Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

And Arabs occupy 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the land in the region and are still murdering each other, yet that fact never seems to bother the Jew haters.

Liar, you know full well that 100% of the land should be occupied by natives, so then is 100% Arab Muslims.
Arabs never invaded anyone, and are some of the most ancient, civilized, and peaceful people.
When people read about the Muslim threat to Europe around 1200 AD, that was sequential waves of the Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks from Asia, not the Mideast.
It was not Arab Muslims.

And I am Jewish, so watch your tongue.
I’m Jewish. I say Let him speak. Why? You’re insane. That is why Rigby.

Calling people who tell the truth, "Jew haters" is against board rules, is lying, illegal slander, and just plain rude.
He was essentially saying the Palestinians should give up their ancestral homes of thousands of years because they could do live in Egypt or Lebanon.
Well that makes no sense, and like telling the Jews to go back to Poland, which would make more sense.
The claim Jews are not safe in Europe is the obvious lie now.
It is just that if they go to Palestine, they get free land that actually belongs to Arabs and was stolen from them.
I know because as a Jew they offered me a free home as well.
they get free land that actually belongs to Arabs

The land was paid for with money and blood.

Jews do not legally own any land in Israel.
Look at the 1947 map and you see all Arab village names.
Look at a 1957 map and you see all the massacre sites renamed with Jewish names.
Like Dier Yassin.
You're too stupid to waste time on.
Go have some donkey dung for dinner; you may as well feed your body what you feed you mind.
The Quran is clear that both Christianity and Judaism are both "Brothers of the Book", meaning they share the same Old Testament, and are valid ways to heaven.
Muslims are taught there "can be no coercion over religion".
There are over 30,000 Jews in Tehran alone.

How many in Mecca?
Rigby lies

Your link shows that there are lots of Jews living in Iran, without problem.
It says only 8,000 now, but obviously lots of Jews stopped overtly saying they were Jewish.
In fact, Ahmadinejad was Jewish and openly admitted it.

Your link shows that there are lots of Jews living in Iran, without problem.

Where did it say "without problem"?

obviously lots of Jews stopped overtly saying they were Jewish.

Why would they do that if they were living in Iran, "without problem"?

Obviously Zionists BECAME a problem, so then the Zionists caused problems for all Jews everywhere.
The problem was never the Arabs or Muslims.
The Quran is clear that both Christianity and Judaism are both "Brothers of the Book", meaning they share the same Old Testament, and are valid ways to heaven.
Muslims are taught there "can be no coercion over religion".
There are over 30,000 Jews in Tehran alone.

How many in Mecca?
Rigby lies

Your link shows that there are lots of Jews living in Iran, without problem.
It says only 8,000 now, but obviously lots of Jews stopped overtly saying they were Jewish.
In fact, Ahmadinejad was Jewish and openly admitted it.

Your link shows that there are lots of Jews living in Iran, without problem.

Where did it say "without problem"?

obviously lots of Jews stopped overtly saying they were Jewish.

Why would they do that if they were living in Iran, "without problem"?

If there were problems from the Muslims, then the Jews would just leave, since they get the offer of free homestead and jobs in Israel.
The problem for Jews in Tehran is caused by Zionists making all Jews look bad, not from Muslims.
Again, Ahmadinejad said he was Jewish.

So did you lie when you said, "without problem".
Or were you ignorant?

I meant without problem from Iranians for being Jewish.
The Zionists cause all sorts of problems.
Iranians are model citizens of course. One of my best friends is from Iran. He tells a different story. Hint: he is neither Muslim nor Jewish.

Are you ever not insane?

Then why are there still Jews there, whey did the Ayatollah issue the fatwah defending them, and how did a Jew like Ahmadinejad become Prime Minister?
Iran has to show morons like you that he tolerates Infidels.

The word "infidel" actually means traitor, and only applies to apostates who ally with enemies.
Christians and Jews are not considered infidels.
Turkey has the biggest navy in the region
Israel has an Air Force more powerful than UK
And Arabs occupy 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the land in the region and are still murdering each other, yet that fact never seems to bother the Jew haters.

Liar, you know full well that 100% of the land should be occupied by natives, so then is 100% Arab Muslims.
Arabs never invaded anyone, and are some of the most ancient, civilized, and peaceful people.
When people read about the Muslim threat to Europe around 1200 AD, that was sequential waves of the Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks from Asia, not the Mideast.
It was not Arab Muslims.

And I am Jewish, so watch your tongue.
I’m Jewish. I say Let him speak. Why? You’re insane. That is why Rigby.

Calling people who tell the truth, "Jew haters" is against board rules, is lying, illegal slander, and just plain rude.
He was essentially saying the Palestinians should give up their ancestral homes of thousands of years because they could do live in Egypt or Lebanon.
Well that makes no sense, and like telling the Jews to go back to Poland, which would make more sense.
The claim Jews are not safe in Europe is the obvious lie now.
It is just that if they go to Palestine, they get free land that actually belongs to Arabs and was stolen from them.
I know because as a Jew they offered me a free home as well.
they get free land that actually belongs to Arabs

The land was paid for with money and blood.

Jews do not legally own any land in Israel.
Look at the 1947 map and you see all Arab village names.
Look at a 1957 map and you see all the massacre sites renamed with Jewish names.
Like Dier Yassin.

Jews do not legally own any land in Israel.

Why not?

Look at the 1947 map and you see all Arab village names.

Yeah, the Arabs really fucked up, didn't they?
And Arabs occupy 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the land in the region and are still murdering each other, yet that fact never seems to bother the Jew haters.

Liar, you know full well that 100% of the land should be occupied by natives, so then is 100% Arab Muslims.
Arabs never invaded anyone, and are some of the most ancient, civilized, and peaceful people.
When people read about the Muslim threat to Europe around 1200 AD, that was sequential waves of the Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks from Asia, not the Mideast.
It was not Arab Muslims.

And I am Jewish, so watch your tongue.
I’m Jewish. I say Let him speak. Why? You’re insane. That is why Rigby.

Calling people who tell the truth, "Jew haters" is against board rules, is lying, illegal slander, and just plain rude.
He was essentially saying the Palestinians should give up their ancestral homes of thousands of years because they could do live in Egypt or Lebanon.
Well that makes no sense, and like telling the Jews to go back to Poland, which would make more sense.
The claim Jews are not safe in Europe is the obvious lie now.
It is just that if they go to Palestine, they get free land that actually belongs to Arabs and was stolen from them.
I know because as a Jew they offered me a free home as well.
Your truth isn't THE truth. You also didn't know what an antisemite was and when I showed you the dictionary definition you called it stupid. Again, you're insane. Get help.
We get it. You are a Jew hater.
Hamas is a terrorists group. No reason to help them reach their goal, which is all Palestine, no Israel.
Israel stole nothing. Britain owned the land and they gave it to the Jews.
Should Israel decide to join into a peace treaty, it would give them a girth of 9 miles. And amazingly, they are going to do it. Land for peace.
We know who is going to invade them then and why. Israel is going to be damn near destroyed.
Then comes God.
Israel wins.

Totally wrong.
First of all, resistance fighters like the French Resistance in WWII were also terrorists.
Anyone illegally invaded has to fall back on terrorist tactics, and it is legal.\
Second is that Israel has no legal existence at all.
England NEVER owned any of Palestine at all, and was obligated under the Mandate for Palestine from the Treaty of San Remo, to make an independent Arab Palestine, not Israel.
In fact, the Zionist terrorists murdered hundreds of British soldiers, like in the King David Hotel bombing.
None of Palestine was ever given to Jews by England, ever.
The Balfour Declaration was only to allow more immigration ease.
Jews did not take over until they forced the British to leave.

How did the Jews force the British Empire to leave? They had no army. They had no influence, no numbers, no funds? If that land is not Israels, there where is the land of Israel? Where was King David's throne?

Wrong, they have several armies, the Stern Gang, Irgun, Hagganah, etc.
They had been told to prepare, so had enlisted years earlier to be fully trained and ready before they got to Palestine.
They had tons of funding and arms, many from the US government, who was secretly shipping arms to them.

That land known now as Israel or Palestine, historically was the Land of Canaan.
It was never the homeland of the Hebrew, and King David was a temporary usurper who we don't really even know if exited, and left not a single physical trait anywhere.

That's incorrect. They had nothing. The land belonged to the British Empire.
We do have proof that King David existed. And that the House of David suffered a defeat at the hands of an Aramean King.
DAMASCUS AFFAIR , a notorious *blood libel in 1840 in which Christian antisemitism and popular Muslim anti-Jewish feelings came to a head and were aggravated by the political struggle of the European powers for influence in the Middle East.
Damascus Affair |…

Influence of the incident and reactions to it[edit]

In a new and groundbreaking effort, the American Jewish community of 15,000[11] protested in six American cities on behalf of their Syrian brethren. "For the first time in American Jewish life, Jews... organized themselves politically to help Diaspora Jewry in distress."

According to Hasia R. Diner, in The Jews of the United States, 1654 to 2000, "For the Jews, the Damascus affair launched modern Jewish politics on an international scale, and for American Jews it represented their first effort at creating a distinctive political agenda. Just as the United States had used this affair to proclaim its presence on the global scale, so too did American Jews, in their newspapers and at mass meetings, announce to their coreligionists in France and England that they too ought to be thought of players in global Jewish diplomacy."[13]

According to Johannes Valentin Schwarz, the events also encouraged the growth of a modern Jewish press. "As a result, a sense of solidarity was evoked among the Jewish communities of Europe they had never experienced before. Thus, the Damascus Affair gave birth to modern Jewish press especially in Western Europe, such as to the long-lived papers Les Archives Israélites de France (1840-1935) in Paris or The Jewish Chronicle (1841 ff.) in London."[14]


See what I was saying?
Arabs have no one to blame but themselves...for returning a favor.

The Damascus Affair was in 1840.. Until the 1920s the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny.

And this is exactly why...
but you have neither the guts nor intellectual honesty to admit.

All you know is "blame da Joooz"...pathetic...still wonder why you fail and we lead?

The Palestinians didn't come from Europe or Russia. They have been there in Palestine since before Islam. You act like they have no rights or ever existed. You claim it was a land without people.

That explains your sadism and why you didn't deserve to be defeated by dhimmi Jews?
Or why the so called "Palestinians" can't even pronounce 'P-alestine'
without learning a foreign language?

You are frauds and you know it, you have no honor, not at all.
And can't deal with your own responsibility in becoming the disgrace of the Arab world.

The 'p' in Palestine is supposed to be pronounced as an 'f' historically, because it comes from Phoenicians and Philistines.
The people pronouncing it with a hard 'p' are getting it all wrong.

Rubbish. The fact is your Syrian and Egyptian squatter gangsters let Arafat make up a fake people out of thin air and set up extortion and murder rackets, is all.
Remember, the European Jews sought sanctuary in Palestine when no one else would give them a safe place.. ..

The Arabs in Palestine gave them a safe place?

Yes, the foolish Arabs in Palestine actually requested Jewish immigration from Europe to bring in much needed capital, since the Ottoman Empire had been draining them with taxes for centuries.
The Arab Palestinians never dreamed so many would come and actually take over.

It was an Ottoman province, idiot, and the Ottoman government most certainly did aggressively invite Jewish immigration, mostly from Russia. This began after its civil war with Egypt, dumbass.

Why is it these morons insist on lying about easily disproven rubbish, and then think they're supposed to be taken seriously? Most of the regions 'natives' weren't paying any taxes, as the Ottoman tax rolls show, and most were hiding out in the hills to avoid the draft as well. Seems like they didn't have any interest in defending their alleged 'tribal territories' from anybody, much like they ran in 1947. Benny Morris reported they also refused to join the Jordanian Army in the '47-'48 war as well, another indication they didn't seem to care much about fighting for their alleged 'homeland'; that only becomes important to them when they found themselves getting flooded with money and goods pretending to be 'refugees' from antisemites across the globe.

After these wars, I'm sure the Ottomans would have accepted any group who wanted to resettle the area, even Baptists, but Jews of course had an historical tie to the place so they made the most natural choice.

The messianic dreams of the Gaon of Vilna inspired one of the largest pre-Zionist waves of immigration to Eretz Yisrael. In 1808 hundreds of the Gaon's disciples, known as Perushim, settled in Tiberias and Safed, and later formed the core of the Old Yishuv in Jerusalem.[16][17] This was part of a larger movement of thousands of Jews from countries as widely spaced as Persia and Morocco, Yemen and Russia, who moved to Israel beginning in the first decade of the nineteenth century—and in even larger numbers after the conquest of the region by Muhammad Ali of Egypt in 1832—all drawn by the expectation of the arrival of the Messiah in the Jewish year 5600, Christian year 1840, a movement documented in Arie Morgenstern's Hastening Redemption.

The Russian Aliyahs that began around 1869 are the largest, until the 1930's and post-WW II era. The dates give 1882 as the date for the first Aliyah, but the fact is others went first, to prepare and check out things first, and make preps for the rest with Jews already there, so I use 1869 for my own reasons for the short answer. Long term arrangements, including travel money, tools, etc. took time. I think most of the world knew by then the problems European settlers had in rushing out to the American west, believing the lies of the railroads and facing death and starvation.
Last edited:
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

There are no "pals," there are Arabs and Muslims. The Arabs were given Jordan, the Christians Lebanon, and the Jews Israel.

But Muslims will not allow other faiths, Muslim supremacy is absolute. They already conquered Christian Lebanon, they seek Israel, then on to Spain.

The demographics of Lebanon were changed overnight with the flood of Palestinian refugees in 1948 and 1967. You have never been to Lebanon either, have you?

There are 1 1/2 million Christians in Arabia...

There were 50 Christian Churches in Baghdad before Bush's invasion. Currently there are at least 600 churches and 500,000–1,000,000 Christians in Iran.
So Lebanon was mostly Christian before 48??

About 90%

But Muslims don't allow other religions. Muslim supremacists.

The Quran is clear that both Christianity and Judaism are both "Brothers of the Book", meaning they share the same Old Testament, and are valid ways to heaven.
Muslims are taught there "can be no coercion over religion".
There are over 30,000 Jews in Tehran alone.

Before the 1967 war there were 250,000 Jews in Tehran.

250,000 Jewish hostages, you mean.
We overthrew Iranian democracy in 1953 so the Brits could pay 13 cents on the dollar in oil revenues.

No, we didn't; we merely offset the Communists' election rigging. Those same Mullahs were supporting the Shah over the Reds in 1953. We saved Iran from being another Soviet puppet state. Everything after that is their own self-inflicted stupidity and Islamo-insanity.
DAMASCUS AFFAIR , a notorious *blood libel in 1840 in which Christian antisemitism and popular Muslim anti-Jewish feelings came to a head and were aggravated by the political struggle of the European powers for influence in the Middle East.
Damascus Affair |…

Influence of the incident and reactions to it[edit]

In a new and groundbreaking effort, the American Jewish community of 15,000[11] protested in six American cities on behalf of their Syrian brethren. "For the first time in American Jewish life, Jews... organized themselves politically to help Diaspora Jewry in distress."

According to Hasia R. Diner, in The Jews of the United States, 1654 to 2000, "For the Jews, the Damascus affair launched modern Jewish politics on an international scale, and for American Jews it represented their first effort at creating a distinctive political agenda. Just as the United States had used this affair to proclaim its presence on the global scale, so too did American Jews, in their newspapers and at mass meetings, announce to their coreligionists in France and England that they too ought to be thought of players in global Jewish diplomacy."[13]

According to Johannes Valentin Schwarz, the events also encouraged the growth of a modern Jewish press. "As a result, a sense of solidarity was evoked among the Jewish communities of Europe they had never experienced before. Thus, the Damascus Affair gave birth to modern Jewish press especially in Western Europe, such as to the long-lived papers Les Archives Israélites de France (1840-1935) in Paris or The Jewish Chronicle (1841 ff.) in London."[14]


See what I was saying?
Arabs have no one to blame but themselves...for returning a favor.

The Damascus Affair was in 1840.. Until the 1920s the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny.

And this is exactly why...
but you have neither the guts nor intellectual honesty to admit.

All you know is "blame da Joooz"...pathetic...still wonder why you fail and we lead?

The Palestinians didn't come from Europe or Russia. They have been there in Palestine since before Islam. You act like they have no rights or ever existed. You claim it was a land without people.

That explains your sadism and why you didn't deserve to be defeated by dhimmi Jews?
Or why the so called "Palestinians" can't even pronounce 'P-alestine'
without learning a foreign language?

You are frauds and you know it, you have no honor, not at all.
And can't deal with your own responsibility in becoming the disgrace of the Arab world.

The 'p' in Palestine is supposed to be pronounced as an 'f' historically, because it comes from Phoenicians and Philistines.
The people pronouncing it with a hard 'p' are getting it all wrong.

Rylah should have known that.. Its pretty elementary stuff.

Yeah, let's see that circular logic at work...
Arabs can't pronounce 'P-alestine' because neither Greeks could?

Yeah you folks are either incapable of truth,
or simply don't know how to work that think between your ears...
Do you really care?
I say start a war because Israel needs more land.

Yes. Moshe Dayan said they wanted more land and water so they spent a decade provoking the Syrians and the Lebanese.

Palestine should be pronounced like Phoenicia ...
provoking the Syrians and the Lebanese

Is that why Syria is currently "peacefully" occupying Lebanon via machine gun?
Are you really this stupid?

That is silly.
Syria never occupied Lebanon, and the closest they go is when Israel had provoked the civil war there.
Since the Lebanon civil war is over and instead Syria is in a civil war, Syria can't occupy anyone.
Syria is currently occupying Lebanon; try having a conversation with anyone from Lebanon who escaped to Israel.
It's obvious that you don't read the news.

Where in Lebanon?
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

There are no "pals," there are Arabs and Muslims. The Arabs were given Jordan, the Christians Lebanon, and the Jews Israel.

But Muslims will not allow other faiths, Muslim supremacy is absolute. They already conquered Christian Lebanon, they seek Israel, then on to Spain.

The demographics of Lebanon were changed overnight with the flood of Palestinian refugees in 1948 and 1967. You have never been to Lebanon either, have you?

There are 1 1/2 million Christians in Arabia...

There were 50 Christian Churches in Baghdad before Bush's invasion. Currently there are at least 600 churches and 500,000–1,000,000 Christians in Iran.
So Lebanon was mostly Christian before 48??

About 90%

But Muslims don't allow other religions. Muslim supremacists.

The Quran is clear that both Christianity and Judaism are both "Brothers of the Book", meaning they share the same Old Testament, and are valid ways to heaven.
Muslims are taught there "can be no coercion over religion".
There are over 30,000 Jews in Tehran alone.

Before the 1967 war there were 250,000 Jews in Tehran.

LOLOL.. Nope.. The Jews ha been there since Iran was Persia. Read some accounts of their lives.
We overthrew Iranian democracy in 1953 so the Brits could pay 13 cents on the dollar in oil revenues.

No, we didn't; we merely offset the Communists' election rigging. Those same Mullahs were supporting the Shah over the Reds in 1953. We saved Iran from being another Soviet puppet state. Everything after that is their own self-inflicted stupidity and Islamo-insanity.

The US carried suitcases full of cash to bribe demonstrators. They slandered Mosadeeg so they could continue to pay 13 cents on the dollar in oil revenue while every other country was getting 50%.. Meanwhile, Israel continued to buy crude oil from Iran.
RE: Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea
SUBTOPIC: This is Apartheid.
⁜→ georgephillip, et al,

PREFACE: Back on topic, from the original posting.

BLUF: This is an unusual approach to capture the reader. It has been used by such people as Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

We should be able to call this what it is...

This is Apartheid.png

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.

From the “River to the Sea”: B’Tselem’s Demonization Crosses the Line
January 19, 2021
Click here for NGO Monitor Correspondence with B’Tselem’s Primary Donors Regarding its "Apartheid" Campaign
Phrases such as apartheid and “Jewish supremacy” repeat the canard that labels Jewish self-determination as inherently racist, and signals the embrace of a “one-state” agenda. At the end, the publication suggests the replacement of Israel with a bi-national state: “There are various political paths to a just future here, between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.”


I think it is necessary to recall where this phrase "from the River to the Sea" is politically used in the context of the conflict. BOTH! sides in the conflict use this phrase to their advantage.

[URL='']Seraj Assi[/URL] * Contributor • Haartez Headline News said:
m31 years ago, on December 9, 1987, the First Intifada erupted in Gaza's Jabalia refugee camp in protest of Israel’s occupation. It was that dramatic uprising that gave birth to Hamas and the rallying cry among Palestinians: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."
SOURCE: Opinion | Hamas Owes Its 'Palestine From the River to the Sea' Slogan to Zionism Dec. 16, 2018 | Updated: Dec. 17, 2018
Fatah Leader said:
"The two-state solution does not exist...
return to the option of one Palestine from the river to the sea"
SOURCE: Palestinian Media Watch • Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Apr 29, 2014
HAMAS said:
Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.
SOURCE: Paragraph 20 • General Principles and Policies (The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas”)

But what is important here is to understand that its application (from the River to the Sea) in the context of "apartheid" is pure propaganda. The application is targeting those readers who do not known any better and think, just because Israel has a border that separates the Israelis from the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, it must be "apartheid." Intellectually it is a stupid contention. Every country in the world has its borders. And each of those countries has its rules on how to legally enter the country.

What does "Apartheid" mean?
Rome Statute said:
"The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;
SOURCE: Article 7(2h) • Crimes Against Humanity • Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

What is the opposing Rule of Law?
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights said:
1. Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence.
2. Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own.
3. The above-mentioned rights shall not be subject to any restrictions except those which are provided by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others, and are consistent with the other rights recognized in the present Covenant.
4. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own country.
SOURCE: Article 12, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR)

The exception to the General Rule of Law is that Arab Palestinians that pose a threat to "national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others" may be denied entry for cause. AND every country can set its immigration laws.

No Jews Allowed in Palestine.png

Key factors about Israel:

Ethnic groups
Jewish 74.4% (of which Israel-born 76.9%, Europe/America/Oceania-born 15.9%, Africa-born 4.6%, Asia-born 2.6%), Arab 20.9%, other 4.7% (2018 est.)​
Hebrew (official), Arabic (special status under Israeli law), English (most commonly used foreign language)​
Jewish 74.3%, Muslim 17.8%, Christian 1.9%, Druze 1.6%, other 4.4% (2018 est.)​

Who is enforcing "Apartheid?" I don't know. But Israel has a population that is 20% Arab (1 in 5). It DOES NOT have a policy of "No Arabs Allowed." And such a policy is not on the table. Israel has a policy that it will deny entry to those people that pose a threat to "national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others."

Just My 2 cents worth of thought,

Most Respectfully,
The Quran is clear that both Christianity and Judaism are both "Brothers of the Book", meaning they share the same Old Testament, and are valid ways to heaven.
Muslims are taught there "can be no coercion over religion".
There are over 30,000 Jews in Tehran alone.

The Infernal Book of Evil says;

But why do they come to you for decision, when they have (their own) Torah before them? therein is the (plain) command of God; yet even after that, they would turn away. For they are not People of Faith.


It was We who revealed the Torah (to Moses): therein (Arabic: Fi-ha) was guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the Jews, by the prophets who bowed (as in Islam) to God's will, by the rabbis and the scholars (Arabic: Ahbaru) : for to them was entrusted the protection of God's book, and they were witnesses to it: therefore do not fear mankind, but fear Me, and sell not my verses (Arabic: Ayati) for a miserable price. If any fails to judge by (the light of) what God has revealed, they are Unbelievers (Arabic: Kaffiruna) .

The Jewish slaves who wrote the Koran, remember that the Warlord Muhammad (SBUH) was illiterate and had to turn to the Jew he had enslaved to write the Koran, which is why it is so clearly plagiarized Hebrew texts, these Jews had latitude to protect themselves by writing these verses into the Warlord's cult.

But most of what Islam does is driven by secondary sources, the Hadiths. And there we get the concept of Zimmis (sometimes Dhimmis), the second class. "Zimmi" in Arabic means "protected." This underclass was to be protected from slaughter by the vicious mobs of Muslim warriors who murdered and raped Kaffir on a massive scale. We know how the Muslim Supremacists treat Zimmis.

The number of Jews in Iran today is less than 1% of the number in 1970. The oppression of Jews in Iran is severe and Jews flee at the first chance. Shiites were traditionally "the nice Muslims," but became radicalized by that puss filled sack of shit Khomeini.
We overthrew Iranian democracy in 1953 so the Brits could pay 13 cents on the dollar in oil revenues.

No, we didn't; we merely offset the Communists' election rigging. Those same Mullahs were supporting the Shah over the Reds in 1953. We saved Iran from being another Soviet puppet state. Everything after that is their own self-inflicted stupidity and Islamo-insanity.

The US carried suitcases full of cash to bribe demonstrators. They slandered Mosadeeg so they could continue to pay 13 cents on the dollar in oil revenue while every other country was getting 50%.. Meanwhile, Israel continued to buy crude oil from Iran.

Rubbish. And of course you can find no wrong it what the commies were doing, stockpiling weapons and stuffing ballot boxes.Mosedegh was nothing but a front and a puppet; no way he could have formed a legitimate government, and everybody knew it.

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