Jill Biden is not the first woman to take over powers as President


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Many may not know this, but Edith Wilson took over as President when Woodrow Wilson had a stroke. In fact, she drove the President to run even though he was feeling ill prior to the stroke, which arguably caused him to have a stroke.

So, as we see, there are other instances where a President is infirm and unable to carry out the duties as President, as his wife takes over for him on the down low

I assume most democrats will vote for Jill in November.

Many may not know this, but Edith Wilson took over as President when Woodrow Wilson had a stroke. In fact, she drove the President to run even though he was feeling ill prior to the stroke, which arguably caused him to have a stroke.

So, as we see, there are other instances where a President is infirm and unable to carry out the duties as President, as his wife takes over for him

I assume most democrats will vote for Jill in November.
I didn't know about this until I saw Mark Levin cover Edith Wilson and how she took over Presidential duties when Woodrow Wilson essentially became a vegetable in office. Take a look at Jill Biden's VOGUE cover and tell me she doesn't have her eye on the Presidency.
I don't believe for a minute Jill took over anything or actually does anything.

She is trying to prop up joe and keep him going as long as humanely possible because she is a leech. She doesn't care about joe, only that he stays in power because of her own personal financial and political gains as well as the attention she gets by being the presidents wife.

She hasn't even really done anything as first lady. All she has done is said she is working with veterans and families while demonstrating the least possible amount of interest and effort to it. Michelle Obama had 4 initiatives and at least made a public effort to be involved in them.

Jill is just there to bleed the old man dry for her own benefit. She doesn't care about actually doing anything aside from being a gold digging faux dutiful wife.
I don't believe for a minute Jill took over anything or actually does anything.

She is trying to prop up joe and keep him going as long as humanely possible because she is a leech. She doesn't care about joe, only that he stays in power because of her own personal financial and political gains as well as the attention she gets by being the presidents wife.

She hasn't even really done anything as first lady. All she has done is said she is working with veterans and families while demonstrating the least possible amount of interest and effort to it. Michelle Obama had 4 initiatives and at least made a public effort to be involved in them.

Jill is just there to bleed the old man dry for her own benefit. She doesn't care about actually doing anything aside from being a gold digging faux dutiful wife.
Jill's been running the country for over 3 years and intends to keep doing so for another 4 if she can keep the old goat alive.
I don't believe for a minute Jill took over anything or actually does anything.

She is trying to prop up joe and keep him going as long as humanely possible because she is a leech. She doesn't care about joe, only that he stays in power because of her own personal financial and political gains as well as the attention she gets by being the presidents wife.

She hasn't even really done anything as first lady. All she has done is said she is working with veterans and families while demonstrating the least possible amount of interest and effort to it. Michelle Obama had 4 initiatives and at least made a public effort to be involved in them.

Jill is just there to bleed the old man dry for her own benefit. She doesn't care about actually doing anything aside from being a gold digging faux dutiful wife.
She grabs his arm to scurry him around and talks to him like he is 3 years old

Make your own conclusions.

The man formerly known as Joe Biden is no more.

Many may not know this, but Edith Wilson took over as President when Woodrow Wilson had a stroke. In fact, she drove the President to run even though he was feeling ill prior to the stroke, which arguably caused him to have a stroke.

So, as we see, there are other instances where a President is infirm and unable to carry out the duties as President, as his wife takes over for him on the down low

I assume most democrats will vote for Jill in November.
The big difference though is Wilson didn't have potentially millions of dollars in legal expenses facing him as Biden does AFTER the election that will be brought against Biden and his family.
Joe and Jill Biden's fortune now stands at about $10 million.

Trump spent $76 million over last two years on attorneys as legal troubles mount ahead of election.

And these are strictly legal fees.

So Biden HAS to run and win as he can't afford the many lawsuits that will be coming AS well as criminal charges for influence peddling..i.e. ...
"One such email was widely described as referring to Joe Biden as “the big guy” and suggesting the elder Biden would receive a cut of a business deal. One of the recipients of that email has vouched publicly for its authenticity but President Biden has denied being involved in any business arrangements.
I agree with Resnic above about Jill Biden. I'm more inclined to believe that Obama is behind the scenes running the show.
The big difference though is Wilson didn't have potentially millions of dollars in legal expenses facing him as Biden does AFTER the election that will be brought against Biden and his family.
Joe and Jill Biden's fortune now stands at about $10 million.

Trump spent $76 million over last two years on attorneys as legal troubles mount ahead of election.

And these are strictly legal fees.

So Biden HAS to run and win as he can't afford the many lawsuits that will be coming AS well as criminal charges for influence peddling..i.e. ...
"One such email was widely described as referring to Joe Biden as “the big guy” and suggesting the elder Biden would receive a cut of a business deal. One of the recipients of that email has vouched publicly for its authenticity but President Biden has denied being involved in any business arrangements.
How do you prosecute a demented old man?

Many may not know this, but Edith Wilson took over as President when Woodrow Wilson had a stroke. In fact, she drove the President to run even though he was feeling ill prior to the stroke, which arguably caused him to have a stroke.

So, as we see, there are other instances where a President is infirm and unable to carry out the duties as President, as his wife takes over for him on the down low

I assume most democrats will vote for Jill in November.
Nancy Reagan

Many may not know this, but Edith Wilson took over as President when Woodrow Wilson had a stroke. In fact, she drove the President to run even though he was feeling ill prior to the stroke, which arguably caused him to have a stroke.

So, as we see, there are other instances where a President is infirm and unable to carry out the duties as President, as his wife takes over for him on the down low

I assume most democrats will vote for Jill in November.
dimocrap scum would vote for a turnip if it had a "D" next to it.

Reason #1 they are scum
She grabs his arm to scurry him around and talks to him like he is 3 years old

Make your own conclusions.

The man formerly known as Joe Biden is no more.

Yeah, what was it the HARPY said to Joe at the after party? Was it not something like---------->Oh Joe, you did so good, you answered all the questions, lololol. As he stood there, and grinned like a kid just given a piece of candy.

Joe's handlers are PATHETIC, ruthless, gaslighters who got caught, and are now trying the correct words to reset it back prior to debate night.

Don't let them! Keep hammering the sh** out of them!
Yeah, what was it the HARPY said to Joe at the after party? Was it not something like---------->Oh Joe, you did so good, you answered all the questions, lololol. As he stood there, and grinned like a kid just given a piece of candy.

Joe's handlers are PATHETIC, ruthless, gaslighters who got caught, and are now trying the correct words to reset it back prior to debate night.

Don't let them! Keep hammering the sh** out of them!
Joe was NEVER in charge in the White House. The Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis, Bitch Warren, Bernie Sanders, initially, Ron Klain, Chuckie Schemer, Nazi Pelousy, Ubercunt......... They were calling the shots depending what day it was
Joe was NEVER in charge in the White House. The Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis, Bitch Warren, Bernie Sanders, initially, Ron Klain, Chuckie Schemer, Nazi Pelousy, Ubercunt......... They were calling the shots depending what day it was

You may or may not be correct; but one thing we can all agree on including more, and more Democrats is-----> Biden is NOT in charge! All whomever is running the country is doing, is trying to keep him as POTUS so they retain their power.
Jill and the Obama's will do whatever it takes to get ole Joe elected for Barak's 4th term.
Even if they have to push Biden on stage in a wheel chair with an IV drip going into his arm and hire a ventriloquist standing next to him to read the teleprompter like it was him speaking.
Is the obsession with Biden's mental acuity a double standard?

In it, Ron Reagan describes his growing sense of alarm over his father's mental condition, beginning as early as three years into his first term. He recalls the presidential debate with Walter Mondale on 7 October 1984.

"My heart sank as he floundered his way through his responses, fumbling with his notes, uncharacteristically lost for words. He looked tired and bewildered," Ron Reagan writes.

Repubs dubiously regard Reagan's presidency as a huge success.

Nancy Reagan says she did not prompt President Reagan's recent response to a question on arms control but was simply talking softly to herself.

In a picture-taking session at the Reagan ranch in California earlier this month, Mr. Reagan was asked a question about American-Soviet talks on space weapons. When he hesitated, Mrs. Reagan could be heard saying, ''Tell them we are doing everything we can.''


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