Jesus: Why is He so offensive to others?

same stuff-------neither of them actually MET Jesus-----John was used as a Pen name-----and Matthew is
a very mysterious character denigrated as a "tax collector"-----that would make him a roman shill----probably
of the SADDUCEE community
According to scripture, they walked with Jesus. So basically, you don't believe scripture, huh.

John is not JOHN THE BAPTIST----it is a different John. John was and still is a very common name.
Matthew did not walk with anyone and Luke was a greek in greece
The Apostle John who wrote the Gospel of John, three epistles, and the book of Revelation. Again, you deny the authority of Scripture.

John was a PEN NAME ------like John Doe All that stuff was not written by a single person
LOL. You have a nice day, Rosie.

Some people will grasp at any straw to deny the truth.
According to scripture, they walked with Jesus. So basically, you don't believe scripture, huh.

John is not JOHN THE BAPTIST----it is a different John. John was and still is a very common name.
Matthew did not walk with anyone and Luke was a greek in greece
The Apostle John who wrote the Gospel of John, three epistles, and the book of Revelation. Again, you deny the authority of Scripture.

John was a PEN NAME ------like John Doe All that stuff was not written by a single person
LOL. You have a nice day, Rosie.

Some people will grasp at any straw to deny the truth.
It's funny and sad. Tragic really.
John is not JOHN THE BAPTIST----it is a different John. John was and still is a very common name.
Matthew did not walk with anyone and Luke was a greek in greece
The Apostle John who wrote the Gospel of John, three epistles, and the book of Revelation. Again, you deny the authority of Scripture.

John was a PEN NAME ------like John Doe All that stuff was not written by a single person
LOL. You have a nice day, Rosie.

Some people will grasp at any straw to deny the truth.
It's funny and sad. Tragic really.
The vast majority of people will never come to know Christ. Even most of the people who claim to be Christians are nothing of the sort. I think it's safe to say that about 9 ouf 10 'Christians' do not really know Christ. They are the lukewarm Christians Jesus spoke of.
Experience and observation.

Then more experience and observation may be needed to reach a more accurate conclusion.
I don’t think so. I know a few Catholics that left and started attending full gospel protestant churches. They all seemed to be pretty much in agreement, they learned religion, but very little in biblical truths. No where in the Bible are we told to pray to Mary.
I don’t think so. I know a few Catholics that left and started attending full gospel protestant churches. They all seemed to be pretty much in agreement, they learned religion, but very little in biblical truths. No where in the Bible are we told to pray to Mary.
And I know Protestants who say they learned more truth as Catholics. I can guess right off that you know very little about Catholic prayer. We have a very strong belief in where two or more...
I don’t think so. I know a few Catholics that left and started attending full gospel protestant churches. They all seemed to be pretty much in agreement, they learned religion, but very little in biblical truths. No where in the Bible are we told to pray to Mary.
And I know Protestants who say they learned more truth as Catholics. I can guess right off that you know very little about Catholic prayer. We have a very strong belief in where two or more...
Do you believe in praying to Mary?
The Apostle John who wrote the Gospel of John, three epistles, and the book of Revelation. Again, you deny the authority of Scripture.

John was a PEN NAME ------like John Doe All that stuff was not written by a single person
LOL. You have a nice day, Rosie.

Some people will grasp at any straw to deny the truth.
It's funny and sad. Tragic really.
The vast majority of people will never come to know Christ. Even most of the people who claim to be Christians are nothing of the sort. I think it's safe to say that about 9 ouf 10 'Christians' do not really know Christ. They are the lukewarm Christians Jesus spoke of.

true------very few people know "Christ" ----lots are medicated
Do you believe in praying to Mary?

The question shows the disconnect between Catholics and some Protestant sects. Some Protestants believe in soul sleep until the end of the world. This is not Catholic belief. Catholics believe that the Church is made up of both the living and those who have passed on. Just as Catholics freely ask the living to pray for/with them, the same request is also made of those who have passed on.

I, personally, have seldom asked Mary to pray for me, because if I would like additional prayers, I tend to ask my relatives--either those who are living or those who have passed on. I certainly wouldn't hesitate to do so, and many Catholics do. She as much as anyone else is a member of the Body of Christ.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
Many of these people are disillusioned ex-Christians who have become angry atheists. The big problem with them is that during their childhood, they were brought up with their morals so firmly conflated with their religion that when they lose faith in their religion, all of their morals go out the window with it.
Catholics can be the hardest to reach because many trust their religion to save them.
AT one time, they actually had to pay money to a Priest in order to have their sins forgiven. They had to do this on a regular basis too. What a racket. Also, during the Inquisition, they banned the Bible. Can anyone guess why they did that? I can tell you why.
Yes. We Catholics are evil.

We will eat your young if you let us.
Jesus is offensive because He will judge them and they don't want to be judged. I know that's how I felt at one time.

Jesus judges?
Yes. Everyone will meet Jesus. Acts 10:42. Amazing what you will find in the Bible when you read it, huh.
And every knee will bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
it will be so intense none of the non-believers will know what to do...
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
how can it be sacrilegious if there is no god/no jesus/we don't believe??!!??
first you have to prove there is a god/jesus for the OP to even be taken seriously
Do you believe in praying to Mary?

The question shows the disconnect between Catholics and some Protestant sects. Some Protestants believe in soul sleep until the end of the world. This is not Catholic belief. Catholics believe that the Church is made up of both the living and those who have passed on. Just as Catholics freely ask the living to pray for/with them, the same request is also made of those who have passed on.

I, personally, have seldom asked Mary to pray for me, because if I would like additional prayers, I tend to ask my relatives--either those who are living or those who have passed on. I certainly wouldn't hesitate to do so, and many Catholics do. She as much as anyone else is a member of the Body of Christ.
You just proved my point. You didn't mention one Scripture.
You just proved my point. You didn't mention one Scripture.

There is a difference between studying scripture and quoting scripture. Scripture supports both the Church consisting of the living and the dead as well of two or more praying in Jesus' name.
You just proved my point. You didn't mention one Scripture.

There is a difference between studying scripture and quoting scripture. Scripture supports both the Church consisting of the living and the dead as well of two or more praying in Jesus' name.
I agree Scripture says wherever two or more are gathered. However, nothing in Scripture about praying to dead people or Mary. Do you believe Mary ascended to heaven?

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