Jesus WILL be voting Conservative This Election


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

Jesus is dead and his lousy RW fan club is headed for political obscurity.
Well, if Jesus is going to vote, he will have to register, and he will have to prove residency is some particular district. Better give him a head's up on that.....

Oh, and in many Red states, he will have to show a photo ID. if all he has is a birth certificate from the Middle East, he will probably be considered an illegal alien at best, or a terrorist, at worst.
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

1. Nothing in 10 commandments about abortion. Jesus didn't mention it anywhere either.
2. Nothing in 10 commandments about homosexuals. Jesus didn't mention it either.
3. Islam didn't exist when Bible was written. Israel today =/= Israel of biblical times.
4. Said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
5. Affirmative Action would have been a totally foreign concept to anybody in biblical times. Not sure that would be an "affront" though.
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

1. Nothing in 10 commandments about abortion. Jesus didn't mention it anywhere either.
2. Nothing in 10 commandments about homosexuals. Jesus didn't mention it either.
3. Islam didn't exist when Bible was written. Israel today =/= Israel of biblical times.
4. Said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
5. Affirmative Action would have been a totally foreign concept to anybody in biblical times. Not sure that would be an "affront" though.

Thou shalt not kill seems pretty plain. Have you read the rest of the book? Or just the "10"?
Considering how Jesus is depicted in the New Testament, and His feelings towards those who abused their power, as well as His view towards rich people, I'd be willing to bet that He would vote for the person who promises to do much for the poor and the needy, rather than vote for the person who promises to allow the corporations to take over the world.

Nope..................if He did vote, He'd vote for the person who would help the most like He tried to do.

BTW.......................Jesus didn't hang out with the rich, he hung out with the outcasts (like tax collectors and prostitutes), the poor, and those who were in need of FREE healing.
Actually, Dark Fury, the translation from Hebrew to Greek to Roman to English kinda messed up that verse.

If you read it in it's ORIGINAL Hebrew, the real text of that commandment isn't "thou shalt not kill", it's more like "thou shalt not MURDER".

Much different.
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.

Ya...and you guys kind of screwed that up with your warmongering and capital punishment.

2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.

Jesus said nothing about homosexuals - nothing. On the other hand, he has a well known record of embracing everyone, even whores. Meanwhile, you guys pick and choose amongst the list of "abomonations" like an ala carte Christian Buffet focusing on homosexuality to the exclusion of all else. Not sure Jesus is with you guys on this...

3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.

Meh. You're creating an artificial dichotomy. I see a face palm in your future.

4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.

Jesus welcomed the poor and dispossed into his ministry. He didn't say anything about investing but he did say something about a camel, the eye of a needle, rich man, and heaven.

ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

There are A LOT of things that are an afront to God. Like the way you guys treated the flood of South American immigrant children.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist. that's seriously funny :lol:

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

Considering how Jesus is depicted in the New Testament, and His feelings towards those who abused their power, as well as His view towards rich people, I'd be willing to bet that He would vote for the person who promises to do much for the poor and the needy, rather than vote for the person who promises to allow the corporations to take over the world.

Nope..................if He did vote, He'd vote for the person who would help the most like He tried to do.

BTW.......................Jesus didn't hang out with the rich, he hung out with the outcasts (like tax collectors and prostitutes), the poor, and those who were in need of FREE healing.
Liberal Jesus gets crucified once again every Sunday in a RW church, presumably to shut him up. Seriously, his death and the theological escape hatch it provided from guilt is all they care about.
Not like the republicans at all
Proverbs 31:8-9

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

Can we expect to see Jesus's Daddy voting too this year?

That'd be sump'n

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