Jesus: Why is He so offensive to others?

A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?

One of the lessons we should learn from Exodus is that trying to change someone's mind is what hardens the human heart.

One of the lessons we should learn from the New Testament is that Jesus did not go from person to person to convince each individual of his message. Instead, people came to him.
So how many people have you risked your life to save?

And why aren't you out there right now looking for a burning building to run into?

Religion plays on the tried and true attributes of people. Fear and Greed.

Several, now you're just being ridiculous and it's obvious.

Yeah and you're claiming to be a hero on the internet. Which is more ridiculous?



a) False claims of me claiming to be a hero.

b) Attempting to justify being wholly selfish.

I'm just telling you from personal experience, the world does not work that way.

Sorry but you're the one who says he regularly risks his own life to save people not me.

And religious nuts like you think everyone who doesn't believe is selfish it's your default judgement even though your god tells you in the bible not to judge others lest that same judgement be passed on you.

And the world works the way it always worked whether or not you believe in gods

The difference between me and you is that I understand how the world works, and you don't. Most often, there's a rhyme and a reason for everything.

You're seriously demented if you claim Jesus was out for money.

He certainly is responsible for THE most successful business venture of all time and that is all I have ever said

And there are plenty of things in this world that do not happen for any reason.

I suppose you think telling people who's children were burned to death in a fire that it was god's plan is comforting to them don't you?

Life is random as can be. The difference in events can be the most meaningless thing.

For example you do not kill a wasp that is in your home and instead shoo it out a window. That same wasp flies into the open window of a car and causes the driver to swerve out of his lane resulting in a multi car pile up that kills 5 people.

tell me what is the rhyme and or reason behind that?

Bee-careful: 650,000 car accidents caused by uninvited insects
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Religion is far richer than DC Comics

All because of JC the venture capitalist

Yeah, because he set out to run some kind of scam or something? Is that what you're saying?

Oh no he believed in what he was saying. He convinced people that he was magical because he believed it himself.

You can be a little crazy and still be a great business man

lol what 'riches' did Christians gain? If they were merely con men, they wouldn't have bothered with all the stuff they did, they could find much easier scams, especially among pagans, to rake in the bucks with. There were no bucks in being a Christian for a long long time, yet continued to expand and grow. Even today there are no 'big bucks' in it for the vast majority, despite the snivelings of assorted sexual deviants and sociopaths. Plumbers make far higher incomes than the average pastor.
You obviously don't know how much money the Catholic church is worth of you ask who gets rich from religion.

The duped never make money off of the scams they donate to. It's the power structure and the people at the top who reap the benefits just like any other scam

JC conned people into believing he was magical people gave money and free labor because they wanted to believe there was some divine power looking out for them it really is that simple.

Promise people everlasting life in paradise. To this day people still believe it even when there is absolutely no proof that the advertising is true.

Like I said the greatest businessman of all time. Promise everlasting life to people who give you money and will obey your every command.

Jesus never made a cent off it

It was the apostles and their followers who saw the value in it

All 12 disciples died a martyrs death.

Then those followers that followed the disciples were thrown to the lions.

It was not until much later that Constantine created a theocracy that it became a lucrative religion. Anything the state gets a hold of tends to become a cash cow.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
False assumption.

Jesus was an improvement on God. Jesus was the new and improved God 2.0.

God of Old Testamant ~ Evil, egotistical, vengeful, jealous, murderer of innocents ~ conservative ideology

Jesus of New Testamant ~ Loving, compassionate, tolerant ~ liberal ideology

Today, liberals are the most Christian even if we do not believe in God/Jesus. We care about the wellness of the group. Multiculturalism, as Jesus did. Everyone is important.

Today, conservatives care nothing of the group. They preach individualism ~ leave me alone. They hate government. They preach freedom but insist we bow to & obey God. Only the "right people" are important.

As an afterthought, perhaps you are misreading the data. Many religions do not believe in Jesus, whereas God is a general term that includes most religions.
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A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
You mistake Traditional Christianity with the new Modern Right wing version.

In the Traditional version it's help the poor and the sick.

In the new modern right wing version, it's: Feed the poor and they will breed and let him die.

It's not that people hate Jesus, it's what America's right had done to his message.
OK, I won't make a post like yours since you did it so well!

Conservatives have perverted the teachings of Christ & driven me farther away from the church. Gays & abortion are the only things they care about. They try to force me to deny the science I have come to love.

I didn't leave the church, the church left me.

Conservatives are doing a very good job at killing Jesus.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?

jesus isn't offensive.

the people who try to pretend THEIR religion should be enacted into law are.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
False assumption.

Jesus was an improvement on God. Jesus was the new and improved God 2.0.

God of Old Testamant ~ Evil, egotistical, vengeful, jealous, murderer of innocents ~ conservative ideology

Jesus of New Testamant ~ Loving, compassionate, tolerant ~ liberal ideology

Today, liberals are the most Christian even if we do not believe in God/Jesus. We care about the wellness of the group. Multiculturalism, as Jesus did. Everyone is important.

Today, conservatives care nothing of the group. They preach individualism ~ leave me alone. They hate government. They preach freedom but insist we bow to & obey God. Only the "right people" are important.

As an afterthought, perhaps you are misreading the data. Many religions do not believe in Jesus, whereas God is a general term that includes most religions.

you know Jesus was a Jew, right?
DC? I agree ... just wish they hadn't hired Zack Snyder to to the movies.
Religion is far richer than DC Comics

All because of JC the venture capitalist

Yeah, because he set out to run some kind of scam or something? Is that what you're saying?

Oh no he believed in what he was saying. He convinced people that he was magical because he believed it himself.

You can be a little crazy and still be a great business man

lol what 'riches' did Christians gain? If they were merely con men, they wouldn't have bothered with all the stuff they did, they could find much easier scams, especially among pagans, to rake in the bucks with. There were no bucks in being a Christian for a long long time, yet continued to expand and grow. Even today there are no 'big bucks' in it for the vast majority, despite the snivelings of assorted sexual deviants and sociopaths. Plumbers make far higher incomes than the average pastor.
You obviously don't know how much money the Catholic church is worth of you ask who gets rich from religion.

The duped never make money off of the scams they donate to. It's the power structure and the people at the top who reap the benefits just like any other scam

JC conned people into believing he was magical people gave money and free labor because they wanted to believe there was some divine power looking out for them it really is that simple.

Promise people everlasting life in paradise. To this day people still believe it even when there is absolutely no proof that the advertising is true.

Like I said the greatest businessman of all time. Promise everlasting life to people who give you money and will obey your every command.

LOL, to be fair, more like a pyramid scheme. Not all get rich.
I need to restrain myself from killing Jehovah's Witnesses.

Maybe i should fence the front in and have yard dogs. That's worked in the past.

On another note: Jehovah Witness ministers don't take money or a salary.

So the people who collect money for the church do it for free.

That's a great business model isn't it?

It's not a business, it's a religion.

I have to respect it because some people close to me were involved.

Good people, I wish I could be that good.
Religion is big business.

Denying that is naive to the point of mental retardation.
Some is, some isn't. If you believe in heaven and hell, those using God for their own puposes will suffer the most

That's pretty much it for most of them re crooks in the pulpits. They also have no problems walking away from those who get caught being crooks.
Re Constantine, the appeal of Christianity for the state was their excellent social services and support network, which is why he investigated them closely; the Roman Empire was disintegrating, losing population, and being overrun with corruption, and he saw them as a breath of fresh air. He was right to a large extent. Lucinius ordered the pagans to try and do as well in order to counter da evul Xians, but they failed miserably, as usual, so the Christians were put in charge of the state's social services. no big mysteries, no idiotic conspiracies behind any of it. Of course tards can, and will, make big giant conspiracy theories out of anything, no matter what the facts on the ground are, so nobody need waste time attempting to have serious discussions with them, just mock and abuse them for entertainment.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
False assumption.

Jesus was an improvement on God. Jesus was the new and improved God 2.0.

God of Old Testamant ~ Evil, egotistical, vengeful, jealous, murderer of innocents ~ conservative ideology

Jesus of New Testamant ~ Loving, compassionate, tolerant ~ liberal ideology

Today, liberals are the most Christian even if we do not believe in God/Jesus. We care about the wellness of the group. Multiculturalism, as Jesus did. Everyone is important.

Today, conservatives care nothing of the group. They preach individualism ~ leave me alone. They hate government. They preach freedom but insist we bow to & obey God. Only the "right people" are important.

As an afterthought, perhaps you are misreading the data. Many religions do not believe in Jesus, whereas God is a general term that includes most religions.

you know Jesus was a Jew, right?
I'm pretty sure Jesus marked the division of the Jews into Jews & Christians. Jesus was the new way and really pissed off the Jews so badly, they murdered him.

The "love" of Christians for Jews really puzzles me, especially since Jews deny Jesus. I think it is just about the land & the fact that Jews are NOT Muslims.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
False assumption.

Jesus was an improvement on God. Jesus was the new and improved God 2.0.

God of Old Testamant ~ Evil, egotistical, vengeful, jealous, murderer of innocents ~ conservative ideology

Jesus of New Testamant ~ Loving, compassionate, tolerant ~ liberal ideology

Today, liberals are the most Christian even if we do not believe in God/Jesus. We care about the wellness of the group. Multiculturalism, as Jesus did. Everyone is important.

Today, conservatives care nothing of the group. They preach individualism ~ leave me alone. They hate government. They preach freedom but insist we bow to & obey God. Only the "right people" are important.

As an afterthought, perhaps you are misreading the data. Many religions do not believe in Jesus, whereas God is a general term that includes most religions.

you know Jesus was a Jew, right?
I'm pretty sure Jesus marked the division of the Jews into Jews & Christians. Jesus was the new way and really pissed off the Jews so badly, they murdered him.

no. the apostles did that.

the jews didn't murder him. the romans did.

are you really that ignorant?
I need to restrain myself from killing Jehovah's Witnesses.

Maybe i should fence the front in and have yard dogs. That's worked in the past.

On another note: Jehovah Witness ministers don't take money or a salary.

So the people who collect money for the church do it for free.

That's a great business model isn't it?

It's not a business, it's a religion.

I have to respect it because some people close to me were involved.

Good people, I wish I could be that good.
Religion is big business.

Denying that is naive to the point of mental retardation.
Some is, some isn't. If you believe in heaven and hell, those using God for their own puposes will suffer the most

If religious organizations didn't ask for money I might believe that but there is not one out there that doesn't ask for money.

Faith based organization including churches take in over 300 billion a year in the US alone.

lol so what? You think that's a lot? Most churches, big and small, provide services, have to pay for buildings, literature, stock food banks, whatever, and it's illegal for the govt. to give them anything, unlike corporation welfare, La Raza scams, FEMA scams, ad nauseam. Your hatred of Da Xians is obviously based on some emotional neuroses, not any intellectualism on your part, as is the case with most of the 'new atheist' whining about Da Evul Xians.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
False assumption.

Jesus was an improvement on God. Jesus was the new and improved God 2.0.

God of Old Testamant ~ Evil, egotistical, vengeful, jealous, murderer of innocents ~ conservative ideology

Jesus of New Testamant ~ Loving, compassionate, tolerant ~ liberal ideology

Today, liberals are the most Christian even if we do not believe in God/Jesus. We care about the wellness of the group. Multiculturalism, as Jesus did. Everyone is important.

Today, conservatives care nothing of the group. They preach individualism ~ leave me alone. They hate government. They preach freedom but insist we bow to & obey God. Only the "right people" are important.

As an afterthought, perhaps you are misreading the data. Many religions do not believe in Jesus, whereas God is a general term that includes most religions.

you know Jesus was a Jew, right?
I'm pretty sure Jesus marked the division of the Jews into Jews & Christians. Jesus was the new way and really pissed off the Jews so badly, they murdered him.

no. the apostles did that.

the jews didn't murder him. the romans did.

are you really that ignorant?

Matthew 23:35 And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar

Jesus was one of but many.

Actually Pilot did not want to send Jesus to the cross at first. He only consented to appease the Jews and help keep the peace.

But to answer the question, we all put Jesus on that cross because no one took his life, he laid it down.
Re Constantine, the appeal of Christianity for the state was their excellent social services and support network, which is why he investigated them closely; the Roman Empire was disintegrating, losing population, and being overrun with corruption, and he saw them as a breath of fresh air. He was right to a large extent. Lucinius ordered the pagans to try and do as well in order to counter da evul Xians, but they failed miserably, as usual, so the Christians were put in charge of the state's social services. no big mysteries, no idiotic conspiracies behind any of it. Of course tards can, and will, make big giant conspiracy theories out of anything, no matter what the facts on the ground are, so nobody need waste time attempting to have serious discussions with them, just mock and abuse them for entertainment.
Constantine was pretty late to the party & finally saw the writing on the wall. He really had no choice but to become a Christian. He was not stupid and becoming a Christian made him famous & powerful.

I'm pretty sure Jesus marked the division of the Jews into Jews & Christians. Jesus was the new way and really pissed off the Jews so badly, they murdered him.

No, he was very much Jewish, and so was his teachings; he was an 'ultra-conservative' Jewish Rabbi in many ways. His 'crime' was in diminishing the importance of Jews at the top of the 'food chain', and inherited their priestly offices and ranks; by the time of the Christian era, Jewish politics and culture was hyper-racist with a lot of emphasis on 'bloodlines' and 'purity' and genealogies; Jesus dismissed a lot of that rubbish, and scourged the moneylenders raking in bucks from the pilgrims, etc. He more resembled Moses than some upstart 'new age' hippie type.

The "love" of Christians for Jews really puzzles me, especially since Jews deny Jesus. I think it is just about the land & the fact that Jews are NOT Muslims.

Orthodox Jews don't 'love' them at all, actually, and quite few secular Jews don't, either.

Here is an excellent interview with an Orthodox Rabbi who is a genuine intellectual and isn't at all PC; read the entire article, especially the parts on American Jews and their differing views.

Judaism, Culture and the Gentile World: A Conversation with Rabbi Mayer Schiller


Judaism, Culture and the Gentile World: A Conversation with Rabbi Mayer Schiller

An original and highly unusual thinker, Rabbi Schiller asks difficult questions that are frequently avoided, and like the child who revealed the secret about the emperors clothes, he exposes many of the shibboleths of Jewish life and thought. In this wide ranging conversation with Jewish Review editor, Sanford Drob and publisher, Harris Z. Tilevitz, Rabbi Schiller discusses a series of related questions concerning Jewish education and participation in American culture, the attitude of the Jew towards Gentiles both in Galut and in Israel and tensions between Jewish democratic liberalism and Zionist nationalism. Rather than offer us easy solutions, Rabbi Schiller awakens us to the call of some very serious and important questions
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
False assumption.

Jesus was an improvement on God. Jesus was the new and improved God 2.0.

God of Old Testamant ~ Evil, egotistical, vengeful, jealous, murderer of innocents ~ conservative ideology

Jesus of New Testamant ~ Loving, compassionate, tolerant ~ liberal ideology

Today, liberals are the most Christian even if we do not believe in God/Jesus. We care about the wellness of the group. Multiculturalism, as Jesus did. Everyone is important.

Today, conservatives care nothing of the group. They preach individualism ~ leave me alone. They hate government. They preach freedom but insist we bow to & obey God. Only the "right people" are important.

As an afterthought, perhaps you are misreading the data. Many religions do not believe in Jesus, whereas God is a general term that includes most religions.

you know Jesus was a Jew, right?
I'm pretty sure Jesus marked the division of the Jews into Jews & Christians. Jesus was the new way and really pissed off the Jews so badly, they murdered him.

no. the apostles did that.

and who was their leader & teacher?

the jews didn't murder him. the romans did.

The Romans tried hard NOT to murder Jesus. They found no wrong in him. They even gave the Jews their choice. The Jews picked Barabbas.

are you really that ignorant?

You definitely are
Re Constantine, the appeal of Christianity for the state was their excellent social services and support network, which is why he investigated them closely; the Roman Empire was disintegrating, losing population, and being overrun with corruption, and he saw them as a breath of fresh air. He was right to a large extent. Lucinius ordered the pagans to try and do as well in order to counter da evul Xians, but they failed miserably, as usual, so the Christians were put in charge of the state's social services. no big mysteries, no idiotic conspiracies behind any of it. Of course tards can, and will, make big giant conspiracy theories out of anything, no matter what the facts on the ground are, so nobody need waste time attempting to have serious discussions with them, just mock and abuse them for entertainment.
Constantine was pretty late to the party & finally saw the writing on the wall. He really had no choice but to become a Christian. He was not stupid and becoming a Christian made him famous & powerful.

Yes. The more Christians they massacred, the more popular they got; it was a losing battle.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
Because Jesus was kind, had empathy and compassion and nowadays....that is not a popular code of ethics.
A while ago, it was OK to say God, but not Jesus.

Of course now, even God is frowned up. But it seems the name Jesus really riles people up. Many of those that are not believers of particularly the Christian faith seem to want to mock it and be sacrilegious

You see it everywhere, with celebrities, in music.

So, why do you think particularly Jesus, and Christianity in general, gets people so worked up?
Because Jesus was kind, had empathy and compassion and nowadays....that is not a popular code of ethics.
But not an enabler. He was strict but it came across lovingly. The only people that hated him we're those that felt threatened by Him and his teachings

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