JFK A Closet Racist?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Seems to be some truth behind that claim. As Senator he not only FOUGHT the Republican written Civil Rights Bill he voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Bill.
Facing problems such as these JFK IGNORED the Negro.
"57% of African American housing was judged to be unacceptableAfrican American life expectancy was 7 years less than whitesAfrican American infant mortality was twice as great as whitesAfrican Americans found it all but impossible to get mortgages from mortgage lenders.Property values would drop a great deal if an African American family moved into a neighbourhood that was not a ghetto."

John Kennedy and Civil Rights - History Learning Site

Why did he BREAK his promise and IGNORE the Negro?
"Regardless of his promises, in 1961 Kennedy did nothing to help and push forward the civil rights issue. Why? International factors meant that the president could never focus attention on domestic issues in that year. He also knew that there was no great public support for such legislation. Opinion polls indicated that in 1960 and 1961, civil rights was at the bottom of the list when people were asked “what needs to be done in America to advance society ?” Kennedy was also concentrating his domestic attention on improving health care and helping the lowest wage earners. Civil rights issues would only cloud the issue and disrupt progress in these areas. Kennedy also argued that improving health care and wages for the poor would effectively be civil rights legislation as they would benefit the most from these two."

John Kennedy and Civil Rights - History Learning Site

But this STRONG civil rights record Democrats say he had?
"He had a relatively weak civil rights record and he failed to deliver a civil rights bill. He never gave his full support to the Civil Rights Movement. Much of the actions he took were due to pressure, not because of his moral belief system. In 1961 when Freedom Riders traveled by buses into the south to lend their support to try to break segregation, they met violent resistance from white racists. - See more at: Legacy John F. Kennedy -- His Real Civil Rights Record Black Star News"

Legacy John F. Kennedy -- His Real Civil Rights Record Black Star News

But, but JFK made the phone call that freed Martin Luther King right?
"Contrary to popular belief, Kennedy never made the call to get Dr. King out of jail. The call was made by Harris Wofford, Kennedy’s Civil Rights Advisor, who was a personal friend of the Kings. Wofford said Kennedy was angry about the call because Kennedy thought it would make him lose the Southern vote. However, the call eventually worked in Kennedy’s favor. This revelation is contained in Wofford’s book “Of Kennedys and Kings” on pages 14-23."

Seems he OBJECTED to the call.
Presidents John F Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson were not civil rights advocates - World of Newsninja2012

Surely LBJ supported Civil rights?
"Behind closed doors, Johnson said: “These Negroes, they’re getting uppity these days. That’s a problem for us, since they got something now they never had before. The political pull to back up their upityness. Now, we’ve got to do something about this. We’ve got to give them a little something. Just enough to quiet them down, but not enough to make a difference. If we don’t move at all, their allies will line up against us. And there’ll be no way to stop them. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

Presidents John F Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson were not civil rights advocates - World of Newsninja2012

So who FOUGHT civil rights with JFK?
Orval Fabus
Benjamin Travis Laney
John Stennis
James Eastland
Allen Ellender
Russell Long
John Sparkman
John McClellan
Richard Russell
Herman Talmadge
George Wallace
Lester Maddox
John Rarick
Robert Byrd
Al Gore, Sr.
Bull Connor
Democrats one and all. Surely Democrats have read their history? Right?
  • There is no reference to the fact that it was Democrats who segregated the federal government, at the direction of President Woodrow Wilson upon taking office in 1913. There \is a reference to the fact that President Harry Truman integrated the military after World War II.
  • There is no reference that three-fourths of the opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Bill in the U.S. House came from Democrats, or that 80% of the "nay" vote in the Senate came from Democrats. Certainly there is no reference to the fact that the opposition included future Democratic Senate leader Robert Byrd of West Virginia (a former Klan member) and Tennessee Senator Albert Gore Sr., father of Vice President Al Gore.
Do they have the guts to publicly admit what serious history records of their deeds? Are they capable of running a campaign without playing the race card as they have played it for the better part of two centuries? Can they even escape the race psychology that has indelibly branded them as America's Party of Race?

The Democrats Missing History - WSJ

I'm sure site democrats will scream the WALL STREET JOURNAL is a racist group. But hey that IS their TRUE history.

Didn't like having the Northern support and the Southern opposition to the CRA pointed out, eh?
Maybe against white people...He did push for integration that led attacks, rapes and twice to three times the black on white murder yearly.

He did push for the 1965 immigration law before he died that transformed our country into the cess pool it is today.
Didn't like having the Northern support and the Southern opposition to the CRA pointed out, eh?
He never really supported the Negro. It was ALL a dog and pony show by democrats.
In his first two years Kennedy wanted no part of theCivil Rights fight. In his third year he finally sent federal troops in to Mississipi and Alabama and pushed for civil rights legislation
In his first two years Kennedy wanted no part of theCivil Rights fight. In his third year he finally sent federal troops in to Mississipi and Alabama and pushed for civil rights legislation
And IF you read the links he did NOT want to. But BECAUSE of wanting RE-election he DID. So it was for votes and had NOTHING to do with rights.
In his first two years Kennedy wanted no part of theCivil Rights fight. In his third year he finally sent federal troops in to Mississipi and Alabama and pushed for civil rights legislation
And IF you read the links he did NOT want to. But BECAUSE of wanting RE-election he DID. So it was for votes and had NOTHING to do with rights.

Actually, he feared losing Texas which would have jeopardized his chances of a second term. Part of his reasons for going to Dallas was to soothe rage over his recent civil rights orders
In his first two years Kennedy wanted no part of theCivil Rights fight. In his third year he finally sent federal troops in to Mississipi and Alabama and pushed for civil rights legislation
And IF you read the links he did NOT want to. But BECAUSE of wanting RE-election he DID. So it was for votes and had NOTHING to do with rights.

Actually, he feared losing Texas which would have jeopardized his chances of a second term. Part of his reasons for going to Dallas was to soothe rage over his recent civil rights orders
Like I said JFK was a closet racist. Southern DEMOCRATS were trying to force him out of the closet and openly back their bigoted thinking.

The rage he was soothing was his having to face the FACT that the Ol Southern Democrat party was dying and being REPLACED by a NON racist Republican platform.
In his first two years Kennedy wanted no part of theCivil Rights fight. In his third year he finally sent federal troops in to Mississipi and Alabama and pushed for civil rights legislation
And IF you read the links he did NOT want to. But BECAUSE of wanting RE-election he DID. So it was for votes and had NOTHING to do with rights.

Actually, he feared losing Texas which would have jeopardized his chances of a second term. Part of his reasons for going to Dallas was to soothe rage over his recent civil rights orders
Like I said JFK was a closet racist. Southern DEMOCRATS were trying to force him out of the closet and openly back their bigoted thinking.

The rage he was soothing was his having to face the FACT that the Ol Southern Democrat party was dying and being REPLACED by a NON racist Republican platform.

Democrats sacrificed the once solid south in the name of Civil Rights
In his first two years Kennedy wanted no part of theCivil Rights fight. In his third year he finally sent federal troops in to Mississipi and Alabama and pushed for civil rights legislation
And IF you read the links he did NOT want to. But BECAUSE of wanting RE-election he DID. So it was for votes and had NOTHING to do with rights.

Actually, he feared losing Texas which would have jeopardized his chances of a second term. Part of his reasons for going to Dallas was to soothe rage over his recent civil rights orders
Like I said JFK was a closet racist. Southern DEMOCRATS were trying to force him out of the closet and openly back their bigoted thinking.

The rage he was soothing was his having to face the FACT that the Ol Southern Democrat party was dying and being REPLACED by a NON racist Republican platform.

Democrats sacrificed the once solid south in the name of Civil Rights
Democrats moved to the cities in the north and destroyed them.
They just changed locations.
Democrats moved north and taught the Negro to hate.
They just changed races.

The base democrat has never changed.
KKK the old southern hate group.
Black Panthers new northern hate group.
BOTH controlled by Democrats.

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