JFK: The Smoking Gun...

THAT'S your awesome rebuttal that you promised us today?

thats PART of it. yes.havent been able to finish geting to ALL of it today because like i said,my computer keeps freezing up when i try an post everything i want to say so i only posted part of it,but i will finish debunking the rest of your lies later this week for sure i promse.
as always,i see you are playing dodgeball using he NET as your source avoiding the fact that the ballistic evidence at the scene of the crime did not match up wih oswalds.miserable fail. as always,you keep evading my original post and that one as well.:lol::lol:

its funny how you keep asking me to read your lies when you wont even address most of what i post or acknowledeg the photographice evidnce of multiple shooters from those photos in those videos that people in search of the truth always do.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
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8.oswald is innocent.there is zero evidence he was involved.

Lee Harvey Oswald murdered President John F. Kennedy without the assistance of others in November of 1963 in Dallas, Texas, USA.

The evidence against Lee H. Oswald includes these subtle tidbits:

1.) Lee Harvey Oswald owned the rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository on Friday afternoon, November 22, 1963.

2.) Oswald owned the handgun that was shown to have been used in the murder of Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit.

3.) Oswald was positively identified by witness Howard L. Brennan as the person firing a rifle at JFK on 11/22/63. .... And to believe that Brennan was "influenced" by TV and newspaper reports showing Oswald before Brennan positively identified LHO, we must remember that Brennan's INITIAL description of the killer very closely matched Oswald, given to police within minutes of the shooting (prior to 12:44 PM).

Is this just another in a series of "coincidences" that has Brennan's man in the window closely matching Oswald's description? Yes, I'll admit, the description was "general" in nature, and could fit thousands of men in the world. But out of ALL the possible descriptions he COULD have offered up to describe the person he saw in that window (even "general" descriptions), what description does he give just minutes after the assassination (and well BEFORE he ever laid eyes on Lee Oswald)? --- He describes a person who COULD INDEED BE LEE HARVEY OSWALD.

Brennan COULD, conceivably, have seen a fat black man, with a beard, 5-feet-2, 200 pounds in that window. But, instead, he sees a slender white male, about 30, 5-feet-10, approx. 165 pounds. That description isn't a dead-on match for Oswald, no. But it's close enough so that LHO certainly isn't ELIMINATED from the pack when it comes to this description.

BTW, concerning Brennan's "age" bracket of Oswald (30, or "early 30s") -- IMO, Oswald looked older than 24. (And he had just turned 24 one month prior to the assassination.) Oswald always seemed much older than 24 to me, in both looks and demeanor. Possibly, when it came to his looks, Howard Brennan agreed with me on that.

4.) Marina Oswald admits to having taken pictures of Lee with these weapons on his person, which (all by itself) validates the "Backyard Photographs". But even if conspiracists wish to think that Marina is a liar, there's the fact that the HSCA [House Select Committee on Assassinations] panel of photo experts vouched for the backyard pictures (and the autopsy photos and X-rays, to boot). ....



5.) Buell Wesley Frazier observed Oswald take a package into the Book Depository Building on the morning of November 22nd, 1963. .... Frazier said (via his 11/22/63 affidavit): "I saw him go in the back door at the Loading Dock of the building that we work in, and he still had the package under his arm."

6.) Oswald's claim of "curtain rods" within the package cannot be supported at all. His room needed no curtains, nor rods, and no such rods were ever found in the TSBD or at his residence at 1026 N. Beckley Avenue in Oak Cliff.

7.) Oswald was seen working on the Depository's sixth floor that morning. LHO even asked a co-worker (Charles Givens) to send an elevator back up to him on the sixth floor shortly before the assassination. This fact, of course, doesn't nearly prove Oswald was guilty of a crime; but what it does do is place him on the Death Floor (alone) a short time (approximately 35 minutes) before Kennedy's assassination. This fact, too, is a solid piece of often-overlooked or scoffed-at circumstantial evidence.

8.) Oswald's palmprint [Warren Commission Exhibit #637] is found on his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle after the assassination. .... But, of course, this print is really just a "bonus" for the DPD in linking LHO to the weapon. Because even without it, it's glaringly obvious that the weapon was Oswald's.

It was proven that the alias "A.J. Hidell" was actually Oswald himself; and the order form from Klein's Sporting Goods to purchase the mail-order rifle was positively proven to have been in Oswald's handwriting, and sent to a Dallas post-office box that was used by him.

Obviously, just LHO's owning the rifle doesn't prove he pulled the trigger. But doesn't just plain ordinary garden-variety logic dictate (with a pretty good percentage of probability) that it was the owner of said weapon, a Mr. Lee H. Oswald, that fired the shots on November 22?

The alternative is to believe that Oswald, for some unknown reason, handed over his Carcano to someone else for the purpose of using it. Why would he knowingly have done this idiotic act, knowing full well what might be the implications of doing so?

As another "alternative" to the obvious Occam's Razor solution to the rifle topic, some theorists like to pretend that Oswald's rifle was stolen by evil conspirators while the weapon was being stored in Ruth Paine's garage during the autumn of 1963. Of course, as with all conspiracy theories surrounding the JFK case, this one too doesn't have anything of a concrete nature to hold it up.

9.) Not ONE SPECK of any bullets/bullet fragments/bullet shells OTHER THAN THOSE COMING FROM OSWALD'S 6.5-MILLIMETER MANNLICHER-CARCANO RIFLE were discovered anywhere in Dealey Plaza, the limousine, the TSBD, Parkland Hospital, or in the victims.

This item, to me, is simply impossible for conspiracy advocates to overcome, IF there had been (as some claim) up to 3 firing teams and 4 to 10 shots fired at JFK on November 22nd. For, HOW could every single scrap of ballistics evidence be completely eradicated from the two (or more!) non-Oswald weapons almost immediately after the event? Couldn't have been accomplished by even Kreskin.

Plus: This massive task of removing all non-Oswald wounds and bullets would most certainly have had to include the many doctors who worked on both the President and wounded Texas Governor John B. Connally at Parkland Hospital.

Plus, it would include the multitude of people who observed the body at Bethesda during President Kennedy's autopsy (unless you subscribe to the totally-implausible accounts of body-altering and all that business aboard Air Force One, or elsewhere, before the body got to Washington. Again, even Kreskin would be amazed by such incredible sleight-of-hand).

ALL ballistic evidence was traced back to being consistent with the weapon owned by Lee Oswald. The probability of this occurring IF there were multiple guns firing at the motorcade is probably so low to be considered virtually impossible.

10.) The majority of Dealey Plaza witnesses said shots came from behind the President, in the direction of the School Book Depository Building.

In addition, an even larger percentage of witnesses said they heard EXACTLY three shots fired. No more, no less. And three spent shells (co-incidentally?) were found in the Sniper's Nest.

I also find it extremely interesting (and quite telling) that virtually EVERY SINGLE ONE (if not 100%) of the newsmen and reporters riding in the motorcade in Dealey Plaza, who were in a position to immediately report the shooting to the world via media outlets (radio, television, and newswire services), heard EXACTLY THREE SHOTS FIRED. Precisely the number that the "plotters" NEED to have Oswald firing in the Depository.

This would include Merriman Smith, Jack Bell, Pierce Allman, Jay Watson, and Jerry Haynes (among still others who reported "3 Shots" to a TV and radio audience before 1:00 PM on November 22nd).

Do conspiracy theorists think that all of these various reporters and newsmen were just being nice to the evil plotters by cooperating with their "Three-Shots-Needed" plot/plan? An odd "coincidence" if there had really been 4 to 10 shots fired in Dealey Plaza that Friday. Don't conspiracists think ANY of the reporters just might have heard a DIFFERENT number (other than "3") if the plot involved so many more shots?

11.) Oswald makes an unusual trip to Irving on Thursday, November 21, 1963, to retrieve his "curtain rods". His rifle is found missing from Ruth Paine's garage the following day.

But, interestingly, some curtain rods, which Mrs. Paine testified she DID have in her garage prior to the assassination (via 1986 questioning of her by Vincent Bugliosi during the TV Docu-Trial "On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald"), were STILL IN HER GARAGE AFTER NOVEMBER 22.

Plus: Never ONCE did Ruth Paine or Marina Oswald hear Lee Oswald mention anything at all about "curtain rods" during his surprise Thursday visit to Irving, Texas.

Don't you think he might have at least MENTIONED the "rods" to either woman if the only reason for his Irving visit was to pick up said rods -- especially seeing as how it was Mrs. Paine's house, not Oswald's?

12.) Oswald left behind, presumably for wife Marina, his wedding ring and just about every dime he had to his name ($170), on the morning of 11/22/63. Logic dictates that he felt he may not return.

13.) Oswald was the only Depository employee known to have been INSIDE the Depository Building at the time of the assassination to leave work prematurely on Friday, November 22nd. Why do you suppose this was? The day was only half over.

Plus: Oswald's reason for ducking out of work at 12:33 PM is extremely weak -- not to menion downright prescient on his part. For HOW, three minutes after a shooting that he supposedly knew NOTHING about (what with him supposedly being in the lunchroom eating lunch at the time), could Oswald have possibly known for a fact that TSBD Superintendent Roy Truly (or Oswald's immediate supervisor, Bill Shelley) would spring everybody for the day due to the commotion caused by the shooting, which is exactly the convenient excuse he gave to police after his arrest?

If Oswald was telling the whole truth every step of the way on November 22, he would have had NO knowledge that any shots would have come from HIS building (the TSBD) to cause Mr. Truly to let everyone go due to THAT building being the source of gunfire.

Oswald also, if he's not the liar I know him to be, would not really have known much of anything about the President's shooting (certainly not from an EYEWITNESS standpoint, since the beloved Oswald was supposedly located on the first or second floor of the building eating his lunch when the assassination took place), although Mrs. Robert Reid DID tell Oswald on his way out of the building that "the President has been shot".

Plus: Who would want to LEAVE such an exciting (albeit very sad) scene like that right after a Presidential shooting? An average Joe would want to stick around and rubber-neck and see what the hell had happened. Does Oswald do this? No. He doesn't stay around the exciting scene at all. He evidently couldn't care less, because he leaves within THREE MINUTES of the shooting.

He doesn't talk to anyone (that we know of), except Pierce Allman or Bob MacNeil, when one (or perhaps both) of those newsmen asked Oswald where he/(they) could find a telephone.

In short: Oswald's leaving his workplace without a truly valid and believable reason to do so at 12:33 is solid circumstantial evidence of his guilt. He WANTED to leave, fairly obviously, before he was caught.


"The committee [House Select Committee on Assassinations] found that while most of the depository employees were outside of the building at the time of the assassination and returned inside afterwards, Oswald did the reverse; he was inside before the assassination, and afterward he went outside. That Oswald left the building within minutes of the assassination was significant. Every other depository employee either had an alibi for the time of the assassination or returned to the building immediately thereafter. Oswald alone neither remained nor had an alibi." -- HSCA Final Report; Page 59

14.) Oswald, in flight, shoots and kills Dallas patrolman J.D. Tippit on 10th Street in the Dallas suburb of Oak Cliff. Multiple witnesses confirm it was Oswald who shot Officer Tippit.

In the Tippit case, are we truly to accept the minority number of people (which is a minority of one, Mrs. Acquilla Clemmons) who stated "It was a larger man" or "There were two people", rather than believe the vast majority of witnesses who claimed they saw Oswald kill Tippit or flee the scene of the murder immediately after the shooting?

15.) WHY does Oswald kill Officer Tippit IF he's innocent of another crime just 45 minutes earlier in Dealey Plaza?

Answer: He would have no such reason to do so. If the Tippit shooting isn't one of the biggest reasons to shout from the rooftops "Oswald Shot JFK!", then I don't know what would be.

16.) Oswald, just days after acquiring his Carcano weapon, attempts to murder retired General Edwin Walker in Dallas, on April 10, 1963. Marina Oswald herself testifies that "Lee told me...he just shot Walker".

Another key fact surrounding Oswald and his killing of JFK is the Walker murder attempt, as I think any reasonable person looking at the case objectively would concur. For, it displays in Oswald a definite tendency toward violent action on his part during the months leading up to November 22nd.

To me, it's not a wild stretch of one's imagination to think that if this guy is willing to bump off Walker, then he might just set his sights a little higher when the perfect opportunity presents itself seven months later.

The fact that Oswald was a kind of loner, oddball, and rejected authority at just about every turn in life cannot be underestimated when talking of motive. He admitted that he hated America (in general terms) for not being able to just come and go as he pleased to Russia and Cuba whenever it pleased him in the months just prior to November 22.

As a former Marine acquaintance of Oswald's once said: "He always thought he was a little better than everyone else." This statement speaks volumes, in my opinion, when gazing into Oswald's background and possible motive in the JFK murder.

17.) It was PROVEN, no matter what anybody wants to believe to the contrary, that three shots could be fired in the allotted timeframe from Oswald's rifle (and with good accuracy). The probability that Oswald had, in fact, approx. 8.4 seconds to accomplish the shooting further increases the likelihood that Lee could have performed the deed.

If the first (missed) shot hit a tree branch and ricocheted to strike James Tague by the underpass at approx. Frame 160 of the Zapruder film (as I believe did happen), then the total time between shots #1 and #3 increases to more than eight seconds, much more than the minimum required time to get off the three shots.

18.) Try as the conspiracy kooks might, the Single-Bullet Theory [SBT] has still not been proven to be an impossibility. The Zapruder film shows that the SBT is more-than-likely the correct scenario of events that day.

Kennedy and Connally are reacting to their initial wounds at virtually an identical time, just after Zapruder frame 224. Unfortunately, that damn Stemmons sign is blocking our view during what might be a critical point on the film. It can therefore never be determined by anybody whether JFK was reacting to his throat/neck wound at a frame earlier than Z224. But, based on the available evidence, the SBT (judging by the reactions of the two victims in the limo) most certainly cannot be said to be false.


19.) While viewing the Zapruder Film, I cannot see how anybody can say that the BACK of President Kennedy's head is blown away as a result of the head shot. It seems quite obvious while watching and freezing the film at various post-Z313 frames, that the entire rear portion of JFK's head remains intact throughout the shooting.

The RIGHT-FRONT portion of his head is blown apart. Isn't it obvious that it's the FRONTAL portion of his skull that is being displaced by the swiftly-moving projectile? And if so, doesn't this demonstrate the actions of an object that's just been struck from BEHIND, not from the front?

In addition (and probably more importantly), the Zapruder Film, when viewed in super-slow-motion -- LIKE THIS CLIP -- verifies beyond question that President Kennedy's head moves FORWARD (not backward) at the critical MOMENT OF IMPACT, indicating that the fatal bullet that hit his head came from BEHIND him and not from the front or right-front of JFK's limousine.

Also -- If JFK had been shot from the infamous "Grassy Knoll" (which was located to the right-front of Kennedy's car at the time he was shot), why wasn't there any damage to the LEFT side of President Kennedy's head? Instead, the left side of his head remained completely intact and undamaged, as can easily be seen in this autopsy photograph HERE.

20.) It was also proven that Oswald could have indeed travelled, in 90 seconds or less, the distance across the sixth floor of the TSBD and descended the four flights of stairs in time to have been seen by policeman Marrion L. Baker on the building's second floor. [See Warren Commission Report; Page 152 -- HERE.]


I have no doubt that the many conspiracy theorists, who claim that Oswald had nothing whatsoever to do with the events of 11/22/63, could provide a lengthy list of their own, favoring (in their view) theories such as: "Oswald Was Framed", "Oswald Was A Patsy", or "Oswald Was A Figment Of Everyone's Imagination And Was Never Even In Dallas During His Lifetime". I'm sure the conspiracy-happy people of the world would have no trouble denouncing my views as "More Warren Commission-related B.S.!"

However, while compiling such a "conspiracy" list and rejecting the vast array of evidence that convincingly shows that a Mr. Oswald pulled that trigger, I think it might be wise to ask this question ..... IS IT EVEN REMOTELY POSSIBLE THAT OSWALD COULD HAVE COMMITTED THIS CRIME ALONE?! (And every bit of evidence that has been unearthed to this point has shown that it WAS indeed possible for Lee Oswald to have performed this task.)

And if the answer to the above question is even a hesitant "Yes" amongst conspiracy theorists, doesn't that, by definition (at least partly in a CTer's mind) validate the belief of Oswald's lone participation in the JFK assassination?

For, aren't hard facts and evidence always more believable than wild speculation and conjecture? And aren't many/most/all conspiracy theories created out of just that -- speculation?


here are more of your omissions you dodge of people who did not give testimony of seeing oswald.steelworker richard randolph carr who was working on the 7th floor of the new dallas courthouse,also reported seeing a man wearing a brown coat.carr said minutes before the motorcade arrived he saw a heavyset man wearing a hat,horn rimmed glasses,and tan sportcoat standing in a 6th floor window of the depository.after the shooting,carr saw the man walking on commerce street.

ruby henderson,standing across the street from the depository,also saw two men on an upper floor of the building.she described the shorter of the men as having a dark complexion,possibly even a negro,and wearing a white t shirt.the shorter man was wearing a dark shirt

here is the real proof that there were TWO men in the window,neither of which looked like oswald.mr and mrs arnold rowland were stanfing on houston street.both of the rowlands belived the shots came down near the triple underpass despite the fact that 15 minutes before the motorcade arrived,they had remarked about seeing TWO men ,one with a rifle and telescopic sight,on the 6th floor of the school book depository.arnold rowland had assumed they were part of the secret service protection.he said the man with the rifle was in the far west window of the depositorys sixth floor while the other man,described as an elderly negro with thin hair was seen in the eastermost window "the so called snipers nest."rowladn said he lost sight of the man with the rifle as the motorcade approached,but again saw the black man just before kennedy arrived.rowlands story of seeing two men was corroborated by the warren commission by deputy sheriif roger craig,craig said rowland told him about seeing two men pacing the depository about 10 minutes after the assassination as craig interviewed rowland in dealy plaza.office worker carolyn walther also said she saw TWO men.:cuckoo:

then there is the case of bill newman and his wife,they were on the greasy knoll and ducked down when they heard shots ringing out they said came from behind the picket fence on the knoll.newman you can hear in his televised interview saying they ducked down covering their baby and saying he heard shots that came from behind bhim behind the fence. gordon arnold,A SERVICEMEN TRAINED IN COMBAT,said he was on the grassy knoll and was told by men in suits behind the picket fence before the assassination,that he could not stand there behind the fence to take a picture and told him to move down to the knoll.he went down there and heard loud booming shots ringing out,so lous he knew they weree coming from dfirectly behind him from behind the fence behind his shoulder, and then afterwards,a man in a suit approached him and at gunpoint,told him to hand over his camera so he did in the fact he belived he would shoot him if he did not. jean hills frined mary moorman who had photos in her pocket wer confiscated by mne in suits as well.patrolme joe smith ran up the knoll which you see him do in the pictures,and said he was stopped by a a guy in a suit claming he was with the secret service and displayed credientials that said that and he saw nothing so officer smith believed him and left.later it did not ring true though with smith because he said the man looked very suspecious for a secret service agent having dirty fingers and hands,oh and smith said he smelled gunpowder behind the fence as did many witnesses.:cuckoo:

jean hill said shen she was taking the picture,she also saw a figure behind the fence after the shots rang out with a rifle and the whole time saw a muzzle flash and a puff of smoke.Her and william newman were harrassed for many months afterwards to try and get them to change their story by authorities idiot.:cuckoo:

craig died mysteriously as well.

jc price who was on the triple freeway overpass had a perfect airel view of the whole thing and he backed up jean hills story,he said he saw a muzzle flash behind the fence as well and a puff of some rise,when he ran down there,he found cigerette butts and many fresh footprints. thats why many witnesess ran to the knoll because it was 51 WITNESSES WHO SAID THEY HEARD SHOTS FIRED FROM THE GRASSY KNOLL,MANY OF THEM BEING VERY CREDIBLE PEOPLE.:cuckoo:

then there is beverly oliver whom you see in the photos as the bubuska lady and i have met over the years.she said she took photos as well and when the shots rang out,she looked up and saw a gunman bfiring a rifle behind the picket fence,she also said that afterwards,an FBI man confiscated her camera and the photos were never returned to her.she kept quiet about it for many years before coming forward because of all the people who died mysteriously who gave accounts like hers whcih you like the stupid fuck you are,says is not mysterious.:cuckoo:she disagreed with you wisely thouugh.thank god,but you of course will say she made up that whole story of course as we both know and so di all those others i mentioned.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
seriously,tell your handlerss i said you are embarrassing yourself,you havent addressed one iota of my facts i have presented relying on INTERNET links as your source ignoring my videos i post.they sure are scrapping at the bottom of the barrel since your the best they could come up with.:lol::lol:

have to go now,got other things to do in my life but will be back tomorrow to keep taking you to school and give you your constant ass beatings you keep coming back for more of.:lol:
okay everytime I try to address this my computer freezes up so this first post wont get to all of it,will have top make multiple posts since everytime i get midway through,it freezes up and I cant type any further.:mad:

It's all part of The Big Conspiracy. Your computer is in on it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
part two.part three.picking up where i last left off.

6.neither can the warren commission claim that he fired a mannlicher carcano either.:cuckoo:

7.speaking of coworkers,bonnie ray williams was on the 6th floor eating his chicken sandwhich between 12 :15 and 12:20 amd he said he saw NOBODY the whole time he was there. considering that kennedys motorcade was running ten minutes late,oswald would hardly have waited till williams left before ducking in and not knowing that his motorcade was running late,pretty impossible for him to have done the shot.:cuckoo:

8.his palm print did not appear on the rifle until TWO days later AFTER the FBI had custody of the rifle which was enough time for them to lift the palm print onto the rifle which is obviously what happened because the mortician said FBI men were at the coffin looking at the body and after they left,he found ink all over oswalds palm which pissed him off because he had just cleaned the body and had to clean it again,yep no planting of evidence there.:cuckoo:

and actually,many independent handwriting experts months later concluded that the handwriting of alex hidell could easily have been forged. why would oswald order an easily traceable rifle through mail order when he could EASILY have gone to a gunstore and purchase one with no problem? back then,it was easy as hell to do,not having to go through the red tape you have to do now.:cuckoo: yuo talk about idiotic things,i would say THAT was an idiotic thing of oswald purchasing an easy traceble rifle through mail order.:lol:
again there is no proof that his weapon was being stored in the garage.

9.there you go trolling again.you keep refusing to watch my video because you know it shows phtographic evidence of multiple bullets shot that day photgtraphed all over the place of bullets that could not have come from oswalds rifle.for the hundreth time,one police officer said he said he saw an FBI man pick up a bullet in the grass,put it in his pocket and walk off with it.if you had bothered to watch the fucking vidoes i posted youu would see the phographic proof that he was correct.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

10.I just proved you wrong yesterday in the fact that FIFTY ONE witnesses said they either heard shots coming from the grassy knoll or saw shots coming from there,many of them saying they saw a rifleman behind the picket fence firing the rifle,you keep trolling evading that fact though.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol: they said they heard at LEAST 4 to 6 shots.:cuckoo: oh and the newsmen were only repeating what authorites told them happened,and they were way in the back way down on houston street so ithey were hardly in a posistion to be able to hear exact amount of shots.:cuckoo:

11.Ruth paine and her husband michael were much more interesting characters than the warren commission depicted them to be.they actually had deep ties to the CIA.

12.and your point is? proves ZILCH.:cuckoo:

13.there you go lying again,the rollcall actually showed SEVERAL of the book depository employees left that day.:lol: there is no plus because many people from the book depository shot jfk then since many of them left and DUCKED out.their excuse is just as weak then.:cuckoo:

oh and vince buglisoi's lies have been shreadded to pieces over the years.jessie ventura had him on his show conspiracy theory a few years ago and handed his ass to him on aplatter.he did the exact same thing with ventura,that you are doing with me,evading facts and going to a different aspect of the assassination when cornered.:cuckoo::lol:

independent reseacher harold weisberg debunked buglosi with his book CASE OPEN.:cuckoo: you have failed miserably to prove that oswald wasnt telling the truth when he said-no sir,i did not shoot anybody,im just a patsy.:cuckoo: he left after the shooting along with SEVERAL employees so your point is?:cuckoo:

oh and mrs robert reid whom you mentioned,said he went out the FRONT exit where a bunch of cops had gathered no less.not to bright for an alleged assassin when he could have ducked out the sideway door exits into the alleyways.:lol::lol::cuckoo:

the HSCA investigation in the 70's just like the warren commission lied saying every employee had an alibi when as any serious reseacher knows,SEVERAL of the employees were missing when the rollcall was announced.:cuckoo:

14.ballistic evidence as i said before did not match up with oswalds gun at the tippet murder so the witnesses like clemons who said she saw TWO men working together and run off in oppostie directions are VERY believeble. oh and Domingo Benavides,a witness there who was the closest to the shooting,was never asked to view a lineup nor could he identify oswald as the assassin. clemons was never taken to a lineup either.gee i wonder why?:cuckoo: frank wright another witness,he told investigaters-after a hole lot of police came up,i tried to tell people what i saw.they didnt pay any attention.ive seen what came on television and in the newspaper,but i know thats not what happened.

oh and i noticed that you failed to mention that helen markham,the star witness for the warren commission to the tippet killing,her credibility was so bad that commission lawyer joseph ball called her a SCREWBALL because she kept changing her story so many times.
:lol::lol::lol: she said that she talked with tippet for a short time before he died but the coroners said he died IMMEDIATELY.:cuckoo: oh and her INITIAL testimony she gave to the warren commission matched that of clemons that she saw a kind of short guy,kind of heavy.last time i checked,oswald was skinny.:lol::lol::lol:

so given the ballistic evidence at the scene of the crime,liek any logicial person,i believe clemons and frank wright and benavides.oh and benavidas brother who looked very much like him,was murdered a few weeks later after the assassination.and after that,he changed his story and said he could identify oswald as the killer.yep no conspiracy or coverup there.you of course will say that did not happen as we both know.:cuckoo:

15.moot point since you have failed to prove he killed JFK or tippet.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

6.) Oswald's claim of "curtain rods" within the package cannot be supported at all. His room needed no curtains, nor rods, and no such rods were ever found in the TSBD or at his residence at 1026 N. Beckley Avenue in Oak Cliff.

7.) Oswald was seen working on the Depository's sixth floor that morning. LHO even asked a co-worker (Charles Givens) to send an elevator back up to him on the sixth floor shortly before the assassination. This fact, of course, doesn't nearly prove Oswald was guilty of a crime; but what it does do is place him on the Death Floor (alone) a short time (approximately 35 minutes) before Kennedy's assassination. This fact, too, is a solid piece of often-overlooked or scoffed-at circumstantial evidence.

8.) Oswald's palmprint [Warren Commission Exhibit #637] is found on his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle after the assassination. .... But, of course, this print is really just a "bonus" for the DPD in linking LHO to the weapon. Because even without it, it's glaringly obvious that the weapon was Oswald's.

It was proven that the alias "A.J. Hidell" was actually Oswald himself; and the order form from Klein's Sporting Goods to purchase the mail-order rifle was positively proven to have been in Oswald's handwriting, and sent to a Dallas post-office box that was used by him.

Obviously, just LHO's owning the rifle doesn't prove he pulled the trigger. But doesn't just plain ordinary garden-variety logic dictate (with a pretty good percentage of probability) that it was the owner of said weapon, a Mr. Lee H. Oswald, that fired the shots on November 22?

The alternative is to believe that Oswald, for some unknown reason, handed over his Carcano to someone else for the purpose of using it. Why would he knowingly have done this idiotic act, knowing full well what might be the implications of doing so?

As another "alternative" to the obvious Occam's Razor solution to the rifle topic, some theorists like to pretend that Oswald's rifle was stolen by evil conspirators while the weapon was being stored in Ruth Paine's garage during the autumn of 1963. Of course, as with all conspiracy theories surrounding the JFK case, this one too doesn't have anything of a concrete nature to hold it up.

9.) Not ONE SPECK of any bullets/bullet fragments/bullet shells OTHER THAN THOSE COMING FROM OSWALD'S 6.5-MILLIMETER MANNLICHER-CARCANO RIFLE were discovered anywhere in Dealey Plaza, the limousine, the TSBD, Parkland Hospital, or in the victims.

This item, to me, is simply impossible for conspiracy advocates to overcome, IF there had been (as some claim) up to 3 firing teams and 4 to 10 shots fired at JFK on November 22nd. For, HOW could every single scrap of ballistics evidence be completely eradicated from the two (or more!) non-Oswald weapons almost immediately after the event? Couldn't have been accomplished by even Kreskin.

Plus: This massive task of removing all non-Oswald wounds and bullets would most certainly have had to include the many doctors who worked on both the President and wounded Texas Governor John B. Connally at Parkland Hospital.

Plus, it would include the multitude of people who observed the body at Bethesda during President Kennedy's autopsy (unless you subscribe to the totally-implausible accounts of body-altering and all that business aboard Air Force One, or elsewhere, before the body got to Washington. Again, even Kreskin would be amazed by such incredible sleight-of-hand).

ALL ballistic evidence was traced back to being consistent with the weapon owned by Lee Oswald. The probability of this occurring IF there were multiple guns firing at the motorcade is probably so low to be considered virtually impossible.

10.) The majority of Dealey Plaza witnesses said shots came from behind the President, in the direction of the School Book Depository Building.

In addition, an even larger percentage of witnesses said they heard EXACTLY three shots fired. No more, no less. And three spent shells (co-incidentally?) were found in the Sniper's Nest.

I also find it extremely interesting (and quite telling) that virtually EVERY SINGLE ONE (if not 100%) of the newsmen and reporters riding in the motorcade in Dealey Plaza, who were in a position to immediately report the shooting to the world via media outlets (radio, television, and newswire services), heard EXACTLY THREE SHOTS FIRED. Precisely the number that the "plotters" NEED to have Oswald firing in the Depository.

This would include Merriman Smith, Jack Bell, Pierce Allman, Jay Watson, and Jerry Haynes (among still others who reported "3 Shots" to a TV and radio audience before 1:00 PM on November 22nd).

Do conspiracy theorists think that all of these various reporters and newsmen were just being nice to the evil plotters by cooperating with their "Three-Shots-Needed" plot/plan? An odd "coincidence" if there had really been 4 to 10 shots fired in Dealey Plaza that Friday. Don't conspiracists think ANY of the reporters just might have heard a DIFFERENT number (other than "3") if the plot involved so many more shots?

11.) Oswald makes an unusual trip to Irving on Thursday, November 21, 1963, to retrieve his "curtain rods". His rifle is found missing from Ruth Paine's garage the following day.

But, interestingly, some curtain rods, which Mrs. Paine testified she DID have in her garage prior to the assassination (via 1986 questioning of her by Vincent Bugliosi during the TV Docu-Trial "On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald"), were STILL IN HER GARAGE AFTER NOVEMBER 22.

Plus: Never ONCE did Ruth Paine or Marina Oswald hear Lee Oswald mention anything at all about "curtain rods" during his surprise Thursday visit to Irving, Texas.

Don't you think he might have at least MENTIONED the "rods" to either woman if the only reason for his Irving visit was to pick up said rods -- especially seeing as how it was Mrs. Paine's house, not Oswald's?

12.) Oswald left behind, presumably for wife Marina, his wedding ring and just about every dime he had to his name ($170), on the morning of 11/22/63. Logic dictates that he felt he may not return.

13.) Oswald was the only Depository employee known to have been INSIDE the Depository Building at the time of the assassination to leave work prematurely on Friday, November 22nd. Why do you suppose this was? The day was only half over.

Plus: Oswald's reason for ducking out of work at 12:33 PM is extremely weak -- not to menion downright prescient on his part. For HOW, three minutes after a shooting that he supposedly knew NOTHING about (what with him supposedly being in the lunchroom eating lunch at the time), could Oswald have possibly known for a fact that TSBD Superintendent Roy Truly (or Oswald's immediate supervisor, Bill Shelley) would spring everybody for the day due to the commotion caused by the shooting, which is exactly the convenient excuse he gave to police after his arrest?

If Oswald was telling the whole truth every step of the way on November 22, he would have had NO knowledge that any shots would have come from HIS building (the TSBD) to cause Mr. Truly to let everyone go due to THAT building being the source of gunfire.

Oswald also, if he's not the liar I know him to be, would not really have known much of anything about the President's shooting (certainly not from an EYEWITNESS standpoint, since the beloved Oswald was supposedly located on the first or second floor of the building eating his lunch when the assassination took place), although Mrs. Robert Reid DID tell Oswald on his way out of the building that "the President has been shot".

Plus: Who would want to LEAVE such an exciting (albeit very sad) scene like that right after a Presidential shooting? An average Joe would want to stick around and rubber-neck and see what the hell had happened. Does Oswald do this? No. He doesn't stay around the exciting scene at all. He evidently couldn't care less, because he leaves within THREE MINUTES of the shooting.

He doesn't talk to anyone (that we know of), except Pierce Allman or Bob MacNeil, when one (or perhaps both) of those newsmen asked Oswald where he/(they) could find a telephone.

In short: Oswald's leaving his workplace without a truly valid and believable reason to do so at 12:33 is solid circumstantial evidence of his guilt. He WANTED to leave, fairly obviously, before he was caught.


"The committee [House Select Committee on Assassinations] found that while most of the depository employees were outside of the building at the time of the assassination and returned inside afterwards, Oswald did the reverse; he was inside before the assassination, and afterward he went outside. That Oswald left the building within minutes of the assassination was significant. Every other depository employee either had an alibi for the time of the assassination or returned to the building immediately thereafter. Oswald alone neither remained nor had an alibi." -- HSCA Final Report; Page 59

14.) Oswald, in flight, shoots and kills Dallas patrolman J.D. Tippit on 10th Street in the Dallas suburb of Oak Cliff. Multiple witnesses confirm it was Oswald who shot Officer Tippit.

In the Tippit case, are we truly to accept the minority number of people (which is a minority of one, Mrs. Acquilla Clemmons) who stated "It was a larger man" or "There were two people", rather than believe the vast majority of witnesses who claimed they saw Oswald kill Tippit or flee the scene of the murder immediately after the shooting?

15.) WHY does Oswald kill Officer Tippit IF he's innocent of another crime just 45 minutes earlier in Dealey Plaza?

Answer: He would have no such reason to do so. If the Tippit shooting isn't one of the biggest reasons to shout from the rooftops "Oswald Shot JFK!", then I don't know what would be.

16.) Oswald, just days after acquiring his Carcano weapon, attempts to murder retired General Edwin Walker in Dallas, on April 10, 1963. Marina Oswald herself testifies that "Lee told me...he just shot Walker".

Another key fact surrounding Oswald and his killing of JFK is the Walker murder attempt, as I think any reasonable person looking at the case objectively would concur. For, it displays in Oswald a definite tendency toward violent action on his part during the months leading up to November 22nd.

To me, it's not a wild stretch of one's imagination to think that if this guy is willing to bump off Walker, then he might just set his sights a little higher when the perfect opportunity presents itself seven months later.

The fact that Oswald was a kind of loner, oddball, and rejected authority at just about every turn in life cannot be underestimated when talking of motive. He admitted that he hated America (in general terms) for not being able to just come and go as he pleased to Russia and Cuba whenever it pleased him in the months just prior to November 22.

As a former Marine acquaintance of Oswald's once said: "He always thought he was a little better than everyone else." This statement speaks volumes, in my opinion, when gazing into Oswald's background and possible motive in the JFK murder.

17.) It was PROVEN, no matter what anybody wants to believe to the contrary, that three shots could be fired in the allotted timeframe from Oswald's rifle (and with good accuracy). The probability that Oswald had, in fact, approx. 8.4 seconds to accomplish the shooting further increases the likelihood that Lee could have performed the deed.

If the first (missed) shot hit a tree branch and ricocheted to strike James Tague by the underpass at approx. Frame 160 of the Zapruder film (as I believe did happen), then the total time between shots #1 and #3 increases to more than eight seconds, much more than the minimum required time to get off the three shots.

18.) Try as the conspiracy kooks might, the Single-Bullet Theory [SBT] has still not been proven to be an impossibility. The Zapruder film shows that the SBT is more-than-likely the correct scenario of events that day.

Kennedy and Connally are reacting to their initial wounds at virtually an identical time, just after Zapruder frame 224. Unfortunately, that damn Stemmons sign is blocking our view during what might be a critical point on the film. It can therefore never be determined by anybody whether JFK was reacting to his throat/neck wound at a frame earlier than Z224. But, based on the available evidence, the SBT (judging by the reactions of the two victims in the limo) most certainly cannot be said to be false.


19.) While viewing the Zapruder Film, I cannot see how anybody can say that the BACK of President Kennedy's head is blown away as a result of the head shot. It seems quite obvious while watching and freezing the film at various post-Z313 frames, that the entire rear portion of JFK's head remains intact throughout the shooting.

The RIGHT-FRONT portion of his head is blown apart. Isn't it obvious that it's the FRONTAL portion of his skull that is being displaced by the swiftly-moving projectile? And if so, doesn't this demonstrate the actions of an object that's just been struck from BEHIND, not from the front?

In addition (and probably more importantly), the Zapruder Film, when viewed in super-slow-motion -- LIKE THIS CLIP -- verifies beyond question that President Kennedy's head moves FORWARD (not backward) at the critical MOMENT OF IMPACT, indicating that the fatal bullet that hit his head came from BEHIND him and not from the front or right-front of JFK's limousine.

Also -- If JFK had been shot from the infamous "Grassy Knoll" (which was located to the right-front of Kennedy's car at the time he was shot), why wasn't there any damage to the LEFT side of President Kennedy's head? Instead, the left side of his head remained completely intact and undamaged, as can easily be seen in this autopsy photograph HERE.

20.) It was also proven that Oswald could have indeed travelled, in 90 seconds or less, the distance across the sixth floor of the TSBD and descended the four flights of stairs in time to have been seen by policeman Marrion L. Baker on the building's second floor. [See Warren Commission Report; Page 152 -- HERE.]


I have no doubt that the many conspiracy theorists, who claim that Oswald had nothing whatsoever to do with the events of 11/22/63, could provide a lengthy list of their own, favoring (in their view) theories such as: "Oswald Was Framed", "Oswald Was A Patsy", or "Oswald Was A Figment Of Everyone's Imagination And Was Never Even In Dallas During His Lifetime". I'm sure the conspiracy-happy people of the world would have no trouble denouncing my views as "More Warren Commission-related B.S.!"

However, while compiling such a "conspiracy" list and rejecting the vast array of evidence that convincingly shows that a Mr. Oswald pulled that trigger, I think it might be wise to ask this question ..... IS IT EVEN REMOTELY POSSIBLE THAT OSWALD COULD HAVE COMMITTED THIS CRIME ALONE?! (And every bit of evidence that has been unearthed to this point has shown that it WAS indeed possible for Lee Oswald to have performed this task.)

And if the answer to the above question is even a hesitant "Yes" amongst conspiracy theorists, doesn't that, by definition (at least partly in a CTer's mind) validate the belief of Oswald's lone participation in the JFK assassination?

For, aren't hard facts and evidence always more believable than wild speculation and conjecture? And aren't many/most/all conspiracy theories created out of just that -- speculation?

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as you can see,I am almost done debunking your lies.we'll be back later to finish the rest

.really you need to tell your handlers i said they are scrapping at the bottom of the barrel sending you hear.your lies you post of the warren commissiosn lies,are way too easy to debunk.hahahahahahahaha

you fail as miserable as bonar mennenger and vince buglosi have. robert blakey is a much more clever disinformation specialist than any of you three.:lol::lol::lol:
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hat rat in the ass,i see you have given two farts in a rown on this thread recently.You and mad cabbies handlers are sure getting desperate the way they keep sending you guys to shit all over the floor in here.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
part four of four.wrapping it all up.

16.again marina only testified about oswald shooting walker because the warren commission threatened to deport her children back to russia if she did nto say what THEY wanted to hear. and marine buddies of his said he was lousy shot,that he had maggie drawers-meaning he was alousy shot so that point is all mute as well.

17.three you go lying again that it was proven that 3 shots could be fired in the timeframe of oswalds,not one marksmen was ever able to duplicate his feat.the best marksmen in the world even said he could not have accomplished that feat that even kreskin would be envious of.:lol:

18.the onlu kooks are you MAGIC BULLET THEORY KOOKS who believe in magic bullets that stop in mid air and change direction in mid air going downward at a 45 degree angle and come out in near pristine condition undamaged.now that is something kreskin would be envious of.:cuckoo: there you go lying again,the film shows CLEARLY that after kenendy had been hit in the throut,that conolly is turning around and has not been hit yet,that its about 5 seconds later when connoly DOES react.connolly is seen in the photos still holding on to his stetson hat as kenedy is hit in the throut,an impossibility since his wrist has been completely shattered at that point according to the warren commission.

19.this is your umpteenth one thousanth lie here.

of course his head is intact,the zapruder film has been altered you stupid fuck.:lol: you blatantly ignore how his head is seen going backwards and to the left.:cuckoo: you just crippled your argument and proved my case for me cause the film i posted,shows his head going backward and to the left.:lol::lol::lol: that photo you have shown of his head going forward has been altered.as i said before,countless number of photography experts from around the country have said the zapruder film has been altered so you have no case.:cuckoo: there was not ONE WITNESS who said they saw his head going forward,others like jen hill,mary moorman and beverly oliver DID however say they saw it go backwards so thats obviously what happened.and officer bobby hargis who was riding on the left rear bumper behind jackie was splattered with blood and brain matter which is inconsistant with a shot coming from behind.:cuckoo:

20.there you go lying again.investigaters tried to cover the distance of the timeframe that oswald went down the stairs in 90 seconds and not one of them could cover the distance in that timeframe and they were completely out of breath unlike oswald was.:lol: also carolyn arnold in her testimony said about oswald-about 12:15,it may have been later,i went to the lunchroom in the second floor for a moment...oswald was sitting in one of the booth seats on the right hand side of the room as you go in.he was alone as usual and appeared to be having lunch.i did not speak to him but i recognized him clearly.

odd that man who is allegedly going to shoot the president waits until 5 minutes before he is suppose to arrive-remember he was suppose to arrive at 12:20 and was 10 minutes behind schedule,thathe would race up the stairs having to pass bonnie ray williams as he is coming down who never see him no less and yet he somehow shot the president?:cuckoo: that would be a feat kreskin would be amazed of.:lol: ESPECIALLY since shortly after the assassination,two girls who worked there,sandra styles and victoria adams went down the same stairs that oswald went down immediately after the assassination,they said they never saw oswald pass them.that fact and the fact that photos taken seconds before,during and after the shooting show nobody in the windows shoots down your lies right there.:lol: styles and adams both said the warren commission altered their testimonys as well,they altered many witnesses testimonys according to the witnesses,a crime itself they should have been jailed for.:cuckoo:

the hard facts as I just posted,prove you are a liar and just post the same ond debunked bullshit lies of the warren commssion.:lol::lol::lol:

oh you did make ONE GOOD POINT IN ALL YOUR INSANE RAMBLINGS.yes kennedys left side of his head would be gone if shot from the picket fence and thats why a lot of conspiracy reseachers have overlooked the fact that it was the DRIVER that shot him.we know that to be true because while there were only a handful of people that really did tell independent investigaters over the years they saw the driver do it-remember many kept their mouths shut for many years because of how many people died mysteriously after giving a story that did not go along with the governments.

they were afraid for many years so they kept quiet.a few who have shown through pics they WERE THERE THAT DAY,they said they saw the driver do it.and the facts back them up cause the left side would have been gone if shot from the picket fence AND two of the main doctors said he was killed by a HANDGUN FIRED AT CLOSE RANGE. makes perfect sense cause again,like you said,his left side would have been blown out and hos head would have gone sideways. in YOUR OWN POSTS though,you prove my point for me the driver did it.hee hee cause had he been shot from behind,his entire face would be gone and YOUR OWN PHOTOS YOU SHOW,HIS FACE IS INTACT AND THATS WHAT THE DALLAS DOCTORS SAID AS WELL THAT IT WAS INTACT.so you shoot down your lies that he was shot from behind with YOUR OWN POST.:lol::lol::lol::D

oh there was a man with a rifle firing as rifle behind the picket fence just so you know.but he did not fire the fatal head shot.he was the as a diversion to get everybodys attenton away from bill greer,the driver who shot him.

8.oswald is innocent.there is zero evidence he was involved.

The evidence against Lee H. Oswald includes these subtle tidbits:

16.) Oswald, just days after acquiring his Carcano weapon, attempts to murder retired General Edwin Walker in Dallas, on April 10, 1963. Marina Oswald herself testifies that "Lee told me...he just shot Walker".

Another key fact surrounding Oswald and his killing of JFK is the Walker murder attempt, as I think any reasonable person looking at the case objectively would concur. For, it displays in Oswald a definite tendency toward violent action on his part during the months leading up to November 22nd.

To me, it's not a wild stretch of one's imagination to think that if this guy is willing to bump off Walker, then he might just set his sights a little higher when the perfect opportunity presents itself seven months later.

The fact that Oswald was a kind of loner, oddball, and rejected authority at just about every turn in life cannot be underestimated when talking of motive. He admitted that he hated America (in general terms) for not being able to just come and go as he pleased to Russia and Cuba whenever it pleased him in the months just prior to November 22.

As a former Marine acquaintance of Oswald's once said: "He always thought he was a little better than everyone else." This statement speaks volumes, in my opinion, when gazing into Oswald's background and possible motive in the JFK murder.

17.) It was PROVEN, no matter what anybody wants to believe to the contrary, that three shots could be fired in the allotted timeframe from Oswald's rifle (and with good accuracy). The probability that Oswald had, in fact, approx. 8.4 seconds to accomplish the shooting further increases the likelihood that Lee could have performed the deed.

If the first (missed) shot hit a tree branch and ricocheted to strike James Tague by the underpass at approx. Frame 160 of the Zapruder film (as I believe did happen), then the total time between shots #1 and #3 increases to more than eight seconds, much more than the minimum required time to get off the three shots.

18.) Try as the conspiracy kooks might, the Single-Bullet Theory [SBT] has still not been proven to be an impossibility. The Zapruder film shows that the SBT is more-than-likely the correct scenario of events that day.

Kennedy and Connally are reacting to their initial wounds at virtually an identical time, just after Zapruder frame 224. Unfortunately, that damn Stemmons sign is blocking our view during what might be a critical point on the film. It can therefore never be determined by anybody whether JFK was reacting to his throat/neck wound at a frame earlier than Z224. But, based on the available evidence, the SBT (judging by the reactions of the two victims in the limo) most certainly cannot be said to be false.


19.) While viewing the Zapruder Film, I cannot see how anybody can say that the BACK of President Kennedy's head is blown away as a result of the head shot. It seems quite obvious while watching and freezing the film at various post-Z313 frames, that the entire rear portion of JFK's head remains intact throughout the shooting.

The RIGHT-FRONT portion of his head is blown apart. Isn't it obvious that it's the FRONTAL portion of his skull that is being displaced by the swiftly-moving projectile? And if so, doesn't this demonstrate the actions of an object that's just been struck from BEHIND, not from the front?

In addition (and probably more importantly), the Zapruder Film, when viewed in super-slow-motion -- LIKE THIS CLIP -- verifies beyond question that President Kennedy's head moves FORWARD (not backward) at the critical MOMENT OF IMPACT, indicating that the fatal bullet that hit his head came from BEHIND him and not from the front or right-front of JFK's limousine.

Also -- If JFK had been shot from the infamous "Grassy Knoll" (which was located to the right-front of Kennedy's car at the time he was shot), why wasn't there any damage to the LEFT side of President Kennedy's head? Instead, the left side of his head remained completely intact and undamaged, as can easily be seen in this autopsy photograph HERE.

20.) It was also proven that Oswald could have indeed travelled, in 90 seconds or less, the distance across the sixth floor of the TSBD and descended the four flights of stairs in time to have been seen by policeman Marrion L. Baker on the building's second floor. [See Warren Commission Report; Page 152 -- HERE.]


I have no doubt that the many conspiracy theorists, who claim that Oswald had nothing whatsoever to do with the events of 11/22/63, could provide a lengthy list of their own, favoring (in their view) theories such as: "Oswald Was Framed", "Oswald Was A Patsy", or "Oswald Was A Figment Of Everyone's Imagination And Was Never Even In Dallas During His Lifetime". I'm sure the conspiracy-happy people of the world would have no trouble denouncing my views as "More Warren Commission-related B.S.!"

However, while compiling such a "conspiracy" list and rejecting the vast array of evidence that convincingly shows that a Mr. Oswald pulled that trigger, I think it might be wise to ask this question ..... IS IT EVEN REMOTELY POSSIBLE THAT OSWALD COULD HAVE COMMITTED THIS CRIME ALONE?! (And every bit of evidence that has been unearthed to this point has shown that it WAS indeed possible for Lee Oswald to have performed this task.)

And if the answer to the above question is even a hesitant "Yes" amongst conspiracy theorists, doesn't that, by definition (at least partly in a CTer's mind) validate the belief of Oswald's lone participation in the JFK assassination?

For, aren't hard facts and evidence always more believable than wild speculation and conjecture? And aren't many/most/all conspiracy theories created out of just that -- speculation?

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yep thats what i did to you alright in all my posts. especially the last two. KO'd you.:D that is mad cabbie going down in the count laying down on the mat from 9/11's fatal knockout punch just posted in the last post^^^^^^^^^:lol:

back to fart some more and sling more shit in defeat i see.:lol::lol::lol:

keep showing what a coward you are running off frommy vidoes i have posted and post # 7/hahahahahhahahahahahahaa



1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... .
It was PROVEN, no matter what anybody wants to believe to the contrary, that three shots could be fired in the allotted timeframe from Oswald's rifle (and with good accuracy). The probability that Oswald had, in fact, approx. 8.4 seconds to accomplish the shooting further increases the likelihood that Lee could have performed the deed.

If the first (missed) shot hit a tree branch and ricocheted to strike James Tague by the underpass at approx. Frame 160 of the Zapruder film (as I believe did happen), then the total time between shots #1 and #3 increases to more than eight seconds, much more than the minimum required time to get off the three shots.


irrelevent video since it doesnt counter any of the facts displayed in these two vidoes below that i have posted many times that you refuse to watch since the photographs taken that day seen in them show there were many bullets all over the place that could not be linked to oswald,:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

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9-11, It's the same goddamned footage. The original film was 16 mm. You did not show "better quality film." Better quality than the original? How's that? The particular version that you posted is the same if you break it down frame by frame. It was merely "enhanced" through digital manipulation (read DOCTORED).

Sorry, the head first moves FORWARD after he was shot. Only after the initial blast does JFK lose control and fall backward due to the fact that the driver is now picking up speed in order to avoid fire and Kennedy is now unconscious.

When you kick a football, does it first move backwards a couple of inches before it splits the uprights? No, it IMMEDIATELY moves forward!

Work through the video frame by frame and see for yourself.

I'm a paid troll, eh? Either someone owes me a lot of money or YOU are, once again, talking out of your ass in order to make a mountain out of ... well ... nothing!

yep your talking out of your ass as always paid troll.as always you just prove my facts FOR ME WITH YOUR OWN WORDS. not one witness said they saw his head go forward but many said they saw it go backwards which you see in that film which is obviouly what happened and your dense in the fact that the zapruder film has been altered and thats WHY you see his head going forward withthat fake blood matter.:cuckoo: if you would bother to read the book THE GREAT ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX or watch any of my goddamn videos i show,you wouldnt keep making yourself look like the prized stupid fuck you are.:cuckoo: if you had read that book,you would know COUNTLESS numbers of photography experts around the world have said the zapruder film has been altered and the autopsy photos ere faked.:cuckoo:
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now THIS is the funnist lie the warren commission and the house select committe on assassinations EVER said.:lol::lol: funny because countless numbers of photography experts around the world have said over the years that the backyard photos and the zapruder film were altered.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo: and that the autopsy photos were doctored which obviously happened on air force one before the body got there.david lifton is very close to the truth on that in his book BEST EVIDENCE.the body was obviously altered since what the dallas doctors saw and the besthesda doctors saw were completely different.:cuckoo: and he arrived in a totally different casket than the one the mortician put him in.

oh and oswald was telling the truth when he said those backyweard photos were fake.captain fritz in his notes when questioning oswald,said oswald said those backyard photos of him were FAKES!!! that they superimposed his face on that body and as i said before MANY times,marina as said many times over the years she did not take those photos,that she only told the warren commission what THEY told her to say because they threatened to deport her and her children back to russia. you seriously need to give it up.:lol:

the objective reasonable people coming on here will notice that mad cabbie troll is obviously a disinformation agent for the government.he does the usual typical thing these paid trolls do.while I have addressed EVERY SINGLE ONE of his posts on here,HE has not addressed one iota of facts that I posted on post # 10 and has refused to discuss the photographic evidence taken that day that you see in the two films i have posted here many times.:cuckoo: and since thats how he debates,i am done with him and he of course will claim i ran off.:cuckoo:
someone farted in here.:9:

that means I have you on ignore. since you ignore all of my facts that i gave you MULTIPLE chances to address and you just evaded them going to another sspect knowing you were cornered,i am done with you and your lies,you have failed MISERABLY in your bullshit lies you have posted running off liek the chickenshit coward you are from evidence of bullets photographed that day,which was then covered up and disparred later on.you lose and failed miserby.you can tell your handlers they are sorry ass handler going to the bottom of the barrel sdning you here to troll this threrad.:lol::lol::lol: AGAin,YOUR JUST AS MUCH A MISERABLY FAILED TROLL AS BONA MENNINGER IS.

you are such a pathetic paid troll you ignore that the HSCA investigation concluded in the 70's that there was a second rfileman.robert balkey is a much more clever troll than you or bonar mennenger is. HE at least wrote a book trying to deflect goverment involvement in the case knowing americans were no longer falling for the lies of the warren commission that oswald was the lne assassin so they came up with a new patsy saying it was the mob and the mob alone that did it and there was a second shooter.he is FAR MORE A CLEVER A TROLL THAN YOU OR BONAR MENNINGER ARE.:lol::lol::lol::D

you are left to only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are.:D

Awwwww!!! How sad, the little crybaby can't stand up like a man and fight! Bett you sit down to pee as well! :lol:

Goodnight, scardeycat! LMAO!


yep thats what you are,a scardy cat,you wont addres my facts on post# 10 or the photographic evidence seen form post# 20 of mine.:D a crybaby who uses the net and WIKIPEDIA of all things,-hahahahahahahaha as his sources of information,comedy gold instead of looking at the photographic evidence in post # 20 of mine.comedy gold from you crybaby.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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.....you are just as much as a pathetic troll as this author bonar menninger is,the guy tha says the secret service agent accidently shot him.you both are idiot fools in the fact you cant get around witness testimonys and what the doctors say.miserable fail.give it up....

Give up owning you in every stupid, long debunked, bullshit, talking point that you REFUSE to let go of???


yep i sure have OWNED you in everyone of your long debunked,bullshit posts ,that you REFUSE to look at.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

as we both know,your not ready for the major leagues with me old man,you need to go back to the minors rookie.you cant cut the mustard here with the big boys.:lol:
Former KGB archivist Vasili Mitrokhin indicated in 1999 that Howard Hunt was made part of a fabricated conspiracy theory disseminated by a Soviet "active measures" program designed to discredit the CIA and the United States. According to Mitrokhin, the KGB created a forged letter from Oswald to Hunt implying that the two were linked as conspirators, then forwarded copies of it to "three of the most active conspiracy buffs" in 1975. Mitrokhin indicated that the photocopies were accompanied by a fake cover letter from an anonymous source alleging that the original had been given to FBI Director Clarence Kelley and was apparently being suppressed.

Ooooo ... low blow!!!!

hey paid troll,you played dodgeball that while ther HSCA investigation was winding down,two CIA men came forward and said-we did it where do you want to go with this investigation? the HSCA investigation though did not puruse that lead,anything that pointed towards government they ignored.your constant trolling always ignores how robert blakey, the lead investigater,even wrote a book on it concluding the mob and the mob alone killed him.blakey is a FAR MUCH MORE CLEVER paid government troll than you,bonar menninger or vince buglosi are.:lol:
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have already refuted parts of this post! You want me to debunk ALL OF YOUR HORSESHIT? What for? So that you can be even MORE WRONG? PAsS!!!

You are all over the map, you do that so you do not have to argue specifics points. This is called spraying the buckshot; too much garbage to even begin sifting through.

for my FINAL post to you.you didnt address ONE SINGLE IOTA OF ANY of my posts as we both know,you evaded those facts and trolled going to other aspects of the case,the long debunk horsehit of howard brennan and helen markham for instance. you know you cant counter them so you call it garbage.:cuckoo: usiing wikipedia as yor source,you need to star a comedy club because verybody knows wikipedia has a lonnnnnngggggg history of making things up when it comes to ciritisizing the government such as 9/11being an inside job for example.hahahahahahahahahaha

You ran away because I was MEAN to you.

yep YOU sure have run away.you havent countered or even addressed ONE SINGLE THING from post# 10 of mine and like the chickenshit coward you are,ran away from post # 20 of mine as well knowing you were cornered.so yeah,you keep running away cause i was mean to you.

i asked you SEVERAL times to talk about the FACTS IN post# 10 and post # 20.you ran away from them EVERYTIME changing the subjbect going to something else about the assassiantion instead of talking about the facts.typical tactic of a governemtn disinformation operative,eavde the facts,change the subject to another aspect of the subject.

have fun talking to yourself,again as we both know,you cant stand toe to toe in the big leagues.you run away and go to another aspect of the case changing the subject when cornered.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D

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13 craps in a row from Whackjob. :9:

Nope, he's not in a panic at all about what you've presented, Mad_Cabbie. He's "handing you your ass," don'tcha know. :lol::lmao::rofl:

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