAH was written long before little remus was suckled by a wild wolf

In the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) it is related that the fish died as soon as Jonah entered, but was revived after three days. When Jonah was thrown into the sea his soul immediately left his body and soared up to God's throne, where it was judged and sent back. As soon as it touched the mouth of the fish on its way back to the body, the fish died, but was later restored to life. The fish's name is given in "Shalshelet ha-Ḳabbalah" as
(i.e., "cetos" = "whale"). The fate of Jonah is allegorized in the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) as illustrative of the soul's relation to the body and to death. In the assumption that Jonah is identical with the Messiah, the son of Joseph, the influence of Christian thought is discernible (comp. Matt. xii. 39-41).


the Zohar is a book of MYSTICAL INTERPRETATIONS ----------try to google the word
ALLEGORY. The book itself has nothing to do with "the" JESUS of the NT or Christian thought-----
of course MATTHEW was influenced in his writings by jewish mysticism. Try to
get things straight in your little mind, penny dear. The "tax collector"------was, by his writings---
clearly familiar with Jewish writings, symbolism and mystical interpretations. I knew the story of
SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN DWARFS when I was six

Of course its an allegory, but in those days people believed it as :

Origin of humankind[edit]
Anaximander speculated about the beginnings and origin of animal life. Taking into account the existence of fossils[dubiousdiscuss], he claimed that animals sprang out of the sea long ago. The first animals were born trapped in a spiny bark, but as they got older, the bark would dry up and break.[47] As the early humidity evaporated, dry land emerged and, in time, humankind had to adapt. The 3rd century Roman writer Censorinus reports:

Anaximander of Miletus considered that from warmed up water and earth emerged either fish or entirely fishlike animals. Inside these animals, men took form and embryos were held prisoners until puberty; only then, after these animals burst open, could men and women come out, now able to feed themselves.[48]

Anaximander put forward the idea that humans had to spend part of this transition inside the mouths of big fish to protect themselves from the Earth's climate until they could come out in open air and lose their scales.[49] He thought that, considering humans' extended infancy, we could not have survived in the primeval world in the same manner we do presently.

SO? the naturalistic observations of Anaximander are very interesting------they have nothing to \
do with the book of Jonah which was written long before the Zohar which is a book of jewish mystics.
The American aboriginals of the North east of America -----worshipped a SALMON IN THE SKY
Last edited:
then who are those they fought against and those that wrote their book in the 4th century ... which if not both are false religions.

The entirety of what we know of the life of Jesus is not limited to the scriptures in the church-approved bible.

Really don't care what you consider false, but thanks for sharing.

Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi. Get over it.
Really don't care what you consider false, but thanks for sharing.

you did not answer the question whether your consideration is relevant or not - those that fought Jesus or those that emerged in the 4th century ... and of course, a "rabbinic" epiphany - - > * they would gun him down today in a heartbeat, Jerusalem.

Not a question mark in sight. Guessing English isn't your first language.
Not a question mark in sight. Guessing English isn't your first language.

in religion no such expression exists ... (are) the 1st century crucifiers and those that emerged in the 4th century the same set of people. ? -

... they are the same today.

"this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

No idea what "set of people" means. Nobody lived from the 1st to 4th century.

Are you trying to make a point? Speak clearly man!
No idea what "set of people" means. Nobody lived from the 1st to 4th century.

Are you trying to make a point? Speak clearly man!

"this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

there was a progression from the 1st century events (of the original intent) to the culmination of the christian bible written in the late 4th century - as I have clearly stated, the same "set of people" that were responsible for the crucifixion were the same that wrote their christian bible in the late 4th century - until the crucifiers are brought to Justice (rewriting their errant manuscript) the Almighty will forever withhold their blessing for those people - the followers of the 4th century christian bible.
Note------BEFORE THE COCK CROWS-----reflects a commonly used device of jewish imagery---
the "crowing of the cock" refers to DAWN. --------Penny dear-----they did not have alarm clocks
back then------in fact the crowing of the cock was the signal used to indicate----TIME FOR
MORNING PRAYERS------and it is still mentioned in the SHACHRIT thingamajig in poetic
Do you know that by the time Christians become old enough for them to understand from the child's story, they are then taught the fuller physiological meaning of Jonah when they become mature enough, along with its education of its history in Bible Schools?
penny-----you get more and more pathetic. Jews did not invent the idea of swallowing gems----
and, in fact, did not do so--------the Russian sect of catholics------THE EASTERN ORTHODOX ----
did that--------when they escaped with their immense wealth from GREAT MOTHER RUSSIA .
The jewish doctors warned about lacerations to the gastrointestinal tract-----but the idiot goyim
did it anyway. They are STILL swallowing condoms filled with heroin? ----you might know----
do your people save up USED condoms for the purpose?

for the record-------jews used fish as an artistic motif long before rommulus and remus landed
in "ROME"

in fact the BOOK OF JONAH was written long before little remus was suckled by a wild wolf

In the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) it is related that the fish died as soon as Jonah entered, but was revived after three days. When Jonah was thrown into the sea his soul immediately left his body and soared up to God's throne, where it was judged and sent back. As soon as it touched the mouth of the fish on its way back to the body, the fish died, but was later restored to life. The fish's name is given in "Shalshelet ha-Ḳabbalah" as
(i.e., "cetos" = "whale"). The fate of Jonah is allegorized in the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) as illustrative of the soul's relation to the body and to death. In the assumption that Jonah is identical with the Messiah, the son of Joseph, the influence of Christian thought is discernible (comp. Matt. xii. 39-41).


the Zohar is a book of MYSTICAL INTERPRETATIONS ----------try to google the word
ALLEGORY. The book itself has nothing to do with "the" JESUS of the NT or Christian thought-----
of course MATTHEW was influenced in his writings by jewish mysticism. Try to
get things straight in your little mind, penny dear. The "tax collector"------was, by his writings---
clearly familiar with Jewish writings, symbolism and mystical interpretations. I knew the story of
SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN DWARFS when I was six

Of course its an allegory, but in those days people believed it as :

Origin of humankind[edit]
Anaximander speculated about the beginnings and origin of animal life. Taking into account the existence of fossils[dubiousdiscuss], he claimed that animals sprang out of the sea long ago. The first animals were born trapped in a spiny bark, but as they got older, the bark would dry up and break.[47] As the early humidity evaporated, dry land emerged and, in time, humankind had to adapt. The 3rd century Roman writer Censorinus reports:

Anaximander of Miletus considered that from warmed up water and earth emerged either fish or entirely fishlike animals. Inside these animals, men took form and embryos were held prisoners until puberty; only then, after these animals burst open, could men and women come out, now able to feed themselves.[48]

Anaximander put forward the idea that humans had to spend part of this transition inside the mouths of big fish to protect themselves from the Earth's climate until they could come out in open air and lose their scales.[49] He thought that, considering humans' extended infancy, we could not have survived in the primeval world in the same manner we do presently.

SO? the naturalistic observations of Anaximander are very interesting------they have nothing to \
do with the book of Jonah which was written long before the Zohar with is a book of jewish mystics.
The American aboriginals of the North east of America -----worshipped a SALMON IN THE SKY

Sure they do, its so obvious. He was a greek alive long before the book of Jonah was written. Where do you even think the idea came from.
Do you know that by the time Christians become old enough for them to understand from the child's story, they are then taught the fuller physiological meaning of Jonah when they become mature enough, along with its education of its history in Bible Schools?

You mean the story of birth from the womans uterus?
Do you know that by the time Christians become old enough for them to understand from the child's story, they are then taught the fuller physiological meaning of Jonah when they become mature enough, along with its education of its history in Bible Schools?

penny is not "all Christians" her mind is stuck in sunday school------age 8--------the STORK grabs a fish
from the sea-------and drops it on the door step-------called THE MATERNITY WARD
Do you know that by the time Christians become old enough for them to understand from the child's story, they are then taught the fuller physiological meaning of Jonah when they become mature enough, along with its education of its history in Bible Schools?

You mean the story of birth from the womans uterus?

You mean the Jews who believe their messiah is not yet been born and will be born from a mother and father of King David's line in the future?
in fact the BOOK OF JONAH was written long before little remus was suckled by a wild wolf

In the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) it is related that the fish died as soon as Jonah entered, but was revived after three days. When Jonah was thrown into the sea his soul immediately left his body and soared up to God's throne, where it was judged and sent back. As soon as it touched the mouth of the fish on its way back to the body, the fish died, but was later restored to life. The fish's name is given in "Shalshelet ha-Ḳabbalah" as
(i.e., "cetos" = "whale"). The fate of Jonah is allegorized in the Zohar (Wayaḳhel) as illustrative of the soul's relation to the body and to death. In the assumption that Jonah is identical with the Messiah, the son of Joseph, the influence of Christian thought is discernible (comp. Matt. xii. 39-41).


the Zohar is a book of MYSTICAL INTERPRETATIONS ----------try to google the word
ALLEGORY. The book itself has nothing to do with "the" JESUS of the NT or Christian thought-----
of course MATTHEW was influenced in his writings by jewish mysticism. Try to
get things straight in your little mind, penny dear. The "tax collector"------was, by his writings---
clearly familiar with Jewish writings, symbolism and mystical interpretations. I knew the story of
SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN DWARFS when I was six

Of course its an allegory, but in those days people believed it as :

Origin of humankind[edit]
Anaximander speculated about the beginnings and origin of animal life. Taking into account the existence of fossils[dubiousdiscuss], he claimed that animals sprang out of the sea long ago. The first animals were born trapped in a spiny bark, but as they got older, the bark would dry up and break.[47] As the early humidity evaporated, dry land emerged and, in time, humankind had to adapt. The 3rd century Roman writer Censorinus reports:

Anaximander of Miletus considered that from warmed up water and earth emerged either fish or entirely fishlike animals. Inside these animals, men took form and embryos were held prisoners until puberty; only then, after these animals burst open, could men and women come out, now able to feed themselves.[48]

Anaximander put forward the idea that humans had to spend part of this transition inside the mouths of big fish to protect themselves from the Earth's climate until they could come out in open air and lose their scales.[49] He thought that, considering humans' extended infancy, we could not have survived in the primeval world in the same manner we do presently.

SO? the naturalistic observations of Anaximander are very interesting------they have nothing to \
do with the book of Jonah which was written long before the Zohar with is a book of jewish mystics.
The American aboriginals of the North east of America -----worshipped a SALMON IN THE SKY

Sure they do, its so obvious. He was a greek alive long before the book of Jonah was written. Where do you even think the idea came from.

Try again ANAXIMANDER was a greek who was born AFTER the book of Jonah was written

Not being an IDIOT-----I will not claim that Anazimander picked up his ideas from the history of
the prophet Jonah------I doubt that he could read Hebrew. Jonah lived long before Anazimander
as a guy known in the neighborhood approximately 800BC------the "history" of his epic story ended up in Aramaic writings as the STORY OF JONAH -----kinda like the legend of Robin Hood------and as an
ALLEGORICAL midrash type thing. Birth from INSIDE persons was not a new concept anywhere in the WHOLE WORLD. Anazimander was no remarkable innovator
Read the OT, a big fish swallowed Jonah and spits him out. Why? because in those days they believed we came from the water and fish, it was his re birth.

No, the story of Jonah is about a reluctant prophet who got swallowed by a whale but survived then embraced his destiny.

The metaphor, being swallowed by leviathan, is like our use of the expression 'belly of the beast' where everyone understands that the subject has nothing to do with being swallowed by an animal.

Jesus compared this story to himself indicating that he understood the metaphor as it related to his own experience, time spent in the belly of the beast which was Rome, hinted at at the beginning of the gospels where it says that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights tempted by the devil in the wilderness living among the wild beasts..

Thats what he meant that the only sign they would be given is the sign of Jonah.

Any prophet raised up by God is a prophet raised from the dead, freed from the captivity and confusion of life in the belly of the beast.

Jesus , as the character of the bible, was never in Rome. It has to do with rebirth, and they believed at the time men came from fishes. The Rabbi Gamaliel named his students after fish. Where do you think Dagan came from?

Rome called jews fish. That is why Jesus said to get the tax from a fish, as the Jews would swallow their money and try and escape Jerusalem during the War of the Jews.

That is where they got the idea of swallowing diamonds during WWII, if they did or not we don't know, they said they did and it was in one of the movies.

Jesus was never in Rome but Rome was in Judea. At the time there were completely roman towns and cities in Judea where people were living openly outside the law of the Jews. That is what is meant by the wilderness. Living among the wild beasts suggests that Jesus was running around with the Romans living in those lawless areas presumably doing what romans do.
Do you know that by the time Christians become old enough for them to understand from the child's story, they are then taught the fuller physiological meaning of Jonah when they become mature enough, along with its education of its history in Bible Schools?

You mean the story of birth from the womans uterus?

You mean the Jews who believe their messiah is not yet been born and will be born from a mother and father of King David's line in the future?

I think it would be ok if just the BABY DADDY is from David------but I am not sure even that
is a requirement------the baby should be a descendant from Jacob's son----JUDAH-----I think

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