Jesus: Why is He so offensive to others?

But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up

Not so much the JC ... but his followers.

As long as I can remember, in school, at home, in shopping centers, and on the street ... someone has been trying to shove the 'good news' in my face. There are only so many times you can say, 'No, thank you' before you just want to go postal on them.

Imagine everyone at your work is a Justin Bieber fan. Now, you might have nothing against the Bieb... you're just not a fan of his particular brand of music. But everyone keeps gushing about him and pressuring you to 'just give him a chance'. They leave tickets to Bieber concerts on your desk. They play Bieber music over the PA system all day long. Eventually, you're just gonna move on or crack.


Important advice for any person who wants a QUALITY life-------when a JW comes to your door-----
looking exhausted, do not invite it in for a cup of coffee
Biblically you should not even wish them well as according to scripture they are teach falsehoods
I like to argue, so that I may "walk through the shadow of the valley of falsehood, and fear no falsehood."

While you do that.

I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and fear no evil.
One of many examples of the pseudo-intellectual nonsense common among so-called 'scholars' is the Flat Earth Myth, and the nonsense of Christianity being 'anti-science'.

Myth of the flat Earth - Wikipedia

The myth of the flat Earth is the modern misconception that the prevailing cosmological view during the Middle Ages in Europe was that the Earth was flat, instead of spherical.[1][2]

During the early Middle Ages, virtually all scholars maintained the spherical viewpoint first expressed by the Ancient Greeks. From at least the 14th century, belief in a flat Earth among the educated was almost nonexistent, despite fanciful depictions in art, such as the exterior of Hieronymus Bosch's famous triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights, in which a disc-shaped Earth is shown floating inside a transparent sphere.[3]

According to Stephen Jay Gould, "there never was a period of 'flat Earth darkness' among scholars (regardless of how the public at large may have conceptualized our planet both then and now). Greek knowledge of sphericity never faded, and all major medieval scholars accepted the Earth's roundness as an established fact of cosmology."[4] Historians of science David Lindberg and Ronald Numbers point out that "there was scarcely a Christian scholar of the Middle Ages who did not acknowledge [Earth's] sphericity and even know its approximate circumference".[5]

Historian Jeffrey Burton Russell says the flat-Earth error flourished most between 1870 and 1920, and had to do with the ideological setting created by struggles over biological evolution. Russell claims "with extraordinary few exceptions no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the Earth was flat", and ascribes popularization of the flat-Earth myth to histories by John William Draper, Andrew Dickson White, and Washington Irving.[6][7][2]

The hilariously mis-named 'Enlightenment' produced a lot of ridiculous Xian bashing rubbish as well, using anti-Catholic Reformation propaganda as 'sources', and in modern times that continues un-abated, still spastic and ridiculous.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
You mistake Traditional Christianity with the new Modern Right wing version.

In the Traditional version it's help the poor and the sick.

In the new modern right wing version, it's: Feed the poor and they will breed and let him die.

It's not that people hate Jesus, it's what America's right had done to his message.
But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up

Not so much the JC ... but his followers.

As long as I can remember, in school, at home, in shopping centers, and on the street ... someone has been trying to shove the 'good news' in my face. There are only so many times you can say, 'No, thank you' before you just want to go postal on them.

Imagine everyone at your work is a Justin Bieber fan. Now, you might have nothing against the Bieb... you're just not a fan of his particular brand of music. But everyone keeps gushing about him and pressuring you to 'just give him a chance'. They leave tickets to Bieber concerts on your desk. They play Bieber music over the PA system all day long. Eventually, you're just gonna move on or crack.


Important advice for any person who wants a QUALITY life-------when a JW comes to your door-----
looking exhausted, do not invite it in for a cup of coffee
Biblically you should not even wish them well as according to scripture they are teach falsehoods
I like to argue, so that I may "walk through the shadow of the valley of falsehood, and fear no falsehood."

While you do that.

I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and fear no evil.
It has been said, ignorance can be bliss.
JC is like Jerry Siegel and Joe Shushter. They created 'Superman' but the franchise made all it's money AFTER they sold the rights to DC for $130.


Still one of the greatest money generating businesses the world has ever known

DC? I agree ... just wish they hadn't hired Zack Snyder to to the movies.
Religion is far richer than DC Comics

All because of JC the venture capitalist

Yeah, because he set out to run some kind of scam or something? Is that what you're saying?

Oh no he believed in what he was saying. He convinced people that he was magical because he believed it himself.

You can be a little crazy and still be a great business man

lol what 'riches' did Christians gain? If they were merely con men, they wouldn't have bothered with all the stuff they did, they could find much easier scams, especially among pagans, to rake in the bucks with. There were no bucks in being a Christian for a long long time, yet continued to expand and grow. Even today there are no 'big bucks' in it for the vast majority, despite the snivelings of assorted sexual deviants and sociopaths. Plumbers make far higher incomes than the average pastor.
No one lives after death. That's all part of the sales pitch pandering to the most elemental of all human fears: The fear of death.

And you know this how? You've had NDE?

You've died and come back to life or what?

All a NDE is is the cascade of chemicals that bathe the brain as it is deprived of blood flow and oxygen.

There is nothing mystical about it

Riiiight, that's what the secular humanists want you to believe.

What's better, their way? Or God's way.

Think on that.

Mao was a secular humanist/atheist.
Thats a moot point if god didnt write or inspire the bible. Then its "mans way, or mans way?"

God did inspire the books of the bible though.

Was Constantine inspired by God to arrange the books the way he did? Quite Possibly.

Constantine didn't arrange them, he merely called in as many scholars as he could to create some sort of consensus; he wasn't a scholar, and too superstitious to order anybody to do anything of the sort.
long ago------as a single mom to a little boy------I decided that the safest place to live in my city
was a Chassidic neighborhood. It was kinda nice----lots of kids, safe even at 2 am....etc etc.
SEEMED IMPENETRABLE----------somehow------in the book store (seforim) tucked into the pages
of books of all kinds------from prayer books to cookbooks to children's fairy tales were--------
tracts re-------the Jewish messiah that was born 2000 years ago-----complete with payos.

I don't doubt at all you feel much more comfortable living around hardcore racist Orthodox.
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Favourite sharing the good news stories (others are encouraged to share their favourites).

1. Leaving Chick Tracts on my desk at school.

2. Coming into our synagogue during services or Shabbos Kiddush to tell everyone, 'Jesus is really a Jew you know ...' (security gets called)

3. Visiting Jewish nursing homes to tell lonely old people and dementia patients they're gonna fry in Hell if they don't 'repent their Jewish sins'. (police get called)
What? That's crazy. Do you know the denominations of these folks???
And that's the reason religion is still here.
People are afraid of death. You think you know what happens after we die and it gives you comfort not unlike a child's teddy bear.

Yep, and I'm more apt to stick my neck out for my fellow man vs some SJW pussy. True Story.

The thing is: I don't fear death.

So how many people have you risked your life to save?

And why aren't you out there right now looking for a burning building to run into?

Religion plays on the tried and true attributes of people. Fear and Greed.

Several, now you're just being ridiculous and it's obvious.

Yeah and you're claiming to be a hero on the internet. Which is more ridiculous?



a) False claims of me claiming to be a hero.

b) Attempting to justify being wholly selfish.

I'm just telling you from personal experience, the world does not work that way.

Sorry but you're the one who says he regularly risks his own life to save people not me.

And religious nuts like you think everyone who doesn't believe is selfish it's your default judgement even though your god tells you in the bible not to judge others lest that same judgement be passed on you.

And the world works the way it always worked whether or not you believe in gods
I am an atheist and find Jesus to be one of the most amazing humans of all times. His teachings are phenomenal

Indeed, and they kicked off a major new paradigm in culture and intellectual evolution. Wouldn't have happened under any other theology.

It is Christians I find offensive. Beyond being pompous, judgmental and is their constant desire to push their faith on other people that irritates me
But you have no problems with pedo-friendly sexual fetishists pretending to be all oppressed n stuff being far more aggressive and obnoxious.

One nation under God, God Bless America, public prayer in schools and public meetings, ten commandments displays and constant insertion of their religion into conversations

Separation of church and state was an evangelical Christian invention. It doesn't mean separation of religion from state, or schools, or anywhere else Christians choose to express themselves.
Favourite sharing the good news stories (others are encouraged to share their favourites).

1. Leaving Chick Tracts on my desk at school.

2. Coming into our synagogue during services or Shabbos Kiddush to tell everyone, 'Jesus is really a Jew you know ...' (security gets called)

3. Visiting Jewish nursing homes to tell lonely old people and dementia patients they're gonna fry in Hell if they don't 'repent their Jewish sins'. (police get called)
What? That's crazy. Do you know the denominations of these folks???

No. She just pulls rubbish out her ass, and if you point out it's rubbish, she then calls you a 'Nazi' and of wanting to gas Jews n stuff.. That's about the extent of it with her.
Still one of the greatest money generating businesses the world has ever known

DC? I agree ... just wish they hadn't hired Zack Snyder to to the movies.
Religion is far richer than DC Comics

All because of JC the venture capitalist

Yeah, because he set out to run some kind of scam or something? Is that what you're saying?

Oh no he believed in what he was saying. He convinced people that he was magical because he believed it himself.

You can be a little crazy and still be a great business man

lol what 'riches' did Christians gain? If they were merely con men, they wouldn't have bothered with all the stuff they did, they could find much easier scams, especially among pagans, to rake in the bucks with. There were no bucks in being a Christian for a long long time, yet continued to expand and grow. Even today there are no 'big bucks' in it for the vast majority, despite the snivelings of assorted sexual deviants and sociopaths. Plumbers make far higher incomes than the average pastor.
You obviously don't know how much money the Catholic church is worth of you ask who gets rich from religion.

The duped never make money off of the scams they donate to. It's the power structure and the people at the top who reap the benefits just like any other scam

JC conned people into believing he was magical people gave money and free labor because they wanted to believe there was some divine power looking out for them it really is that simple.

Promise people everlasting life in paradise. To this day people still believe it even when there is absolutely no proof that the advertising is true.

Like I said the greatest businessman of all time. Promise everlasting life to people who give you money and will obey your every command.

I need to restrain myself from killing Jehovah's Witnesses.

Maybe i should fence the front in and have yard dogs. That's worked in the past.

On another note: Jehovah Witness ministers don't take money or a salary.

So the people who collect money for the church do it for free.

That's a great business model isn't it?

It's not a business, it's a religion.

I have to respect it because some people close to me were involved.

Good people, I wish I could be that good.
Religion is big business.

Denying that is naive to the point of mental retardation.
Some is, some isn't. If you believe in heaven and hell, those using God for their own puposes will suffer the most
It's interesting but I never get approached

Part of that has to do with being a Jew. We're considered prime targets for 'perfection'.
"the chosen ones" have that Oblige. don't like it, recant. the US has a wonderful, secular and temporal Constitution, what is not covered by our Ten Amendments.

otherwise, thou dost protest too much, and may be confused with a protest-ant.
I need to restrain myself from killing Jehovah's Witnesses.

Maybe i should fence the front in and have yard dogs. That's worked in the past.

On another note: Jehovah Witness ministers don't take money or a salary.

So the people who collect money for the church do it for free.

That's a great business model isn't it?

It's not a business, it's a religion.

I have to respect it because some people close to me were involved.

Good people, I wish I could be that good.
Religion is big business.

Denying that is naive to the point of mental retardation.
Some is, some isn't. If you believe in heaven and hell, those using God for their own puposes will suffer the most

If religious organizations didn't ask for money I might believe that but there is not one out there that doesn't ask for money.

Faith based organization including churches take in over 300 billion a year in the US alone.

This hits the mark on this subject like nothing else. Don't like Bill Maher? Then run along.
DC? I agree ... just wish they hadn't hired Zack Snyder to to the movies.
Religion is far richer than DC Comics

All because of JC the venture capitalist

Yeah, because he set out to run some kind of scam or something? Is that what you're saying?

Oh no he believed in what he was saying. He convinced people that he was magical because he believed it himself.

You can be a little crazy and still be a great business man

lol what 'riches' did Christians gain? If they were merely con men, they wouldn't have bothered with all the stuff they did, they could find much easier scams, especially among pagans, to rake in the bucks with. There were no bucks in being a Christian for a long long time, yet continued to expand and grow. Even today there are no 'big bucks' in it for the vast majority, despite the snivelings of assorted sexual deviants and sociopaths. Plumbers make far higher incomes than the average pastor.
You obviously don't know how much money the Catholic church is worth of you ask who gets rich from religion.

The duped never make money off of the scams they donate to. It's the power structure and the people at the top who reap the benefits just like any other scam

JC conned people into believing he was magical people gave money and free labor because they wanted to believe there was some divine power looking out for them it really is that simple.

Promise people everlasting life in paradise. To this day people still believe it even when there is absolutely no proof that the advertising is true.

Like I said the greatest businessman of all time. Promise everlasting life to people who give you money and will obey your every command.


It all started with Constantine.

Here you had your cookie cutter collectivist wanting political power. He looks around and sees this fledgling religion that seems to be spreading even though it is severely persecuted, so he latched onto it for political gain.

He then conquers in the name of Christ even though he himself still worshipped the pagan gods. Although it is rumored that he converted on his death bed, it is evident that Constantine merely used the religion for his own political gain.

Then what you see with the Catholic church was more of the same. Any time you mix politics with God, God gets smeared by man. Before this the religion spread for hundreds of years rather innocently.

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