Jesus: Why is He so offensive to others?

Yeah, because he set out to run some kind of scam or something? Is that what you're saying?

Oh no he believed in what he was saying. He convinced people that he was magical because he believed it himself.

You can be a little crazy and still be a great business man

lol what 'riches' did Christians gain? If they were merely con men, they wouldn't have bothered with all the stuff they did, they could find much easier scams, especially among pagans, to rake in the bucks with. There were no bucks in being a Christian for a long long time, yet continued to expand and grow. Even today there are no 'big bucks' in it for the vast majority, despite the snivelings of assorted sexual deviants and sociopaths. Plumbers make far higher incomes than the average pastor.
You obviously don't know how much money the Catholic church is worth of you ask who gets rich from religion.

The duped never make money off of the scams they donate to. It's the power structure and the people at the top who reap the benefits just like any other scam

JC conned people into believing he was magical people gave money and free labor because they wanted to believe there was some divine power looking out for them it really is that simple.

Promise people everlasting life in paradise. To this day people still believe it even when there is absolutely no proof that the advertising is true.

Like I said the greatest businessman of all time. Promise everlasting life to people who give you money and will obey your every command.

Jesus never made a cent off it

It was the apostles and their followers who saw the value in it

All 12 disciples died a martyrs death.

Then those followers that followed the disciples were thrown to the lions.

It was not until much later that Constantine created a theocracy that it became a lucrative religion. Anything the state gets a hold of tends to become a cash cow.

It had to wait a long long time to become a 'cash cow'; it gradually accumulated property and land left it from the wills of middle class and later wealthy converts, and when it accumulated a lot it became a target for the sons of nobles who weren't the first borns and stood to inherit little from their families, so getting an education and a parish was considered the main alternative, other than being a mercenary. Add to this that in feudal societies the lords also appointed the priests in their demesnes, and it all stays in the family. There is some false myth that the Roman church and popes were all powerful dictators or something and exercised central control everywhere. they exercised none in the Eastern Empire, and the majority of Europeans remained mostly pagan in practice and temperament, and highly superstitious. Witch burning was a pagan practice, for instance.
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Joachim Jeremiah's book Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus is an excellent history of Jewish society and culture in Jerusalem of the day, highly enlightening, and a lot of the stuff in the New Testament will make a lot more sense to anyone who reads it.
So the people who collect money for the church do it for free.

That's a great business model isn't it?

It's not a business, it's a religion.

I have to respect it because some people close to me were involved.

Good people, I wish I could be that good.
Religion is big business.

Denying that is naive to the point of mental retardation.
Some is, some isn't. If you believe in heaven and hell, those using God for their own puposes will suffer the most

If religious organizations didn't ask for money I might believe that but there is not one out there that doesn't ask for money.

Faith based organization including churches take in over 300 billion a year in the US alone.

lol so what? You think that's a lot? Most churches, big and small, provide services, have to pay for buildings, literature, stock food banks, whatever, and it's illegal for the govt. to give them anything, unlike corporation welfare, La Raza scams, FEMA scams, ad nauseam. Your hatred of Da Xians is obviously based on some emotional neuroses, not any intellectualism on your part, as is the case with most of the 'new atheist' whining about Da Evul Xians.

Not all faith based businesses are churches.

And so what if they have buildings to take care of every other business does as well. The real question is why shouldn't the business of religion get taxed like any other

And I don't hate Christians or any other religious person I don;t know where you got that. Probably some kind of persecution complex.

I have done nothing but say JC was the greatest venture capitalist of all times who if he hadn't been killed by the power structure he threatened would have lived to see his empire become one of the richest most successful business models that ever existed.

If anyone could get people to hand them money and work for them for free like JC did that person would make Bill Gates look like a pauper
Because Jesus was kind, had empathy and compassion and nowadays....that is not a popular code of ethics.

Hasn't been throughout most of history, and it's not popular here in the U.S. with either the right or left wingers. It has all the right enemies, and they should be defended and encouraged to become more vocal and activist, not less.
It's not a business, it's a religion.

I have to respect it because some people close to me were involved.

Good people, I wish I could be that good.
Religion is big business.

Denying that is naive to the point of mental retardation.
Some is, some isn't. If you believe in heaven and hell, those using God for their own puposes will suffer the most

If religious organizations didn't ask for money I might believe that but there is not one out there that doesn't ask for money.

Faith based organization including churches take in over 300 billion a year in the US alone.

lol so what? You think that's a lot? Most churches, big and small, provide services, have to pay for buildings, literature, stock food banks, whatever, and it's illegal for the govt. to give them anything, unlike corporation welfare, La Raza scams, FEMA scams, ad nauseam. Your hatred of Da Xians is obviously based on some emotional neuroses, not any intellectualism on your part, as is the case with most of the 'new atheist' whining about Da Evul Xians.

Not all faith based businesses are churches.

And so what if they have buildings to take care of every other business does as well. The real question is why shouldn't the business of religion get taxed like any other

And I don't hate Christians or any other religious person I don;t know where you got that. Probably some kind of persecution complex.

I have done nothing but say JC was the greatest venture capitalist of all times who if he hadn't been killed by the power structure he threatened would have lived to see his empire become one of the richest most successful business models that ever existed.

If anyone could get people to hand them money and work for them for free like JC did that person would make Bill Gates look like a pauper

Do you think charities should get taxed?

When it comes to giving money and time to the poor, those of faith make up most of those who do give their time and money to the poor.

Left wingers think that all charity should come from the government. No doubt, they would just love to tax the church and take over. Then all their groups, like the NAACP and unions, etc., will remain tax free. Make no mistake, those groups will never see a tax, but I can imagine them destroying the churches to the best of their ability.
It's not a business, it's a religion.

I have to respect it because some people close to me were involved.

Good people, I wish I could be that good.
Religion is big business.

Denying that is naive to the point of mental retardation.
Some is, some isn't. If you believe in heaven and hell, those using God for their own puposes will suffer the most

If religious organizations didn't ask for money I might believe that but there is not one out there that doesn't ask for money.

Faith based organization including churches take in over 300 billion a year in the US alone.

lol so what? You think that's a lot? Most churches, big and small, provide services, have to pay for buildings, literature, stock food banks, whatever, and it's illegal for the govt. to give them anything, unlike corporation welfare, La Raza scams, FEMA scams, ad nauseam. Your hatred of Da Xians is obviously based on some emotional neuroses, not any intellectualism on your part, as is the case with most of the 'new atheist' whining about Da Evul Xians.

Not all faith based businesses are churches.

And so what if they have buildings to take care of every other business does as well. The real question is why shouldn't the business of religion get taxed like any other

And I don't hate Christians or any other religious person I don;t know where you got that. Probably some kind of persecution complex.

I have done nothing but say JC was the greatest venture capitalist of all times who if he hadn't been killed by the power structure he threatened would have lived to see his empire become one of the richest most successful business models that ever existed.

If anyone could get people to hand them money and work for them for free like JC did that person would make Bill Gates look like a pauper
That what you take away from Jesus' teachings is that he is a venture capitalist says a lot about you. Jesus wouldn't approve.
Left wingers think that all charity should come from the government. No doubt, they would just love to tax the church and take over. Then all their groups, like the NAACP and unions, etc., will remain tax free. Make no mistake, those groups will never see a tax, but I can imagine them destroying the churches to the best of their ability.

Churches don't get special tax treatment. Libtards love to claim churches do. There are even some retarded who think churches get special tax treatment, and they do the devil's work in teaching that lie. Non-profit organizations are not taxed, and they have no profit to tax.

What the Left wants is for the government to discriminate (more) against churches, so as to further oppress Christianity.

Ah, the stupid Osteen bashing again. Why do 'new atheists' keep telling us how much smarter they allegedly are than dose dumbass Xians but turn around and insist on posting idiotic nonsense? It's simple enough to find out Osteen isn't a 'Prosperity Gospel' minister, and his entire wealth come from having over 20 best sellers, with major publishers like Time/Warner paying him around $12 million + up front for his books; he doesn't take a dime from Lakewood, hasn't for over a decade now. The stupid citing of bible verses is another sign of clueless ignorance as well.

How many 'atheists' snivel about 'A Little Pedophilia IS Okay!' Dawkins making money of of his silly rubbish-filled books? they and their cult leader Dawkins sound a lot more like Burb Brat 10 year olds who just found out Santa Claus isn't real and are all pissed off about that than genuine 'rationalists'.
Left wingers think that all charity should come from the government. No doubt, they would just love to tax the church and take over. Then all their groups, like the NAACP and unions, etc., will remain tax free. Make no mistake, those groups will never see a tax, but I can imagine them destroying the churches to the best of their ability.

Churches don't get special tax treatment. Libtards love to claim churches do. There are even some retarded who think churches get special tax treatment, and they do the devil's work in teaching that lie. Non-profit organizations are not taxed, and they have no profit to tax.

What the Left wants is for the government to discriminate (more) against churches, so as to further oppress Christianity.

They also think pastors don't have to pay taxes on their incomes for some reason; well, the reason is they're morons, but it's considered a 'personal attack' to point that out, so I won't do that.
Left wingers think that all charity should come from the government. No doubt, they would just love to tax the church and take over. Then all their groups, like the NAACP and unions, etc., will remain tax free. Make no mistake, those groups will never see a tax, but I can imagine them destroying the churches to the best of their ability.

Churches don't get special tax treatment. Libtards love to claim churches do. There are even some retarded who think churches get special tax treatment, and they do the devil's work in teaching that lie. Non-profit organizations are not taxed, and they have no profit to tax.

What the Left wants is for the government to discriminate (more) against churches, so as to further oppress Christianity.

They also think pastors don't have to pay taxes on their incomes for some reason; well, the reason is they're morons, but it's considered a 'personal attack' to point that out, so I won't do that.
Of course they have to pay taxes on their earnings, just like the CEO of the Red Cross has to..
No, he was very much Jewish, and so was his teachings; he was an 'ultra-conservative' Jewish Rabbi in many ways. His 'crime' was in diminishing the importance of Jews at the top of the 'food chain', and inherited their priestly offices and ranks; by the time of the Christian era, Jewish politics and culture was hyper-racist with a lot of emphasis on 'bloodlines' and 'purity' and genealogies; Jesus dismissed a lot of that rubbish, and scourged the moneylenders raking in bucks from the pilgrims, etc. He more resembled Moses than some upstart 'new age' hippie type.

Jesus was 100% Christian. The Jews killed him for being a Christian (for claiming to be Christ and establishing the church). It wasn't Jesus vs. the Jews "at the top", but Jesus vs. the Jews (period). It's sad that some less than honest Bible translations change "Jews" to "Jewish leaders" to promote the lie that you and other retards believe.

Not just Osteen but others. I deeply question anyone that makes a lot of money off of God/The Bible/Jesus.

How can you have so much and not "love" it? If we are to use Jesus as an example, he owned nothing earthly but what he wore.

Ah, the stupid Osteen bashing again. Why do 'new atheists' keep telling us how much smarter they allegedly are than dose dumbass Xians but turn around and insist on posting idiotic nonsense? It's simple enough to find out Osteen isn't a 'Prosperity Gospel' minister, and his entire wealth come from having over 20 best sellers, with major publishers like Time/Warner paying him around $12 million + up front for his books; he doesn't take a dime from Lakewood, hasn't for over a decade now. The stupid citing of bible verses is another sign of clueless ignorance as well.

How many 'atheists' snivel about 'A Little Pedophilia IS Okay!' Dawkins making money of of his silly rubbish-filled books? they and their cult leader Dawkins sound a lot more like Burb Brat 10 year olds who just found out Santa Claus isn't real and are all pissed off about that than genuine 'rationalists'.
I'm not an Atheist, I'm a Deist. Your rambling diatribe defending Osteen as not being prosperity gospel yet admitting he made millions selling books about "christian prosperity" is hilarious lol. Jesus would tell Osteen to give all his money to the poor. Go ahead though and be a fake christian endorsing a fake christian who endorses money and success as a religion.
Ah, the stupid Osteen bashing again. Why do 'new atheists' keep telling us how much smarter they allegedly are than dose dumbass Xians but turn around and insist on posting idiotic nonsense? It's simple enough to find out Osteen isn't a 'Prosperity Gospel' minister, and his entire wealth come from having over 20 best sellers, with major publishers like Time/Warner paying him around $12 million + up front for his books; he doesn't take a dime from Lakewood, hasn't for over a decade now. The stupid citing of bible verses is another sign of clueless ignorance as well.

Olsteen is at least teaches a lite version of the Prosperity people, "I think God wants us to be prosperous." Yes, Picaro, some "Xians" are "dumbasses", and they come to Olsteen's church hoping to get rich themselves. Olsteen's display of wealth is his biggest draw to members of his church. They're not going to there for Bible preaching or for his singing (Olsteen fails at both).

So what if he doesn't take a salary from Lakewood. Lakewood has made him obscenely rich, and continues to keep him rolling on money. The church is key to selling those books. And, regardless of where his money comes from, many people do have a problem with a supposed servant of Christ living like a king himself. It's even worse when that lavish lifestyle is from money gained by selling God. Sam Walton, even after he became super-rich, was famous for still driving an old pickup truck, and people respected him for it.
Religion is big business.

Denying that is naive to the point of mental retardation.
Some is, some isn't. If you believe in heaven and hell, those using God for their own puposes will suffer the most

If religious organizations didn't ask for money I might believe that but there is not one out there that doesn't ask for money.

Faith based organization including churches take in over 300 billion a year in the US alone.

lol so what? You think that's a lot? Most churches, big and small, provide services, have to pay for buildings, literature, stock food banks, whatever, and it's illegal for the govt. to give them anything, unlike corporation welfare, La Raza scams, FEMA scams, ad nauseam. Your hatred of Da Xians is obviously based on some emotional neuroses, not any intellectualism on your part, as is the case with most of the 'new atheist' whining about Da Evul Xians.

Not all faith based businesses are churches.

And so what if they have buildings to take care of every other business does as well. The real question is why shouldn't the business of religion get taxed like any other

And I don't hate Christians or any other religious person I don;t know where you got that. Probably some kind of persecution complex.

I have done nothing but say JC was the greatest venture capitalist of all times who if he hadn't been killed by the power structure he threatened would have lived to see his empire become one of the richest most successful business models that ever existed.

If anyone could get people to hand them money and work for them for free like JC did that person would make Bill Gates look like a pauper

Do you think charities should get taxed?

When it comes to giving money and time to the poor, those of faith make up most of those who do give their time and money to the poor.

Left wingers think that all charity should come from the government. No doubt, they would just love to tax the church and take over. Then all their groups, like the NAACP and unions, etc., will remain tax free. Make no mistake, those groups will never see a tax, but I can imagine them destroying the churches to the best of their ability.

Yes they should get taxed. Charities are a business like any other. No special tax status is needed if they want to pay no taxes all they have to do is show zero profit at the end of every fiscal year like any other business.
Religion is big business.

Denying that is naive to the point of mental retardation.
Some is, some isn't. If you believe in heaven and hell, those using God for their own puposes will suffer the most

If religious organizations didn't ask for money I might believe that but there is not one out there that doesn't ask for money.

Faith based organization including churches take in over 300 billion a year in the US alone.

lol so what? You think that's a lot? Most churches, big and small, provide services, have to pay for buildings, literature, stock food banks, whatever, and it's illegal for the govt. to give them anything, unlike corporation welfare, La Raza scams, FEMA scams, ad nauseam. Your hatred of Da Xians is obviously based on some emotional neuroses, not any intellectualism on your part, as is the case with most of the 'new atheist' whining about Da Evul Xians.

Not all faith based businesses are churches.

And so what if they have buildings to take care of every other business does as well. The real question is why shouldn't the business of religion get taxed like any other

And I don't hate Christians or any other religious person I don;t know where you got that. Probably some kind of persecution complex.

I have done nothing but say JC was the greatest venture capitalist of all times who if he hadn't been killed by the power structure he threatened would have lived to see his empire become one of the richest most successful business models that ever existed.

If anyone could get people to hand them money and work for them for free like JC did that person would make Bill Gates look like a pauper
That what you take away from Jesus' teachings is that he is a venture capitalist says a lot about you. Jesus wouldn't approve.
Jesus is dead so his approval or disapproval is moot.
Some is, some isn't. If you believe in heaven and hell, those using God for their own puposes will suffer the most

If religious organizations didn't ask for money I might believe that but there is not one out there that doesn't ask for money.

Faith based organization including churches take in over 300 billion a year in the US alone.

lol so what? You think that's a lot? Most churches, big and small, provide services, have to pay for buildings, literature, stock food banks, whatever, and it's illegal for the govt. to give them anything, unlike corporation welfare, La Raza scams, FEMA scams, ad nauseam. Your hatred of Da Xians is obviously based on some emotional neuroses, not any intellectualism on your part, as is the case with most of the 'new atheist' whining about Da Evul Xians.

Not all faith based businesses are churches.

And so what if they have buildings to take care of every other business does as well. The real question is why shouldn't the business of religion get taxed like any other

And I don't hate Christians or any other religious person I don;t know where you got that. Probably some kind of persecution complex.

I have done nothing but say JC was the greatest venture capitalist of all times who if he hadn't been killed by the power structure he threatened would have lived to see his empire become one of the richest most successful business models that ever existed.

If anyone could get people to hand them money and work for them for free like JC did that person would make Bill Gates look like a pauper
That what you take away from Jesus' teachings is that he is a venture capitalist says a lot about you. Jesus wouldn't approve.
Jesus is dead so his approval or disapproval is moot.
You are a fake christian aren't you

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