Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

Then why is the Pali population exploding? You have never answered this question. Raised poorly eh?
Why don't you define "exploding?"

"Haredi legislator: Anyone marrying a non-Jew should be considered dead by family

"United Torah Judaism member of Knesset says a female soldier converted to Judaism during her military service is 'a shiksha', the derogatory term used to describe non-Jewish women; says will not compromise on religion to please others"

Haredi legislator: Anyone marrying a non-Jew should be considered dead by family
And to you, this is worse than somebody strapping explosives to their own child to kill others.

You are tremendously fucked in the head.
Then why is the Pali population exploding? You have never answered this question. Raised poorly eh?
Why don't you define "exploding?"

"Haredi legislator: Anyone marrying a non-Jew should be considered dead by family

"United Torah Judaism member of Knesset says a female soldier converted to Judaism during her military service is 'a shiksha', the derogatory term used to describe non-Jewish women; says will not compromise on religion to please others"

Haredi legislator: Anyone marrying a non-Jew should be considered dead by family
And to you, this is worse than somebody strapping explosives to their own child to kill others.

You are tremendously fucked in the head.
That is an understatement.
Did you just insinuate that Jews are behind 9-11 ??
Jewish human rights violations in Palestine including extra judicial assassinations and massive land theft instigated much of the violence across the Middle East that blew-back on Israel's prime benefactor on 911.

Everything you need to know about human rights in Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories

"Israel continued to impose institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians living under its rule in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).

"Israeli forces killed 38 Palestinians, including 11 children, during demonstrations in the Gaza Strip and West Bank; many were unlawfully killed while posing no imminent threat to life."
Rubbish. The Labor Zionists bent over backwards trying to get them organized and promoting skilled labor training programs among Arabs; they rejected anything that smacked of progress and progressive social planning and instead some 90% of them joined the 19
Can you provide any supporting evidence for that claim?
The stock markets in the US are soaring. What do arabs have besides magic carpets and camel shit?
Soaring US stock markets courtesy of the New York Fed is a good thing?

Wall street is not the economy.

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