Jewish Americans are abandoning Trump

Yes, a grownup who says things like "all birthers are racist." Birther has nothing to do with race, it has to do with nationality, simpleton.

Again, they would treat a white liberal the same. In fact, they do. Funny how the adult thinks that people who hate blacks leftists as much as white leftists are "racist."

Racism involves treating blacks different than whites, not the same, you idiot.

So Obama said he was born in Kenya, you're admitting he's a racist?

Dumber by the minute. The term birther is only associated with the birth place of one person. Our president. It is fueled by racism. Racism can be shown in countless other ways, but the birther meme is applicable to Obama only. dumb ass. The person who mistakenly listed his birth place as Kenya in that publisher's office has already admitted responsibility long ago.

Treating a black liberal like a white liberal isn't "racism."

Racism does not mean you don't like them. Buy a dictionary

Again. My remark was about birthers. The birther movement is about only one person.

Yes, HIllary Clinton. She started the whole thing. But her low-information bootlickers continue to live in denial over that.

The original birther was actually Obama. He told his publisher he was born in Kenya. Obviously it's because he was black, right bulldog?


Nothing to see here folks. Move along... ;)
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"Jewish Americans" basically break down into two groups.... those loyal to the US and those loyal to Israel only.

Bernie Sanders - loyal to the US

Debbie Wasserman Schultz - loyal to Israel only, and totally contemptuous of the non-Jewish American people

Those in Debbie's camp, the ones who were investing in defense stocks in the first half of 2001, they are all for Hillary, the Zionist warmonger candidate they can trust to never re-open the 911 investigation.
"Jewish Americans" basically break down into two groups.... those loyal to the US and those loyal to Israel only.

Bernie Sanders - loyal to the US

Debbie Wasserman Schultz - loyal to Israel only, and totally contemptuous of the non-Jewish American people

Those in Debbie's camp, the ones who were investing in defense stocks in the first half of 2001, they are all for Hillary, the Zionist warmonger candidate they can trust to never re-open the 911 investigation.

The reality is, they're members of a Party that has become openly hostile to Israel. The American and European Left are known for that hostility. Obama is very disliked in Israel. US/Israel relations are at an all time low.

So i find it pretty bizarre, so many American Jews continue to support the Democratic Party. It's the 'Uncle Tom' effect. They're confused and conditioned. It's kinda like African Americans always marching in lockstep, feeling they have to vote for Democrats.
Obama has

1. covered up 911
2. refused to be the 15th vote in the UN Security Council to re-pack Israel back into its 1948 border (the other 14 countries are YES votes and have been since 1967)
3. continued to arm and fund Israel with US taxdollars despite Israel's enormous wealth

Obama, like Farrakhan said, is 100% sold out to Zionism, because Zionism gives him favorable media coverage and money.
really, dearie?

are you that delusional?

Trump retweets another apparent white supremacist

Donald Trump’s Social Media Ties to White Supremacists

Trump retweets another white supremacist

see, this is the problem when people as ignorant as you try to act like you know anything and dismiss people who know more than you.

glad to be of help. now go read and learn.

So Trump was the number one show on leftist ran NBC for 14 years, now he's a racist..You're not an independent thinker are you?..You post what's been fed to you. Am i supposed to be impressed with that? :eusa_eh:

His views on race weren't discussed on his silly show.

Really? if he's a racist 'im sure the leftist wouldn't let him have a show for so long now would they? :slap:

He wasn't a racist until he started running for the Republican nomination.

he's been a racist for a long time. he just proved it when he started doing the birfer schtick eight years ago.

you seem to have either a very short memory, you're a compulsive liar, or you know less than zero.

probably all three.

Being a birther doesn't make you a racist, dingbat.
His views on race weren't discussed on his silly show.

Really? if he's a racist 'im sure the leftist wouldn't let him have a show for so long now would they? :slap:

He wasn't a racist until he started running for the Republican nomination.

he's been a racist for a long time. he just proved it when he started doing the birfer schtick eight years ago.

you seem to have either a very short memory, you're a compulsive liar, or you know less than zero.

probably all three.

Birther is a race?


Um ... yeah

No. Birther is not a race, but all birthers are racist.

How do you figure? Is anyone who criticizes Obama a racist?
Yes, because of course they wouldn't treat a white liberal like that. They're racists. They hate women too, the racists!

You really think what I said included any of that stuff? Yep, you're nuts.

Again you're showing you don't know what a racist is. If you're saying you didn't say they would not treat a white liberal like that, you're admitting they aren't driven by race you fucking idiot.

You think a racist is anyone you don't like. It doesn't mean you don't like leftists

Again, either desperate or defective reasoning. I know your hate is all encompassing, and it's hard for you to separate all aspects of it, but a grownup would at least try.

Yes, a grownup who says things like "all birthers are racist." Birther has nothing to do with race, it has to do with nationality, simpleton.

Again, they would treat a white liberal the same. In fact, they do. Funny how the adult thinks that people who hate blacks leftists as much as white leftists are "racist."

Racism involves treating blacks different than whites, not the same, you idiot.

So Obama said he was born in Kenya, you're admitting he's a racist?

Dumber by the minute. The term birther is only associated with the birth place of one person. Our president. It is fueled by racism. Racism can be shown in countless other ways, but the birther meme is applicable to Obama only. dumb ass. The person who mistakenly listed his birth place as Kenya in that publisher's office has already admitted responsibility long ago.

It's applicable to Obama only because he's the one who there were any questions about and he refused to release his birth certificate for years. You obviously believe that any criticism of obama makes you a racist.

You're a douche bag, in other words.
You really think what I said included any of that stuff? Yep, you're nuts.

Again you're showing you don't know what a racist is. If you're saying you didn't say they would not treat a white liberal like that, you're admitting they aren't driven by race you fucking idiot.

You think a racist is anyone you don't like. It doesn't mean you don't like leftists

Again, either desperate or defective reasoning. I know your hate is all encompassing, and it's hard for you to separate all aspects of it, but a grownup would at least try.

Yes, a grownup who says things like "all birthers are racist." Birther has nothing to do with race, it has to do with nationality, simpleton.

Again, they would treat a white liberal the same. In fact, they do. Funny how the adult thinks that people who hate blacks leftists as much as white leftists are "racist."

Racism involves treating blacks different than whites, not the same, you idiot.

So Obama said he was born in Kenya, you're admitting he's a racist?

Dumber by the minute. The term birther is only associated with the birth place of one person. Our president. It is fueled by racism. Racism can be shown in countless other ways, but the birther meme is applicable to Obama only. dumb ass. The person who mistakenly listed his birth place as Kenya in that publisher's office has already admitted responsibility long ago.

Treating a black liberal like a white liberal isn't "racism."

Racism does not mean you don't like them. Buy a dictionary

He uses the liber dictionalry

Liberal Dictionary:
Patriotic - racist
Constitutionalist - racist
Liberal critic - racist
Opposed to illegal immigration - racist
Favors a balanced budget - racist
Really? if he's a racist 'im sure the leftist wouldn't let him have a show for so long now would they? :slap:

He wasn't a racist until he started running for the Republican nomination.

he's been a racist for a long time. he just proved it when he started doing the birfer schtick eight years ago.

you seem to have either a very short memory, you're a compulsive liar, or you know less than zero.

probably all three.

Birther is a race?


Um ... yeah

No. Birther is not a race, but all birthers are racist.

How do you figure? Is anyone who criticizes Obama a racist?

The ones who claim he wasn't born here are.
He wasn't a racist until he started running for the Republican nomination.

he's been a racist for a long time. he just proved it when he started doing the birfer schtick eight years ago.

you seem to have either a very short memory, you're a compulsive liar, or you know less than zero.

probably all three.

Birther is a race?


Um ... yeah

No. Birther is not a race, but all birthers are racist.

How do you figure? Is anyone who criticizes Obama a racist?

The ones who claim he wasn't born here are.

You mean like Obama? He claimed he wasn't born here.

As for the rest, what is your argument they wouldn't have treated a white leftist the same way?
He wasn't a racist until he started running for the Republican nomination.

he's been a racist for a long time. he just proved it when he started doing the birfer schtick eight years ago.

you seem to have either a very short memory, you're a compulsive liar, or you know less than zero.

probably all three.

Birther is a race?


Um ... yeah

No. Birther is not a race, but all birthers are racist.

How do you figure? Is anyone who criticizes Obama a racist?

The ones who claim he wasn't born here are.

prove it.
really, dearie?

are you that delusional?

Trump retweets another apparent white supremacist

Donald Trump’s Social Media Ties to White Supremacists

Trump retweets another white supremacist

see, this is the problem when people as ignorant as you try to act like you know anything and dismiss people who know more than you.

glad to be of help. now go read and learn.

So Trump was the number one show on leftist ran NBC for 14 years, now he's a racist..You're not an independent thinker are you?..You post what's been fed to you. Am i supposed to be impressed with that? :eusa_eh:

His views on race weren't discussed on his silly show.

Really? if he's a racist 'im sure the leftist wouldn't let him have a show for so long now would they? :slap:

He wasn't a racist until he started running for the Republican nomination.

he's been a racist for a long time. he just proved it when he started doing the birfer schtick eight years ago.

you seem to have either a very short memory, you're a compulsive liar, or you know less than zero.

probably all three.

Blumenthal the birther....and the DNC wasn't very fond of that Jew Bernie Sanders either :slap:

Clinton Confidant Sidney Blumenthal Spread Birther Rumors in 2008


James Asher, the former Washington bureau chief for the news agency McClatchy, tweeted that longtime Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal was spreading the conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Kenya while he was a senior Clinton campaign advisor in 2008, long before Trump ever parroted the claim:

Report: Clinton Confidant Sidney Blumenthal Spread Birther Rumors in 2008 (Updated)
An interesting development

In 2012, 71 percent of the $160 million that Jewish donors gave to the two major-party nominees went to President Obama’s re-election campaign; 29 percent went to Mitt Romney’s campaign, according to our analysis of campaign contributors, which used a predictive model to estimate which donors are Jewish based on their names and other characteristics. This ratio of support mirrors how Jewish voters cast their ballots in 2012.

So far in 2016, of all the money given to major-party candidates by donors who appear to be Jewish, 95 percent has gone to Hillary Clinton and just 5 percent has gone to Donald Trump.

The GOP’s Jewish Donors Are Abandoning Trump

That's a big blow for the Trump campaign. 5%... damn

American Jews have a long tradition of being self-hating.
Dumber by the minute. The term birther is only associated with the birth place of one person. Our president. It is fueled by racism. Racism can be shown in countless other ways, but the birther meme is applicable to Obama only. dumb ass. The person who mistakenly listed his birth place as Kenya in that publisher's office has already admitted responsibility long ago.

Treating a black liberal like a white liberal isn't "racism."

Racism does not mean you don't like them. Buy a dictionary

Again. My remark was about birthers. The birther movement is about only one person.

Yes, HIllary Clinton. She started the whole thing. But her low-information bootlickers continue to live in denial over that.

of course that is a lie

Hop out of your 'Safe Space' and stop living in denial. The Hillary Clinton campaign was the first to question Obama's Citizenship. That's when the 'Birther Movement' was born.

Another lie. Comrade Trump even claims he sent a detective to Hawaii...,which is probably anither lie.

He only lies when his lips are moving.
he's been a racist for a long time. he just proved it when he started doing the birfer schtick eight years ago.

you seem to have either a very short memory, you're a compulsive liar, or you know less than zero.

probably all three.

Birther is a race?


Um ... yeah

No. Birther is not a race, but all birthers are racist.

How do you figure? Is anyone who criticizes Obama a racist?

The ones who claim he wasn't born here are.

You mean like Obama? He claimed he wasn't born here.

As for the rest, what is your argument they wouldn't have treated a white leftist the same way?

The fact that they haven't is a pretty good argument.
he's been a racist for a long time. he just proved it when he started doing the birfer schtick eight years ago.

you seem to have either a very short memory, you're a compulsive liar, or you know less than zero.

probably all three.

Birther is a race?


Um ... yeah

No. Birther is not a race, but all birthers are racist.

How do you figure? Is anyone who criticizes Obama a racist?

The ones who claim he wasn't born here are.

prove it.

Nobody can prove anything to you, and nobody should even try. You have made it clear that facts don't matter to you.

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