Jesus: Why is He so offensive to others?

Not with you, that's for sure. Ask yourself why Paul's and Timothy's stuff was included in the NT. They don't belong there. Neither does Revelation.
No need for personal snippets. I asked a simple question. Where is Salvation found, according to the New Testament?

A long time ago, someone came up with two very good rules: never discuss religion, sex, or politics with anyone whom you do not know well and mind your own business. It worked until the asshole evangelicals violated them, started spreading their crap around in public, and attempted to destroy the United States with it. It is none of your business what I feel about "salvation."
Then what in the wide wide world of sports are you doing discussing religion in a religion forum? If you don't know, then be honest and admit it.

I got tired of the bullshit being flung around and its denial that Christianity is a spiritual religion, to be perfectly honest, and the header on this piece, which appeared in "active topics," was/is deeply misleading as it implies that the bullshit being slung around somehow equates with, or is representative of the historical identity and teachings of Jesus, when all that is being done is an attempt to ruin his reputation for the purpose of serving the power-hungry and the money-changers.

I've prayed everywhere from Ephesus, Turkey, to the Vatican, to Westminster, to Canterbury, Rochester, and Wells, and even the National Cathedral and the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe with the spiral staircase so I hate to see these people drag Jesus into the mud and prostitute his identity and teachings, using his name as their banner.
Well, I have no idea who you are talking about. The only thing I have ever trusted are Jesus and his Word in my Bible. Do you trust that your Bible is true?

No. I believe that the compendium put together by Constantine's crew of earlier writings of unidentified authors is neither inerrant or infallible. Jesus did not write what is now known (in either of its Protestant or Roman Catholic incarnations) as "the Bible," which includes the sermon that he is purported to have given. Any recordings of Jesus' life and teachings, are welcome, including what is included in the Apocrypha, the Gnostic texts (including the newly discovered Gospel of Judas Iscariot), and anything else to be discovered. The Roman Catholic Church was/is nothing great, but you idiots who are besotted with John Calvin are totally unbelievable.
Protestants also live their faith. You have a misconception about many protestants. You think we give God only lip service.
Ah, then you also believe works have a place. Many Protestants, as you know, deny this.

In my congregation we also receive the Holy Spirit along with the gifts of the spirit. We believe in salvation by FAITH alone, and that faith leads us to good works.
What if faith does not lead to good works? Is salvation lost?

Baptism is essential, but not essential for salvation.

Apparently some of Jesus commands are not as important to keep as others?

Salvation is by faith in Jesus alone, and the Bible confirms that. We have many outreaches to the lost. The inner city missions, overseas missions, single homeless mothers with children, homeless addicts, etc. Yes, I believe and have confidence that I'm saved by faith alone unto good works.

Why do you keep arguing that salvation (i.e. heaven) is by faith alone? Who are you arguing with? Since there is no argument, and never has been any argument, who are you people arguing with? People who enter heaven do so by the grace of God. There is nothing anyone can do to earn God's grace (i.e., put Him ind debt to us). On the other hand faith alone is not all that is necessary for a redemptive life. Faith is a component, but faith alone in a redemptive life is rather like throwing a ball and expecting it to return on its own.

When I sin I go right Jesus and confess. I don't need anyone else in a booth.

Rather, you don't want anyone there.

I do have others pray for me if I need it. According to Scripture, I call no man father, for my father is in heaven.

As I explained before, you indeed do call someone else father--the person who determined your Protestant doctrine. Catholics and Orthodox are the only denominations who trace their doctrines directly to Christ and the Apostles--who had it from God the Father.

I have another question. Do you believe the Catholic Church is the only true church?

What Catholicism teaches is that the Catholic Church can only guarantee its own teachings are The Way of Eternal Life. If people think they have found another way, then why should they care about the opinion of the Catholic Church? The Catholic Church neither condemns nor guarantees anything outside its own teachings. That judgment falls to God.
No need for personal snippets. I asked a simple question. Where is Salvation found, according to the New Testament?

A long time ago, someone came up with two very good rules: never discuss religion, sex, or politics with anyone whom you do not know well and mind your own business. It worked until the asshole evangelicals violated them, started spreading their crap around in public, and attempted to destroy the United States with it. It is none of your business what I feel about "salvation."
Then what in the wide wide world of sports are you doing discussing religion in a religion forum? If you don't know, then be honest and admit it.

I got tired of the bullshit being flung around and its denial that Christianity is a spiritual religion, to be perfectly honest, and the header on this piece, which appeared in "active topics," was/is deeply misleading as it implies that the bullshit being slung around somehow equates with, or is representative of the historical identity and teachings of Jesus, when all that is being done is an attempt to ruin his reputation for the purpose of serving the power-hungry and the money-changers.

I've prayed everywhere from Ephesus, Turkey, to the Vatican, to Westminster, to Canterbury, Rochester, and Wells, and even the National Cathedral and the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe with the spiral staircase so I hate to see these people drag Jesus into the mud and prostitute his identity and teachings, using his name as their banner.
Well, I have no idea who you are talking about. The only thing I have ever trusted are Jesus and his Word in my Bible. Do you trust that your Bible is true?

No. I believe that the compendium put together by Constantine's crew of earlier writings of unidentified authors is neither inerrant or infallible. Jesus did not write what is now known (in either of its Protestant or Roman Catholic incarnations) as "the Bible," which includes the sermon that he is purported to have given. Any recordings of Jesus' life and teachings, are welcome, including what is included in the Apocrypha, the Gnostic texts (including the newly discovered Gospel of Judas Iscariot), and anything else to be discovered. The Roman Catholic Church was/is nothing great, but you idiots who are besotted with John Calvin are totally unbelievable.
Well, we're gonna disagree. Jesus quoted the Scriptures. Paul quoted the Scriptures. The Apostle Paul said in his epistle that Paul's epistles were Scripture. I'll take my chances.
Protestants also live their faith. You have a misconception about many protestants. You think we give God only lip service.
Ah, then you also believe works have a place. Many Protestants, as you know, deny this.

In my congregation we also receive the Holy Spirit along with the gifts of the spirit. We believe in salvation by FAITH alone, and that faith leads us to good works.
What if faith does not lead to good works? Is salvation lost?

Baptism is essential, but not essential for salvation.

Apparently some of Jesus commands are not as important to keep as others?

Salvation is by faith in Jesus alone, and the Bible confirms that. We have many outreaches to the lost. The inner city missions, overseas missions, single homeless mothers with children, homeless addicts, etc. Yes, I believe and have confidence that I'm saved by faith alone unto good works.

Why do you keep arguing that salvation (i.e. heaven) is by faith alone? Who are you arguing with? Since there is no argument, and never has been any argument, who are you people arguing with? People who enter heaven do so by the grace of God. There is nothing anyone can do to earn God's grace (i.e., put Him ind debt to us). On the other hand faith alone is not all that is necessary for a redemptive life. Faith is a component, but faith alone in a redemptive life is rather like throwing a ball and expecting it to return on its own.

When I sin I go right Jesus and confess. I don't need anyone else in a booth.

Rather, you don't want anyone there.

I do have others pray for me if I need it. According to Scripture, I call no man father, for my father is in heaven.

As I explained before, you indeed do call someone else father--the person who determined your Protestant doctrine. Catholics and Orthodox are the only denominations who trace their doctrines directly to Christ and the Apostles--who had it from God the Father.

I have another question. Do you believe the Catholic Church is the only true church?

What Catholicism teaches is that the Catholic Church can only guarantee its own teachings are The Way of Eternal Life. If people think they have found another way, then why should they care about the opinion of the Catholic Church? The Catholic Church neither condemns nor guarantees anything outside its own teachings. That judgment falls to God.
I don't need anyone else there when I confess my sin. It's just between Jesus and me, that's scriptural. I follow the teachings in the New Testament. The epistles of Paul, Peter, John, James. You can't get any closer to the truth than that. The Catholic Church is corrupt. The truth Church is every believer that puts their faith in Jesus alone, not an organization. That's Scriptural.
Protestants also live their faith. You have a misconception about many protestants. You think we give God only lip service.
Ah, then you also believe works have a place. Many Protestants, as you know, deny this.

In my congregation we also receive the Holy Spirit along with the gifts of the spirit. We believe in salvation by FAITH alone, and that faith leads us to good works.
What if faith does not lead to good works? Is salvation lost?

Baptism is essential, but not essential for salvation.

Apparently some of Jesus commands are not as important to keep as others?

Salvation is by faith in Jesus alone, and the Bible confirms that. We have many outreaches to the lost. The inner city missions, overseas missions, single homeless mothers with children, homeless addicts, etc. Yes, I believe and have confidence that I'm saved by faith alone unto good works.

Why do you keep arguing that salvation (i.e. heaven) is by faith alone? Who are you arguing with? Since there is no argument, and never has been any argument, who are you people arguing with? People who enter heaven do so by the grace of God. There is nothing anyone can do to earn God's grace (i.e., put Him ind debt to us). On the other hand faith alone is not all that is necessary for a redemptive life. Faith is a component, but faith alone in a redemptive life is rather like throwing a ball and expecting it to return on its own.

When I sin I go right Jesus and confess. I don't need anyone else in a booth.

Rather, you don't want anyone there.

I do have others pray for me if I need it. According to Scripture, I call no man father, for my father is in heaven.

As I explained before, you indeed do call someone else father--the person who determined your Protestant doctrine. Catholics and Orthodox are the only denominations who trace their doctrines directly to Christ and the Apostles--who had it from God the Father.

I have another question. Do you believe the Catholic Church is the only true church?

What Catholicism teaches is that the Catholic Church can only guarantee its own teachings are The Way of Eternal Life. If people think they have found another way, then why should they care about the opinion of the Catholic Church? The Catholic Church neither condemns nor guarantees anything outside its own teachings. That judgment falls to God.
I don't need anyone else there when I confess my sin. It's just between Jesus and me, that's scriptural. I follow the teachings in the New Testament. The epistles of Paul, Peter, John, James. You can't get any closer to the truth than that. The Catholic Church is corrupt. The truth Church is every believer that puts their faith in Jesus alone, not an organization. That's Scriptural.
well put but one thing that was wrong is tht you can get closer to Jesus without scripturte and that is by develping a personal relationship with him and him sending the holy spirit he let s you know him personally
I don't need anyone else there when I confess my sin. It's just between Jesus and me, that's scriptural. I follow the teachings in the New Testament. The epistles of Paul, Peter, John, James. You can't get any closer to the truth than that. The Catholic Church is corrupt. The truth Church is every believer that puts their faith in Jesus alone, not an organization. That's Scriptural.

If you don't wish to take part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation then don't. No one is dragging you in, are they? Meanwhile, many of us benefit from the graces that come from this Sacrament. You can't know, so it is best to say nothing.

Why are you so worried about the Catholic Church being called the True Church?
Protestants also live their faith. You have a misconception about many protestants. You think we give God only lip service.
Ah, then you also believe works have a place. Many Protestants, as you know, deny this.

In my congregation we also receive the Holy Spirit along with the gifts of the spirit. We believe in salvation by FAITH alone, and that faith leads us to good works.
What if faith does not lead to good works? Is salvation lost?

Baptism is essential, but not essential for salvation.

Apparently some of Jesus commands are not as important to keep as others?

Salvation is by faith in Jesus alone, and the Bible confirms that. We have many outreaches to the lost. The inner city missions, overseas missions, single homeless mothers with children, homeless addicts, etc. Yes, I believe and have confidence that I'm saved by faith alone unto good works.

Why do you keep arguing that salvation (i.e. heaven) is by faith alone? Who are you arguing with? Since there is no argument, and never has been any argument, who are you people arguing with? People who enter heaven do so by the grace of God. There is nothing anyone can do to earn God's grace (i.e., put Him ind debt to us). On the other hand faith alone is not all that is necessary for a redemptive life. Faith is a component, but faith alone in a redemptive life is rather like throwing a ball and expecting it to return on its own.

When I sin I go right Jesus and confess. I don't need anyone else in a booth.

Rather, you don't want anyone there.

I do have others pray for me if I need it. According to Scripture, I call no man father, for my father is in heaven.

As I explained before, you indeed do call someone else father--the person who determined your Protestant doctrine. Catholics and Orthodox are the only denominations who trace their doctrines directly to Christ and the Apostles--who had it from God the Father.

I have another question. Do you believe the Catholic Church is the only true church?

What Catholicism teaches is that the Catholic Church can only guarantee its own teachings are The Way of Eternal Life. If people think they have found another way, then why should they care about the opinion of the Catholic Church? The Catholic Church neither condemns nor guarantees anything outside its own teachings. That judgment falls to God.
I don't need anyone else there when I confess my sin. It's just between Jesus and me, that's scriptural. I follow the teachings in the New Testament. The epistles of Paul, Peter, John, James. You can't get any closer to the truth than that. The Catholic Church is corrupt. The truth Church is every believer that puts their faith in Jesus alone, not an organization. That's Scriptural.
well put but one thing that was wrong is tht you can get closer to Jesus without scripturte and that is by develping a personal relationship with him and him sending the holy spirit he let s you know him personally
I totally agree. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is real.
I don't need anyone else there when I confess my sin. It's just between Jesus and me, that's scriptural. I follow the teachings in the New Testament. The epistles of Paul, Peter, John, James. You can't get any closer to the truth than that. The Catholic Church is corrupt. The truth Church is every believer that puts their faith in Jesus alone, not an organization. That's Scriptural.

If you don't wish to take part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation then don't. No one is dragging you in, are they? Meanwhile, many of us benefit from the graces that come from this Sacrament. You can't know, so it is best to say nothing.

Why are you so worried about the Catholic Church being called the True Church?
Show me in Scripture the "Sacrament of Reconciliation". Go ahead.
Protestants also live their faith. You have a misconception about many protestants. You think we give God only lip service.
Ah, then you also believe works have a place. Many Protestants, as you know, deny this.

In my congregation we also receive the Holy Spirit along with the gifts of the spirit. We believe in salvation by FAITH alone, and that faith leads us to good works.
What if faith does not lead to good works? Is salvation lost?

Baptism is essential, but not essential for salvation.

Apparently some of Jesus commands are not as important to keep as others?

Salvation is by faith in Jesus alone, and the Bible confirms that. We have many outreaches to the lost. The inner city missions, overseas missions, single homeless mothers with children, homeless addicts, etc. Yes, I believe and have confidence that I'm saved by faith alone unto good works.

Why do you keep arguing that salvation (i.e. heaven) is by faith alone? Who are you arguing with? Since there is no argument, and never has been any argument, who are you people arguing with? People who enter heaven do so by the grace of God. There is nothing anyone can do to earn God's grace (i.e., put Him ind debt to us). On the other hand faith alone is not all that is necessary for a redemptive life. Faith is a component, but faith alone in a redemptive life is rather like throwing a ball and expecting it to return on its own.

When I sin I go right Jesus and confess. I don't need anyone else in a booth.

Rather, you don't want anyone there.

I do have others pray for me if I need it. According to Scripture, I call no man father, for my father is in heaven.

As I explained before, you indeed do call someone else father--the person who determined your Protestant doctrine. Catholics and Orthodox are the only denominations who trace their doctrines directly to Christ and the Apostles--who had it from God the Father.

I have another question. Do you believe the Catholic Church is the only true church?

What Catholicism teaches is that the Catholic Church can only guarantee its own teachings are The Way of Eternal Life. If people think they have found another way, then why should they care about the opinion of the Catholic Church? The Catholic Church neither condemns nor guarantees anything outside its own teachings. That judgment falls to God.
I don't need anyone else there when I confess my sin. It's just between Jesus and me, that's scriptural. I follow the teachings in the New Testament. The epistles of Paul, Peter, John, James. You can't get any closer to the truth than that. The Catholic Church is corrupt. The truth Church is every believer that puts their faith in Jesus alone, not an organization. That's Scriptural.
well put but one thing that was wrong is tht you can get closer to Jesus without scripturte and that is by develping a personal relationship with him and him sending the holy spirit he let s you know him personally
I totally agree. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is real.
it was the most intense thing that hasdever happened to me it is very real
Protestants also live their faith. You have a misconception about many protestants. You think we give God only lip service.
Ah, then you also believe works have a place. Many Protestants, as you know, deny this.

In my congregation we also receive the Holy Spirit along with the gifts of the spirit. We believe in salvation by FAITH alone, and that faith leads us to good works.
What if faith does not lead to good works? Is salvation lost?

Baptism is essential, but not essential for salvation.

Apparently some of Jesus commands are not as important to keep as others?

Salvation is by faith in Jesus alone, and the Bible confirms that. We have many outreaches to the lost. The inner city missions, overseas missions, single homeless mothers with children, homeless addicts, etc. Yes, I believe and have confidence that I'm saved by faith alone unto good works.

Why do you keep arguing that salvation (i.e. heaven) is by faith alone? Who are you arguing with? Since there is no argument, and never has been any argument, who are you people arguing with? People who enter heaven do so by the grace of God. There is nothing anyone can do to earn God's grace (i.e., put Him ind debt to us). On the other hand faith alone is not all that is necessary for a redemptive life. Faith is a component, but faith alone in a redemptive life is rather like throwing a ball and expecting it to return on its own.

When I sin I go right Jesus and confess. I don't need anyone else in a booth.

Rather, you don't want anyone there.

I do have others pray for me if I need it. According to Scripture, I call no man father, for my father is in heaven.

As I explained before, you indeed do call someone else father--the person who determined your Protestant doctrine. Catholics and Orthodox are the only denominations who trace their doctrines directly to Christ and the Apostles--who had it from God the Father.

I have another question. Do you believe the Catholic Church is the only true church?

What Catholicism teaches is that the Catholic Church can only guarantee its own teachings are The Way of Eternal Life. If people think they have found another way, then why should they care about the opinion of the Catholic Church? The Catholic Church neither condemns nor guarantees anything outside its own teachings. That judgment falls to God.
I don't need anyone else there when I confess my sin. It's just between Jesus and me, that's scriptural. I follow the teachings in the New Testament. The epistles of Paul, Peter, John, James. You can't get any closer to the truth than that. The Catholic Church is corrupt. The truth Church is every believer that puts their faith in Jesus alone, not an organization. That's Scriptural.
well put but one thing that was wrong is tht you can get closer to Jesus without scripturte and that is by develping a personal relationship with him and him sending the holy spirit he let s you know him personally
I totally agree. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is real.
it was the most intense thing that hasdever happened to me it is very real
Yes. I share my experience with people that don't believe in the experience and they look at me like I'm crazy. It's right there is the Scriptures. I have met Catholics that have experienced it. Their view of the Catholic organization totally changed afterwards.

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