JFK: The Smoking Gun...

.....you are just as much as a pathetic troll as this author bonar menninger is,the guy tha says the secret service agent accidently shot him.you both are idiot fools in the fact you cant get around witness testimonys and what the doctors say.miserable fail.give it up....

Give up owning you in every stupid, long debunked, bullshit, talking point that you REFUSE to let go of???


yep i sure have OWNED you in everyone of your long debunked,bullshit posts ,that you REFUSE to look at.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

as we both know,your not ready for the major leagues with me old man,you need to go back to the minors rookie.you cant cut the mustard here with the big boys.:lol:

Old man? How shall I ever recover???

Do you have any conspiracy stuff to pedal or just more CRUSHING insults hurled from on high?
Was it a 'Mortal Error? This is another pretty fascinating JFK Conspiracy Theory Doc. You can catch it on Netflix. Let me know what you think. Enjoy.

JFK: The Smoking Gun Trailer - YouTube

This theory really doesn't change the outcome much
1. it still points to Oswald as firing the fatal shot(s)
2. it doesn't explain any premeditated conspiracy between these men
3. even if shots were fired from the secret service men, this theory
implies it was accidental

You could add in this theory, or take it out, either way, and it would not really
change any information already established or resolve any issues.

The question remains if anyone else had set up or was helping Oswald, and if there was anything complicit in the process, evidence, or outcome of the investigative report.

This doesn't really help with any of that, which are the real issues people contest.
Give up owning you in every stupid, long debunked, bullshit, talking point that you REFUSE to let go of???


yep i sure have OWNED you in everyone of your long debunked,bullshit posts ,that you REFUSE to look at.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

as we both know,your not ready for the major leagues with me old man,you need to go back to the minors rookie.you cant cut the mustard here with the big boys.:lol:

Old man? How shall I ever recover???

Do you have any conspiracy stuff to pedal or just more CRUSHING insults hurled from on high?

Dear Mad Cabbie and 9/11
You could argue back and forth and never prove anything about this case.
I think the 9/11 issues could be sooner proved consistent or inconsistent
because the people pushing the information and interpretation can be researched
to work out all those conflicts definitively.

Unless there are real life witnesses and participants from the JFK shooting, who can honestly say they DID those actions, it's all speculation and best guessing.

If ppl are really interested in resolving this, why not organize a consortium and agree to have a consensus, addressing and correcting any and all objections without excluding any input, and work it all out.

I'm sure what you'd have left is just the best theories where none could be proven definitively.

So any benefit from discussing this cannot be based on any real expectation of proving it.

The motivation for pursuing this would have to be something internal gained for the person individually, or working out ideas and arguments with other people for its own sake, for the sake of the interaction.

You are not going to prove things this way, so this discussion is really for other reasons.
Otherwise it is set up to fail.
yep i sure have OWNED you in everyone of your long debunked,bullshit posts ,that you REFUSE to look at.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

as we both know,your not ready for the major leagues with me old man,you need to go back to the minors rookie.you cant cut the mustard here with the big boys.:lol:

Old man? How shall I ever recover???

Do you have any conspiracy stuff to pedal or just more CRUSHING insults hurled from on high?

Dear Mad Cabbie and 9/11
You could argue back and forth......

Actually, there is overwhelming evidence that JFK was assassinated by Oswald and he alone.

The evidence against Oswald is staggering. I am not even sure at this point why people are still clinging to other theories - there is ZERO proof of a conspiracy.

9-11-Truther-guy is very upset about me holding this opinion. To him, if you do not subscribe to a cover-up - you are a paid troll and a worthless dupe.

My opinion is that "Truther-guy" has far too much time on his hands and is WAY TOO invested in what he believes to be "fact."

Sorry if someone disagrees with my synopses of what I see as much-ado-about-nothing.
.....you are just as much as a pathetic troll as this author bonar menninger is,the guy tha says the secret service agent accidently shot him.you both are idiot fools in the fact you cant get around witness testimonys and what the doctors say.miserable fail.give it up....

Give up owning you in every stupid, long debunked, bullshit, talking point that you REFUSE to let go of???


yep i sure have OWNED you in everyone of your long debunked,bullshit posts ,that you REFUSE to look at.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

as we both know,your not ready for the major leagues with me old man,you need to go back to the minors rookie.you cant cut the mustard here with the big boys.:lol:

OK YOU win. Off to the minors I trot to lick my mortal wound inflicted by my master.

Curses! Why was I born, but a mere man! I do not care that I may live or die, so long as I can rest....

(gnashes teeth against the stone...)
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two farts in a row from the agent troll.:lol:

like i said,your handlers sure are scrapping at the bottom of the barrel in the fact they could only find you to send here.candyass and rat in the ass got tired of getting their ass handed to them on a platter from me and decided to tell their handlers they could not pay them enough money to come here anymore for their constant ass beatings they got from me,so they recruited you to come back here for them but just like buglosi and posner and them,you have egg on your face as well.:lol:
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yep i sure have OWNED you in everyone of your long debunked,bullshit posts ,that you REFUSE to look at.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

as we both know,your not ready for the major leagues with me old man,you need to go back to the minors rookie.you cant cut the mustard here with the big boys.:lol:

Old man? How shall I ever recover???

Do you have any conspiracy stuff to pedal or just more CRUSHING insults hurled from on high?

Dear Mad Cabbie and 9/11
You could argue back and forth and never prove anything about this case.
I think the 9/11 issues could be sooner proved consistent or inconsistent
because the people pushing the information and interpretation can be researched
to work out all those conflicts definitively.

Unless there are real life witnesses and participants from the JFK shooting, who can honestly say they DID those actions, it's all speculation and best guessing.

If ppl are really interested in resolving this, why not organize a consortium and agree to have a consensus, addressing and correcting any and all objections without excluding any input, and work it all out.

I'm sure what you'd have left is just the best theories where none could be proven definitively.

So any benefit from discussing this cannot be based on any real expectation of proving it.

The motivation for pursuing this would have to be something internal gained for the person individually, or working out ideas and arguments with other people for its own sake, for the sake of the interaction.

You are not going to prove things this way, so this discussion is really for other reasons.
Otherwise it is set up to fail.

9/11 is for sure more important since our government murdered over 3000 of its own citizens but jfk is important as well because they took away our right to freely elect our own people that day and every president since then,has been a puppet for the establishment serving them and wall street instead of the people with every president who gets in always being worse and more corrupt than the previous one.

the proof is in the pudding that there were mutliple shooters that day that government paid trolls like vince buglosi and posner cant get around like the witness testimonys of the ones i posted that said they saw a gunman behind the fence firing a rifle along with the photographic evidence seen that day i posted in videos numerous times of bullets seen all over the place which would have been impossible for oswald to have fired.:lol:

the thing that cinces it that there is no proof oswald was involved though is that the first rifle they discovered was a mauser.3 police officers identified it as that,one who was very experinenced in firearms cause he had a part time job as a gunowner as well and another one said he looked on the rilfe an saw stamped on it MAUSER,that rifle later dissapeared though.
,then there is thw testimony of two of the school book depository employees who said the went down the stairs in the same time frame oswald did but never saw him and then said the warren commission altered their testimonys.a crime itself they should have all gone to jail for,they should have gone to jail for sure cause many witnesses said they altered their testimonys.

then there is the hughes photo that was taken seconds before,during,and after the shooting where you see nobody in that window. and the shell casings of the bullets at the tippet scene did not match that of oswalds gun that he was carrying.the government has failed to this day to prove their case which is why 80% of the population no longer belives their lies anymore.

also the objective open minded people who come on here,if they look at those two videos i posted,they will see for themselves,the evidence is overwhelming there were multiple shooters that day.:D did you watch it by chance? the magic bullet theorists NEVER do.:cuckoo:
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people who come on here and defend the lies of the warren commission to no end you can tell are paid trolls because not only do they never have any answers for those facts,but they show off what prized idiots they are defending the debunked likes of the warren commission.the warren commission people were such idiots thinking so many people would fall for their lies.two that quickly fall apart for example is

1. here is this alleged loner who is allegedly frustrated with his life that he wants to make his mark on history so to have his name in the history books and get famous like the warren commssion claims oswald killed him for,he goes and shoots kennedy and even though he is allegedly seeking fame and to be famous,he goes and DENYS he did it saying-No sir,i did not shoot anybody.Im just a patsy. yeah someone is going to deny they shot the president if they are seeking fame and their place in history and ALSO according to captain fritz who questioned him,deny he took thosie photos,saying his faces has been superimposed.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::lol:

2.then there is the fact he goes to russia,renounces his citiizenship,threatens to turn over top classified secrets to the russians,then gets back into the country easily with no problems instead of being prosecuted for the traiter he should have been.:cuckoo: as any serious reseacher knows,he was able to do that only because he was on an intelligence mission for the government.many of his marine buddys have said thats the only way he could have done that.the serious reseachers know as well that even former CIA agents have said oswald was working for them.:cuckoo:

plus this got lost in all the posts but countless numbers of photography experts around the world agree with oswald that those were fake photos so oswald was obviously telling the truth not only about that,but that he did not shoot tippet ot kennedy as well.

they also of course have concluded the autopsy photos and zaprupder film has been altered.the objecive open minded ones like myself,will go by what those experts said,not our corrupt government institutions and the lamestream media.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
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also the objective open minded people who come on here,if they look at those two videos i posted,they will see for themselves,the evidence is overwhelming there were multiple shooters that day.:D did you watch it by chance? the magic bullet theorists NEVER do.:cuckoo:

... So overwhelming, in fact, that NO OTHER BULLETS were ever recovered at the scene. Explain that one, truther guy.

Magic bullet was almost completely replicated on Myth Busters - did you watch THAT video?
two farts in a row from the agent troll.:lol:

like i said,your handlers sure are scrapping at the bottom of the barrel in the fact they could only find you to send here.candyass and rat in the ass got tired of getting their ass handed to them on a platter from me and decided to tell their handlers they could not pay them enough money to come here anymore for their constant ass beatings they got from me,so they recruited you to come back here for them but just like buglosi and posner and them,you have egg on your face as well.:lol:

Dude, your computer fixed yet? Try not downloading so much "research."


You kept saying that I was on ignore - liar.
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oh my god what a sad pathetic paid troll. I am gone off the computer for like 3 or 4 days and come back here and find you are STILL talking to yourself bringing back a discussion that ended like four days ago.how truly sad that you seek so much attention about this and are so eager to troll you talk to yourself cause you cant get anybody else to play your game anymore.:cuckoo:

since your last recent post was today and i hadnt even been on the computer for like four days now, i figured the thread starter or somebody was in a conversation with you or something taking your bait ,i would never have dreamed that you would be such a sad case that you would dig up a post from like four days ago when i made it perfectly clear i was done with you.this discussion ended like four days ago or so :cuckoo:

oh my god your life is even more sad and pathetic than i ever imiagined that you feel the need to dig up an old post from like four days ago after i made it perfectly clear i was done with you.how pathetic and sad.no wonder you call yourself mad cabbie,you get mad that people wont give you the attention you seek and ignore you not playing your little game you want them to play.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

i wonder who the next posters OLD post you will resurrect in desperate hopes they will give you the attention you seek will be.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:

thats now TWO farts in a row from you agent cabbie.:D btw that means that i have you on ignore and this time i DID put you on ignore since you cowardly run away from videos never addressing the facts in them evading the photgrpahic evidence of multiple shooters then going to a differerent aspect of the case and i just to repeat the same thing over and over again cause you ignore it.:cuckoo:

so keep on farting seeking attention talking to yourself resurrecting old dead posts.:cuckoo::D

have fun talking to yourself resurrecing old dead threads.
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