Jesus: Why is He so offensive to others?

Dude, don't get me started. They RUINED Superman for me ... and frack muted color movies!
I dont know man.

Reeves, and then that next dorky guy?

Superman's supposed to be jacked, and stoic. I think they nailed it with Cavill ~ just the storylines and directing has been MEHHHH

Reeves is Superman.

No Reeves, no Superman.
He was alright. Def. better than that dork I call "the in between."

Brandon Rouff ... and ... I'm going to get crucified here. But, I think 'Superman Returns' is a better movie than 'Man of Steel'. 'Superman Returns' is the 'Superman III' that would have happened if Richard Donner hadn't destroyed 'Superman II'. Kevin Spacey ... best Lex Luthor EVAH!

I wont crucify you. But im like >. that close. :)

Now you know how I feel when they made Jesse Eisenberg Lex Luthor.
No one lives after death. That's all part of the sales pitch pandering to the most elemental of all human fears: The fear of death.

And you know this how? You've had NDE?

You've died and come back to life or what?

All a NDE is is the cascade of chemicals that bathe the brain as it is deprived of blood flow and oxygen.

There is nothing mystical about it

Riiiight, that's what the secular humanists want you to believe.

What's better, their way? Or God's way.

Think on that.

Mao was a secular humanist/atheist.
Thats a moot point if god didnt write or inspire the bible. Then its "mans way, or mans way?"

God did inspire the books of the bible though.

Was Constantine inspired by God to arrange the books the way he did? Quite Possibly.
According to YOUR faith or beliefs.

Not necessarily reality.

So, there's that and asking someone "god or mao!!" who doesnt even believe in the god to begin with is not even a relevant question for them.....but a straw man
They would not have lived after death, though.

At least not in a better place.

No one lives after death. That's all part of the sales pitch pandering to the most elemental of all human fears: The fear of death.

And you know this how? You've had NDE?

You've died and come back to life or what?

All a NDE is is the cascade of chemicals that bathe the brain as it is deprived of blood flow and oxygen.

There is nothing mystical about it

Riiiight, that's what the secular humanists want you to believe.

What's better, their way? Or God's way.

Think on that.

Mao was a secular humanist/atheist.

You cannot prove that a NDE is anything but what I said it was

Believers and nonbelievers experience much the same thing in a NDE.

Nonbelievers don't see a lake of fire they see very similar things as the believers the only differences being the personal life experiences and memories of the individuals

You cannot prove it isn't what I said it was.

See how that works?

Go die and get back with me after you don't actually die, k?
Go die and get back with me after you don't actually die, k?

If he does ... can I shoot him in the head?

A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?

I am an atheist and find Jesus to be one of the most amazing humans of all times. His teachings are phenomenal

It is Christians I find offensive. Beyond being pompous, judgmental and is their constant desire to push their faith on other people that irritates me

One nation under God, God Bless America, public prayer in schools and public meetings, ten commandments displays and constant insertion of their religion into conversations

Thanks for making my point. You love the man Jesus so long as he stays only on the pages of the Bible but hate the messengers when confronted with it in real life and would probably support persecuting them.


I have no beef with Jesus....I think he was a pretty cool guy

It is Christians who have ruined everything by forcing Jesus down your throat and using Jesus to justify their own perceived superiority

Telling Christians to leave people alone and keep your religion to yourself is not persecuting them
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And you know this how? You've had NDE?

You've died and come back to life or what?

All a NDE is is the cascade of chemicals that bathe the brain as it is deprived of blood flow and oxygen.

There is nothing mystical about it

Riiiight, that's what the secular humanists want you to believe.

What's better, their way? Or God's way.

Think on that.

Mao was a secular humanist/atheist.
Thats a moot point if god didnt write or inspire the bible. Then its "mans way, or mans way?"

God did inspire the books of the bible though.

Was Constantine inspired by God to arrange the books the way he did? Quite Possibly.
According to YOUR faith or beliefs.

Not necessarily reality.

So, there's that and asking someone "god or mao!!" who doesnt even believe in the god to begin with is not even a relevant question for them.....but a straw man

Someday G.T. will realize that the world made by God, who also made music, btw.

You know, tones and harmonics and things, rhythm, beat.

Here's a song for you:

Trigger warning: This is a deep believer song here.

All a NDE is is the cascade of chemicals that bathe the brain as it is deprived of blood flow and oxygen.

There is nothing mystical about it

Riiiight, that's what the secular humanists want you to believe.

What's better, their way? Or God's way.

Think on that.

Mao was a secular humanist/atheist.
Thats a moot point if god didnt write or inspire the bible. Then its "mans way, or mans way?"

God did inspire the books of the bible though.

Was Constantine inspired by God to arrange the books the way he did? Quite Possibly.
According to YOUR faith or beliefs.

Not necessarily reality.

So, there's that and asking someone "god or mao!!" who doesnt even believe in the god to begin with is not even a relevant question for them.....but a straw man

Someday G.T. will realize that the world made by God, who also made music, btw.

You know, tones and harmonics and things, rhythm, beat.

Here's a song for you:

maybe, maybe not

either way im not gunna hate anybody for it

ill vehemently defend honesty though, from corner to corner of the apocalypse
Have you heard the good news of Jesus? Just take this literature!

A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?

Mostly it comes from old Soviet Cold War propaganda and the like; the commies need to destroy cultures, and religion is a big part of weakening resistance to totalitarianism, for one. The other is the assorted neurotic sexual deviants attacking it for the obvious reasons, it doesn't validate their mental illness and mindless self-indulgence. The 'Social Darwinists' represent this same mentality on the right wing. Those Xians just annoy all kinds of sociopaths and narcissists all across the spectrum.

Ignore all the silly anecdotal stories, they're meaningless as a measure of the Kulturekampf agendas, just personal sniveling.
It is Christians who have ruined everything by forcing Jesus down your throat and using Jesus to justify their own perceived superiority

When was Jesus ever forced on you?

With all the pathetic groveling Christians do and with many of them liking to say they're no better than anyone else and that they are total sinners themselves, where do you get that Christians perceive themselves to be superior?

I'm sure I'm the only Christian to tell you that I am better than you because I'm a Christian.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
Because Christians and Jesus don't cut peoples head off. The reason why Hollywood elites and other liberals wont bash Muslims, see list.

Islamic Attacks on America

No one lives after death. That's all part of the sales pitch pandering to the most elemental of all human fears: The fear of death.

And you know this how? You've had NDE?

You've died and come back to life or what?

All a NDE is is the cascade of chemicals that bathe the brain as it is deprived of blood flow and oxygen.

There is nothing mystical about it

Riiiight, that's what the secular humanists want you to believe.

What's better, their way? Or God's way.

Think on that.

Mao was a secular humanist/atheist.
Thats a moot point if god didnt write or inspire the bible. Then its "mans way, or mans way?"

God did inspire the books of the bible though.

Was Constantine inspired by God to arrange the books the way he did? Quite Possibly.

Even if that's true how can you trust what's written now.

To use the telephone game analogy and then add thousands of years and multiple languages into the game variables.
No one lives after death. That's all part of the sales pitch pandering to the most elemental of all human fears: The fear of death.

And you know this how? You've had NDE?

You've died and come back to life or what?

All a NDE is is the cascade of chemicals that bathe the brain as it is deprived of blood flow and oxygen.

There is nothing mystical about it

Riiiight, that's what the secular humanists want you to believe.

What's better, their way? Or God's way.

Think on that.

Mao was a secular humanist/atheist.

You cannot prove that a NDE is anything but what I said it was

Believers and nonbelievers experience much the same thing in a NDE.

Nonbelievers don't see a lake of fire they see very similar things as the believers the only differences being the personal life experiences and memories of the individuals

You cannot prove it isn't what I said it was.

See how that works?

Go die and get back with me after you don't actually die, k?

I don't have to prove something doesn't exist. You have to prove it exists. And the brain and it's related physiology along with the effects of neuro transmitters are well documented.

I know exactly what happens after we die

Was Constantine inspired by God to arrange the books the way he did? Quite Possibly.

Ummmm ... the books of the canonical bible of the Western Church were first codified at the Synod of Hippo at Carthage in 393CE. Constantine died in 337CE.
All a NDE is is the cascade of chemicals that bathe the brain as it is deprived of blood flow and oxygen.

There is nothing mystical about it

Riiiight, that's what the secular humanists want you to believe.

What's better, their way? Or God's way.

Think on that.

Mao was a secular humanist/atheist.
Thats a moot point if god didnt write or inspire the bible. Then its "mans way, or mans way?"

God did inspire the books of the bible though.

Was Constantine inspired by God to arrange the books the way he did? Quite Possibly.
According to YOUR faith or beliefs.

Not necessarily reality.

So, there's that and asking someone "god or mao!!" who doesnt even believe in the god to begin with is not even a relevant question for them.....but a straw man

Someday G.T. will realize that the world made by God, who also made music, btw.

You know, tones and harmonics and things, rhythm, beat.

Here's a song for you:

Trigger warning: This is a deep believer song here.

Actually Pythagoras was more instrumental to the creation of music than anyone else

I agree that liberals are hypocrites and dont rail against Islam in the same way, but theres a reason for that paradigm. I dont fall for it myself - I think its all equally fucking stupid and uh, my heads still on my neck but...

#1. Muslims aint all that keen on debating their religion "as much" on the internet. I think its because theyre not as evolved toward the western world as much and actually BELIEVE their book...whereas christians debate theirs because theyre more insecure about theirs..

because theyre smarter.....and their little voice that says its prrrrolly louder.

#2. Muslims are suffering from what their terrorist representatives are promoting them as, in the public eye...

and liberals like to play captain save a hoe. simple as that.
And you know this how? You've had NDE?

You've died and come back to life or what?

All a NDE is is the cascade of chemicals that bathe the brain as it is deprived of blood flow and oxygen.

There is nothing mystical about it

Riiiight, that's what the secular humanists want you to believe.

What's better, their way? Or God's way.

Think on that.

Mao was a secular humanist/atheist.

You cannot prove that a NDE is anything but what I said it was

Believers and nonbelievers experience much the same thing in a NDE.

Nonbelievers don't see a lake of fire they see very similar things as the believers the only differences being the personal life experiences and memories of the individuals

You cannot prove it isn't what I said it was.

See how that works?

Go die and get back with me after you don't actually die, k?

I don't have to prove something doesn't exist. You have to prove it exists. And the brain and it's related physiology along with the effects of neuro transmitters are well documented.

I know exactly what happens after we die

No you don't. If you did, you'd be dead and not shilling as you are at the moment. Sorry, reality is here.

If you knew exactly what happens after we die, you'd be dead, and not typing on forum. True story. Refute that.
And you know this how? You've had NDE?

You've died and come back to life or what?

All a NDE is is the cascade of chemicals that bathe the brain as it is deprived of blood flow and oxygen.

There is nothing mystical about it

Riiiight, that's what the secular humanists want you to believe.

What's better, their way? Or God's way.

Think on that.

Mao was a secular humanist/atheist.
Thats a moot point if god didnt write or inspire the bible. Then its "mans way, or mans way?"

God did inspire the books of the bible though.

Was Constantine inspired by God to arrange the books the way he did? Quite Possibly.

Even if that's true how can you trust what's written now.

To use the telephone game analogy and then add thousands of years and multiple languages into the game variables.

How can we trust what is written now?

To begin with, Jesus did not write about himself. Any half wit can sit down and write about themselves and create a religion. Mohammad did it, Joseph Smith did it, the founder of the JW's did it, etc.

There is a greater integrity through the eyes of witnesses, which is why courts of law put more emphasis on a witness than someone talking about themselves.

There are many more reasons why I believe, that is, if you are interested.
All a NDE is is the cascade of chemicals that bathe the brain as it is deprived of blood flow and oxygen.

There is nothing mystical about it

Riiiight, that's what the secular humanists want you to believe.

What's better, their way? Or God's way.

Think on that.

Mao was a secular humanist/atheist.
Thats a moot point if god didnt write or inspire the bible. Then its "mans way, or mans way?"

God did inspire the books of the bible though.

Was Constantine inspired by God to arrange the books the way he did? Quite Possibly.

Even if that's true how can you trust what's written now.

To use the telephone game analogy and then add thousands of years and multiple languages into the game variables.

How can we trust what is written now?

To begin with, Jesus did not write about himself. Any half wit can sit down and write about themselves and create a religion. Mohammad did it, Joseph Smith did it, the founder of the JW's did it, etc.

There is a greater integrity through the eyes of witnesses, which is why courts of law put more emphasis on a witness than someone talking about themselves.

There are many more reasons why I believe, that is, if you are interested.

Yet there's a greater truth in the middle of it all.

A truth that is ingrained into every human being's spirit.

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