Jimmy Carter Gets Bribes From Wealthy Arabs

Those are American tax-payer dollars ... we pay certain Arabs to not kill off all the Jews in Israel ... 15% is kicked back to the politicians ... that's not bribery, that's collusion ...

Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Prize for inventing the system ... how is it you're just finding out what's been ongoing for the past 50 years? ...
Wow, are we that desperate now? Both those linked articles are more than 15 years old. Quoting from the first,

There is no evidence that the former president received direct payment from the Saudis. But “according to… the bank files, [it] renegotiated the repayment terms… savings… $60,000 for the Carter family

That article was from December of 2006, Dershowitz's article followed in less than two months, where he made the claim

When I was first told that he received a monetary reward in the name of Shiekh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan, and kept the money,

What money? The savings from the renegotiated loan agreement? That is all I have seen documented. And does Dershowitz really want to go there? Savings rendered by loan renegotiations can now be considered bribes. Gotcha, let's run with that. I guess there will be a couple dozen more investigations of Trump then. We can start with the 100 million dollar refinancing of Trump Towers but of course we get to look at the secret loan from Daewoo and the refinancing of the Bank of America skyscraper in San Francisco. Gosh, this is going to be fun.

Dershowitz has turned into a shit show, not really sure why, maybe he is just getting old and senile. And he cannot be a trusted source when it comes to any issue that involves Israel or the Middle East.
Not defending carter here but he was nowhere corrupt to the extrems reagan was that the sheep in america put on a pedastal cluless to the crimes he commited the op in this thread posted and the many stuff i have posted and documented as well on it.

and yet people STILL call Reagan a great president.Beam me up scottty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet. :cuckoo:


yet Reagan always gets a free pass on his corruption from both the lamestream media and the brainwashed sheep of america which is about half the country.
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