Jesus: Why is He so offensive to others?

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
The problem is all the people maintaining that they represent Jesus, the Creator god/dess, and the entire Christian faith when they are complete joke. Garbage like tony perkins, roy moore, frankie graham, family research council, robert jeffress, and all the evangelicals and fundies who so arrogantly have held themselves out as the earthly representatives of Jesus of Nazareth and hide behind his image, but have sought to destroy the life and teachings of Jesus, and all the meaning and spirituality of the Christian faith.

PS: I'm no great fan of the CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Church, as I was born into it and am quite aware of its failings, but its existence and failings does not excuse the failings of those named above, who continue to prostitute the Christian faith.
i agree but you need to do some research on the vatican and catholicism it is satanic

How did you arrive at believing this nonsense? The "satanic" thing is too totally bizarre. It doesn't exist. It is a figment of the warped minds of some protestants. My opinion is that what is deserved is a pox upon both your houses.
So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
The problem is all the people maintaining that they represent Jesus, the Creator god/dess, and the entire Christian faith when they are complete joke. Garbage like tony perkins, roy moore, frankie graham, family research council, robert jeffress, and all the evangelicals and fundies who so arrogantly have held themselves out as the earthly representatives of Jesus of Nazareth and hide behind his image, but have sought to destroy the life and teachings of Jesus, and all the meaning and spirituality of the Christian faith.

PS: I'm no great fan of the CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Church, as I was born into it and am quite aware of its failings, but its existence and failings does not excuse the failings of those named above, who continue to prostitute the Christian faith.
i agree but you need to do some research on the vatican and catholicism it is satanic

How did you arrive at believing this nonsense? The "satanic" thing is too totally bizarre. It doesn't exist. It is a figment of the warped minds of some protestants. My opinion is that what is deserved is a pox upon both your houses.
Where is salvation found, in the Catholic church or in Jesus?
So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
The problem is all the people maintaining that they represent Jesus, the Creator god/dess, and the entire Christian faith when they are complete joke. Garbage like tony perkins, roy moore, frankie graham, family research council, robert jeffress, and all the evangelicals and fundies who so arrogantly have held themselves out as the earthly representatives of Jesus of Nazareth and hide behind his image, but have sought to destroy the life and teachings of Jesus, and all the meaning and spirituality of the Christian faith.

PS: I'm no great fan of the CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Church, as I was born into it and am quite aware of its failings, but its existence and failings does not excuse the failings of those named above, who continue to prostitute the Christian faith.
i agree but you need to do some research on the vatican and catholicism it is satanic

How did you arrive at believing this nonsense? The "satanic" thing is too totally bizarre. It doesn't exist. It is a figment of the warped minds of some protestants. My opinion is that what is deserved is a pox upon both your houses.
Where is salvation found, in the Catholic church or in Jesus?
Jesus the catholic church is satanic do some research
So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
The problem is all the people maintaining that they represent Jesus, the Creator god/dess, and the entire Christian faith when they are complete joke. Garbage like tony perkins, roy moore, frankie graham, family research council, robert jeffress, and all the evangelicals and fundies who so arrogantly have held themselves out as the earthly representatives of Jesus of Nazareth and hide behind his image, but have sought to destroy the life and teachings of Jesus, and all the meaning and spirituality of the Christian faith.

PS: I'm no great fan of the CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Church, as I was born into it and am quite aware of its failings, but its existence and failings does not excuse the failings of those named above, who continue to prostitute the Christian faith.
i agree but you need to do some research on the vatican and catholicism it is satanic

How did you arrive at believing this nonsense? The "satanic" thing is too totally bizarre. It doesn't exist. It is a figment of the warped minds of some protestants. My opinion is that what is deserved is a pox upon both your houses.
oh please spare me do some research - the secret cabal that run our country are satanic wake up
So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
The problem is all the people maintaining that they represent Jesus, the Creator god/dess, and the entire Christian faith when they are complete joke. Garbage like tony perkins, roy moore, frankie graham, family research council, robert jeffress, and all the evangelicals and fundies who so arrogantly have held themselves out as the earthly representatives of Jesus of Nazareth and hide behind his image, but have sought to destroy the life and teachings of Jesus, and all the meaning and spirituality of the Christian faith.

PS: I'm no great fan of the CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Church, as I was born into it and am quite aware of its failings, but its existence and failings does not excuse the failings of those named above, who continue to prostitute the Christian faith.
i agree but you need to do some research on the vatican and catholicism it is satanic

How did you arrive at believing this nonsense? The "satanic" thing is too totally bizarre. It doesn't exist. It is a figment of the warped minds of some protestants. My opinion is that what is deserved is a pox upon both your houses.
Where is salvation found, in the Catholic church or in Jesus?

It's not a question of either/or. As I said, a pox upon both your houses. Whatever the Roman Catholic Church is or represents, the people I named above have no claim either.
Scripture is God breathed, traditions are of men.
Hmm. So we shouldn't celebrate family or country traditions as they are man-made and therefore bad? Not to mention man interprets scripture with an often opposing view of another interpretation of that same scripture.

No one forces anyone into Catholic celebrations, any more than you force me to come to one of your birthday celebrations. The difference between us is that I am not going to denigrate your celebration.
Traditions are okay, as long as they are not taking the place of Scripture and the importance of Scripture first. The Bible tells believers to study to show ourselves approved. My birthday celebrations are not taking the place of Scripture. The Epistles of Paul, Peter and John were written to the Church for instruction on who we are in Christ. The Scripture says ALL believers are saints. The Scripture says I am a priest unto God and Jesus is my high Priest. The Scripture says Jesus is the head of the Church, not a man. Jesus said to "call no man Father, because you have one father in Heaven". There is nothing in Scripture about the Church and priests that are to be celibate, or nuns for that matter. No offense, but I want to be in a church that follows Scripture and only Scripture and preaches Jesus only. Jesus is my Salvation. No church is going to save anyone.
scripture is keeping people from having a personal relationship with Jesus to be honest
So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
The problem is all the people maintaining that they represent Jesus, the Creator god/dess, and the entire Christian faith when they are complete joke. Garbage like tony perkins, roy moore, frankie graham, family research council, robert jeffress, and all the evangelicals and fundies who so arrogantly have held themselves out as the earthly representatives of Jesus of Nazareth and hide behind his image, but have sought to destroy the life and teachings of Jesus, and all the meaning and spirituality of the Christian faith.

PS: I'm no great fan of the CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Church, as I was born into it and am quite aware of its failings, but its existence and failings does not excuse the failings of those named above, who continue to prostitute the Christian faith.
i agree but you need to do some research on the vatican and catholicism it is satanic

How did you arrive at believing this nonsense? The "satanic" thing is too totally bizarre. It doesn't exist. It is a figment of the warped minds of some protestants. My opinion is that what is deserved is a pox upon both your houses.
Where is salvation found, in the Catholic church or in Jesus?

It's not a question of either/or. As I said, a pox upon both your houses. Whatever the Roman Catholic Church is or represents, the people I named above have no claim either.
Yes, it is a question of either. According to our New Testament, where is Salvation found?
Scripture is God breathed, traditions are of men.
Hmm. So we shouldn't celebrate family or country traditions as they are man-made and therefore bad? Not to mention man interprets scripture with an often opposing view of another interpretation of that same scripture.

No one forces anyone into Catholic celebrations, any more than you force me to come to one of your birthday celebrations. The difference between us is that I am not going to denigrate your celebration.
Traditions are okay, as long as they are not taking the place of Scripture and the importance of Scripture first. The Bible tells believers to study to show ourselves approved. My birthday celebrations are not taking the place of Scripture. The Epistles of Paul, Peter and John were written to the Church for instruction on who we are in Christ. The Scripture says ALL believers are saints. The Scripture says I am a priest unto God and Jesus is my high Priest. The Scripture says Jesus is the head of the Church, not a man. Jesus said to "call no man Father, because you have one father in Heaven". There is nothing in Scripture about the Church and priests that are to be celibate, or nuns for that matter. No offense, but I want to be in a church that follows Scripture and only Scripture and preaches Jesus only. Jesus is my Salvation. No church is going to save anyone.
scripture is keeping people from having a personal relationship with Jesus to be honest
Well, we disagree here. I believe it's tradition that keeps people from the truth of Scripture.
So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
The problem is all the people maintaining that they represent Jesus, the Creator god/dess, and the entire Christian faith when they are complete joke. Garbage like tony perkins, roy moore, frankie graham, family research council, robert jeffress, and all the evangelicals and fundies who so arrogantly have held themselves out as the earthly representatives of Jesus of Nazareth and hide behind his image, but have sought to destroy the life and teachings of Jesus, and all the meaning and spirituality of the Christian faith.

PS: I'm no great fan of the CHRISTIAN Roman Catholic Church, as I was born into it and am quite aware of its failings, but its existence and failings does not excuse the failings of those named above, who continue to prostitute the Christian faith.
i agree but you need to do some research on the vatican and catholicism it is satanic

How did you arrive at believing this nonsense? The "satanic" thing is too totally bizarre. It doesn't exist. It is a figment of the warped minds of some protestants. My opinion is that what is deserved is a pox upon both your houses.
Where is salvation found, in the Catholic church or in Jesus?

It's not a question of either/or. As I said, a pox upon both your houses. Whatever the Roman Catholic Church is or represents, the people I named above have no claim either.
Yes, it is a question of either. According to our New Testament, where is Salvation found?
Not with you, that's for sure. Ask yourself why Paul's and Timothy's stuff was included in the NT. They don't belong there. Neither does Revelation.
Traditions are okay, as long as they are not taking the place of Scripture and the importance of Scripture first. The Bible tells believers to study to show ourselves approved. My birthday celebrations are not taking the place of Scripture. The Epistles of Paul, Peter and John were written to the Church for instruction on who we are in Christ. The Scripture says ALL believers are saints. The Scripture says I am a priest unto God and Jesus is my high Priest. The Scripture says Jesus is the head of the Church, not a man. Jesus said to "call no man Father, because you have one father in Heaven". There is nothing in Scripture about the Church and priests that are to be celibate, or nuns for that matter. No offense, but I want to be in a church that follows Scripture and only Scripture and preaches Jesus only. Jesus is my Salvation. No church is going to save anyone.

1. Catholics do nothing "instead of" scripture; they do things along with and in addition to scripture. In other words, our faith goes above and beyond. Catholics read through the Bible every three years in Sunday readings. Catholics who attend daily Mass read through the Bible every year.

2. Every Catholic is baptized priest, prophet, and king. That is our calling. Some are called to higher service that of the priesthood to the exclusion of all else. Catholics have always agreed, have always known, and have always lived by the fact that Jesus is the head of His Church, the head of the Body of Christ. We, the Church, are also considered his bride.

3. Do you know the context of "Call no man Father?" In Jesus' day those called "Father" were those who had an interpretation or variation of a doctrine. They became known as the "Father" of that doctrine. The most famous, of course, is Father Abraham. So, in fact, the type of "Fathers" Jesus was speaking of were those like Luther, Calvin, Wycliffe, Knox, etc. These men came up with their own doctrines, becoming "Fathers" of a new doctrine. Catholic priests, on the other hand, all follow the same Apostolic teachings originally taught by Christ and the Apostles with the same interpretations. These are not men who revise/make-up their own doctrines. Catholics believe only God is Father, and through His son, that is whom we received our doctrine.

4. I recommend the Catholic/Orthodox Church to people who want to be in a church that most closely follows Christ and his teachings. On the other hand, if your church is what is drawing you ever closer to God, that is what matters most. It's not a contest.
Well, we disagree here. I believe it's tradition that keeps people from the truth of Scripture.

Which truth is being kept from people who in addition to scripture also celebrate other noteworthy events?
i agree but you need to do some research on the vatican and catholicism it is satanic

How did you arrive at believing this nonsense? The "satanic" thing is too totally bizarre. It doesn't exist. It is a figment of the warped minds of some protestants. My opinion is that what is deserved is a pox upon both your houses.
Where is salvation found, in the Catholic church or in Jesus?

It's not a question of either/or. As I said, a pox upon both your houses. Whatever the Roman Catholic Church is or represents, the people I named above have no claim either.
Yes, it is a question of either. According to our New Testament, where is Salvation found?
Not with you, that's for sure. Ask yourself why Paul's and Timothy's stuff was included in the NT. They don't belong there. Neither does Revelation.
No need for personal snippets. I asked a simple question. Where is Salvation found, according to the New Testament?
I'm talking strictly about salvation. According to the New Testament, where is salvation and eternal life found?


In my experience, Catholics and non-Catholics have a very different views of salvation. Many non-Catholics seem to equate salvation only with heaven and the afterlife. Catholics, on the other hand, think more in terms of redemption, which covers this life as well as putting us on the Way to Eternal life. There is much to do in this life. Jesus told us he came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Do you truly think that additional celebrations, prayers, etc. of noteworthy events keeps people from being "saved"? It certainly does not keep them from redemption and eternal life.
So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
Perhaps because so many Christians are so unlike Christ? I mean, take daisiesRwild for example, and there's a lot loonier than that around.
Knowing Jesus's sacrifice opens up one's mind as to how the world works and everything.
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scripture is keeping people from having a personal relationship with Jesus to be honest

How is that?
Many are worshipping the Bible insteadof Jesus - Call the Bible the word of God when only Jesus is... memorize scripture insteado f developing a personal relationship w/ Jesus as he wants us too and have turned the Bible into an idol a paper God they have made speak - The Bible says this... The Bible says that...
i agree but you need to do some research on the vatican and catholicism it is satanic

How did you arrive at believing this nonsense? The "satanic" thing is too totally bizarre. It doesn't exist. It is a figment of the warped minds of some protestants. My opinion is that what is deserved is a pox upon both your houses.
Where is salvation found, in the Catholic church or in Jesus?

It's not a question of either/or. As I said, a pox upon both your houses. Whatever the Roman Catholic Church is or represents, the people I named above have no claim either.
Yes, it is a question of either. According to our New Testament, where is Salvation found?
Not with you, that's for sure. Ask yourself why Paul's and Timothy's stuff was included in the NT. They don't belong there. Neither does Revelation.
i know mathew mark luke john are old testament but why revelation havent heard that one
I'm talking strictly about salvation. According to the New Testament, where is salvation and eternal life found?


In my experience, Catholics and non-Catholics have a very different views of salvation. Many non-Catholics seem to equate salvation only with heaven and the afterlife. Catholics, on the other hand, think more in terms of redemption, which covers this life as well as putting us on the Way to Eternal life. There is much to do in this life. Jesus told us he came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Do you truly think that additional celebrations, prayers, etc. of noteworthy events keeps people from being "saved"? It certainly does not keep them from redemption and eternal life.
I understand we have very different views on salvation. My question is still unanswered. How do I attain eternal life? Do you have an answer?

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