JFK: The Smoking Gun...

Um ... 9-11 guy - you're up. How about any kind of rebuttal too what I have just presented?

some of us are not paid trolls and dont have the time to troll these boards and post the debunked lies of the warren commission.:cuckoo: some of us have jobs that keep up busy and other activities as well we have to attend to when we got off work.I see you are just rehashing more proven lies of the warren commissison that has been debunked over and over again over the years.:cuckoo: nothing you have posted refutes my facts. :cuckoo:

I have photographic proof from photos taken that day in these videos tha show there were MULTIPLE shooters there that day,you have NOTHING charlie. my two videos here below back up my facts.you have nothing to prove the lies of the warren commission to be true though. these two videos back up all my facts.nobody has ever been able to refute them and you will fail miserably as well to disprove there were multiple shooters there that day just as you did in your ramblings . you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are.:D oh and tommorrow,when i DO have the time to shoot down your propaganda,i will do so,dont worry.again, i have taken you to school in these two videos here below as I aways do with you people who believe in magic bullets.:D cause again,the photographic evidence seen in these videos,backs up my facts there were multiple shooters troll.:D

miserable fail charlie.:lol:

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oh and you are also dense in the fact that even the HSCA investigation in the 70's even they concluded the warren commission was wrong,there there was a second shooter behind the picket fence.the lead investigater robert blakey and one of th other main members on the HSCA even wrote a book on it.

"Individuals are walking the streets of American today who should be and eventually may be indicted for the unrequited murder of President John F. Kennedy. The President was not the victim of a nut gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, alone, but of an organized crime conspiracy. This is the sensational scenario of the book that qualifies as the definitive account of the most consequential assassination in twentieth-century America. This book is more than the fruit of the two-year $5-million dollar Congressional investigation that Robert Blakey directed as as Chief Counsel with Richard Billings. It contains also the authors further inquires and their uninhibited personal insight, free of Committee restraints. What Robert Blakey and Richard Billings' book discloses are the detailed facts supporting this fascinating thesis.".

you are just as much as a pathetic troll as this author bonar menninger is,the guy tha says the secret service agent accidently shot him.you both are idiot fools in the fact you cant get around witness testimonys and what the doctors say.miserable fail.give it up.:D

you and menninger should try and at LEAST be a lot more clever wth your lies and say that the mob and the mob alone did it.as it is,you both are transparent pad trolls.:D miserable fail.:lol:
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oh and you are also dense in the fact that even the HSCA investigation in the 70's even they concluded the warren commission was wrong,there there was a second shooter behind the picket fence.the lead investigater robert blakey and one of th other main members on the HSCA even wrote a book on it.

"Individuals are walking the streets of American today who should be and eventually may be indicted for the unrequited murder of President John F. Kennedy. The President was not the victim of a nut gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, alone, but of an organized crime conspiracy. This is the sensational scenario of the book that qualifies as the definitive account of the most consequential assassination in twentieth-century America. This book is more than the fruit of the two-year $5-million dollar Congressional investigation that Robert Blakey directed as as Chief Counsel with Richard Billings. It contains also the authors further inquires and their uninhibited personal insight, free of Committee restraints. What Robert Blakey and Richard Billings' book discloses are the detailed facts supporting this fascinating thesis.".

you are just as much as a pathetic troll as this author bonar menninger is,the guy tha says the secret service agent accidently shot him.you both are idiot fools in the fact you cant get around witness testimonys and what the doctors say.miserable fail.give it up.:D

you and menninger should try and at LEAST be a lot more clever wth your lies and say that the mob and the mob alone did it.as it is,you both are transparent pad trolls.:D miserable fail.:lol:

So, like I said before - if there were sooooo many other shooters:

Why were NO OTHER BULLETS collected at the scene?

To the point you made of Kennedy's back of the head wound being an "exit wound" -

Why is there no entry wound on the FRONT of JFK's head?


I'm a troll, yet I have thus far successfully refuted your arguments BY SHOWING YOU actual photographic evidence of Kennidy's head MOVING FORWARD while it was shot.


^^^^^ Head moving forward to which you had NO REBUTTAL except to post a large number of :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: instead of admitting that you were wrong.

I just love it when people are caught dead to rights and still carry on with the charade like no one else will notice that their **** is showing.
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oh and you are also dense in the fact that even the HSCA investigation in the 70's even they concluded the warren commission was wrong,there there was a second shooter behind the picket fence.the lead investigater robert blakey and one of th other main members on the HSCA even wrote a book on it.

"Individuals are walking the streets of American today who should be and eventually may be indicted for the unrequited murder of President John F. Kennedy. The President was not the victim of a nut gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, alone, but of an organized crime conspiracy. This is the sensational scenario of the book that qualifies as the definitive account of the most consequential assassination in twentieth-century America. This book is more than the fruit of the two-year $5-million dollar Congressional investigation that Robert Blakey directed as as Chief Counsel with Richard Billings. It contains also the authors further inquires and their uninhibited personal insight, free of Committee restraints. What Robert Blakey and Richard Billings' book discloses are the detailed facts supporting this fascinating thesis.".

you are just as much as a pathetic troll as this author bonar menninger is,the guy tha says the secret service agent accidently shot him.you both are idiot fools in the fact you cant get around witness testimonys and what the doctors say.miserable fail.give it up.:D

you and menninger should try and at LEAST be a lot more clever wth your lies and say that the mob and the mob alone did it.as it is,you both are transparent pad trolls.:D miserable fail.:lol:

So - where is the "evidence" of a second shooter? No bullets, no one at the time seeing an armed man, an audio tape of a "fourth shot" being fired that ended up being a motorcycle back-firing when it was finally analyzed ... a "plume" of smoke? People claiming to have heard shots? Someone changing their story AFTER the fact???

Proof - post it now or STFU.
^^^^^ Head moving forward to which you had NO REBUTTAL except to post a large number of :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: instead of admitting that you were wrong.

I just love it when people are caught dead to rights and still carry on with the charade like no one else will notice that their **** is showing.

When 9/11 Whackjob is confronted with facts he doesn't like, his stock response is to label the person a paid government agent shit-flinging monkey troll. Or a sock. He then claims he's put the person on ignore. That way, he won't have to debate them. He'll just show up and say "someone farted in here." What a twatwaffle.
^^^^^ Head moving forward to which you had NO REBUTTAL except to post a large number of :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: instead of admitting that you were wrong.

I just love it when people are caught dead to rights and still carry on with the charade like no one else will notice that their **** is showing.

When 9/11 Whackjob is confronted with facts he doesn't like, his stock response is to label the person a paid government agent shit-flinging monkey troll. Or a sock. He then claims he's put the person on ignore. That way, he won't have to debate them. He'll just show up and say "someone farted in here." What a twatwaffle.

Un-effing believable - not ONE single response to me kicking his ass all over the thread except to ATTEMPT to discredit me! Nice ... what's completely laughable is that he has the unmitigated, audacity to label me a liar! :lol:
.....you are just as much as a pathetic troll as this author bonar menninger is,the guy tha says the secret service agent accidently shot him.you both are idiot fools in the fact you cant get around witness testimonys and what the doctors say.miserable fail.give it up....

Give up owning you in every stupid, long debunked, bullshit, talking point that you REFUSE to let go of???

Hey 9-11 "truther" guy - tell us again how the wound on the back of JFK's head was an "exit" wound!


^^^^^ ?????


^^^^ Still a complete lack of an entry point that would be necessary for the kill shot to be an "exit wound" on the back of JFKs head.

Forget about ME for a goddamned minute and DEAL WITH THE FACTS presented! Do it or just concede that you are a typical conspiracy nut whack-job and you have no interest WHATSOEVER in learning the truth.
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I am pretty skeptical of this particular theory, but i do think there is much more to the JFK assassination.

the evidence is overwhelming that there were multiple shooters,the evidence is also overwhelming that oswald was innocent.my last post proves it.see YOU i know wont go into it only looking at one side of the coin and look at both sides and will acknowledge my truthful post that proves oswald innocent and there were multiple shooters.

he obviously ditched junior high school science classes because he clearly knows nothing at all about the laws of physics.Every junior high school kid can tell you the laws of physics of his head going backwards if shot from the front,were violated that day.thats one of the many similaritys in 9/11 and jfk,in both cases the laws of physics were violated.

Dude, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON? Seriously - "overwhelming" evidence that there were multiple shooters??? Like what???

Thanks for the Neg Rep for - 0 points! Too funny, but to then somehow infer that you handed me my ass ... fucking priceless!!!

OK, Mr. inside job - splain'.

Why do you think that there was more than one shooter???

Oswald was innocent? So innocent that he shot and killed a police officer? OY!

Dude, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON? Seriously - "overwhelming" evidence that there were multiple shooters??? Like what???

Thanks for the Neg Rep for - 0 points! Too funny, but to then somehow infer that you handed me my ass ... ****ing priceless!!!

OK, Mr. inside job - splain'.

Why do you think that there was more than one shooter???

Oswald was innocent? So innocent that he shot and killed a police officer? OY![/QUOTE]

I will address every post of yours from this one all the way up to your last one,post# 29 but no more after that since you keep playing dodgeball avoiding facts evading them going to another aspect of the assassination,a disinfo ploy you paid trolls use.

you need to get off the crack you been smoking agent troll,you didnt read a single thing that I posted in post#10. whats fucking priceless is you deny that reality of the facts i posted in post# 10 that proves i handed your ass to you on a platter.you played dogeball with them ignoring them not even trying to counter them,not addressing any of them.

i just explained in post#10,not my fault you didnt bother to read it and are acting like a stupid fuck as though i did not make that post. oh and there was never a shread of evidence he shot officer tippet either.its every bit as flimsy as the fabricated evidence on him against JFK.

nice game of dodgeball you play.you didnt address a SINGLE fact of mine I posted on post# 10,you dodged it and changed it to another aspect of the assassination knowing your cornered.:lol::lol::D:D thats typical of all you government paid disinfo agents. evade the facts and go to another aspet of the assassination knwoing your cornered.:lol::lmao::lmao:
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oh and you are also dense in the fact that even the HSCA investigation in the 70's even they concluded the warren commission was wrong,there there was a second shooter behind the picket fence.the lead investigater robert blakey and one of th other main members on the HSCA even wrote a book on it.

"Individuals are walking the streets of American today who should be and eventually may be indicted for the unrequited murder of President John F. Kennedy. The President was not the victim of a nut gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, alone, but of an organized crime conspiracy. This is the sensational scenario of the book that qualifies as the definitive account of the most consequential assassination in twentieth-century America. This book is more than the fruit of the two-year $5-million dollar Congressional investigation that Robert Blakey directed as as Chief Counsel with Richard Billings. It contains also the authors further inquires and their uninhibited personal insight, free of Committee restraints. What Robert Blakey and Richard Billings' book discloses are the detailed facts supporting this fascinating thesis.".

you are just as much as a pathetic troll as this author bonar menninger is,the guy tha says the secret service agent accidently shot him.you both are idiot fools in the fact you cant get around witness testimonys and what the doctors say.miserable fail.give it up.:D

you and menninger should try and at LEAST be a lot more clever wth your lies and say that the mob and the mob alone did it.as it is,you both are transparent pad trolls.:D miserable fail.:lol:

So, like I said before - if there were sooooo many other shooters:

Why were NO OTHER BULLETS collected at the scene?

To the point you made of Kennedy's back of the head wound being an "exit wound" -

Why is there no entry wound on the FRONT of JFK's head?


I'm a troll, yet I have thus far successfully refuted your arguments BY SHOWING YOU actual photographic evidence of Kennidy's head MOVING FORWARD while it was shot.


^^^^^ Head moving forward to which you had NO REBUTTAL except to post a large number of :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: instead of admitting that you were wrong.

I just love it when people are caught dead to rights and still carry on with the charade like no one else will notice that their **** is showing.

hey dumbfuck,why you dont you actually read POST # 10 of mine,ever sionce you came on here to troll you have evaded that post.:cuckoo: also actually WATCH THOSE TWO VIDOEOS I POSTED INSTEAD OF EVADING THEM.YOU KEEP IGNORING THE "FACTS"of the photographic evidence taken at the scene of multiple bullets.:cuckoo: you have reading comprehension skill problems because you dodged the fact i posted in post # 10 where the photos show a bullet in the grass that a policeman standing next to mentioned was bullet and in the phoot,you SEE AN FBI MAN PICKNG IT UP,PUTTING IT IN HIS POCKET,AND WALKING OFF WITH IT. HOOVER AND HIS CORRUPT FBI CONTROLLED THE INVESTIGATION AND THAT FBI MAN WAS PART OF IT OBVIOUSLY GETTING RID OF THE EVIDENCE IDIOT.:cuckoo::lol::lol: cant collect them when the investigaters are picking them up and carrYing them away destroying the evidence dipshit.:cuckoo::lol::lol:

why dont you stop asking moronic questions instead of acknowleding the facts of bullets found all over the place photographed that day evading that fact?:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:


matter of fact a fingerprint anaysist expert in 1998 was anayalzing the fingerprints of the boxes in the 6th floor and identified mac wallace,a mafia hitman who served time in jail and was linked to johnson,that his fingerprints were on one of the boxes.

johnson had much more to gain from the assassination more than anyone especially oswald because there were witnesses that were giving testimony of johnsons links to mac wallace and his criminal activities from the past with the mafia.there was also actually a court hearing going on at the time of the assassination invetigating johnsons criminal activites,it was being written about all over the papers in the prior months and because of that,kennedy was going to drop him from the ticket in 64. after the assassination,johnson used his power of the presidency to stop all investigation inqiuirys into his mobster activities. this is all documented and you would see for yourself if you would actually read this link below.:cuckoo:


your trolling also ignores the fact many police officers at parkland hospital said they saw a bullet hole in the windshield of the limo that THEY said was an entrance hole coming from the front. if you would actually read the link below, which you never do,you would see that for yourself.


dude you are in the big leagues now,you need to go down to the minor leagues cause you cant handle the likes of me.I have been at this long enough to know that many thousands of photography experts from around the country have said that the autopsy photographs and the zapruder film was altered. thats WHY you dont see it.

thats funny that you show that fake pic from the altered zapruder film- that many photography experts around the world have said is fake,that blood splatter in front is fake,you just crippled YOUR OWN ARGUMENTS WITH THAT PHOTO AND PROVED MY CASE "FOR ME":lol::lol::lol::lol::D in the fact that had the shot entered from behind,HIS ENTIRE FACE WOULD BE BLOWN OUT AND NOT INTACT STUPID.:lol::lmao::lmao:

we know for a fact that the zapruder film has been altered and here is just TWO examples.jean hill said she stepped down from the grass on to the curb onto the street to wave to the president to try and get his attention but in the film,it shows her the entire time STILL ON THE GRASS.

ten there is the testimony of agent clint hill who testified to the warren commission that he shoved jackie back ino the car.thats NOW what the film shows,te fil shows jackie reaching for the brain and going back into the limo untouched. and get off the crac you been smoking,not only is the zapruder film altered with that fake brain matter you agents always use to say he was shot from behind,watch this film here,towards the end it shows his head going VIOLENTLY BACKWARDS!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

oh and dont forget that officer bobby hargis who was riding his motorcycle on the left of jackie,behind the left bumper,was splatterd with blood and brain matter which is impossible if shot from behind.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo::D


yep you have exposed yourself as a troll alright.:D
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9.witnesses who gave different version of events different from the governments wound up dying in mysterious deaths

Here click this link AND ACTUALLY READ IT.

Kennedy Assassination "Mystery Deaths"

The death of Lee Bowers seemed "strange" to Oliver Stone, Geraldo Rivera, and Jim Marrs. David Perry is an insurance investigator by profession, and an assassination buff by avocation. See what he concluded when he investigated this issue.

Another "mysterious" death was that of David Ferrie. Did he commit suicide to avoid being prosecuted for Kennedy's murder by DA Garrison? Was he killed by minions of The Conspiracy? In this essay, Dr. Robert Artwohl discusses Jim Garrison's contention that Ferrie died of an overdose of Proloid, a thyroid medication, and Garrison's apparent mishandling of evidence. Ferrie left two supposed "suicide notes," however on close inspection it's not at all clear they are in fact suicide notes. The official autopsy produced a clear finding of natural death.

Eladio del Valle, a Cuban who died on the same night as David Ferrie, is another of those "mystery deaths." Conspiracy books imply that he had all sorts of "links" to the assassination, but there are some other things about him that make his death seem not so mysterious. Click here for documents on del Valle. Conspiracy books never tell you, but the Dade County authorities indicted a man for del Valle's murder. More information can be found on Gordon Winslow's web site.

Dorothy Kilgallen, a reporter and quiz show personality, is always among those on the "mysterious deaths" lists. Supposedly, she was about to "blow the lid" off the conspiracy. In this essay, historian Eric Paddon does not discuss the circumstances of her death (which the medical examiner didn't consider sinister), but rather the question of whether she actually knew anything that might threaten a supposed conspiracy. Had she learned something new about the assassination, or was she just repeating standard conspiracy buff stuff? How might Kilgallen have gotten critical information that would have allowed her to "blow" the conspiracy? According to Gary Wills and Ovid Demaris, (Jack Ruby, page 72):

Conspiratorialists of the wilder variety believe that Dorothy Kilgallen had a private interview [with Jack Ruby], one that caused her death. This tete-a-tete never took place: she leaned over the rail and talked to Jack in the open courtroom during a break in the proceedings. Lawyer Joe Tonahill, who hoped to collaborate with Miss Kilgallen on a book, arranged the brief exchange, and was present at it.
But the important thing, as John Leyden has pointed out, is that Kilgallen didn't die "mysteriously" until 20 months after the interview. Darn patient reporter who can sit on a big story that long.
Colonel Daniel Marvin told an explosive story in the most recent installment of The Men Who Killed Kennedy. He claimed to have been asked by a CIA operative to kill a supposed autopsy witness named William B. Pitzer. If true, it's hard evidence of a conspiracy "clean-up squad" killing witnesses. Researchers Robin Palmer and Allan Eaglesham have worked closely with Marvin, and have come to doubt his story. Their "Letter to Dr. J.D. Rose" lays out the details. Eaglesham, who initially believed the death was "suspicious," has now concluded that it wasn't. A diligent and honest researcher, he continued investigating even after reaching that conclusion, and that research solidified his view that the death was indeed a suicide.

Umpteen Trillion to One Odds?

The conspiracy literature occasionally still quotes a supposed study done by the London Sunday Times which found that "the odds against these [assassination] witnesses being dead by February 1967, were one hundred thousand trillion to one." The House Select Committee on Assassinations asked the newspaper where they got that number. The paper replied with the following letter.
The Editor has passed me your letter of 25th April.
Our piece about the odds against the deaths of the Kennedy witnesses was, I regret to say, based on a careless journalistic mistake and should not have been published. This was realized by The Sunday Times' editorial staff after the first edition — the one which goes to the United States and which I believe you have — had gone out, and later editions were amended.

There was no question of our actuary having got his answer wrong. It was simply that we asked him the wrong question. He was asked what were the odds against 15 named people out of the population of the United States dying within a short period of time to which he replied — correctly — that they were very high. However, if one asks what are the odds against 15 of those included in the Warren Commission index dying within a given period, the answer is, of course, that they are much lower. Our mistake was to treat the reply to the former question as if it dealt with the latter — hence the fundamental error in our first edition report, for which we apologize.

None of the editorial staff involved in this story can remember the name of the actuary we consulted, but in view of what happened you will, I imagine, agree that his identity is hardly material.

Yours sincerely,
Antony Whitaker,
Legal Manager.
(4 HSCA 464-65)

George deMohrenschildt was one of Lee Oswald's most interesting friends. His testimony before the Warren Commission said nothing that suggested a conspiracy, but in later years he started to give a much more "interesting" account. DeMohrenschildt's suicide in 1977 has seemed quite "suspicious" to conspiracy buffs. The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Death Investigation on deMohrenschildt's passing is extremely detailed. See whether there is any evidence of murder.

John M. Crawford is yet another of those people on the "mystery deaths" lists. Did he really have the "connections" to Wes Frazier and Jack Ruby that conspiracy authors claim? See David Perry's assessment of this case.

What happens when a real investigator (Jacqueline Hess of the House Select Committee) tackles the issue of "mysterious deaths" and enlists the services of people who specialize in working out the probability that any particular person will die in a year, or two, or ten? In other words, enlists the service of actuaries? Hess' testimony before the House Select Committee outlines the results of her investigation.

Asking the conspiracy kooks to actually read something is like asking the blind to see; it can't be done. :badgrin:

The actuary that you referenced was disproven several times. In fact, any actuary of 67 diverse people being dead in 4 years would return approximately the same odds.
someone farted in here.:9:

hey candyass,the handlers of you and this other government agent troll are getting desperate the way they keep sending you guys here to troll this thread.:D:lol::lol:
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JFK assassination film hoax

The wound mistake

The Zapruder film seems to show the front of JFK’s head being blasted open by a shot:


Researchers like Stewart Galanor, who were lucky enough to see the film in the 1960s (at a private screening in the U.S. National Archives), believed that this proved that JFK was killed by a shot coming from in front of him and to his right (from the “grassy knoll”), because his head moves backwards and to his left.

In the same way, when the film was first shown on TV in 1975, people were outraged. The U.S. Government’s story—that one man in a building far behind the President shot him—didn’t make sense. This led the U.S. House of Representatives to create a new Select Committee to investigate the assassination.

But even in the 1960s, researcher David Lifton discovered that the Zapruder film not just gives us confusing information about where the shot came from, but actually makes no sense at all!

Lifton was a graduate in engineering physics. He took the black-and-white copies of the Zapruder film frames, published by the U.S. Government, to Nobel-prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. He thought that Feynman would conclude, from the laws of physics, that the shot must have come from the front.

Lifton was dismayed when Feynman ignored all of the frames except the ones that show the President just before and just after the impact of the shot:


(These are modern copies of those frames.) Even though Frame 313 is blurred, Feynman was able to measure the position of JFK’s head compared to fixed parts of the limousine (like the handle reflection between the Kennedys and the Connallys).

Feynman found that JFK’s head moved forwards at the moment of impact.

The laws of physics then tell us that the shot must have come from behind!

The backwards movement of the President’s head after Frame 313 then became the mystery. Were there two shots? Could there be some other physics explanation for this strange phenomenon? Did the red spray of blood force his head backwards, like a jet engine? Could his muscles have gone into spasm because of the brain damage?

In 2001, scientists used modern computers to remove as much of the blur from Frame 313 as possible. When the two clear frames are laid on top of each other, there is no doubt at all that JFK’s head moves forward:


The movement was checked by yet another method: Frame 312 was blurred by the same amount as Frame 313, and then the two frames were compared. Again, the President’s head was found to move forwards.

You can also see something remarkable in this comparison: the red spray of blood in Frame 313 is clearly in front of JFK’s head. Indeed, it blocks our view of his wife’s face, which can be fully seen in Frame 312!

This seems to again tell us that the shot came from behind. There is no other way for bloody brain matter to be blasted forwards.

But Lifton made a discovery that, for more than two decades, was so incredible that it was not given much credence: the head wound shown on the Zapruder film does not at all match the wound described by eyewitnesses and the doctors that treated JFK in Dallas!

We can see the problem just by going one more frame forward, to Frame 314:


The Zapruder film is telling us that the whole front-top of JFK’s head gets blasted away! There is a huge crater where his forehead used to be, through which we can again see his wife.

This would make sense, if he was indeed hit by a high-velocity rifle bullet from behind.

There is only one problem with this: everyone who saw the President after the shooting said that his face was not injured or damaged at all!

2.all the dallas doctors said the wound in the back of the head was an EXIT wound proving a shot came from the front.same as the throut wound.

JFK autopsy photographs surfaced in the late 1980s, and showed his face to be completely intact:


Even the skeptics had to agree that either the Zapruder film or the autopsy photos (or both) have to be forgeries.

From the 1970s, Lifton had argued that the bright reddish-white wound which seems to appear and snake up the side of the President’s head, which he called “the blob”, completely disagreed with the descriptions of the head wound given by the doctors and nurses at Dallas’s Parkland Hospital, where the President was taken:


In a thousand-word footnote in his 1980 book, Best Evidence, he argued that this tells us that the Zapruder film has been substantially altered, if not completely forged.

However, Lifton would have to wait nearly a quarter of a century for scientists to prove that he was right.

His hundred-page chapter in The Great Zapruder Film Hoax is a wonderful history of the Zapruder film, and the way it was used to convince the American public, over the past four decades.

JFK assassination film hoax - The wound mistake

as always,you just crippled your arguments bringing up that book THE ZAPRUDER FILM,THE GREATEST HOAX OF THE CENTURY,if you had actually read that book,you would know that there are countless numbers of photographic experts from around the country that have said the zapruder film has been altered. :lol::lol::lol::lol::D my video here below counters that fake photo you posted of the fake blood matter on his head and the head going forward.:lol::lol::lol:

oh and if those pics you posted were ACTUALLY genuine with his head going forward and that blood matter wasnt fake and superimposed,then all that alleged blood would have gone FORWARD.it did not.AGAIN,officer hargis who was riding the motorcycle BEHIND the left bumper of jackie,he was splatter with blood and brain mater all over his helmet and uniform.he was hit with so much force from the brain matter and blood he thought that he had been shot initially.an IMPOSSIBLITY for that to happen had he been shot from the front troll.

MISERABLE FAIL AS ALWAYS!!!!!!!! give it up son,your in the big leagues now with me,you cant stand toe to toe here in the major leagues,you need to be shipped down to the minor leagues,you cant stand tow to toe with the likes of me me...:lol::lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao:

another major ass beating you suffered from me.:lol::lol::lol:
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see unlike you,I can back up my facts that nobody has ever been able to counter.try to debunk them,you cant,nobody ever has been able to.

they are left doing this in defeat everytime.


congrats on admitting what a chickenshit coward you are.:clap::clap::clap: i made a challenge to you on post# 10,you evaded it knowing you were cornered,you just posted this gif knowing you could not refute those facts trying to laugh it off you have been cornered.great debater.nice.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
9.witnesses who gave different version of events different from the governments wound up dying in mysterious deaths

Here click this link AND ACTUALLY READ IT.

Kennedy Assassination "Mystery Deaths"

The death of Lee Bowers seemed "strange" to Oliver Stone, Geraldo Rivera, and Jim Marrs. David Perry is an insurance investigator by profession, and an assassination buff by avocation. See what he concluded when he investigated this issue.

Another "mysterious" death was that of David Ferrie. Did he commit suicide to avoid being prosecuted for Kennedy's murder by DA Garrison? Was he killed by minions of The Conspiracy? In this essay, Dr. Robert Artwohl discusses Jim Garrison's contention that Ferrie died of an overdose of Proloid, a thyroid medication, and Garrison's apparent mishandling of evidence. Ferrie left two supposed "suicide notes," however on close inspection it's not at all clear they are in fact suicide notes. The official autopsy produced a clear finding of natural death.

Eladio del Valle, a Cuban who died on the same night as David Ferrie, is another of those "mystery deaths." Conspiracy books imply that he had all sorts of "links" to the assassination, but there are some other things about him that make his death seem not so mysterious. Click here for documents on del Valle. Conspiracy books never tell you, but the Dade County authorities indicted a man for del Valle's murder. More information can be found on Gordon Winslow's web site.

Dorothy Kilgallen, a reporter and quiz show personality, is always among those on the "mysterious deaths" lists. Supposedly, she was about to "blow the lid" off the conspiracy. In this essay, historian Eric Paddon does not discuss the circumstances of her death (which the medical examiner didn't consider sinister), but rather the question of whether she actually knew anything that might threaten a supposed conspiracy. Had she learned something new about the assassination, or was she just repeating standard conspiracy buff stuff? How might Kilgallen have gotten critical information that would have allowed her to "blow" the conspiracy? According to Gary Wills and Ovid Demaris, (Jack Ruby, page 72):

Conspiratorialists of the wilder variety believe that Dorothy Kilgallen had a private interview [with Jack Ruby], one that caused her death. This tete-a-tete never took place: she leaned over the rail and talked to Jack in the open courtroom during a break in the proceedings. Lawyer Joe Tonahill, who hoped to collaborate with Miss Kilgallen on a book, arranged the brief exchange, and was present at it.
But the important thing, as John Leyden has pointed out, is that Kilgallen didn't die "mysteriously" until 20 months after the interview. Darn patient reporter who can sit on a big story that long.
Colonel Daniel Marvin told an explosive story in the most recent installment of The Men Who Killed Kennedy. He claimed to have been asked by a CIA operative to kill a supposed autopsy witness named William B. Pitzer. If true, it's hard evidence of a conspiracy "clean-up squad" killing witnesses. Researchers Robin Palmer and Allan Eaglesham have worked closely with Marvin, and have come to doubt his story. Their "Letter to Dr. J.D. Rose" lays out the details. Eaglesham, who initially believed the death was "suspicious," has now concluded that it wasn't. A diligent and honest researcher, he continued investigating even after reaching that conclusion, and that research solidified his view that the death was indeed a suicide.

Umpteen Trillion to One Odds?

The conspiracy literature occasionally still quotes a supposed study done by the London Sunday Times which found that "the odds against these [assassination] witnesses being dead by February 1967, were one hundred thousand trillion to one." The House Select Committee on Assassinations asked the newspaper where they got that number. The paper replied with the following letter.
The Editor has passed me your letter of 25th April.
Our piece about the odds against the deaths of the Kennedy witnesses was, I regret to say, based on a careless journalistic mistake and should not have been published. This was realized by The Sunday Times' editorial staff after the first edition — the one which goes to the United States and which I believe you have — had gone out, and later editions were amended.

There was no question of our actuary having got his answer wrong. It was simply that we asked him the wrong question. He was asked what were the odds against 15 named people out of the population of the United States dying within a short period of time to which he replied — correctly — that they were very high. However, if one asks what are the odds against 15 of those included in the Warren Commission index dying within a given period, the answer is, of course, that they are much lower. Our mistake was to treat the reply to the former question as if it dealt with the latter — hence the fundamental error in our first edition report, for which we apologize.

None of the editorial staff involved in this story can remember the name of the actuary we consulted, but in view of what happened you will, I imagine, agree that his identity is hardly material.

Yours sincerely,
Antony Whitaker,
Legal Manager.
(4 HSCA 464-65)

George deMohrenschildt was one of Lee Oswald's most interesting friends. His testimony before the Warren Commission said nothing that suggested a conspiracy, but in later years he started to give a much more "interesting" account. DeMohrenschildt's suicide in 1977 has seemed quite "suspicious" to conspiracy buffs. The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Death Investigation on deMohrenschildt's passing is extremely detailed. See whether there is any evidence of murder.

John M. Crawford is yet another of those people on the "mystery deaths" lists. Did he really have the "connections" to Wes Frazier and Jack Ruby that conspiracy authors claim? See David Perry's assessment of this case.

What happens when a real investigator (Jacqueline Hess of the House Select Committee) tackles the issue of "mysterious deaths" and enlists the services of people who specialize in working out the probability that any particular person will die in a year, or two, or ten? In other words, enlists the service of actuaries? Hess' testimony before the House Select Committee outlines the results of her investigation.

MAJOR FAIL LOSER.:lol::lol::D:lmao:

Look at what the London sunday times had to say about all these people dying under mysterious deaths what their odds were for dying in the way the government said they did after giving versions different than the government,that they were from the causes the goverment claimed them to be.:lol::lmao::lol:

it was revealed that an actuary engaged by the London Sunday Timescalculated the odds of 18 material witnesses dying within three years of the JFK assassination. as 1 in 100,000 TRILLION. Assuming the data and calculation methodology were essentially correct, then it was clear proof of a conspiracy and refuted the Warren Commission conclusion that Oswald was the lone assassin.

The probability of at least 70 unnatural deaths in the 14 years following the assassination is 1 in 700 MILLION TRILLION TRILLION (1.4E-33). . But there were at least 100 unnatural and suspicious deaths, so the probability is even lower. Since the probability of at least 70 deaths is infinitesimal, why bother to look any further? There are 104 dead witnesses in the spreadsheet database (this is conservative; researchers have estimated at least 300).

The Mysterious Deaths of JFK Murder Witnesses ? LewRockwell.com

and here is this as well.these two links debunk your link charlie.

JFK Witness Deaths: Why Wikipedia, HSCA, Bugliosi and Posner got it Wrong | Richard Charnin's Blog

again your trying to play with the big boys in the big leagues now,you cant stand toe to toe in the big leagues,you need to go back to the minors son.

thanks for demonstrating what a hypocrite you are.you ask me to read YOUR propaganda when YOU wont even read any of my facts i posted on post # 10 o watch my videos, your a fucking hypocrite troll that has been exposed to the truth seekers here.

you arent even familiar with the death of Rose Cheramie. oh and you can forget any kind if internet link in your pathetic attmepts to try and debunk it,its all on record in their files this all happened.hahahahahahaa

Fruge immediately left for the hospital. When he got there he encountered a middle-aged white female sitting down in the waiting room outside emergency. There were no serious injuries; only bruises and abrasions. She was only partly coherent. But Moosa was a private hospital and since the woman seemed bereft of funds, Guillory had called Fruge to see what he could do to help. The woman identified herself to Fruge as Rose Cheramie.

Fruge had no choice at the time except to place Cheramie in the Eunice City Jail. He then went out to attend the Eunice Police Department’s Annual Ball. About an hour later a police officer came over to the function and told Fruge that Cheramie was undergoing withdrawal symptoms. Fruge came back and, after recognizing the condition, called a local doctor, Dr. Derouin, from the coroner’s office. Derouin administered a sedative via syringe to calm her down. The doctor then suggested that she be removed from the jail and taken to the state facility in Jackson. After Fruge agreed, Derouin called the facility at about midnight on the 20th and made arrangements for her delivery there. Afterwards, Fruge called Charity Hospital in Lafayette and ordered an ambulance for the transport to the hospital.

Fruge accompanied Cheramie to the hospital. And, according to his House Select Committee deposition, it was at this point that Rose began to relate her fascinating and astonishing tale. Calmed by the sedative, and according to Fruge, quite lucid, she began to respond to some routine questions with some quite unusual answers. She told him that she was en route from Florida to Dallas with two men who looked Cuban or Italian. The men told her that they were going to kill the president in Dallas in just a few days. Cheramie herself was not part of the plot but apparently the men were also part of a large dope ring with Rose since Cheramie’s function was as a courier of funds for heroin which was to be dropped off to her by a seaman coming into the port of Galveston. She was to pick up the money for the drugs from a man who was holding her child. It seemed a quite intricate dope ring since she was then to transport the heroin to Mexico. The two men were supposed to accompany her to Mexico but the whole transaction got short-circuited on Highway 190 near Eunice. In the confines of a seedy bar called the Silver Slipper Lounge, Cheramie’s two friends were met by a third party. Rose left with the two men she came with. But a short distance away from the bar, an argument apparently ensued. And although some have written that she was thrown out of the vehicle and hit by an oncoming car, according to Fruge, Rose said that the argument took place inside the Silver Slipper, and that the two men and the manager, Mac Manual, threw her out. While hitchhiking on the 190, she was hit by a car driven by one Frank Odom. It was Odom who then delivered her to Moosa. As Fruge so memorably recalled to Jonathan Blackmer of the HSCA, Cheramie summed up her itinerary in Dallas in the following manner: "She said she was going to, number one, pick up some money, pick up her baby, and to kill Kennedy." (p. 9 of Fruge’s 4/18/78 deposition)

At the hospital, Cheramie again predicted the assassination. On November 22nd, several nurses were watching television with Cheramie. According to these witnesses, "…during the telecast moments before Kennedy was shot Rose Cheramie stated to them, ‘This is when it is going to happen’ and at that moment Kennedy was assassinated. The nurses, in turn, told others of Cheramie’s prognostication." (Memo of Frank Meloche to Louis Ivon, 5/22/67. Although the Dallas motorcade was not broadcast live on the major networks, the nurses were likely referring to the spot reports that circulated through local channels in the vicinity of the trip. Of course, the assassination itself was reported on by network television almost immediately after it happened.) Further, according to a psychiatrist there, Dr. Victor Weiss, Rose "…told him that she knew both Ruby and Oswald and had seen them sitting together on occasions at Ruby’s club." (Ibid., 3/13/67) In fact, Fruge later confirmed the fact that she had worked as a stripper for Ruby. (Louisiana State Police report of 4/4/67.)

Fruge had discounted Cheramie’s earlier comments to him as drug-induced delusions. Or, as he said to Blackmer, "When she came out with the Kennedy business, I just said, wait a minute, wait a minute, something wrong here somewhere." (Fruge, HSCA deposition, p. 9) He further described her in this manner:

Now, bear in mind that she talked: she’d talk for awhile, looks like the shots would have effect on her again and she’d go in, you know, she’d just get numb, and after awhile she’d just start talking again. (Ibid.)

But apparently, at the time of the assassination Cheramie appeared fine. The word spread throughout the hospital that she had predicted Kennedy’s murder in advance. Dr. Wayne Owen, who had been interning from LSU at the time, later told the Madison Capital Times that he and other interns were told of the plot in advance of the assassination. Amazingly, Cheramie even predicted the role of her former boss Jack Ruby because Owen was quoted as saying that one of the interns was told "…that one of the men involved in the plot was a man named Jack Rubinstein." (2/11/68) Owen said that they shrugged it off at the time. But when they learned that Rubinstein was Ruby they grew quite concerned. "We were all assured that something would be done about it by the FBI or someone. Yet we never heard anything." (Ibid.) In fact, Cheramie’s association with Ruby was also revealed to Dr. Weiss. For in an interview with him after the assassination, Rose revealed that she had worked as a drug courier for Jack Ruby. (Memo of Frank Meloche to Jim Garrison, 2/23/67) In the same memo, there is further elaboration on this important point:

I believe she also mentioned that she worked in the night club for Ruby and that she was forced to go to Florida with another man whom she did not name to pick up a shipment of dope to take back to Dallas, that she didn’t want to do this thing but she had a young child and that they would hurt her child if she didn’t.

These comments are, of course, very revealing about Ruby’s role in both an intricate drug smuggling scheme and, at the least, his probable acquaintance with men who either had knowledge of, or were actually involved in, the assassination. This is a major point in this story which we will return to later.

Although Fruge had discounted the Cheramie story on November 20th, the events of the 22nd made him a believer. Right after JFK’s murder, Fruge "…called that hospital up in Jackson and told them by no way in the world to turn her loose until I could get my hands on her." (Fruge’s HSCA deposition, p. 12.) So on November 25th, Fruge journeyed up to Jackson again to talk to Cheramie. This time he conducted a much more in-depth interview. Fruge found out that Cheramie had been traveling with the two men from Miami. He also found that the men seemed to be a part of the conspiracy rather than to be just aware of it. After the assassination, they were supposed to stop by a home in Dallas to pick up both around eight thousand dollars plus Rose’s baby. From there Cheramie was supposed to check into the Rice Hotel in Houston under an assumed name. Houston is in close proximity to Galveston, the town from which the drugs were coming in from. From Houston, once the transaction was completed, the trio were headed for Mexico.

How reliable a witness was Cheramie? Extermely. Fruge decided to have the drug deal aspect of her story checked out by the state troopers and U. S. Customs. The officers confirmed the name of the seaman on board the correct ship coming into Galveston. The Customs people checked the Rice Hotel and the reservations had been made for her under an assumed name. The contact who had the money and her baby was checked and his name showed that he was an underworld, suspected narcotics dealer. Fruge checked Cheramie’s baggage and found that one box had baby clothes and shoes inside.

Fruge flew Cheramie from Louisiana to Houston on Tuesday, the 26th. In the back seat of the small Sesna 180, a newspaper was lying between them. One of the headlines read to the effect that "investigators or something had not been able to establish a relationship between Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald." (Fruge’s HSCA deposition p. 19) When Cheramie read this headline, she started to giggle. She then added, "Them two queer sons-of-a-bitches. They’ve been shacking up for years." (Ibid.) She added that she knew this to be true from her experience of working for Ruby. Fruge then had his superior call up Captain Will Fritz of the Dallas Police to relay what an important witness Cheramie could be in his investigation. Fruge related what followed next:

Colonel Morgan called Captain Fritz up from Dallas and told him what we had, the information that we had, that we had a person that had given us this information. And of course there again it was an old friend, and there was a little conversation. But anyway, when Colonel Morgan hung up, he turned around and told us they don’t want her. They’re not interested.

Fruge then asked Cheramie if she wished to try telling her tale to the FBI. She declined. She did not wish to involve herself further. With this, the Cheramie investigation was now halted. Rose was released and Fruge went back to Louisiana. So, just four days after the assassination, with an extremely and provably credible witness alive, with her potentially explosive testimony able to be checked out, the Cheramie testimony was now escorted out to pasture. Eyewitness testimony that Ruby knew Oswald, that Ruby was somehow involved in an international drug circle, that two Latins were aware of and perhaps involved in a plot to kill Kennedy, and that Ruby probably knew the men; this incredible lead—the type investigators pine for—was being shunted aside by Fritz. It would stay offstage until Jim Garrison began to poke into the Kennedy case years later.
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oh and you are also dense in the fact that even the HSCA investigation in the 70's even they concluded the warren commission was wrong,there there was a second shooter behind the picket fence.the lead investigater robert blakey and one of th other main members on the HSCA even wrote a book on it.

"Individuals are walking the streets of American today who should be and eventually may be indicted for the unrequited murder of President John F. Kennedy. The President was not the victim of a nut gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, alone, but of an organized crime conspiracy. This is the sensational scenario of the book that qualifies as the definitive account of the most consequential assassination in twentieth-century America. This book is more than the fruit of the two-year $5-million dollar Congressional investigation that Robert Blakey directed as as Chief Counsel with Richard Billings. It contains also the authors further inquires and their uninhibited personal insight, free of Committee restraints. What Robert Blakey and Richard Billings' book discloses are the detailed facts supporting this fascinating thesis.".

you are just as much as a pathetic troll as this author bonar menninger is,the guy tha says the secret service agent accidently shot him.you both are idiot fools in the fact you cant get around witness testimonys and what the doctors say.miserable fail.give it up.:D

you and menninger should try and at LEAST be a lot more clever wth your lies and say that the mob and the mob alone did it.as it is,you both are transparent pad trolls.:D miserable fail.:lol:

So, like I said before - if there were sooooo many other shooters:

Why were NO OTHER BULLETS collected at the scene?

To the point you made of Kennedy's back of the head wound being an "exit wound" -

Why is there no entry wound on the FRONT of JFK's head?


I'm a troll, yet I have thus far successfully refuted your arguments BY SHOWING YOU actual photographic evidence of Kennidy's head MOVING FORWARD while it was shot.


^^^^^ Head moving forward to which you had NO REBUTTAL except to post a large number of :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: instead of admitting that you were wrong.

I just love it when people are caught dead to rights and still carry on with the charade like no one else will notice that their **** is showing.

then you need to look in the mirror of someone who has been caught dead to rights and is carrying on with the debunked charade that oswald did it.I just refuted your lies with the zapruder film and like i said before,if you had ever actually bothered to read the book THE ZAPRUDER FILM,THE GREATEST HOAX OF THE CENTURY,you would KNOW that there are countless numbers of photography experts from aound the country that have said that zapruder film is a hoax.that those pics of his head going forward have been faked along with that faked blood splatter.:lol::lol::lol: and have also said the autopsy photos are forgeries as well.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

you keep proving what a prized idiot you are by worshipping what the CIA controlled media and our corrupt government institions tell you instead of thinking outside the box and listening to the experts.:lol::lol::lol: you are a prized hypocrite because you have STILL failed to address post # 10 of mine that prove there were multiple shooters as well as being a chickenshit coward running off away from the facts in those two videos i just posted.you agents do that EVERYTIME,like clockwork.you guys are so predictable.:D

i said i took you to school and gave you a major ass beaing by referring you to post # 10 of mine that you evaded and have never addressed and only came back with a smiley gif knowing you werre cornred,you are a prized hypocrite agent troll.

this is just ONE VIDEO that exposes the zapruder film hoax.there are SEVERAL others out there you can view by just typing in zapruder film hoax at youtube.

but as we BOTH know,you wont watch it because as we both know,you have been sent here by your handlers totroll this thread which you have fallen on your face FAILING MISERBLY everytime with egg on your face.:lol::lol::lol::D

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9-11, It's the same goddamned footage. The original film was 16 mm. You did not show "better quality film." Better quality than the original? How's that? The particular version that you posted is the same if you break it down frame by frame. It was merely "enhanced" through digital manipulation (read DOCTORED).

Sorry, the head first moves FORWARD after he was shot. Only after the initial blast does JFK lose control and fall backward due to the fact that the driver is now picking up speed in order to avoid fire and Kennedy is now unconscious.

When you kick a football, does it first move backwards a couple of inches before it splits the uprights? No, it IMMEDIATELY moves forward!

Work through the video frame by frame and see for yourself.

I'm a paid troll, eh? Either someone owes me a lot of money or YOU are, once again, talking out of your ass in order to make a mountain out of ... well ... nothing!
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As for your continuous attempts to discredit me as a person, it only serves to highlight just how desperate you are at this point to right a sinking ship.

Oh, the laughing smilies ... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: ... let's not forget those! Multiple emoticans are central to making points in this thread, obviously.


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