Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.
I've never confused rapists with heroes.

3 US Marines Charged with Rape in New Orleans
None. Maybe you should ask the people you support who kill innocent children.

Oooops! Sorry. Forgot. Being born Jewish is a capital crime to pieces of shit like you.
Being a Jew doesn't entitle you to steal the land and water of your neighbors.

POOR POOR Muslim Supremacists, you only have 99% of the Middle East, and damnit, you want IT ALL... ahoha snackbar
Ahh, yes, "We deserved it!!" -- the mating call of the Left-Wing American Retard.

Radical Islam thanks you for the passionate ass-licking.
Supporting a racist apartheid state will produce blow-back.
Apparently you're too brainwashed to notice.

MAGA yet?
What's your username over at Stormfront?
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
Israel relations with Egypt are better then ever. They signed peace deals with UAE, Morocco, Sudan, Bahrain and Kosovo. They have pretty good relations with Saudi Arabia. Trade relations with Turkey are doing great and they are doing better diplomatically. Once Saudi Arabia makes it official the flood gates will open.

Loser antisemites like you like to peddle slander and lies, but the truth is you lost, the Frankensteinians lost, AND FOR YOU THE TRUTH HURTS!!! Hahaha
You and I both know the answer to that question. We know the reason for it too. He's a hater who hates America.
White supremacy explains why so many US conservatives support the ethnic cleansing in Palestine since their own country was built on similar principles, including chattel slavery. They never learn because they hate learning.
RE: Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea
SUBTOPIC: White Supremacy • Ethnic Cleansing • Structured US Conservatives Support
⁜→ GLASNOST, georgephillip, et al,

BLUF: There is no real direct connection between "White Supremacy • Ethnic Cleansing • Structured US Conservatives Support" there than in any large population, there are bound to be
(some probability) that these characteristics will intersect in some people.

You and I both know the answer to that question. We know the reason for it too. He's a hater who hates America.
White supremacy explains why so many US conservatives support the ethnic cleansing in Palestine since their own country was built on similar principles, including chattel slavery. They never learn because they hate learning.

In November of 1975 the UN General Assembly adopted
A/RES/3379 (XXX) which stated in the very last line: "Determines that zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination." And ever since then, the anti-Israeli contingents held on to that determination as if it were fact. It was not until December 1991, that the General Assembly passed A/RES/46/86 which stated nothing more than: "Decides to revoke the determination contained in its resolution 3379 (XXX)Database 'UNISPAL', View 'Documents by\symbol', Document 'Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination -  GA resolution' of 10 November 1975."

Every now and then, the anti-Israeli contingent makes the allegation of "apartheid" and "ethnic cleansing"
(variations on the same theme of racism) to resurrect the revoked 1975 determination. Both "apartheid" (a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race) and "ethnic cleansing" (the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society) have a very strong "race" component. And there is no race or segregation issue. It is an immigration and citizenship issue; plus the added component of being a national security issue.


The rocket and mortar attacks - and the - general attacks directed, encourage or otherwise incited by the Hostile Arab Palestinian regimes meet Element of the Crime (Article 7 (1) (j) Crime against humanity of apartheid) #6 → The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. Example:

"Arab Member of Knesset Mansour Abbas faced harsh condemnation from the Palestinian Authority (PA) after having made “embarrassing and shameful ‎statements” about terrorist prisoners, who ‎are not terrorists but are “heroic,” according to the PA."​
Abu Bakr further emphasized that terrorism is the ‎way to “liberate Jerusalem.”​

Fatah Terror Parade.png

Most Respectfully,

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