
I am not avoiding questions, I do not look at you as Gods gift to humanity the way you look at yourself. THE fact is the land Jesus lived in was known as Palestine hundreds of years before He was born there. I expect Palestine dooes not appear in The Gospels because there was no purpose to use the word, at the time the land was divided up into cities and Roman provinces and when places are referred to these names are used. I THINK of it like me being a North American but that phrase is not one used by people where I live to describe ourselves. THE fact we do not speak or write of ourselves as North Americans does not mean we are not. AND North America describes where I live just exactly like Palestine describes where Jesus lived.
Where the fuck do you get your history from?
It was called Philistine and it was named that after Jesus died.
The real fact is that Jesus was born a Jew in the region known as JUDEA, not Palestine.
You Nazi lunatics sure like to distort history !

Niw about Christ Rejectors. Can you define that term please

HISTORY is not rewritten because a shitty little nation called Israel came into existence in 1948, 65 years ago.THE land has been called Palestine for over 2000 years, since over 400 years before Jesus was even born there. I GET my History from Historians, Herodotus is known as the first Historian and he first records the name of the land as Palestine. THERE ARE others, Greeks and contemporaries of Jesus, Aristotle, Plutarch, Josephus. A SHITTY little nation coming into existence in 1948 does not wipe away 2400 years of history recording a land known by the world as Palestine!

Well ,at least you acknowledged that Jesus was born in Judea as a Jew and not in Palestine!
You still haven't shown me a link that says otherwise. What a shame Sherri. You have been owned !

Calling the greatest country in the ME a shitty little nation just shows us once again that your world is so full of hate !! Hate hate hate hate !

Israel exists, and always will, even if you try to re-write history !
So again, just so everyone notices, Sherri has NO, NADA, ZIP, ZERO, CAPUT Biblical evidence of a land called Palestine. Not once was it referred to by anybody or anywhere.


Ha ha ha!
So again, just so everyone notices, Sherri has NO, NADA, ZIP, ZERO, CAPUT Biblical evidence of a land called Palestine. Not once was it referred to by anybody or anywhere.


Ha ha ha!

BAHAHAH ! It's so fun arguing with Sherri !!
Thank you for also for agreeing that it was called Phillistine, not Palestine :)

ONCE IT WAS, and that word also once referred to a smaller area, but by the time of Herodotus ithe land was called Palestine! LOOKING AT another Bible with maps of Palestine, the ESV Study Bible!
Thank you for also for agreeing that it was called Phillistine, not Palestine :)

ONCE IT WAS, and that word also once referred to a smaller area, but by the time of Herodotus ithe land was called Palestine! LOOKING AT another Bible with maps of Palestine, the ESV Study Bible!
Nothing again? The Bible came with "maps"?! Jesus lived in "Philistine"? Bwahahahahahaha!

Sssshhhhh! The Sherri has spoken her shit! Ha ha ha.

6Jesus answered,*“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.*7If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” John 4:6 I want to share these words of Jesus with you, you have been given knowledge of who Jesus is. HE is the Messiah of which Prophecy of the OT spoke. NOW, YOU will be held accountable for your choice of whether you reject Him as Messiah or accept Him as Messiah. CHOOSE carefully!
I'm not spreading nothing except facts. I exposed your lies about Jesus being a Palestinian.

It cannot get better than this ! a NAZI slut spreading lies about Jesus !!

How would Jesus feel if he knew you were spreading lies about his life ?
Thank you for also for agreeing that it was called Phillistine, not Palestine :)

ONCE IT WAS, and that word also once referred to a smaller area, but by the time of Herodotus ithe land was called Palestine! LOOKING AT another Bible with maps of Palestine, the ESV Study Bible!

Sherri has copies of some "bible" printed in 500 BC by some greeks. .
She worships a character called ISA who spoke arabic and claimed
that he lived in a land called "BALESTINE"
Isa was literate in arabic----even though arabic had no
alphabet or script until about 300 AD (which is 800 years
after 500 BC--according to most people) . She also knows that this isa
person was born in a town in an area in which SAMARITANS lived----
notably BETHLEHEM--- a little town in THE LAND OF THE SAMARITANS--
to wit todays SAMARIA ------who also spoke arabic-----

Sherri has this information from her bible---dated 500 BC
I still can't believe Sherri calls herself a Christian !

I CANNOT get over toastboy actually calling himself a human being, he seems so devoid of humanity!

Sherri has so much IN COMMON with magda goebbels who helped and inspired
her husband, the dashing Josef Goebbels in his OPUS MAGNUS----his massive
work in support of the agenda of isa-respecter ADOLF ABU ALI HITLER
whose theories regarding who is and his not "HUMAN" are so popular in
the home of sherri.

Magda was so much a "HUMAN" ---that when her mother's second husband
and her very caring stepfather ---widower at that point was sent to Bergen-
Belsen-----Magda ---sometimes called FIRST LADY OF THE REICH---
refused to intervene-----so taken was she with the righteous cause
of ADOLF ABU ALI and her Husband Josef------her step-father died
in the camp-----she celebrated by shoving cyanide down the throats of
her six small children -----in honor of adolf, allah, isa and the rapist dog
i'm not spreading nothing except facts. I exposed your lies about jesus being a palestinian.

It cannot get better than this ! A nazi slut spreading lies about jesus !!

How would jesus feel if he knew you were spreading lies about his life ?

I CANNOT get over toastboy actually calling himself a human being, he seems so devoid of humanity!

You're not a Christian. You're an EVIL WITCH !

And you just got owned in every argument about Jesus.
On the bright side, the crazy witch doesn't realize she's the laughing stalk of the board. Ha ha.

Isa told her----in arabic-----YOU ARE SO GOOD THAT PEOPLE WILL LAUGH
AT YOU. how do you say "LAUGH" in arabic? I know some
words in arabic ----but "LAUGH" is certainly not one of them. I have seen
arabs laugh----but that was on 9-11-01
WELL, IT CANNOT get better than this, watching Jews spread the Gospel of Jesus!
Still got nothing? Why is it so hard to come up with one, ONE reference in the NT by Jesus or ANYBODY with the word "Palestine" in it?

Now she will start babbling quoting us Biblical verses. This lunatic woman is truly possessed! Ha ha ha.


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