Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

Every surviving member of Liberty's crew believes the same.
"USS Liberty was identified as a US naval ship by Israeli reconnaissance aircraft nine hours before the attack and continuously tracked by Israeli radar and aircraft thereafter. ......
My question is: Did the Zionist think the U.S. would retaliate against the Arabs without confirmation or did they think the U.S. would simply assume the Arabs did it and log it in for future retaliation?
RE: Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea
SUBTOPIC: Authority ( land and water)
⁜→ georgephillip,GLASNOST, et al,

BLUF: While the Philosophy of GLASNOST sounds valid, it actually falls prey to is own Philosophical Fallacy:

Fallacy of Oversimplification.png
Why is that not once in this thread
can any anti-Israel activist directly address a single question?
Possibly because supporters of Israel can't explain why Jews are entitled to the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine.
Yep. The more that people intentionally try to complicate an issue in their favour the more likely the answer will be a logical, straight-forward, simple one.

It is nothing unusual for an individual to → so desperately want → a solution in their favor, that they will not even look at the complexity embedded in the problem and
(for fear they prove themselves wrong) settle on a childlike solution in their favor.

IF the Israeli-Palestine disputes were as simple as some make it out to be, THEN there would have been a working solution by now.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea
SUBTOPIC: Authority ( land and water)
⁜→ georgephillip,GLASNOST, et al,

BLUF: While the Philosophy of GLASNOST sounds valid, it actually falls prey to is own Philosophical Fallacy:

Why is that not once in this thread
can any anti-Israel activist directly address a single question?
Possibly because supporters of Israel can't explain why Jews are entitled to the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine.
Yep. The more that people intentionally try to complicate an issue in their favour the more likely the answer will be a logical, straight-forward, simple one.

It is nothing unusual for an individual to → so desperately want → a solution in their favor, that they will not even look at the complexity embedded in the problem and
(for fear they prove themselves wrong) settle on a childlike solution in their favor.

IF the Israeli-Palestine disputes were as simple as some make it out to be, THEN there would have been a working solution by now.

Most Respectfully,
We are talking about rylah - GP questions and answer, not the percentage of chemical additives in Burger King's chilli cheeseburgers.

IF the Israeli-Palestine disputes were as simple as some make it out to be, THEN there would have been a working solution by now.
You have fallen prey to your own philosophy not to mention that this is a false statement.
RE: Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea
SUBTOPIC: Is This Apartheid? Did we resolve the question?
⁜→ et al,

PREFACE: Back on topic, from the original posting.

BLUF: Similar Identity ≠ Same Identity

We should be able to call this what it is...

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
(An Alternative Perspective)

• This morning, at the periodic family breakfast, two of my daughters (one 40 and one 29; the first with an Arts Degree the other with a Computer Science Degree) were in a serious debate over the Bing Homepage picture for the today: "The Hare" It revolved around the ability to distinguish the difference between the "Hare" and the "Rabbit." My 25-year-old hypothesized that most people (significant majority) if simply shown a picture of the Hare, with no other context, would misidentify the "Hare" as a "Rabbit."

There is a similarity between:

◈ A separation erected between two different races …
◈ A separation erected between two different nationalities …

Most people (significant majority) if given the thumbnail view of the Israeli and Palestinian conflict would not be able to distinguish the difference between:

◈ A barrier erected between two different races …​
◈ A separation erected between two different nationalities …​

When we talk about "race," we are talking about human notions. "Human populations living in different geographic regions differ in the color of the skin, eyes, and hair. This is often mistakenly used to define human races. However, genetic data do not support the existence of human races."

What does this tell us about the issue of "Race" in the context of those populations on either side of the border?

Just My 2 cents worth of thought,

Most Respectfully,

^Race «

1 : a group of individuals with the same ancestors
2 : a category of humankind that shares distinctive physical traits
3: a major group of living things
Webster's Dictionary for Students Special Encyclopedic Edition 2007 ed Copyright © by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated pp 316

^Race «
Excerpt → Bureaucrats have devised ‘racial’ categories for these forms which have no genetic basis and have invented a whole new series of unscientific racial classifications, albeit with liberal and praiseworthy intentions. These classifications are now social facts to which people have to adapt.
The Sage Dictionary of Sociology © Steve Bruce and Steven Yearley 2006

^Race «
a race a phenotypically and/or geographically distinctive subspecific group, composed of individuals inhabiting a defined geographical and/or ecological region, and possessing characteristic phenotypic and gene frequencies that distinguish it from other such groups. The number of racial groups that one wishes to recognize within a species is usually arbitrary but suitable for the purposes under investigation.
A Dictionary of Genetics, Seventh Edition by: ROBERT C. KING Emeritus Professor, Northwestern University | WILLIAM D. STANSFIELD Emeritus Professor, California Polytechnic State University | PAMELA K. MULLIGAN, Copyright © 2006 by Oxford University Press, Inc. PP 369

^Race «
Humans, Homo sapiens, are the only living species within the family of Hominidae. All data available are consistent with the assumption that today’s humans originated in Africa about 100000 to 300000 years ago, spread out over the earth, and populated all continents. Owing to regional adaptation to climatic and other conditions, and favored by geographic isolation, different ethnic groups evolved. Human populations living in different geographic regions differ in the color of the skin, eyes, and hair. This is often mistakenly used to define human races. However, genetic data do not support the existence of human races. Genetic differences exist mainly between individuals regardless of their ethnic origin. In a study of DNA variation from 12 populations living on five continents of the world, 93–95% of differences were between individuals; only 3–5%were between the populations (Rosenberg et al., 2002). Observable differences are literally superficial and do not form a genetic basis for distinguishing races. Genetically, Homo sapiens is one rather homogeneous species of recent origin.
Color Atlas of Genetics by Eberhard Passarge, MD Professor of Human Genetics © 2007 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, D-70469 Stuttgart, pp 4

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Why is that no anti-Israel activist in this thread
is capable of addressing directly a single question so far?

Or at least express any original thought?
Anti-apartheid posters on this thread have no problem responding to Hasbara boilerplate; apparently you have difficulty accepting the fundamental immorality of your racist state.
've said it before and I'll say it again .... some of Hitler's delusions were not fundamentally delusional.
It's a fine line to walk.
Nazis committed some of the worst crimes in history AFTER western capitalists in the US and UK provided the capital to rearm, allegedly as a buffer against Stalin.
1933 anti-Nazi boycott - Wikipedia

The world could have ended the Nazi experiment before it really got started, but wealthy Jews in Germany took out full page adds in newspapers informing the world that Hitler was not all that bad and even if he was it was a German problem.
Human Smoke - Wikipedia
've said it before and I'll say it again .... some of Hitler's delusions were not fundamentally delusional.
It's a fine line to walk.
Nazis committed some of the worst crimes in history AFTER western capitalists in the US and UK provided the capital to rearm, allegedly as a buffer against Stalin.
1933 anti-Nazi boycott - Wikipedia

The world could have ended the Nazi experiment before it really got started, but wealthy Jews in Germany took out full page adds in newspapers informing the world that Hitler was not all that bad and even if he was it was a German problem.
Human Smoke - Wikipedia
I know it's a bit contradictory but this is how I feel.

The same event evokes in me two completely different reactions depending on who is crying.

Happiness towards racist Jews and super patriotic american clowns and commiseration towards Phillip and Tinmore.
It's ironic (at least) when you consider how little support Israel received from Americans until 1967 when the heroic Jews killed 34 Americans in international waters. Had that event become public at that time, the Jewish state would be in Atlantis today.
Then why is the Pali population exploding? You have never answered this question. Raised poorly eh?
Why don't you define "exploding?"

"Haredi legislator: Anyone marrying a non-Jew should be considered dead by family

"United Torah Judaism member of Knesset says a female soldier converted to Judaism during her military service is 'a shiksha', the derogatory term used to describe non-Jewish women; says will not compromise on religion to please others"

Haredi legislator: Anyone marrying a non-Jew should be considered dead by family

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