Jihad in America

They're here and they're preparing to turn our nation into something like the Middle East. Destroy anyone and everything that's not Muslim.

If you wish to read a truly deep and complicated conspiracy theory, I suggest you take the time to go to Islamic “Sleeper” Cells, Hezbollah (Shia) & Brotherhood (Sunni), Prepping Jihad in America: The Proofs and view any or all of the links and videos. It all could scare the sheite out of you – or cause you to laugh yourself sick.

well hate to break the news to you but the only way to stop them is get rid of the CIA since they fund them. the last president that tried to get rid of the CIA,our last REAL president,paid the price for it by doing so on nov 22nd 1963
If you need Google to recognize a variation in the spelling Muhammad, I think it is safe to say you know very little about Islam.
I've never seen any muslin use or write the word Mahomet. ..... :cool:
It was just her failed attempt to sound more knowledgeable on the topic, than she actually is.
What would you like to know about Islam?
I would like you to explain the moral differentiation between the prophet Mohammed taking Aisha to be his bride, as it compares to the Christian account of God raping, and subsequently impregnating a 14 year old girl who was already married to another.
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If you need Google to recognize a variation in the spelling Muhammad, I think it is safe to say you know very little about Islam.
I've never seen any muslin use or write the word Mahomet. ..... :cool:
It was just her failed attempt to sound more knowledgeable on the topic, than she actually is.
What would you like to know about Islam?
I would like you to explain the moral differentiation between the prophet Mohammed taking Aisha to be his bride, as it compares to the Christian account of God raping, and subsequently impregnating a year old girl who was already married to another.

Muhammad is not God.
If you need Google to recognize a variation in the spelling Muhammad, I think it is safe to say you know very little about Islam.
I've never seen any muslin use or write the word Mahomet. ..... :cool:
It was just her failed attempt to sound more knowledgeable on the topic, than she actually is.
What would you like to know about Islam?
I would like you to explain the moral differentiation between the prophet Mohammed taking Aisha to be his bride, as it compares to the Christian account of God raping, and subsequently impregnating a year old girl who was already married to another.

Muhammad is not God.
Your reply offers no moral comparison.
I find this posting ironic. Only for the fact that it seems to have been promoted by a "christian" website. For many, if not all the barbarous acts depicted in this meme are promoted, ( even if not practiced) by the Christian bible.
The people of God in the Torah / Jewish Holy Book (Holy Bible) and the God we serve has never commanded us through Scripture to perpetrate violence against someone because they didn't believe. You cannot force someone to believe. They either believe or they don't. I've never heard of any Jew beheading anyone for not converting to Judaism. I've never heard of any Christian (real Christian) using violence / beheading / torture to force someone to become a Christian. The very act goes against the teachings of Jesus Christ. Anyone who does such a thing is a member of a cult - not a Bible believing church. You have something against God and His Holy Word. That is what is wrong with you.
I did not bring it up. But with jihad in the title of this thread and I stand by what I said. Other religions are irrelevant to the unique problems Islam inspires.
There is very little that is "unique", in regard to the problems that Islam visits upon humanity. In fact; the problems that issue forth from Islam,are rather commonplace within religious history. The only remarkable change, has been the technology used to commit its atrocities. And even at that... just like all others; they use the means available to them in their day.

Who would be killing people today if we did not have Islam? Certainly "in their day" means nothing today, does it?
Islam has merely taken center stage lately. And "in their day" means quite a bit; especially if you were a Bosnian in the 90's. Hitler wasn't really too long ago either. What many Christians would like to pass off as ancient history, isn't ancient at all.

You are watching the West appease itself out of existence. Since Hitler is still here, that is exactly what the world did then, appeased. He became strong enough to sustain a WW for quite a while.

And WWII has nothing to do with Christianity. It is lame to even say so.
You can find it to be lame all you like. It does nothing to change the truth of the matter. Many times, in multiple speeches Hitler espoused his incorporation of the Christian faith into the tenets of his Reich, and its influence in what he did. Especially in his efforts to villainize the Jews, who he is said to have killed at least two million of.
Anyone can call themselves a Christian. It is by the fruit in their life that you know what they are. Hitler was not a Bible believing Christian.
The people of God in the Torah / Jewish Holy Book (Holy Bible) and the God we serve has never commanded us through Scripture to perpetrate violence against someone because they didn't believe. You cannot force someone to believe. They either believe or they don't. I've never heard of any Jew beheading anyone for not converting to Judaism. I've never heard of any Christian (real Christian) using violence / beheading / torture to force someone to become a Christian. The very act goes against the teachings of Jesus Christ. Anyone who does such a thing is a member of a cult - not a Bible believing church. You have something against God and His Holy Word. That is what is wrong with you.
You might want to read the part of the Bible called the Old Testament (Torah) a little closer. The part where God told his people the Jews to slaughter people and all their farm animals, to let nothing live. Happened more than once. .... :cool:
I've never seen any muslin use or write the word Mahomet. ..... :cool:
It was just her failed attempt to sound more knowledgeable on the topic, than she actually is.
What would you like to know about Islam?
I would like you to explain the moral differentiation between the prophet Mohammed taking Aisha to be his bride, as it compares to the Christian account of God raping, and subsequently impregnating a year old girl who was already married to another.

Muhammad is not God.
Your reply offers no moral comparison.
There is no comparison between man and God. Is there?
The people of God in the Torah / Jewish Holy Book (Holy Bible) and the God we serve has never commanded us through Scripture to perpetrate violence against someone because they didn't believe. You cannot force someone to believe. They either believe or they don't. I've never heard of any Jew beheading anyone for not converting to Judaism. I've never heard of any Christian (real Christian) using violence / beheading / torture to force someone to become a Christian. The very act goes against the teachings of Jesus Christ. Anyone who does such a thing is a member of a cult - not a Bible believing church. You have something against God and His Holy Word. That is what is wrong with you.
You might want to read the part of the Bible called the Old Testament (Torah) a little closer. The part where God told the Jews to slaughter people and all their farm animals, to let nothing live. Happened more than once. .... :cool:

A particular group of people. Those people are dead. These were not open ended commands. The Koran has open ended verses urging non-believers be killed or subdued until Islam dominates and Sharia is installed and enforced.
Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah"
Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah"
Those verses were for a specific time, about a specific battle, that took place in Arabia, and are not applicable for today.

Try again....... :cool:
It was just her failed attempt to sound more knowledgeable on the topic, than she actually is.
What would you like to know about Islam?
I would like you to explain the moral differentiation between the prophet Mohammed taking Aisha to be his bride, as it compares to the Christian account of God raping, and subsequently impregnating a year old girl who was already married to another.

Muhammad is not God.
Your reply offers no moral comparison.
There is no comparison between man and God. Is there?
Still you offer no insight as to the moral comparison... You don't know... Do you?
Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah"
Those verses were for a specific time, about a specific battle, that took place in Arabia, and are not applicable for today.

Try again....... :cool:

No they are not. Do you see the "until." Apologies not accepted.

“Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been ordered to fight the people till they say:
“None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.” Whoever says this will save his property
and his life from me.’”

What time limit is on that?

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