
We'll get to that bible in a second. Now back to the original bible. Why doesn't it say anything about Jesus being a Palestinian in Palestine?
We'll get to that bible in a second. Now back to the original bible. Why doesn't it say anything about Jesus being a Palestinian in Palestine?

WHO are you to make demands of Jesus? YOU have no authority to make such demands!

Stop avoiding the question with your outlandish claims.

Ok lets see if you can answer tbhis question . What was the name of the region when Jesus was born. Th e city was Bethlehem but what was the name of the surrounding region
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Here's what the New Testaement says and about Jews and Israel. I don't see a "Palestine", do you? Ha ha ha.

Let us search the Scriptures to see if these things be so. We will examine the 73 times in the New Testament where the term “Israel” is used. How does the New Testament use this term? The following article is taken from the book Israelology–the Missing Link in Systematic Theology, by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum. It is used with his permission.

The Use of Israel
in the New Testament
by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum

Quotation of Micah 5:2 which prophesies that the Messiah “shall be shepherd of my people Israel.”
Matthew 2:20
Geographical reference concerning the family’s return to “the land of Israel.”
Matthew 2:21
Same as above.
Matthew 8:10
and Luke 7:9
Jesus contrasts the faith of the Roman Centurion with that of unbelieving Israel: “I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.”
Matthew 9:33
The response of the multitudes to the miracles of Jesus, “It was never so seen in Israel.”
Matthew 10:6
The disciples are instructed not to go among the Gentiles and
Samaritans but to go only “to the lost sheep of the house of
Matthew 10:23
Geographical notation of the work of the disciples in “the cities of Israel.”
Matthew 15:24
Christ’s ministry was “unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel”
Matthew 15:31
The multitudes “glorified the God of Israel” when they saw the miracles of Jesus.
Matthew 19:28
and Luke 22:30
The disciples are promised authority over “the twelve tribes of Israel.”
Matthew 27:9
Quotation of Zechariah 11:12-13 which prophesied that the Messiah will be sold out for thirty pieces of silver by “the children of Israel.”
Matthew 27:42
and Mark 15:32
Jesus is mocked as “the king of Israel.”
Mark 12:29
Quotation of Deuteronomy 6:4: “Hear O Israel.”
Luke 1:16
The ministry of John was to get “many of the children of Israel” to turn to the Lord.
Luke 1:80
John was in the deserts until “the day of his showing unto Israel.”
Luke 2:25
Simeon was looking for the Messianic Hope as “the consolation of Israel.”
Luke 2:32
While the Messiah was to he a light for revelation to the
Gentiles,” He is also to be for “the glory of thy people Israel.”
Luke 2:34
The Messiah is appointed to be “for the falling and rising of many in Israel.”
Luke 4:25
An historical reference to the “widows in Israel” in the days of Elijah.
Luke 4:27
An historical reference to the “lepers in Israel” in the days of Elijah.
Luke 24:21
The two Emmaus disciples describe Jesus as the one they hoped would “redeem Israel.”
John 1:31
The Messiah was to “be made manifest to Israel” through John’s baptism.
John 1:49
Nathanael described Jesus as the “King of Israel.”
John 3:10
Jesus refers to Nicodemus as “the teacher of Israel.”
John 12:13
The multitudes at the triumphal entry describe Jesus as “the King of Israel.”
Acts 1:6
The disciples ask, “Lord, dost thou at this time restore the
kingdom to Israel?” Obviously, the disciples had ethnic Israel and not the Church in mind in this context.
Acts 2:22
Peter is addressing an unbelieving Jewish audience and states, “Ye men of Israel.” Contextually, this could hardly be the Church.
Acts 2:36
This is the same audience as the above reference.
Acts 3:12
Peter is again addressing an unbelieving Jewish audience with the words, “Ye men of Israel.” As unbelievers, they could hardly be the Church.
Acts 4:10
Peter clearly has the whole ethnic Israel in view when he declares to “all the people of Israel” that the lame man was healed “in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.”
Acts 4:27
Israel is listed along with the Gentiles as being guilty of the crucifixion. This could hardly be the Church.
Acts 5:21
A reference to “the senate of the children of Israel” Who were unbelievers and, therefore, not the Church.
Acts 5:31
Peter offers “repentance to Israel.” Israel is in unbelief at this point and so is obviously not the Church.
Acts 5:35
Gamaliel addressing his fellow members of the Sanhedrin states, “Ye men of Israel,” none of whom were believers.
Acts 7:23
Stephen is making an historical reference to “the children of Israel” of the time of Moses.
Acts 7:37
Same as above.
Acts 7:42
Same as above.
Acts 9:15
God declares that Paul will proclaim the gospel to Gentiles and to “the children of Israel.” This is a reference to Jews who do not believe as yet.
Acts 10:36
Peter refers to the now historical fact that Jesus came to preach the gospel “unto the children of Israel,” the majority of whom did not believe the message and so did not constitute the Church.
Acts 13:16
Paul is addressing an unbelieving Jewish audience when he states, “men of Israel.”
Acts 13:17
Paul refers to the historical “this people Israel” of the time of the Exodus.
Acts 13:23
Paul mentions the historical fact that the Messiah had come to the Jews in fulfillment of the “promise brought unto Israel.”
Acts 13:24
Paul refers to the historical fact that John the Baptist preached “repentance to all the people of Israel.”
Acts 21:28
The “men of Israel” in this verse is the mob who attacked Paul.
Acts 28:20
Paul declares that he is chained for “the hope of Israel,” a reference to the Messianic Hope and not the Church.
Romans 9:4
Paul lists the privileges God gave the “Israelites” already discussed.
Romans 9:6
Paul draws a contrast of two Israels: Israel the whole, and believing Israel within Israel the whole. Both Israels comprise Jews only. While some Covenant Theologians wish to make the believing Israel the Church, other Covenant Theologians agree that this verse contrasts Jews who believe and Jews who do not.
Romans 9:27
Another contrast between unbelieving Israel and the believing remnant.
Romans 9:31
A reference to unbelieving Israel who “did not arrive at that law.”
Romans 10:19
Paul declares that Israel received the message, but did not accept
Romans 10:21
God’s hands are stretched out to unbelieving Israel still.
Romans 11:1
Paul refers to himself as an “Israelite” nationally and ethnically.
Romans 11:2
Paul makes an historical reference to the fact that “Elijah pleaded with God against Israel” because of Israel’s unbelief.
Romans 11:7
Paul again draws a contrast between Israel the whole that failed to obtain what she was seeking for with the remnant, “the election,” that did.
Romans 11:25
Paul speaks of the blindness that had befallen Israel.
Romans 11:26
The prophecy that all Israel will be saved. Covenant Theologians are split on the meaning of this verse. Generally speaking, Covenant Amillennialists see this as a reference to the Church, while Covenant Postmillennialists and Covenant Premillennialists see it as a reference to national ethnic Israel.
1 Cor. 10:18
The “Israel after the flesh” is obviously national ethnic Israel.
2 Cor. 3:7
An historical reference to “the children of Israel” at the time of Moses.
2 Cor. 3:13
Same as above.
2 Cor. 11:22
Paul refers to both unbelieving Jews and to himself as “Israelites.”
Galatians 6:16
Paul’s reference to the “Israel of God” is the only reference used by all Covenant Theologians to prove that the Church is called Israel. This verse will be discussed in detail below
Ephesians 2:12
The “commonwealth of Israel” is contrasted with the Gentiles and with the “one new man” which is the Church.
Philippians 3:5
Paul refers to himself us coming from “the stock of Israel,” an obvious reference to his national ethnic origins.
Hebrews 8:8,10
A quotation of’ the New Covenant of Jeremiah.
Hebrews 11:22
An historical reference to the Israel of the Exodus
Revelation 7:4
A reference to the twelve tribes of Israel
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We'll get to that bible in a second. Now back to the original bible. Why doesn't it say anything about Jesus being a Palestinian in Palestine?

WHO are you to make demands of Jesus? YOU have no authority to make such demands!

Yanno...the palestinians reject jesus. :eek:Why doesn't that upset you?

Is it because you are a piece of shit hypocrite? :evil:
We'll get to that bible in a second. Now back to the original bible. Why doesn't it say anything about Jesus being a Palestinian in Palestine?

WHO are you to make demands of Jesus? YOU have no authority to make such demands!

Stop avoiding the question with your outlandish claims.

Ok lets see if you can answer tbhis question . What was the name of the region when Jesus was born. Th e city was Bethlehem but what was the name of the surrounding region

I am not avoiding questions, I do not look at you as Gods gift to humanity the way you look at yourself. THE fact is the land Jesus lived in was known as Palestine hundreds of years before He was born there. I expect Palestine dooes not appear in The Gospels because there was no purpose to use the word, at the time the land was divided up into cities and Roman provinces and when places are referred to these names are used. I THINK of it like me being a North American but that phrase is not one used by people where I live to describe ourselves. THE fact we do not speak or write of ourselves as North Americans does not mean we are not. AND North America describes where I live just exactly like Palestine describes where Jesus lived.
THAT is a huge topic raised by your question. WOW, SO many different viewpoints about that are out there. I do not claim to know what Prophecy will look like factually in our world, thats why I so readily reject all these end time theories shooting up In our midst!

Now if you could just point out the part where it says that Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine....:D

I cannot print a map here from my Churchs Bibles, that appear multiple copies of this Bible in Church pews ON EVERY AISLE OF PEWS IN MY CHURCH, but the Bible is a NKJV, a New King James version of the Christian Bible. And Map 6 is a map labelled Palestine in Christs Time!

I accept the truth about Jesus living in Palestine appearing IN MY Churchs Bibles AND REJECT THE STATEMENTS DENYING JESUS AND PALESTINE BY A CHRIST REJECTOR LIKE YOU!

It would not be unusual for a Bible to label the entire region as Palestine since that is the name the Romans gave it, the same way there is a region called Siberia. Meanwhile, Frau Sherri, you never did tell us what you think about the Muslims believing that when Jesus returns he will destroy all the crosses and preach Islam. I guess you had better throw away your Bible then and pick up a Koran, as if you don't have one now.
WHO are you to make demands of Jesus? YOU have no authority to make such demands!

Stop avoiding the question with your outlandish claims.

Ok lets see if you can answer tbhis question . What was the name of the region when Jesus was born. Th e city was Bethlehem but what was the name of the surrounding region

I am not avoiding questions, I do not look at you as Gods gift to humanity the way you look at yourself. THE fact is the land Jesus lived in was known as Palestine hundreds of years before He was born there. I expect Palestine dooes not appear in The Gospels because there was no purpose to use the word, at the time the land was divided up into cities and
Roman provinces and when places are referred to these names are used. I THINK of it like me being a North American but that phrase is not one used by people where I live to describe ourselves. THE fact we do not speak or write of ourselves as North Americans does not mean we are not. AND North America describes where I live just exactly like Palestine describes where Jesus lived.

Wrong again Sherri---the name of the area in which Jesus was born
was JUDEA however his parents lived in Israel
At that time----Israel and Judea became MERGED as the
KINGDOM OF ISRAEL the LARGER area----which included parts of
Lebanon and Syria etc ----was called "PALESTINE" by the Greeks
and Romans just as SOUTH AMERICA is called SOUTH AMERICA
and not PERU

The Roman refered to the whole area which included Israel and Judea
at that time as JUDEA Now at one point you got very confuse
about SAMARIA which is actually a city IN JUDEA ---it is not
a separate country of "SAMARITANS" Samaritans
are actually a kind of sect of Judaism---Relations between
the two sects deteriorated LONG LONG AGO----They did
not engage in much violence against each other---they
just did not like each other ----it is obvious that
you are confused about the term SAMARIA ---Which
is actually used to describe a LARGE PART OF JUDEA---
---now sometimes referred to as THE WEST BANK

chances are Jesus never heard of the term "PALESTINE"

BTW there are still some samaritans around
WHO are you to make demands of Jesus? YOU have no authority to make such demands!

Stop avoiding the question with your outlandish claims.

Ok lets see if you can answer tbhis question . What was the name of the region when Jesus was born. Th e city was Bethlehem but what was the name of the surrounding region

I am not avoiding questions, I do not look at you as Gods gift to humanity the way you look at yourself. THE fact is the land Jesus lived in was known as Palestine hundreds of years before He was born there. I expect Palestine dooes not appear in The Gospels because there was no purpose to use the word, at the time the land was divided up into cities and Roman provinces and when places are referred to these names are used. I THINK of it like me being a North American but that phrase is not one used by people where I live to describe ourselves. THE fact we do not speak or write of ourselves as North Americans does not mean we are not. AND North America describes where I live just exactly like Palestine describes where Jesus lived.
The fact is there was no Palestine. Can you show us where Palestine is mentioned in the New Testament. Not even once.

You are a pathetic, ignorant, stupid, crazy hatemongering liar. And those are your good qualities. Ha ha ha! Phew, you really fucking stink.
WHO are you to make demands of Jesus? YOU have no authority to make such demands!

Stop avoiding the question with your outlandish claims.

Ok lets see if you can answer tbhis question . What was the name of the region when Jesus was born. Th e city was Bethlehem but what was the name of the surrounding region

I am not avoiding questions, I do not look at you as Gods gift to humanity the way you look at yourself. THE fact is the land Jesus lived in was known as Palestine hundreds of years before He was born there. I expect Palestine dooes not appear in The Gospels because there was no purpose to use the word, at the time the land was divided up into cities and Roman provinces and when places are referred to these names are used. I THINK of it like me being a North American but that phrase is not one used by people where I live to describe ourselves. THE fact we do not speak or write of ourselves as North Americans does not mean we are not. AND North America describes where I live just exactly like Palestine describes where Jesus lived.
Where the fuck do you get your history from?
It was called Philistine and it was named that after Jesus died.
The real fact is that Jesus was born a Jew in the region known as JUDEA, not Palestine.
You Nazi lunatics sure like to distort history !

Niw about Christ Rejectors. Can you define that term please
SherriMunnerlyn; now try to remember this "TWO POINTS DETERMINE A LINE"[/QUOTE said:
FOR God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever beliveth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

can you sing ~~~~~ la la la AWAAAY IN THE MAAAANGER, NO CRIB FOR


My fave was always ---- HI DIDDLE DIDDLE, THE CAT AND THE FIDDLE---

I have always found that "WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH..."
thing a major weakness in christian theology---it does not
make sense-------MAGDA GOEBBELS---believedeth

Of course it is not likely that intelligent christian
theologians take it in the idiotic manner that
characterizes your depraved "philosophy"
Stop avoiding the question with your outlandish claims.

Ok lets see if you can answer tbhis question . What was the name of the region when Jesus was born. Th e city was Bethlehem but what was the name of the surrounding region

I am not avoiding questions, I do not look at you as Gods gift to humanity the way you look at yourself. THE fact is the land Jesus lived in was known as Palestine hundreds of years before He was born there. I expect Palestine dooes not appear in The Gospels because there was no purpose to use the word, at the time the land was divided up into cities and Roman provinces and when places are referred to these names are used. I THINK of it like me being a North American but that phrase is not one used by people where I live to describe ourselves. THE fact we do not speak or write of ourselves as North Americans does not mean we are not. AND North America describes where I live just exactly like Palestine describes where Jesus lived.
Where the fuck do you get your history from?
It was called Philistine and it was named that after Jesus died.
The real fact is that Jesus was born a Jew in the region known as JUDEA, not Palestine.
You Nazi lunatics sure like to distort history !

Niw about Christ Rejectors. Can you define that term please

HISTORY is not rewritten because a shitty little nation called Israel came into existence in 1948, 65 years ago.THE land has been called Palestine for over 2000 years, since over 400 years before Jesus was even born there. I GET my History from Historians, Herodotus is known as the first Historian and he first records the name of the land as Palestine. THERE ARE others, Greeks and contemporaries of Jesus, Aristotle, Plutarch, Josephus. A SHITTY little nation coming into existence in 1948 does not wipe away 2400 years of history recording a land known by the world as Palestine!
I am not avoiding questions, I do not look at you as Gods gift to humanity the way you look at yourself. THE fact is the land Jesus lived in was known as Palestine hundreds of years before He was born there. I expect Palestine dooes not appear in The Gospels because there was no purpose to use the word, at the time the land was divided up into cities and Roman provinces and when places are referred to these names are used. I THINK of it like me being a North American but that phrase is not one used by people where I live to describe ourselves. THE fact we do not speak or write of ourselves as North Americans does not mean we are not. AND North America describes where I live just exactly like Palestine describes where Jesus lived.
Where the fuck do you get your history from?
It was called Philistine and it was named that after Jesus died.
The real fact is that Jesus was born a Jew in the region known as JUDEA, not Palestine.
You Nazi lunatics sure like to distort history !

Niw about Christ Rejectors. Can you define that term please

HISTORY is not rewritten because a shitty little nation called Israel came into existence in 1948, 65 years ago.THE land has been called Palestine for over 2000 years, since over 400 years before Jesus was even born there. I GET my History from Historians, Herodotus is known as the first Historian and he first records the name of the land as Palestine. THERE ARE others, Greeks and contemporaries of Jesus, Aristotle, Plutarch, Josephus. A SHITTY little nation coming into existence in 1948 does not wipe away 2400 years of history recording a land known by the world as Palestine!
Whatever you're smokin', I want a truck load. Tell me how much you want and I'll mail you the money and pay the freight. No cost is too great for such wonderful shit.
I am not avoiding questions, I do not look at you as Gods gift to humanity the way you look at yourself. THE fact is the land Jesus lived in was known as Palestine hundreds of years before He was born there. I expect Palestine dooes not appear in The Gospels because there was no purpose to use the word, at the time the land was divided up into cities and Roman provinces and when places are referred to these names are used. I THINK of it like me being a North American but that phrase is not one used by people where I live to describe ourselves. THE fact we do not speak or write of ourselves as North Americans does not mean we are not. AND North America describes where I live just exactly like Palestine describes where Jesus lived.
Where the fuck do you get your history from?
It was called Philistine and it was named that after Jesus died.
The real fact is that Jesus was born a Jew in the region known as JUDEA, not Palestine.
You Nazi lunatics sure like to distort history !

Niw about Christ Rejectors. Can you define that term please

HISTORY is not rewritten because a shitty little nation called Israel came into existence in 1948, 65 years ago.THE land has been called Palestine for over 2000 years, since over 400

years before Jesus was even born there. I GET my History from Historians, Herodotus is known as the first Historian and he first records the name of the land as Palestine. THERE ARE others, Greeks and contemporaries of Jesus, Aristotle, Plutarch, Josephus. A SHITTY little nation coming into existence in 1948 does not wipe away 2400 years of history recording a land known by the world as Palestine!

You are probably right sherri----therre was a shitty little guy
born in the judean town of bethlehem named ISA He was
very much a lump of shit just like you are. He spoke arabic and
shot at animals with bows and arrows and he----like hundreds
of thousands of people in those times was executed in the
disgusting roman/greek manner by CRUCIFIXION because
he was a shitty arab hated by the romans
The roman/greek culture morphed into the
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE under Constantine ---to wit
the FIRST REICH-----That disgusting "culture" invaded much of europe
and large parts of the rest of the world and exported its VILE BARBARITY
even to the Americas comitting genocide upon the natives of america
and elaborating also brought the ROMAN STYLE OF SLAVERY---which is
disgusting chattel slavery to the americas ----spawning more shit---
I am not avoiding questions, I do not look at you as Gods gift to humanity the way you look at yourself. THE fact is the land Jesus lived in was known as Palestine hundreds of years before He was born there. I expect Palestine dooes not appear in The Gospels because there was no purpose to use the word, at the time the land was divided up into cities and Roman provinces and when places are referred to these names are used. I THINK of it like me being a North American but that phrase is not one used by people where I live to describe ourselves. THE fact we do not speak or write of ourselves as North Americans does not mean we are not. AND North America describes where I live just exactly like Palestine describes where Jesus lived.
Where the fuck do you get your history from?
It was called Philistine and it was named that after Jesus died.
The real fact is that Jesus was born a Jew in the region known as JUDEA, not Palestine.
You Nazi lunatics sure like to distort history !

Niw about Christ Rejectors. Can you define that term please

HISTORY is not rewritten because a shitty little nation called Israel came into existence in 1948, 65 years ago.THE land has been called Palestine for over 2000 years, since over 400 years before Jesus was even born there. I GET my History from Historians, Herodotus is known as the first Historian and he first records the name of the land as Palestine. THERE ARE others, Greeks and contemporaries of Jesus, Aristotle, Plutarch, Josephus. A SHITTY little nation coming into existence in 1948 does not wipe away 2400 years of history recording a land known by the world as Palestine!
And yet, despite your lies and hallucinations, there is no mention of Palestine in the New Testament nor do Jesus and his followers ever mention the word Palestine. Ha ha ha.

God Bless Israel.

Sssshhhhh! The Sherri has spoken her shit! Ha ha ha.

6Jesus answered,*“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.*7If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” John 4:6 I want to share these words of Jesus with you, you have been given knowledge of who Jesus is. HE is the Messiah of which Prophecy of the OT spoke. NOW, YOU will be held accountable for your choice of whether you reject Him as Messiah or accept Him as Messiah. CHOOSE carefully!
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Where the fuck do you get your history from?
It was called Philistine and it was named that after Jesus died.
The real fact is that Jesus was born a Jew in the region known as JUDEA, not Palestine.
You Nazi lunatics sure like to distort history !

Niw about Christ Rejectors. Can you define that term please

HISTORY is not rewritten because a shitty little nation called Israel came into existence in 1948, 65 years ago.THE land has been called Palestine for over 2000 years, since over 400 years before Jesus was even born there. I GET my History from Historians, Herodotus is known as the first Historian and he first records the name of the land as Palestine. THERE ARE others, Greeks and contemporaries of Jesus, Aristotle, Plutarch, Josephus. A SHITTY little nation coming into existence in 1948 does not wipe away 2400 years of history recording a land known by the world as Palestine!
Whatever you're smokin', I want a truck load. Tell me how much you want and I'll mail you the money and pay the freight. No cost is too great for such wonderful shit.

FOR God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth In Him should not perish but have everlasting life. JOHN 3:16 Choose carefully!
FOR God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth In Him should not perish but have everlasting life. JOHN 3:16 <<posted by sherri---over and over again

that one must LOSE in the translation I wonder what
word is used for "THE WORLD" In hebrew literature
words that get translated into english as "world" ----do
not actually refer to people----they refer--in general--
to something vast and eternal---and usually a better
translation would be "universe" But then there
are words that refer to the --the thing created
"in the beginning" which seems to refer to our
solar system----and most specifically --earth and
the stuff on our planet. If the issue is people---
a term that translates to "NATIONS" would be

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