Jew vs. Athiest : Christians Judge

I have seen more miracles than I can count, just this past week, God, Personally, gave me one.

God hasn't disappeared, people have just given up on seeking Him.
Now I have to call this BS out. Most atheists were very religious themselves whether it was when they were an child/adolescent or adult. They had already seeked him and believed in him. Over the years the stories seemed like just stories, the validity of them disappeared and science and common sense had better explanations.

Also the term miracle is so open to interpretation. I have a friend that uses the term miracle for births. How can something that happens over a billion times a day be considered a miracle. (I included all life not just human)
And is death a miracle too?

It is a very interesting biological process
So why aren't Jews convinced about the Jesus story? Just good to realize its not just us athiests.

jews tend to reject magical stuff in the long run---no matter how much fun it seems at the outset
neurotically phobic persons are hypervigilant. I am neurotically
afraid of dogs------and small running creatures (like THOSE DAMN RATS)
I tend to see them in every moving shadow in dim light. Bodec sees jews
Not at I said, I have friends who are Jews....I love jews...but they are a very small minority....about 2% and they certainly make an inordinate amount of noise of their rights, their wants, etc. Why can't they just live their lives without all the fanfare and in your face? Asking that question is not hate.

Muslims are also about 2% and they are making more noise than Jews.
I don't believe they have the political and social power than Jews do, but you make a good point. What's up with that?

I would like to know why the White House invited the Muslim Brotherhood who sponsor Terrorists for a meeting and what was up with that.
I would like also to know why the White House keeps inviting Jewish Leaders considering what a small portion of the population they are...that don't even fit in with the majority culture.

Jews tend to be accomplished in their professions----that is why the personal physician of Sala'adin was a jew
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?

I don't think Christians have any problem with atheists at all. I know I don't. However, when atheists attack Christian beliefs, Christians will defend them. That's all. From my experience, I have never run into a Jew who attacked Christian faith. I am sure there are those that do, but I have never run into one. In my experience, Jews are perfectly happy to have discussions about the differences in belief and are quite tolerant of the differing points of view. Indeed, in my study, I have two friends who are Rabbis with whom I will contact when I have a question about Jewish belief, the Hebrew language, or such things and they are quite happy to discuss it knowing full well I am a Christian and will apply their input toward my Christian faith.

Most atheists are the same actually. They are too busy with their own lives to worry about what other people believe and generally don't care. But some can be quite militant and antagonistic and that is going to generate a response.
I love it how basically a lot of christians have said for some reason Jews get a free pass on doubting god sent his son.

And have you seen next week on A.D. the bible continues Jesus' disciples went around performing miracles proving god exists to the yet unconverted. I'll convert too if a priest can cure my moms Alzheimer's. Why are we unlucky in the dice roll of time.

God apparently got involved all throughout history but disappeared 2000 years ago? Lol
and yet, there are 3 billion Christians in the world today......looks like not everyone agrees that he disappeared.......
So does Superman, Batman, The Green Hornet, the Hulk and numerous other mythical writings.

I think you are missing the point, Huggy. Sealy was expressing his concern that Christians may not have concern for the environment because their focus is on heaven and not the Earth. Peach merely pointed out that the Bible directs Christians and Jews to protect the Earth and take good care of it. Whether it is mythical or not is irrelevant to the point being made. Unless you are suggesting that because you find it mythical that Christians do not have a responsibility to care for the environment.
I think it could better be said that Seally's claim that Christians don't have concern for the environment is mythical........
The religious in this country have a unholy alliance with the corporations who deny global warming. You see it in right wing posters on usmb all the time. Religious people who deny global warming because the bible doesnt foresee it.
nobody denies global warming....its just that we are trying to get the idiots who think mankind caused it to come to their senses.......
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?

Why do you think we are angry at you about anything?

We differ with both you and Jews. We work together with anyone for many causes we believe in. Probably more with Jews from a sharing of values
So does Superman, Batman, The Green Hornet, the Hulk and numerous other mythical writings.

I think you are missing the point, Huggy. Sealy was expressing his concern that Christians may not have concern for the environment because their focus is on heaven and not the Earth. Peach merely pointed out that the Bible directs Christians and Jews to protect the Earth and take good care of it. Whether it is mythical or not is irrelevant to the point being made. Unless you are suggesting that because you find it mythical that Christians do not have a responsibility to care for the environment.
Christians especially the conservative ones continue to vote in politicians who have no regard for the environment and go to a green party rally. Very few Christians there.
So does Superman, Batman, The Green Hornet, the Hulk and numerous other mythical writings.

I think you are missing the point, Huggy. Sealy was expressing his concern that Christians may not have concern for the environment because their focus is on heaven and not the Earth. Peach merely pointed out that the Bible directs Christians and Jews to protect the Earth and take good care of it. Whether it is mythical or not is irrelevant to the point being made. Unless you are suggesting that because you find it mythical that Christians do not have a responsibility to care for the environment.

Seriously, I think Christians, like Jews believe that they are specially blessed by their God. Many of both religions believe they have licence to interpret all circumstance in their own favor. Manifest destiny has run deep. Just here in North America the native Americans were destroyed largely because the religions of both Christians and Jews think they can always interpret what they see is all the title needed. If it has value of course it belongs to them regardless of any others already occupying the land.

South America and the islands of the "New World" were especially treated with the worst greed and pure evil that god could provide the previous residents all to satisfy a myth.

It is difficult to write words that capture what they have done in the name of their gods.

If I had a time machine I would go back 2000 years and kill every single Christian and Jew.
So it really shouldnt offend christians when us athiests say exactly what a Jew believes.
that YHWH created the heavens and the earth?.....I haven't heard you say that......

So any god will do? Is that why arent offended with Mormons who also say your religion is bullshit? Because at least they have their own lie about yaway?

Its like how one criminal doesnt tell o another because he doesnt want to also be exposed?
Why do Christians get mad at us athiests for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with christians. Why is that? As an athiest I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and athiests believe about christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?

Why do you think we are angry at you about anything?

We differ with both you and Jews. We work together with anyone for many causes we believe in. Probably more with Jews from a sharing of values
You dont try convincing them your Jesus stories are true like you do us and for some reason they aren't going to hell for not believing but we are?
So it really shouldnt offend christians when us athiests say exactly what a Jew believes.
that YHWH created the heavens and the earth?.....I haven't heard you say that......

So any god will do?
now you think anyone will consider that a rational response? doesn't even have anything to do with the comment you posted......I asked a question that presented itself obviously from your comment.......the Jews believe that YHWH created the heavens and the claim the atheists say exactly what Jews believe....if logic controlled, one would be led to the conclusion that atheists say that YHWH created the heavens and the, either that is what you say or you are making an illogical statement.....I am merely attempting to eliminate options when I ask if you are saying that......
So it really shouldnt offend christians when us athiests say exactly what a Jew believes.
that YHWH created the heavens and the earth?.....I haven't heard you say that......

So any god will do?
now you think anyone will consider that a rational response? doesn't even have anything to do with the comment you posted......I asked a question that presented itself obviously from your comment.......the Jews believe that YHWH created the heavens and the claim the atheists say exactly what Jews believe....if logic controlled, one would be led to the conclusion that atheists say that YHWH created the heavens and the, either that is what you say or you are making an illogical statement.....I am merely attempting to eliminate options when I ask if you are saying that......
I did ask christians to be the judge. Can't fault you for doing what I asked.
So it really shouldnt offend christians when us athiests say exactly what a Jew believes.
that YHWH created the heavens and the earth?.....I haven't heard you say that......

So any god will do?
now you think anyone will consider that a rational response? doesn't even have anything to do with the comment you posted......I asked a question that presented itself obviously from your comment.......the Jews believe that YHWH created the heavens and the claim the atheists say exactly what Jews believe....if logic controlled, one would be led to the conclusion that atheists say that YHWH created the heavens and the, either that is what you say or you are making an illogical statement.....I am merely attempting to eliminate options when I ask if you are saying that......
I guess that would also apply to all the other Abraham religions too. Muslims and jews may say the whole jesus thing isnt real but in the end you're all praying to the same god. You just all believe you are his chosen ones.
I suspect its because atheists are irrational.......

If there is one thing athiests definitely ARE, it's rational...thus their belief in the first place
ridiculous....they claim it is wrong to believe something that cannot be proven and then turn around and claim something which cannot be you consider that rational?.......
Like what. Please clarify.
???, "There are no gods".....
So it really shouldnt offend christians when us athiests say exactly what a Jew believes.
that YHWH created the heavens and the earth?.....I haven't heard you say that......

So any god will do?
now you think anyone will consider that a rational response? doesn't even have anything to do with the comment you posted......I asked a question that presented itself obviously from your comment.......the Jews believe that YHWH created the heavens and the claim the atheists say exactly what Jews believe....if logic controlled, one would be led to the conclusion that atheists say that YHWH created the heavens and the, either that is what you say or you are making an illogical statement.....I am merely attempting to eliminate options when I ask if you are saying that......
Good job being the first christian to answer the question. Ten pages in. Lol
So it really shouldnt offend christians when us athiests say exactly what a Jew believes.
that YHWH created the heavens and the earth?.....I haven't heard you say that......

So any god will do?
now you think anyone will consider that a rational response? doesn't even have anything to do with the comment you posted......I asked a question that presented itself obviously from your comment.......the Jews believe that YHWH created the heavens and the claim the atheists say exactly what Jews believe....if logic controlled, one would be led to the conclusion that atheists say that YHWH created the heavens and the, either that is what you say or you are making an illogical statement.....I am merely attempting to eliminate options when I ask if you are saying that......
I guess that would also apply to all the other Abraham religions too. Muslims and jews may say the whole jesus thing isnt real but in the end you're all praying to the same god. You just all believe you are his chosen ones.
Christians, Jews, Muslims and atheists all have differing beliefs about don't say the same thing as any of us.....

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