Jesus WILL be voting Conservative This Election

You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.

Ya...and you guys kind of screwed that up with your warmongering and capital punishment.

2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.

Jesus said nothing about homosexuals - nothing. On the other hand, he has a well known record of embracing everyone, even whores. Meanwhile, you guys pick and choose amongst the list of "abomonations" like an ala carte Christian Buffet focusing on homosexuality to the exclusion of all else. Not sure Jesus is with you guys on this...

3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.

Meh. You're creating an artificial dichotomy. I see a face palm in your future.

4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.

Jesus welcomed the poor and dispossed into his ministry. He didn't say anything about investing but he did say something about a camel, the eye of a needle, rich man, and heaven.

ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

There are A LOT of things that are an afront to God. Like the way you guys treated the flood of South American immigrant children.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist. that's seriously funny :lol:

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.


Jesus never mentioned pedophilia or even murder fail in an epic fashion

Let's see....
murder has a victim
pedo has a victim
homo has a ...oh wait. No victim.


It doesn't take away the fact you cherry picked. Fail on your part and lousy attempt at deflection

Sorry to disappoint you but the cherry-picking of abomonations and sins seems to be coming from your side :)

Sin is sin ,homosexuality being one of them
Ya...and you guys kind of screwed that up with your warmongering and capital punishment.

Jesus said nothing about homosexuals - nothing. On the other hand, he has a well known record of embracing everyone, even whores. Meanwhile, you guys pick and choose amongst the list of "abomonations" like an ala carte Christian Buffet focusing on homosexuality to the exclusion of all else. Not sure Jesus is with you guys on this...

Meh. You're creating an artificial dichotomy. I see a face palm in your future.

Jesus welcomed the poor and dispossed into his ministry. He didn't say anything about investing but he did say something about a camel, the eye of a needle, rich man, and heaven.

There are A LOT of things that are an afront to God. Like the way you guys treated the flood of South American immigrant children. that's seriously funny :lol:


Jesus never mentioned pedophilia or even murder fail in an epic fashion

Let's see....
murder has a victim
pedo has a victim
homo has a ...oh wait. No victim.


It doesn't take away the fact you cherry picked. Fail on your part and lousy attempt at deflection

Sorry to disappoint you but the cherry-picking of abomonations and sins seems to be coming from your side :)

Sin is sin ,homosexuality being one of them

Well you conservatives sure have a funny way of prioritizing your sins and abominations now don't you?

Somehow, with Christ's embracing of the poor and disenfranchised - I can't see him as a conservative who's primary goal seems to be criminalizing poverty :lol:
Jesus never mentioned pedophilia or even murder fail in an epic fashion

Let's see....
murder has a victim
pedo has a victim
homo has a ...oh wait. No victim.


It doesn't take away the fact you cherry picked. Fail on your part and lousy attempt at deflection

Sorry to disappoint you but the cherry-picking of abomonations and sins seems to be coming from your side :)

Sin is sin ,homosexuality being one of them

Well you conservatives sure have a funny way of prioritizing your sins and abominations now don't you?

Somehow, with Christ's embracing of the poor and disenfranchised - I can't see him as a conservative who's primary goal seems to be criminalizing poverty :lol:

Again, sin is sin. Homosexuality being one of them...who's prioritizing?
Jesus is dead and his lousy RW fan club is headed for political obscurity.
Rather arrogant, considering the untold millions of God-fearing, church-going blue-collar Democrats out there - whites - blacks - hispanics - et al.

Such foolhardiness is sympomatic of the Hyper-Liberal/Hyper-Progressive/Hyper-Left-Wing having too much influence over the Democratic Party, much as Libs accuse the Republicans of allowing Hyper-Conservatives to take over theirs.

Such stupid and arrogant pronouncements serve to alienate millions of otherwise loyal Democrats and send them looking elsewhere.

But, I'm sure that you-and-yours know what you're doing, and are not worried.

Keep up the good work there...
Jesus is dead and his lousy RW fan club is headed for political obscurity.
Rather arrogant, considering the untold millions of God-fearing, church-going blue-collar Democrats out there - whites - blacks - hispanics - et al.

Such foolhardiness is sympomatic of the Hyper-Liberal/Hyper-Progressive/Hyper-Left-Wing having too much influence over the Democratic Party, much as Libs accuse the Republicans of allowing Hyper-Conservatives to take over theirs.

Such stupid and arrogant pronouncements serve to alienate millions of otherwise loyal Democrats and send them looking elsewhere.

But, I'm sure that you-and-yours know what you're doing, and are not worried.

Keep up the good work there...
Funny, I do not see those people you mentioned trying to run the nation in the name of God and trampling the majority in the process, just the social conservatives who think they are the official moral compass of America and it's God appointed secular leaders. It's those people who drove more accepting and loving people from their churches, and doomed themselves to being an ever shrinking minority.
Jesus is dead and his lousy RW fan club is headed for political obscurity.
Rather arrogant, considering the untold millions of God-fearing, church-going blue-collar Democrats out there - whites - blacks - hispanics - et al.

Such foolhardiness is sympomatic of the Hyper-Liberal/Hyper-Progressive/Hyper-Left-Wing having too much influence over the Democratic Party, much as Libs accuse the Republicans of allowing Hyper-Conservatives to take over theirs.

Such stupid and arrogant pronouncements serve to alienate millions of otherwise loyal Democrats and send them looking elsewhere.

But, I'm sure that you-and-yours know what you're doing, and are not worried.

Keep up the good work there...
Funny, I do not see those people you mentioned trying to run the nation in the name of God and trampling the majority in the process, just the social conservatives who think they are the official moral compass of America and it's God appointed secular leaders. It's those people who drove more accepting and loving people from their churches, and doomed themselves to being an ever shrinking minority.
Translation: Oh, shit, that's right, I forgot... there are a lot of God-believers on OUR side of the aisle as well. I'll lay-down a smoke screen by pretending that OUR Sky Pilots are better-quality folk than YOUR Sky Pilots. Yeah, yeah... that's the ticket... THAT ought to work.. THAT ought to deflect attention away from my earlier hostility to ANY of 'em."
Jesus is dead and his lousy RW fan club is headed for political obscurity.
Rather arrogant, considering the untold millions of God-fearing, church-going blue-collar Democrats out there - whites - blacks - hispanics - et al.

Such foolhardiness is sympomatic of the Hyper-Liberal/Hyper-Progressive/Hyper-Left-Wing having too much influence over the Democratic Party, much as Libs accuse the Republicans of allowing Hyper-Conservatives to take over theirs.

Such stupid and arrogant pronouncements serve to alienate millions of otherwise loyal Democrats and send them looking elsewhere.

But, I'm sure that you-and-yours know what you're doing, and are not worried.

Keep up the good work there...
Funny, I do not see those people you mentioned trying to run the nation in the name of God and trampling the majority in the process, just the social conservatives who think they are the official moral compass of America and it's God appointed secular leaders. It's those people who drove more accepting and loving people from their churches, and doomed themselves to being an ever shrinking minority.
Translation: Oh, shit, that's right, I forgot... there are a lot of God-believers on OUR side of the aisle as well. I'll lay-down a smoke screen by pretending that OUR Sky Pilots are better-quality folk than YOUR Sky Pilots. Yeah, yeah... that's the ticket... THAT ought to work.. THAT ought to deflect attention away from my earlier hostility to ANY of 'em."
In my original post I said "His lousy RW fan club", the rest who mind their own business, keep their noses out of our schools, bedrooms and wombs and practice their faith in peace are none of my concern. If Christianity makes someone happy then more power to them, If Christianity makes one an angry, judgmental busybody then they can literally go to hell.
Wonder how Jesus views a State, church, foundation, 501(c) 3, or other entity using his words and the plight of poor people to take money, pay off cronies and figureheads, trickle what is left to the poor, then come back and repeat the same process over and over again? Jesus is going to hold the individual Christian accountable for taking care of the poor.
You democrats just got to many anti-Jesus planks in your platform.
1, Abortion
Where he stands on the killing of HIS innocent creations is pretty plain.

Ya...and you guys kind of screwed that up with your warmongering and capital punishment.

2, Homo's
His father spoke on this issue and he lived his life in total support of his father.

Jesus said nothing about homosexuals - nothing. On the other hand, he has a well known record of embracing everyone, even whores. Meanwhile, you guys pick and choose amongst the list of "abomonations" like an ala carte Christian Buffet focusing on homosexuality to the exclusion of all else. Not sure Jesus is with you guys on this...

3, Islam
He stands with Israel and has made that pretty plain in his book. Stand with Israel or go to hell.

Meh. You're creating an artificial dichotomy. I see a face palm in your future.

4, Not expecting the poor to help themselves.
"He took the coin AWAY from the poor man and gave it to the rich man". He EXPECTS you to work, earn and invest.

Jesus welcomed the poor and dispossed into his ministry. He didn't say anything about investing but he did say something about a camel, the eye of a needle, rich man, and heaven.

ALL men stand equal before God and a program that does otherwise is an affront to God.

There are A LOT of things that are an afront to God. Like the way you guys treated the flood of South American immigrant children.

At the very birth of this nation this nation asked for and got the blessing and the protection of God. Today it sits on the threshold of despair and destruction. Driven there by the Elite the Islamic the atheist and the homo jihadist. that's seriously funny :lol:

Using the measure of faith in God and love of country Jesus just might be voting Tea Party. The Tea Party is a new name but old values. The speaker I am about to put up COULD have been a Tea Party member. He KNEW where the blessings came from and more important where the praise went.

The nation stood as one and chose a man who openly chose God. The nation went on to some of the greatest economic blessings ever recorded by ANY people of ANY nation.


Jesus never mentioned pedophilia or even murder fail in an epic fashion

Which translation is that? Apparently you haven't read the entire Bible.

Matthew 18:19
"Which ones?" he inquired. Jesus replied, "'You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony,

Matthew 18:6
5"And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; 6but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Jesus never mentioned pedophilia or even murder fail in an epic fashion[/QUOTE]

Which translation is that? Apparently you haven't read the entire Bible.

Matthew 18:19
"Which ones?" he inquired. Jesus replied, "'You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony,

Matthew 18:6
5"And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; 6but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

You better get a new Bible, Matthew 18:19 doesn't say that
Well you conservatives sure have a funny way of prioritizing your sins and abominations now don't you?

Somehow, with Christ's embracing of the poor and disenfranchised - I can't see him as a conservative who's primary goal seems to be criminalizing poverty :lol:

So Christ embraces the poor and disenfranchised?

I wonder why that is?

Do ya suppose that it's because those folks are being held down by individuals who embrace ideas that prevent those people from becoming something other than poor?

I suspect that's it.

Now... Left-think, what does that do for the poor?

Does it teach them about principles in nature regarding risk and reward, thrift and honor?

Or does Left-think teach them that their existence entitles them to the property of others and that they bear no responsibility for their actions, that sexual intercourse outside of marriage brings no risk, because they're rightfully entitled to murder the life they conceive or if they choose not to murder their pre-born child that they're entitled to demand the property of others, through state and federal subsidies. And that if they do not work, that their entitled to the property of others through similar state and federal subsidies, robbing them of their inherent ambition.... stealing any hope of their being anything but poor and disenfranchised.

Now, what do you suppose Christ's position is on the deceitful who foment such fraudulences upon the hapless innocent whose trust is wasted upon such evil?

My guess is that you're not going to truly appreciate the unenviable position that you're in, until the appreciation has passed from blessing, to curse.
Jesus never mentioned pedophilia or even murder fail in an epic fashion

Let's see....
murder has a victim
pedo has a victim
homo has a ...oh wait. No victim.


It doesn't take away the fact you cherry picked. Fail on your part and lousy attempt at deflection

Sorry to disappoint you but the cherry-picking of abomonations and sins seems to be coming from your side :)

Sin is sin ,homosexuality being one of them

Well you conservatives sure have a funny way of prioritizing your sins and abominations now don't you?

Somehow, with Christ's embracing of the poor and disenfranchised - I can't see him as a conservative who's primary goal seems to be criminalizing poverty :lol:

Christ did not criminalize poverty.....He criminalized Corruption. Think about that the next time a crony (D) skims off the top in the name of "the children."
Lefty's wag their fingers at Christians for not helping the Poor via the State. Consider this: They voted for man to be president who moved his yacht from a location that could have yielded $500K in taxes towards the poor (John Kerry). If that was not enough, they are circling the wagons of a woman for President who tax credits for her husband's used boxers (Bill Clinton).

You leftists need to change the direction where you are wagging your finger or take your finger and shove it up your Alinsky ass.
...In my original post I said "His lousy RW fan club", the rest who mind their own business, keep their noses out of our schools, bedrooms and wombs and practice their faith in peace are none of my concern. If Christianity makes someone happy then more power to them, If Christianity makes one an angry, judgmental busybody then they can literally go to hell.
Ahhhhh... if only enough of the DNC thought that way, to piss off Christians...

Oh... wait... there ARE that many... never mind...
Lefty's wag their fingers at Christians for not helping the Poor via the State. Consider this: They voted for man to be president who moved his yacht from a location that could have yielded $500K in taxes towards the poor (John Kerry). If that was not enough, they are circling the wagons of a woman for President who tax credits for her husband's used boxers (Bill Clinton).

You leftists need to change the direction where you are wagging your finger or take your finger and shove it up your Alinsky ass.
sure, whatever....blah blah blah blah blah...thoughtless crapola you spill....guess it's easier than trying to defend the so called Christian who is the one who actually started this very thread by "pointing fingers"
Lefty's wag their fingers at Christians for not helping the Poor via the State. Consider this: They voted for man to be president who moved his yacht from a location that could have yielded $500K in taxes towards the poor (John Kerry). If that was not enough, they are circling the wagons of a woman for President who tax credits for her husband's used boxers (Bill Clinton).

You leftists need to change the direction where you are wagging your finger or take your finger and shove it up your Alinsky ass.
sure, whatever....blah blah blah blah blah...thoughtless crapola you spill....guess it's easier than trying to defend the so called Christian who is the one who actually started this very thread by "pointing fingers"

The fact that your retort is based on "blah blah blah" says much about your inability to effectively debate. You lose.
Lefty's wag their fingers at Christians for not helping the Poor via the State. Consider this: They voted for man to be president who moved his yacht from a location that could have yielded $500K in taxes towards the poor (John Kerry). If that was not enough, they are circling the wagons of a woman for President who tax credits for her husband's used boxers (Bill Clinton).

You leftists need to change the direction where you are wagging your finger or take your finger and shove it up your Alinsky ass.
sure, whatever....blah blah blah blah blah...thoughtless crapola you spill....guess it's easier than trying to defend the so called Christian who is the one who actually started this very thread by "pointing fingers"

The fact that your retort is based on "blah blah blah" says much about your inability to effectively debate. You lose.

Your premise is faulty. Tax money doesn't go exclusively to any lone purpose. But to all of them. So claiming that Kerry took money from poor people by moving his yacht is invalid.

Second, we're referring to public policy. If Kerry moves a yacht....that doesn't pull a food tax rebate from the poor. If a republican state legislature does pull a food tax rebate from the poor, it does. Equating the two is logically invalid.

Your premise fails twice.
Lefty's wag their fingers at Christians for not helping the Poor via the State. Consider this: They voted for man to be president who moved his yacht from a location that could have yielded $500K in taxes towards the poor (John Kerry). If that was not enough, they are circling the wagons of a woman for President who tax credits for her husband's used boxers (Bill Clinton).

You leftists need to change the direction where you are wagging your finger or take your finger and shove it up your Alinsky ass.
sure, whatever....blah blah blah blah blah...thoughtless crapola you spill....guess it's easier than trying to defend the so called Christian who is the one who actually started this very thread by "pointing fingers"

The fact that your retort is based on "blah blah blah" says much about your inability to effectively debate. You lose.

Your premise is faulty. Tax money doesn't go exclusively to any lone purpose. But to all of them. So claiming that Kerry took money from poor people by moving his yacht is invalid.

Second, we're referring to public policy. If Kerry moves a yacht....that doesn't pull a food tax rebate from the poor. If a republican state legislature does pull a food tax rebate from the poor, it does. Equating the two is logically invalid.

Your premise fails twice.

False premise? A Republican state legislature is not wagging its finger at people to pay more taxes so people will not go hungry while floating its $7M yacht away from waters where he will not have to pay $500k to commonwealth of Massachusetts. So now you are going to tell US how none of that money would going to the poor had the elitist Senator kept it anchored in Massachussetts?

Watching you sheep liberals worship the true 1 percent of this country is always comical.
Lefty's wag their fingers at Christians for not helping the Poor via the State. Consider this: They voted for man to be president who moved his yacht from a location that could have yielded $500K in taxes towards the poor (John Kerry). If that was not enough, they are circling the wagons of a woman for President who tax credits for her husband's used boxers (Bill Clinton).

You leftists need to change the direction where you are wagging your finger or take your finger and shove it up your Alinsky ass.
sure, whatever....blah blah blah blah blah...thoughtless crapola you spill....guess it's easier than trying to defend the so called Christian who is the one who actually started this very thread by "pointing fingers"

The fact that your retort is based on "blah blah blah" says much about your inability to effectively debate. You lose.

Your premise is faulty. Tax money doesn't go exclusively to any lone purpose. But to all of them. So claiming that Kerry took money from poor people by moving his yacht is invalid.

Second, we're referring to public policy. If Kerry moves a yacht....that doesn't pull a food tax rebate from the poor. If a republican state legislature does pull a food tax rebate from the poor, it does. Equating the two is logically invalid.

Your premise fails twice.

False premise? A Republican state legislature is not wagging its finger at people to pay more taxes so people will not go hungry while floating its $7M yacht away from waters where he will not have to pay $500k to commonwealth of Massachusetts.

A Kansas Republican state legislature is cutting food tax rebates to the poorest of the poor to maintain a 0% corporate tax rate. Which has nothing to do with a yacht in Massachusetts.

Kansas republicans should rightly be criticized. Its fucking ridiculous.

So now you are going to tell US how none of that money would going to the poor had the elitist Senator kept it anchored in Massachussetts?

And what food tax rebate was cut because Kerry moved his yacht?

There is none. You're ignoring an actual example for a hopelessly hypothetical one. And then laughably equating Kansas Republicans literally increasing taxes on food for those deepest in poverty to maintain a tax cut for some of the wealthiest in the State.....with your imagination.

You really didn't think this through, did you?
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