JFK Another Angle

except its not ME saying it,I didnt come up with that conclusion,PHOTOGRAPHY experts came up with the conclusion that the zapruder film was altered.you need to read the book THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX. again,your doing the same thing lone nut theorists do,ignore what the dallas doctors do therefore im wasting my time with you on this.you going to do what the trolls do who ignore facts that oswald was innocent and ignore the dallas doctors like they do,then agaim,stick to 9/11,a discussion your much better at.

read that book then get back to me,till then,this discussion between us is over.

I can see that it was altered but not as much as the one that 7 is using.

Its not hard to alter a film, pain in the ass in those days yes, hard not.

Hardly, I presented a different set of facts, and my set of facts the ballistics just happen to match.

You want to run with 7 on this fine, however then you implicate Jackie as an accessory to the murder of her own husband along with connally, his wife, the front seat passenger and anyone else who would have had seen or felt it. Gun powder is a chemical expansion of gases and even silenced you still get the smell and easily detectable air blast.

You cant settle for blobs in a video with complete disregard for the forensics.

Hill saw Greer's gun and Bertha smelled gunpowder on the Governor and President. No surprise there, since the gun was fired right over Connally's head.


Here is some collaborating information (on the SS Agent Greer being the source of the final headshot with his nickle plated revolver)

Douglas P. Horne
, Chief Analyst for Military Records, Assassination Records Review Board (Pub 2010) details in volume five of this incredibly detailed and well-documented five volume set, how a "prominent researcher" that he knows who requested confidentiality on his identity, describes video taping an interview (shortly before the witness died) with an unnamed black steward on Air Force One, who related an incident on the Air Force One flight back to Washington after the assassination, during which Secret Service Agent Clint Hill "was changing his shirt (which was covered with the President's blood) and in a moment of complete honesty, while being assisted by the steward with his change of wardrobe, confided to the steward that when he jumped onto the back of the limousine, 'the driver had his gun out and it was pointed right at my face'."

Horne continues, "As the interview was related to me, Clint Hill was quite shaken by what he saw, for the implications were obvious. Hill's descriptions of the sound of the head shot(s), in both his written statement and in his Warren Commission testimony, were consistently that it resembled the sound a revolver makes when it is fired into a hard object."

Horne continues, "The discharging of a firearm inside the limousine could also explain why the triage nurse at Parkland hospital, Bertha Lozano, smelled 'smoke' (i.e. gunpowder) when Kennedy and Connelly were rushed past her on gurneys to the trauma stations for treatment." "The videotaped interview of the steward also provides independent corroboration for Hugh Betzner's account in his Sheriff's Department affidavit of November 22, 1963, that he saw a nickel (plated) revolver in someone’s hand inside the limousine during the assassination, and is consistent with Jean Hill's account in her affidavit of November 22, 1963 that some men in plain clothes were 'shooting back' (at the assassins)." "

One other Chrenshaw quote from High Treason 2 (page 114) is worth of mention here:
'The Secret Service men were there when we started to work on Mr. Kennedy (at Parkland Hospital). Clint Hill had a gun out and cocked and we were afraid he was going to shoot one of us. And Doris Nelson went around saying, 'he's okay, he's okay, he's okay,' and got him finally out of the room. It was sheer bedlam.

This makes sense to me only when I consider the revelation made by Clint Hill to the Air Force One steward. Consider his state of mind in Trauma Room One, given what Hill confided to the steward. He had just seen (and heard) the driver of the President's limousine plug the President, the man they were all sworn to protect, with a coup de grace shot to the head, and from that moment onward (until the end of his career when he was granted early retirement in 1975), his world was turned upside down. He was surrounded by known traitors: William Greer, Roy Kellerman, Floyd Boring, Emory Roberts -- and doubtless others, unknown to him. He didn't know whom to trust, and besides being infused with anger and overcome by sorrow, he might well even have been afraid for his own life, for having heard Greer fire his revolver, and seen it in his hand immediately after the head explosion, he was clearly, 'the man who knew too much'.

Hill had enough intestinal fortitude to tell Arlen Specter about Floyd Boring's security stripping role under oath, and enough common sense to suddenly forget Boring's name when he was required to prepare a written statement about the matter later for Secret Service Chief James J. Rowley. The poor man suffered from deep depression and alcoholism for years, and his agony was still apparent, and right on the surface, in 1975 when he was interviewed for the television news magazine 60 Minutes by Mike Wallace. (During that interview, I believe Hill was as upset by what he could not talk about, as he was by what he did talk about. The 'survivor's guilt' that he exhibited during the poignant interview may really have related more to his failure to blow the whistle on the 'dirty' Secret Service agents involved in the assassination, than to his failure to get to the limousine in time to protect the President."

Horne's five volumes, large format paperback set is incredibly inclusive and well documented and is available on both amazon.com and amazon.ca. I strongly recommend it.

Never gets old watching you take him to school.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yeah Hill was pretty much the only agent in that detail who wasnt in on it it appears.
Did anyone check to see if Jackie had a gun after the shooting?

I smell coverup

agent rightwingers and rat in the asses handlers are getting scared the lies of the warren commission are being exposed by seven here sening them here to troll the boards.these paid trolls of course defend the lies of the warren commission that oswald did it and was the lone assassin.


In super slow motion....it looks like Jackie did it

true enough,but we know it wasnt jackie because unlike with Greer,you dont have a few witnesses there like Jean Hill and Clint Hill saying they saw Jackie do it so Jackie is in the clear.
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I did NOT write this. From another poster/forum, a few years ago.

Funny thing about conspiracies, and theories, is that often times the other parts of the "plan" are important parts, but made to DISTRACT from a very simple truth!

This is how it has always been, and this is the most important aspect of it all. If you confront people with the "simple" evidence (which is the driver landed fatal blow) people will reject it having been so used to such a complex conspiracy theory that no one will ever figure out!

It is Genius when you think about it, formulate a massive plan to take out JFK who was a threat to national security of the secret government. But the one thing they were counting on was the man hiding in plain sight, with the means to finish him directly. While everyone around the grassy knoll, the buildings, and even people within the car were panicking, they had no idea what was going on, greer took the final shot. It was the perfect distraction.

edit the film that proves it.

He nailed it.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
for a long time I thought it might be from the sewer drain there but it was really the the secret service driver Bill Greer.He had CIA connections.Seven eleven has exposed him on this thread here.

Oh the greer with a pistol over the shoulder?

My eyes see glare off the doods head sitting beside greer as they are bouncing around and compared to the rest of the glare from others and the car it does not seem out of order to me, then a nasty blur frame but that is afterward. We gotta keep in mind that those were the days where the fad was slicked down greasy hair so I am not surprised to see the sun glinting off them.

If you all told me greer purposely veered left a bit to give the guy a cleaner shot, you might possibly convince me on that one since I am not sure precisely when he did that.

the pistol over the shoulder I cant buy into from the videos I have checked out.

The reflection was proven fake long ago. It only appears in the Zapruder film. That means it wasn't added to three other recordings where it must be present had it been real.

-Mary Moorman took her polaroid at Zapruder frame 309, and in it the white blob was not added.
-The Muchmore Film is important and a bonus for proving Greer the real assassin. The capture below is the moment of the headshot and no fake reflection was added to Roy's head either.
-And finally, the all-important Nix Film provides a double whammy. Not only is it missing the white blob, but Roy's heads snaps back far enough to where his forehead faces the sky. Apparently they were able to curtail that movement in Zapruder. His head moves perfectly with the white blob in Zapruder, but they didn't bother adding any fake imagery to these three other recordings.

-In Nix, Greer's left arm raises to the level of his right shoulder and retracts after the shot. THAT'S THE SMOKING GUN.





seems like no matter how many times you spell it out to these paid shills dummies style they cant comprehend that.:D
Yes. I posted the link I used over three years ago. Same clip. Same facts, proving Greer was the assassin.

then its useless, there is a point where blur and pixelation makes a clip useless, that clip is useless.

it has opaque nondescript blobs, you wasted your money.

Okay. That's your thing, not mine. The film clearly shows Greer's left arm pushing back toward jfk, which also happens in Muchmore. That's an expected consistency of evidence that is rendered throughout this case.

again,seems like no matter how many times you explain that fact to him dummies style,he acts like you never posted that.:D:cuckoo:
The reflection was proven fake long ago. It only appears in the Zapruder film. That means it wasn't added to three other recordings where it must be present had it been real.

-Mary Moorman took her polaroid at Zapruder frame 309, and in it the white blob was not added.


seems like no matter how many times you spell it out to these paid shills dummies style they cant comprehend that.:D

So you disregard the white blob as fake and accept the black blob as real. The black blob wasnt added to the Zap film either.

That strike me as being pretty fucked up.

so it appears to me that the passenger said something on a radio maybe, his hand goes up then after his hand goes down you get the head shot.

greers left hand also appears to go down and to right side of the steering wheel as if to turn the wheel to the right or hang on to it while he was twisting around to look backwards, (parents do that all the time when chewing naughty kids asses out in the back seat), his left shoulder comes into view, then after the head shot back up and left. He would have had to shoot through connally from where his hand appears to be.

Though I can find more fault than right with both of these clips.

What they did with the nix version is grossly painted it in or did a high contrast/chroma number on it and that totally destroys it for any kind of forensics work.

It was never my intention to argue your thread in this one but here we are and there you have it.
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What black blob are talking about? The film was enchanced and the movements are the same. It looks different in color but no alterations were made. His left extends over and the same thing occurs in Muchmore, or more directly his arm retracts in it, after the shot.
What black blob are talking about? The film was enchanced and the movements are the same. It looks different in color but no alterations were made. His left extends over and the same thing occurs in Muchmore, or more directly his arm retracts in it, after the shot.

the invisible ones you dont see.

the movements cannot be confirmed in the zap film.
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What black blob are talking about? The film was enchanced and the movements are the same. It looks different in color but no alterations were made. His left extends over and the same thing occurs in Muchmore, or more directly his arm retracts in it, after the shot.

the invisible ones you dont see.

You don't make any sense at all. Kellerman raised and immediately dropped his hand because he signaled Greer was to shoot back. No radio or other old worn out lies will work any longer.
What black blob are talking about? The film was enchanced and the movements are the same. It looks different in color but no alterations were made. His left extends over and the same thing occurs in Muchmore, or more directly his arm retracts in it, after the shot.

the invisible ones you dont see.

the movements cannot be confirmed in the zap film.

Exactly. Greer's left arm does not motion back to jfk in Zap, but does so in both nix and muchmore.
What black blob are talking about? The film was enchanced and the movements are the same. It looks different in color but no alterations were made. His left extends over and the same thing occurs in Muchmore, or more directly his arm retracts in it, after the shot.

the invisible ones you dont see.

the movements cannot be confirmed in the zap film.

Exactly. Greer's left arm does not motion back to jfk in Zap, but does so in both nix and muchmore.

wrong, modified blobs (enhanced video) have no probative value.
then its useless, there is a point where blur and pixelation makes a clip useless, that clip is useless.

it has opaque nondescript blobs, you wasted your money.

Okay. That's your thing, not mine. The film clearly shows Greer's left arm pushing back toward jfk, which also happens in Muchmore. That's an expected consistency of evidence that is rendered throughout this case.

again,seems like no matter how many times you explain that fact to him dummies style,he acts like you never posted that.:D:cuckoo:

You, I, Koko and everyone see Greer's left arm push back in nix and much, but NOT Zap. This case was closed three years ago.:clap2:
It's the same person with his head straight up. It has to be there but isn't because it wasn't added.

and the zap film would need to corroborate at least an elbow which is absent.

His elbow is seen in some clips at 313. It was edited out by adding those reflections that made it look exactly like his arm pushed back, but technically did not. That's why nix and muchmore solve this case, so clearly.

exactly.amazing how people only see what they want to see isnt it?
His elbow forms by the door and the reflection extends in sync with the headshot.


you gotta be shittin me, that is a fucking mock up, I want the original to that blob clip. its not nix. whos is it?

What you are seeing that you think is his elbow is the sprocket jump that is blurring the image at the same time the passengers head is tipping down and slightly toward the center of the car as he is ducking

the angle changes and no more sun glint.

His left arm is fist up and elbow down in 318 and his elbow forms by the door in 313. I don't care what you want or think. The nix film solved this case three years ago. If you want better evidence, then start searching.

You are speaking for yourself, certainly not this case. That's your opinion. The films are not consistent in one crucial factor. Was Greer's left arm moving back or not? It was not, in Zapruder, but did so clearly enough in both other films. Another fact you must ignore, is Greer's hands being off the wheel in Zapruder before the shot.

yeh and his arm looked like an arm in zap and not visible in nix and who ever made the other clip it was simply a blob of meaningless indistinguishable black pixels.

in zap you can see that what you are calling his elbow is his shoulder.

if he fired a revolver with enough power to do what we saw happen to kennedys head the guy beside him would be deaf in his left ear. Far too many things make no sense and would not reasonably fit together with greer as the shooter.

if that settles it for you so be it. It does not for me.

It's called obfuscation. That's all you're doing. His left arm is visibly moving in nix and muchmore, but is not, in Zapruder during the shooting sequence. You can only play dumb when faced with facts that are not debatable such as everything I've posted about jfk and 911. Greer's shot fits together with all the headshot evidence, real or fake, especially in regards to the wound path, over the right eye out the right rear.

stands up and gives standing ovation.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: could not have said it better myself.
Connally said he saw the fatal shot and quickly corrected himself but his reaction when looking at Greer proves he slipped up. Watch him hit the floor in horror once he realized Greer shot JFK. The Governor, logically starting turning toward the driver because he was braking before he shot the President.

Obviously, at least the major wound that I took in the shoulder through the chest couldn't have been anything but the second shot. Obviously, it couldn't have been the third, because when the third shot was fired I was in a reclining position, and heard it, saw it and the effects of it, rather--I didn't see it, I saw the effects of it--so it obviously could not have been the third, and couldn't have been the first, in my judgment.


So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to--I just sat there, and Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was sitting, of course, on the jump seat, so I reclined with my head in her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and then, of course, the third shot sounded, and I heard the shot very clearly. I heard it hit him. I heard the shot hit something, and I assumed again--it never entered my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I heard it hit. It was a very loud noise, just that audible, very clear.

GREER FIRED RIGHT OVER CONNALLY'S HEAD and when he realized Greer fired it, he hit the floor, terrified. WATCH THE GOVERNOR.


you just proved that greer did not do it LOL

Connally saw Greer shoot jfk. That's exactly what it proves in no uncertain way. He saw the shot, meaning the headshot.:D

tthats why Connolly turned to the right because he saw greer shooting him and was getting away from the line of fire.:D
What black blob are talking about? The film was enchanced and the movements are the same. It looks different in color but no alterations were made. His left extends over and the same thing occurs in Muchmore, or more directly his arm retracts in it, after the shot.

the invisible ones you dont see.

the movements cannot be confirmed in the zap film.

Exactly. Greer's left arm does not motion back to jfk in Zap, but does so in both nix and muchmore.

He seems to have reading comprehension problems.I mean isnt that like the 100th time we have explained that to him?:cuckoo:
the invisible ones you dont see.

the movements cannot be confirmed in the zap film.

Exactly. Greer's left arm does not motion back to jfk in Zap, but does so in both nix and muchmore.

He seems to have reading comprehension problems.I mean isnt that like the 100th time we have explained that to him?:cuckoo:

I do not see a left arm, I see a painted in black blob. When you can find me a version with a left arm let me know I will review it. Until then the version you posted has no probative value. In other words its trash.
Okay. That's your thing, not mine. The film clearly shows Greer's left arm pushing back toward jfk, which also happens in Muchmore. That's an expected consistency of evidence that is rendered throughout this case.

again,seems like no matter how many times you explain that fact to him dummies style,he acts like you never posted that.:D:cuckoo:

You, I, Koko and everyone see Greer's left arm push back in nix and much, but NOT Zap. This case was closed three years ago.:clap2:

yep,yep and yep.
Exactly. Greer's left arm does not motion back to jfk in Zap, but does so in both nix and muchmore.

wrong, modified blobs (enhanced video) have no probative value.

Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit

Greer passes the gun starting at frame 242 with both his hands off the wheel at frame 241. The last frame you see the fitted gun is 278 and then the film pans upward with zero evidence his left hand ever returned to the wheel. We know it didn't because his left arm crosses his right shoulder in nix proving.

Frame 241 shows both hands off the wheel just before he passes gun..


Greer passes gun and his left hand goes missing because they panned upward during the frames which Greer transferred the gun from the lower position to near his shoulder before he turned the second time to shoot jfk. You can see the grip, barrel, and muzzle briefly while it fits to his left hand.


took him to school as always handing his ass to him on a platter.:clap2::clap2::clap2: NUFF SAID.

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