Jesus WILL be voting Conservative This Election

You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

I'm a little confused about # 4 since you're on Government assistance.
Not like the republicans at all
Proverbs 31:8-9

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Guno quoting the Bible is like a dog eating it's own vomit. By the way stupid, how does one who HATES God like you do quote God?
Do your finger tips burn when you do that?

You quoting the Bible is like a Pharisee trying to tell Jesus how to worship God. How do you, who hate your brother claim to love God and quote Him?

1 John 3:15 ESV
Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

Where does Jesus stand on abortion?

DarkFury claims Republicans/conservatives stand with Israel but that doesn't mean in all things.....not when it comes to calling a fetus a person.......or abortion.....

DarkFury didn't do his homework....:)

In Jewish law, although the human soul exists before birth, human life begins at birth, that is, at the time when the child is more than halfway emerged from the mother's body. For more details about the consequences of this doctrine, seeAbortion.


Jewish law not only permits, but in some circumstances requires abortion. Where the mother's life is in jeopardy because of the unborn child, abortion is mandatory.
Judaism 101 Kosher Sex

If Jesus will be voting conservative he WONT be voting for the devil incarnate, Rubio.
Jesus was not an American citizen and has been dead for a long long time so DarkFury is admitting the right lies, cheats and steals votes.

About what Jesus taught, why is it always the least "christian" among us, like DarkFury who yell the loudest about what Jesus believed and taught? Its always those who know the least who preach that they know the most.

@DarkFurk has a big ole log in his eye.

You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

Are you suggesting that there are dead people voting for Republicans?

Just be quiet, please.
Amazing that christians try to attach their religion to Judaism. The are mutually exclusive , You never see someone who is Jewish trying to make the connection
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

Jesus can't vote, the cons have him locked up in Arizona for being an illegal alien.
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.


Where do you think Santa Claus and Harry Potter stand on these issues?
Amazing that christians try to attach their religion to Judaism. The are mutually exclusive , You never see someone who is Jewish trying to make the connection
If Christians had to just use the words of Jesus as the basis of their religion they would have no justification of capitalism, war, poverty or bigotry. Christianity would today be known only as an ancient Hebrew cult.
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

Jesus can't vote, the cons have him locked up in Arizona for being an illegal alien.

Jesus is dead and his lousy RW fan club is headed for political obscurity.

So you are mocking untold millions of blacks and Hispanics who are devout Christians, got it.
I am "mocking" the social conservatives who have their politics all wrapped up with their particularly hateful form of Christianity.

No you are a Christian hater which includes vast numbers of Blacks and Hispanics you leftist scum can't have it both ways.
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

Well, let's see....Let me play your little game for a moment...

In the Judgement of the Nations when Christ returns...

This is what Jesus actually said about the people within the Nations of the Earth, on Judgement Day....

Matthew 25:31-46New International Version (NIV)
The Sheep and the Goats
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

Both, those labeled as the sheep, and those labeled as the goats in this parable, address Jesus Christ, as LORD..... both the sheep and the goats seem to have accepted Him and recognized Jesus as 'Lord and savior'....but Christ KNEW who the phonies were, I suppose?

Now tell me again, how righteous you think you are.....?

You seem to reject everything that Christ is saying He is going to judge you on....

You appear to hate the criminals in prison, hate the strangers... the illegals and refugees, and African Americans, and Muslims, hate with a passion the poor, the hungry and the thirsty..... Looks to me like you may actually HATE Jesus Christ and what He actually taught, but speak with a forked tongue, as if He matters in your life....?

shall I go on....?

Christ did not even mention any of the 10 commandments in this Judgement of the Nations of His....why is that? No mention of adultery or murder, or stealing or lying, or coveting thy neighbor's goods etc?

Is it that if our hearts and minds and souls are in the right place... Love thy neighbor, as thyself, (or do unto others as you would want them to do unto you)...what Jesus spoke of as the Greatest Commandment, is what it all boils down to, in the end?

I dunno? But I do know He did say,

However we treat the LEAST AMONG US in our own Nation, in our daily lives, not just how we do on Sunday or Wednesday evening Bible Study or with Government Policy alone as some feel is enough, but IN ALL THAT WE DO, DO GOOD.....

If I were to judge myself on all of this, I'd probably only give myself a 65 out of 100...lots of room for improvement! :eek:

What ever happened to baby jesus or jesus on two sticks

the christian's Jesus predicted he would return within the lifetime of the people he preached to and that the christian bibles writers fully expected to live to see him return

“For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. (Matthew 16: 27, 28)

To anyone not indoctrinated into Christianity reading the above passages it is crystal clear that according to the christian bible their Jesus was supposed to return in the first century of the christian Era. That has not happened.

Last edited:
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.
2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.
3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.
4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.
5, Affirmative Action
ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist.

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.

Well, let's see....Let me play your little game for a moment...

In the Judgement of the Nations when Christ returns...

This is what Jesus actually said about the people within the Nations of the Earth, on Judgement Day....

Matthew 25:31-46New International Version (NIV)
The Sheep and the Goats
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

Both, those labeled as the sheep, and those labeled as the goats in this parable, address Jesus Christ, as LORD..... both the sheep and the goats seem to have accepted Him and recognized Jesus as 'Lord and savior'....but Christ KNEW who the phonies were, I suppose?

Now tell me again, how righteous you think you are.....?

You seem to reject everything that Christ is saying He is going to judge you on....

You appear to hate the criminals in prison, hate the strangers... the illegals and refugees, and African Americans, and Muslims, hate with a passion the poor, the hungry and the thirsty..... Looks to me like you may actually HATE Jesus Christ and what He actually taught, but speak with a forked tongue, as if He matters in your life....?

shall I go on....?

Christ did not even mention any of the 10 commandments in this Judgement of the Nations of His....why is that? No mention of adultery or murder, or stealing or lying, or coveting thy neighbor's goods etc?

Is it that if our hearts and minds and souls are in the right place... Love thy neighbor, as thyself, (or do unto others as you would want them to do unto you)...what Jesus spoke of as the Greatest Commandment, is what it all boils down to, in the end?

I dunno? But I do know He did say,

However we treat the LEAST AMONG US in our own Nation, in our daily lives, not just how we do on Sunday or Wednesday evening Bible Study or with Government Policy alone as some feel is enough, but IN ALL THAT WE DO, DO GOOD.....

If I were to judge myself on all of this, I'd probably only give myself a 65 out of 100...lots of room for improvement! :eek:

What ever happened to baby jesus or jesus on two sticks

the christian's Jesus predicted he would return within the lifetime of the people he preached to and that the christian bibles writers fully expected to live to see him return

“For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. (Matthew 16: 27, 28)

To anyone not indoctrinated into Christianity reading the above passages it is crystal clear that according to the christian bible their Jesus was supposed to return in the first century of the christian Era. That has not happened.

View attachment 42496


What if he did return and took a good hard look at what had been done to his teachings and decided not to bother giving it a Do Over since that would just get effed up by the evangelicals again. :D
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.

Ya...and you guys kind of screwed that up with your warmongering and capital punishment.

2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.

Jesus said nothing about homosexuals - nothing. On the other hand, he has a well known record of embracing everyone, even whores. Meanwhile, you guys pick and choose amongst the list of "abomonations" like an ala carte Christian Buffet focusing on homosexuality to the exclusion of all else. Not sure Jesus is with you guys on this...

3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.

Meh. You're creating an artificial dichotomy. I see a face palm in your future.

4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.

Jesus welcomed the poor and dispossed into his ministry. He didn't say anything about investing but he did say something about a camel, the eye of a needle, rich man, and heaven.

ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

There are A LOT of things that are an afront to God. Like the way you guys treated the flood of South American immigrant children.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist. that's seriously funny :lol:

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.


Jesus never mentioned pedophilia or even murder fail in an epic fashion
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.

Ya...and you guys kind of screwed that up with your warmongering and capital punishment.

2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.

Jesus said nothing about homosexuals - nothing. On the other hand, he has a well known record of embracing everyone, even whores. Meanwhile, you guys pick and choose amongst the list of "abomonations" like an ala carte Christian Buffet focusing on homosexuality to the exclusion of all else. Not sure Jesus is with you guys on this...

3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.

Meh. You're creating an artificial dichotomy. I see a face palm in your future.

4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.

Jesus welcomed the poor and dispossed into his ministry. He didn't say anything about investing but he did say something about a camel, the eye of a needle, rich man, and heaven.

ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

There are A LOT of things that are an afront to God. Like the way you guys treated the flood of South American immigrant children.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist. that's seriously funny :lol:

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.


Jesus never mentioned pedophilia or even murder fail in an epic fashion

Let's see....
murder has a victim
pedo has a victim
homo has a ...oh wait. No victim.

You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.

Ya...and you guys kind of screwed that up with your warmongering and capital punishment.

2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.

Jesus said nothing about homosexuals - nothing. On the other hand, he has a well known record of embracing everyone, even whores. Meanwhile, you guys pick and choose amongst the list of "abomonations" like an ala carte Christian Buffet focusing on homosexuality to the exclusion of all else. Not sure Jesus is with you guys on this...

3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.

Meh. You're creating an artificial dichotomy. I see a face palm in your future.

4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.

Jesus welcomed the poor and dispossed into his ministry. He didn't say anything about investing but he did say something about a camel, the eye of a needle, rich man, and heaven.

ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

There are A LOT of things that are an afront to God. Like the way you guys treated the flood of South American immigrant children.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist. that's seriously funny :lol:

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.


Jesus never mentioned pedophilia or even murder fail in an epic fashion

Let's see....
murder has a victim
pedo has a victim
homo has a ...oh wait. No victim.


It doesn't take away the fact you cherry picked. Fail on your part and lousy attempt at deflection
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.

Ya...and you guys kind of screwed that up with your warmongering and capital punishment.

2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.

Jesus said nothing about homosexuals - nothing. On the other hand, he has a well known record of embracing everyone, even whores. Meanwhile, you guys pick and choose amongst the list of "abomonations" like an ala carte Christian Buffet focusing on homosexuality to the exclusion of all else. Not sure Jesus is with you guys on this...

3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.

Meh. You're creating an artificial dichotomy. I see a face palm in your future.

4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.

Jesus welcomed the poor and dispossed into his ministry. He didn't say anything about investing but he did say something about a camel, the eye of a needle, rich man, and heaven.

ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

There are A LOT of things that are an afront to God. Like the way you guys treated the flood of South American immigrant children.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist. that's seriously funny :lol:

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.


Jesus never mentioned pedophilia or even murder fail in an epic fashion

Let's see....
murder has a victim
pedo has a victim
homo has a ...oh wait. No victim.


It doesn't take away the fact you cherry picked. Fail on your part and lousy attempt at deflection

Sorry to disappoint you but the cherry-picking of abomonations and sins seems to be coming from your side :)

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