Jim Jordan is fighting for America, seeks to take down Fani Willis

That fat black pantherette Marxist asshole has bitten off more than she can chew!!!! This POLITICAL PERSECUTION will FAIL!!!!!

Fani Willis has more education and intelligence than Trump. A smart man wouldn't have 91 charges against him.
You can tell Fat Fani spends a lot of time in the mirror, but it isn't working. Her whole prosecution is the same way, a total failure and unnecessary waste of money. Sometime I get the feeling that these idiotic investigations are just a form of welfare for liberal lawyers.
How Ironic....as if you were really talking about the fat orange sexual abuser.
We will have our REVENGE on these dirtbag Democrats. Payback is coming. When we retake the House, Senate and White House just remember Dems you deserve everything you get. We'll start by auditing all your corrupt leaders. :muahaha:
Oooooo! Scary. Let us know if you "retake" the House, Senate and WH.
Like all hated regimes around the global Dems will try to rig, cheat and steal the elections. Nobody is going to willingly vote for their idiot policies.
Laughable, with idiot Joe leading your party Dems will be wiped out in 2024. You people really need to work on your election rigging, cheating and theft to have a chance.
Women and young voters will put the lie to your post, hun. All you have are old people and the criminally insane.
Bodie is having a real-time gaslighting fit.
You can see the fear......

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