Jesus: Why is He so offensive to others?

You just proved my point again. Much of catholicism isn't Scriptural.
Catholic tradition goes back to the time of the Apostles. Protestant tradition begins 1500 years later. If you don't care about losing early traditions, that's up to you.
You just proved my point again. Much of catholicism isn't Scriptural.
Catholic tradition goes back to the time of the Apostles. Protestant tradition begins 1500 years later. If you don't care about losing early traditions, that's up to you.
The Apostles never prayed to Mary and didn't have rosary beads. If they did it would be in the Bible. The "traditions" crept into the Church more and more as the church allowed things in that weren't Scriptural. Happens to many denominations. Do you believe the Catholic church is the only true church?
The Apostles never prayed to Mary and didn't have rosary beads. If they did it would be in the Bible. The "traditions" crept into the Church more and more as the church allowed things in that weren't Scriptural. Happens to many denominations. Do you believe the Catholic church is the only true church?

In that respect, scripture crept into the Church as well. I believe the Catholic and Orthodox Churches are the ones closest in doctrine and interpretation to what Christ taught. The discipline is greater there as well. This does not mean Christ doesn't dwell in other churches and in other faiths.
Jesus changed water into wine at his mother's mere mention that they were out of wine.

I can't think of a better person than his mother to ask to pray for us.
The Apostles never prayed to Mary and didn't have rosary beads. If they did it would be in the Bible. The "traditions" crept into the Church more and more as the church allowed things in that weren't Scriptural. Happens to many denominations. Do you believe the Catholic church is the only true church?

In that respect, scripture crept into the Church as well. I believe the Catholic and Orthodox Churches are the ones closest in doctrine and interpretation to what Christ taught. The discipline is greater there as well. This does not mean Christ doesn't dwell in other churches and in other faiths.
Scripture is God breathed, traditions are of men.
Jesus changed water into wine at his mother's mere mention that they were out of wine.

I can't think of a better person than his mother to ask to pray for us.
Changing the water into wine at the wedding was a very significant event and there is a deep spiritual meaning to it. Mary didn't ask Jesus to do it. There is no scripture say that Mary asked Jesus to change water into wine. It's totally unscriptural. There is absolutely nothing written in the New Testament that we are to ask Mary for anything. She is inconsequential to prayer. No offense.
Scripture is God breathed, traditions are of men.
Hmm. So we shouldn't celebrate family or country traditions as they are man-made and therefore bad? Not to mention man interprets scripture with an often opposing view of another interpretation of that same scripture.

No one forces anyone into Catholic celebrations, any more than you force me to come to one of your birthday celebrations. The difference between us is that I am not going to denigrate your celebration.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
Many of these people are disillusioned ex-Christians who have become angry atheists. The big problem with them is that during their childhood, they were brought up with their morals so firmly conflated with their religion that when they lose faith in their religion, all of their morals go out the window with it.
Catholics can be the hardest to reach because many trust their religion to save them.
AT one time, they actually had to pay money to a Priest in order to have their sins forgiven. They had to do this on a regular basis too. What a racket. Also, during the Inquisition, they banned the Bible. Can anyone guess why they did that? I can tell you why.
Yes. We Catholics are evil.

We will eat your young if you let us.
that is exactly what satan worshippers do which is exactly what the vatican believe in do some research
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
how can it be sacrilegious if there is no god/no jesus/we don't believe??!!??
you are just falling into the trap Satan has set for youis what you don't get.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
Many of these people are disillusioned ex-Christians who have become angry atheists. The big problem with them is that during their childhood, they were brought up with their morals so firmly conflated with their religion that when they lose faith in their religion, all of their morals go out the window with it.
Catholics can be the hardest to reach because many trust their religion to save them.
sad they havent done research on this satanic religion
They certainly have given Christianity a bad name throughout history and today.
it is very corrupt and why Jesus wouldnt be any where near it
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
Many of these people are disillusioned ex-Christians who have become angry atheists. The big problem with them is that during their childhood, they were brought up with their morals so firmly conflated with their religion that when they lose faith in their religion, all of their morals go out the window with it.
Catholics can be the hardest to reach because many trust their religion to save them.
sad they havent done research on this satanic religion
They certainly have given Christianity a bad name throughout history and today.
it is very corrupt and why Jesus wouldnt be any where near it

well daisy-----you have finally posted something with which I agree. Jesus would not be anywhere
near it
Many of these people are disillusioned ex-Christians who have become angry atheists. The big problem with them is that during their childhood, they were brought up with their morals so firmly conflated with their religion that when they lose faith in their religion, all of their morals go out the window with it.
Catholics can be the hardest to reach because many trust their religion to save them.
sad they havent done research on this satanic religion
They certainly have given Christianity a bad name throughout history and today.
it is very corrupt and why Jesus wouldnt be any where near it

well daisy-----you have finally posted something with which I agree. Jesus would not be anywhere
near it
lol tyrosie...
So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
The problem is all the people maintaining that they represent Jesus, the Creator god/dess, and the entire Christian faith when they are complete joke. Garbage like tony perkins, roy moore, frankie graham, family research council, robert jeffress, and all the evangelicals and fundies who so arrogantly have held themselves out as the earthly representatives of Jesus of Nazareth and hide behind his image, but have sought to destroy the life and teachings of Jesus, and all the meaning and spirituality of the Christian faith.

PS: I'm no great fan of the CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Church, as I was born into it and am quite aware of its failings, but its existence and failings does not excuse the failings of those named above, who continue to prostitute the Christian faith.
Scripture is God breathed, traditions are of men.
Hmm. So we shouldn't celebrate family or country traditions as they are man-made and therefore bad? Not to mention man interprets scripture with an often opposing view of another interpretation of that same scripture.

No one forces anyone into Catholic celebrations, any more than you force me to come to one of your birthday celebrations. The difference between us is that I am not going to denigrate your celebration.

that's good of you Meri-----and I am very glad that force has been, generally, repudiated by the catholic
church----lately. I once heard that Queen Isabella of Spain was considered such a good catholic
lady that she is NOW----by petition of Spanish clergy, up for sainthood. Is the repudiation of FORCE
that you express going to disqualify her?
So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
The problem is all the people maintaining that they represent Jesus, the Creator god/dess, and the entire Christian faith when they are complete joke. Garbage like tony perkins, roy moore, frankie graham, family research council, robert jeffress, and all the evangelicals and fundies who so arrogantly have held themselves out as the earthly representatives of Jesus of Nazareth and hide behind his image, but have sought to destroy the life and teachings of Jesus, and all the meaning and spirituality of the Christian faith.

PS: I'm no great fan of the CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Church, as I was born into it and am quite aware of its failings, but its existence and failings does not excuse the failings of those named above, who continue to prostitute the Christian faith.
i agree but you need to do some research on the vatican and catholicism it is satanic
Scripture is God breathed, traditions are of men.
Hmm. So we shouldn't celebrate family or country traditions as they are man-made and therefore bad? Not to mention man interprets scripture with an often opposing view of another interpretation of that same scripture.

No one forces anyone into Catholic celebrations, any more than you force me to come to one of your birthday celebrations. The difference between us is that I am not going to denigrate your celebration.
Traditions are okay, as long as they are not taking the place of Scripture and the importance of Scripture first. The Bible tells believers to study to show ourselves approved. My birthday celebrations are not taking the place of Scripture. The Epistles of Paul, Peter and John were written to the Church for instruction on who we are in Christ. The Scripture says ALL believers are saints. The Scripture says I am a priest unto God and Jesus is my high Priest. The Scripture says Jesus is the head of the Church, not a man. Jesus said to "call no man Father, because you have one father in Heaven". There is nothing in Scripture about the Church and priests that are to be celibate, or nuns for that matter. No offense, but I want to be in a church that follows Scripture and only Scripture and preaches Jesus only. Jesus is my Salvation. No church is going to save anyone.

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