Jesus: Why is He so offensive to others?

Revelation is some end-of-the-world tale supposed authored by somebody usually identified as John of Patmos. He was heralded by Tertullian, (supposed 2nd Century "theologian" who said that women, the entire female sex, were "a temple built upon a sewer," and thank you Tertullian for your insults!) as someone who survived being boiled in oil due a miracle. I don't know why or how Revelation ended up in Constantine's canon.
Revelation is some end-of-the-world tale supposed authored by somebody usually identified as John of Patmos. He was heralded by Tertullian, (supposed 2nd Century "theologian" who said that women, the entire female sex, were "a temple built upon a sewer," and thank you Tertullian for your insults!) as someone who survived being boiled in oil due a miracle. I don't know why or how Revelation ended up in Constantine's canon.
God's will and not Constantine's...
Revelation is some end-of-the-world tale supposed authored by somebody usually identified as John of Patmos. He was heralded by Tertullian, (supposed 2nd Century "theologian" who said that women, the entire female sex, were "a temple built upon a sewer," and thank you Tertullian for your insults!) as someone who survived being boiled in oil due a miracle. I don't know why or how Revelation ended up in Constantine's canon.
humph im gonna research that interesting tyy
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
how can it be sacrilegious if there is no god/no jesus/we don't believe??!!??
you are just falling into the trap Satan has set for youis what you don't get.
you mean--that's only your belief--there are no facts/evidence in there at all
Many are worshipping the Bible insteadof Jesus - Call the Bible the word of God when only Jesus is... memorize scripture insteado f developing a personal relationship w/ Jesus as he wants us too and have turned the Bible into an idol a paper God they have made speak - The Bible says this... The Bible says that...

That is not how Catholics use the Bible--very little, if any--memorizing. We tend towards listening to the word of God. There is nothing at all wrong with having a relationship with Jesus AND studying the Bible. The two tend to complement one another. Remaining in a vacuum is not all it is cracked up to be.
How did you arrive at believing this nonsense? The "satanic" thing is too totally bizarre. It doesn't exist. It is a figment of the warped minds of some protestants. My opinion is that what is deserved is a pox upon both your houses.
Where is salvation found, in the Catholic church or in Jesus?

It's not a question of either/or. As I said, a pox upon both your houses. Whatever the Roman Catholic Church is or represents, the people I named above have no claim either.
Yes, it is a question of either. According to our New Testament, where is Salvation found?
Not with you, that's for sure. Ask yourself why Paul's and Timothy's stuff was included in the NT. They don't belong there. Neither does Revelation.
No need for personal snippets. I asked a simple question. Where is Salvation found, according to the New Testament?

A long time ago, someone came up with two very good rules: never discuss religion, sex, or politics with anyone whom you do not know well and mind your own business. It worked until the asshole evangelicals violated them, started spreading their crap around in public, and attempted to destroy the United States with it. It is none of your business what I feel about "salvation."
Where is salvation found, in the Catholic church or in Jesus?

It's not a question of either/or. As I said, a pox upon both your houses. Whatever the Roman Catholic Church is or represents, the people I named above have no claim either.
Yes, it is a question of either. According to our New Testament, where is Salvation found?
Not with you, that's for sure. Ask yourself why Paul's and Timothy's stuff was included in the NT. They don't belong there. Neither does Revelation.
No need for personal snippets. I asked a simple question. Where is Salvation found, according to the New Testament?

A long time ago, someone came up with two very good rules: never discuss religion, sex, or politics with anyone whom you do not know well and mind your own business. It worked until the asshole evangelicals violated them, started spreading their crap around in public, and attempted to destroy the United States with it. It is none of your business what I feel about "salvation."
Then what in the wide wide world of sports are you doing discussing religion in a religion forum? If you don't know, then be honest and admit it.
I understand we have very different views on salvation. My question is still unanswered. How do I attain eternal life? Do you have an answer?

Yes, my answer is I am amazed you don't know! I am almost certain your church must cover this!
One of the biggest differences between Catholicism and Protestantism, is how they interpret the Bible. Protestants believe in Sola scriptura. They are more keyed into the old testament than the new. The Catholics on the other hand, follow Sacred tradition. It follows more of the new testament. For the Catholics, the propagation of faith rests with the Magistraium whereas, with Protestants, each sect carries their own rules.
I understand we have very different views on salvation. My question is still unanswered. How do I attain eternal life? Do you have an answer?

Yes, my answer is I am amazed you don't know! I am almost certain your church must cover this!
Oh, I have my belief. I'm asking for yours. I will share my belief after you answer my question. According to your beliefs, what is needed for salvation?
One of the biggest differences between Catholicism and Protestantism, is how they interpret the Bible. Protestants believe in Sola scriptura. They are more keyed into the old testament than the new. The Catholics on the other hand, follow Sacred tradition. It follows more of the new testament. For the Catholics, the propagation of faith rests with the Magistraium whereas, with Protestants, each sect carries their own rules.

Yes. One sect teaches believe Jesus died for your sins and you go to heaven, because all the sins a person will ever commit were forgiven two thousand years ago. That's all they want from their faith--a guarantee of a heavenly afterlife.

And, being guaranteed a heavenly afterlife, seems to be all most non-Catholic Christians care about. Believe! Voila! Heaven is yours!

Catholicism's roots are more grounded in the Jewish philosophy that God's Law is intended to make for a fulfilling life here on earth. We use the word "redemption" and compare what our life is like when we practice discipleship--not just believe in it. Orthodox Jews arrange their day so that God is always in mind. Catholics do not excel at that, though many do try, with prayers--however brief--being said throughout the day. God's will is vital to our faith, and we fail to keep it, we confess our guilt, are forgiven, and we move on. Christ's forgiveness is a very important aspect of our faith and of our day.

Life in the Catholic Church is built around Christ's life here on earth: Baptism, Forgiveness, Sharing the Lord's Supper, accepting the Holy Spirit, holy marriages, and accepting and conveying healing in our ministries. There is Holy Orders for those who feel called to be even closer (just as the Apostles were closer than most followers).

Catholics live their faith. They don't just announce it and call it good enough.
Oh, I have my belief. I'm asking for yours. I will share my belief after you answer my question. According to your beliefs, what is needed for salvation?

Shrug. If you wish, you can read what I said to Windparadox who seems more like a fellow Catholic. I do not take much notice of Protestant "salvation" as it seems to have little--even nothing--to do with discipleship in this life, merely points to the afterlife.

I am happy it works for you, but my experience is that I have the better portion--and I shall not give it up.

ETA: It also gives me insight to why Jews will not give up their better portion.
One of the biggest differences between Catholicism and Protestantism, is how they interpret the Bible. Protestants believe in Sola scriptura. They are more keyed into the old testament than the new. The Catholics on the other hand, follow Sacred tradition. It follows more of the new testament. For the Catholics, the propagation of faith rests with the Magistraium whereas, with Protestants, each sect carries their own rules.

Yes. One sect teaches believe Jesus died for your sins and you go to heaven, because all the sins a person will ever commit were forgiven two thousand years ago. That's all they want from their faith--a guarantee of a heavenly afterlife.

And, being guaranteed a heavenly afterlife, seems to be all most non-Catholic Christians care about. Believe! Voila! Heaven is yours!

Catholicism's roots are more grounded in the Jewish philosophy that God's Law is intended to make for a fulfilling life here on earth. We use the word "redemption" and compare what our life is like when we practice discipleship--not just believe in it. Orthodox Jews arrange their day so that God is always in mind. Catholics do not excel at that, though many do try, with prayers--however brief--being said throughout the day. God's will is vital to our faith, and we fail to keep it, we confess our guilt, are forgiven, and we move on. Christ's forgiveness is a very important aspect of our faith and of our day.

Life in the Catholic Church is built around Christ's life here on earth: Baptism, Forgiveness, Sharing the Lord's Supper, accepting the Holy Spirit, holy marriages, and accepting and conveying healing in our ministries. There is Holy Orders for those who feel called to be even closer (just as the Apostles were closer than most followers).

Catholics live their faith. They don't just announce it and call it good enough.
Protestants also live their faith. You have a misconception about many protestants. You think we give God only lip service. In my congregation we also receive the Holy Spirit along with the gifts of the spirit. We believe in salvation by FAITH alone, and that faith leads us to good works. Baptism is essential, but not essential for salvation. Salvation is by faith in Jesus alone, and the Bible confirms that. We have many outreaches to the lost. The inner city missions, overseas missions, single homeless mothers with children, homeless addicts, etc. Yes, I believe and have confidence that I'm saved by faith alone unto good works. When I sin I go right Jesus and confess. I don't need anyone else in a booth. I do have others pray for me if I need it. According to Scripture, I call no man father, for my father is in heaven. Baptism has no power except as a public declaration of my faith that I made, not someone else. That's Scriptural. We also take communion. However, the bread and juice do not turn magically into the flesh and blood of Jesus, but we remember Him and his broken body and shed blood for my sins, as Scripture teaches. I entered into eternal life when I was saved by faith when I gave my heart to Jesus. I will never taste the sting of death, but be with the Lord the moment my body dies, according to Scripture.

I have another question. Do you believe the Catholic Church is the only true church?
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It's not a question of either/or. As I said, a pox upon both your houses. Whatever the Roman Catholic Church is or represents, the people I named above have no claim either.
Yes, it is a question of either. According to our New Testament, where is Salvation found?
Not with you, that's for sure. Ask yourself why Paul's and Timothy's stuff was included in the NT. They don't belong there. Neither does Revelation.
No need for personal snippets. I asked a simple question. Where is Salvation found, according to the New Testament?

A long time ago, someone came up with two very good rules: never discuss religion, sex, or politics with anyone whom you do not know well and mind your own business. It worked until the asshole evangelicals violated them, started spreading their crap around in public, and attempted to destroy the United States with it. It is none of your business what I feel about "salvation."
Then what in the wide wide world of sports are you doing discussing religion in a religion forum? If you don't know, then be honest and admit it.

I got tired of the bullshit being flung around and its denial that Christianity is a spiritual religion, to be perfectly honest, and the header on this piece, which appeared in "active topics," was/is deeply misleading as it implies that the bullshit being slung around somehow equates with, or is representative of the historical identity and teachings of Jesus, when all that is being done is an attempt to ruin his reputation for the purpose of serving the power-hungry and the money-changers.

I've prayed everywhere from Ephesus, Turkey, to the Vatican, to Westminster, to Canterbury, Rochester, and Wells, and even the National Cathedral and the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe with the spiral staircase so I hate to see these people drag Jesus into the mud and prostitute his identity and teachings, using his name as their banner.
Many are worshipping the Bible insteadof Jesus - Call the Bible the word of God when only Jesus is... memorize scripture insteado f developing a personal relationship w/ Jesus as he wants us too and have turned the Bible into an idol a paper God they have made speak - The Bible says this... The Bible says that...

That is not how Catholics use the Bible--very little, if any--memorizing. We tend towards listening to the word of God. There is nothing at all wrong with having a relationship with Jesus AND studying the Bible. The two tend to complement one another. Remaining in a vacuum is not all it is cracked up to be.
of course doll obviously those are not the ones ia m refrerring too and doll you best do soem reseearch on vatican it s satanic
Yes, it is a question of either. According to our New Testament, where is Salvation found?
Not with you, that's for sure. Ask yourself why Paul's and Timothy's stuff was included in the NT. They don't belong there. Neither does Revelation.
No need for personal snippets. I asked a simple question. Where is Salvation found, according to the New Testament?

A long time ago, someone came up with two very good rules: never discuss religion, sex, or politics with anyone whom you do not know well and mind your own business. It worked until the asshole evangelicals violated them, started spreading their crap around in public, and attempted to destroy the United States with it. It is none of your business what I feel about "salvation."
Then what in the wide wide world of sports are you doing discussing religion in a religion forum? If you don't know, then be honest and admit it.

I got tired of the bullshit being flung around and its denial that Christianity is a spiritual religion, to be perfectly honest, and the header on this piece, which appeared in "active topics," was/is deeply misleading as it implies that the bullshit being slung around somehow equates with, or is representative of the historical identity and teachings of Jesus, when all that is being done is an attempt to ruin his reputation for the purpose of serving the power-hungry and the money-changers.

I've prayed everywhere from Ephesus, Turkey, to the Vatican, to Westminster, to Canterbury, Rochester, and Wells, and even the National Cathedral and the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe with the spiral staircase so I hate to see these people drag Jesus into the mud and prostitute his identity and teachings, using his name as their banner.
Well, I have no idea who you are talking about. The only thing I have ever trusted are Jesus and his Word in my Bible. Do you trust that your Bible is true?
<snip/insnip>Catholics live their faith. They don't just announce it and call it good enough.
My personal spiritual beliefs are, shall I say, somewhat eclectic. However, I did graduate from a Catholic university (7 years, part-time) and learned a lot about the faith. I have at least two Jesuits I can list as personal friends. I learned a lot from them. My oldest attends the same university now.

I have to admit having a strong, anti-evangelical bias. Up until age 12, I was brought up by two strict, bible spouting, baptists. It was not pleasant. To that extent, I reject baptist, evangelical, charismatic, pentecostal, calvanistic and fundamentalist teachings. I can easily live with most other protestants, such as Lutherans or other similar sects. At the university, I was privileged to be able to audit two semesters of general Catholic Theology. I am sympathetic to Catholic causes.

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