Jimmy Carter: "Leave Gay Marriage To States To Decide" (Right On Jimmy!)

The children of gay parents are at no disadvantage to the children of straights. Children have nothing to do with civil marriage. Bigots need to find another argument (that will also fail)

In your opinion. Honestly the amount of variables is too many to really form any clear indication of your opinion being factual or not.

And the opinion of every major medical, psychological and child welfare organization.

The "but, but, but the children" argument has failed. Bigots need to find a new one.

Mostly populated by leftists, so nah, there is no bias there......

Given up even trying I see.

The children of gays are fine. Bigots will have to find a new "argument".
You are now allowed to marry anyone you want. Just like a homosexual. Equal treatment under the law

Marriage is man woman, marriage is two people. Tom -ay- to, tom -ah- to. You don't actually let people do that, you only picked another arbitrary standard. Get off your high horse, you are no different than they are. You just drew a different line.

I am curious as to why an avowed Libertarian such as yourself would encourage Government to stand in the way of consenting adults getting married?

Strawman. I oppose government marriage. All of it.

Then why aren't you posting about ending all marriage rather than just for homosexuals?

Libertarians I know defend the rights of an individual when his actions do not harm anyone. Why would you not defend homosexuals being able to marry the person of their choice?

Because he needs the "validation". :lol:
You are now allowed to marry anyone you want. Just like a homosexual. Equal treatment under the law

Marriage is man woman, marriage is two people. Tom -ay- to, tom -ah- to. You don't actually let people do that, you only picked another arbitrary standard. Get off your high horse, you are no different than they are. You just drew a different line.

I am curious as to why an avowed Libertarian such as yourself would encourage Government to stand in the way of consenting adults getting married?

Strawman. I oppose government marriage. All of it.

Then why aren't you posting about ending all marriage rather than just for homosexuals?

Libertarians I know defend the rights of an individual when his actions do not harm anyone. Why would you not defend homosexuals being able to marry the person of their choice?

Because he needs the "validation". :lol:

thats funny, the validation seeker is you. always has been. now you want the federal government to mandate your validation and force the rest of society to accept it. you are a sick human being, a bigot, and a liar.
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State rights are important, but restrictions on gay marriage opposes personal freedom for gay people.
Marriage is man woman, marriage is two people. Tom -ay- to, tom -ah- to. You don't actually let people do that, you only picked another arbitrary standard. Get off your high horse, you are no different than they are. You just drew a different line.

I am curious as to why an avowed Libertarian such as yourself would encourage Government to stand in the way of consenting adults getting married?

Strawman. I oppose government marriage. All of it.

Then why aren't you posting about ending all marriage rather than just for homosexuals?

Libertarians I know defend the rights of an individual when his actions do not harm anyone. Why would you not defend homosexuals being able to marry the person of their choice?

Because he needs the "validation". :lol:

thats funny, the validation seeker is you. always has been. now you want the federal government to mandate your validation and force the rest of society to accept it. you are a sick human being, a bigot, and a liar.

What is it you think you're forced to accept?

How does my civil marriage of six years today have ANY affect on you?
State rights are important, but restrictions on gay marriage opposes personal freedom for gay people.
But a federal mandate to approve gay marriage means states will be forced to incentive homes where children are where 100% of the time one of the natural parents of that child will be absent. Marriage is an incentive to the parents of children to stay together and raise them. Male and female. Both sexes are necessary for the rounded development and self-image of the child.

Otherwise the child grows up to see his or her gender as "unnecessary" or his siblings gender as "unnecessary"...
I don't know 'cause I'm not a white guy, just a white lesbian and the contempt is obvious to me. Instead of asking gays why they need "government validation", ask closer to home is all.

Whatever you want to think is obvious to you. It was obviously a grin to you to pretend to be a lesbian instead of a guy who's never dated a woman and knows nothing about them. You didn't think that one through. My favorite is your bit about how the only difference between men and women is their sex organs. Wow, that was ignorant. I see the dilemma though since you know nothing about women it was better to try to claim that then to pretend you know there's a difference while having no idea what it is.

Honey, if it makes you feel better about being a reluctant hypocrite to think I'm a dude, more power to you.

I never said the only difference between genders is their sex organs, I said that gender is immaterial in parenting. Not the same thing. Outcomes are the same for children whether they have two fathers, two mothers or a mother and a father...the kids turn out okay in all three situations.

Instead of asking gays why they want to be civilly married, ask closer to home.

Actually, that was your argument for a long time. But yes, I do remember that eventually you did change your argument to that parents are just babysitters who change their diapers and make sure they don't run into the street, parents aren't people who interact and emotionally grow kids, so gender doesn't matter. Then you got wrapped up in the ridiculous crap that it was a contest which sex is better at blowing noses and couldn't grasp that the world is made up of men and women and relating to both is critical.

Not even close my reluctant little hypocrite. Gender is immaterial in parenting is what I've said. Our kids are fine, worry about kids of divorce and kids of single parents.

You, a fully formed adult, only want to have an emotional partnership with a woman. However, children, going from an embryo all through adulthood don't need to establish parental relationships with both sexes, it makes no difference. That is as stupid as it sounds.

And I've repeatedly addressed your point that I said two sexes is "ideal." I'm saying in no way kids can't be successful without it. My example being me and my siblings. I'm going to go back to not responding other than having fun if you go back to having no long term memory and not addressing what I actually said.

And I said nothing about your children, I am talking about in general the ideal situation for children. You can google "ideal" if you don't know what it means.

Let's start with the FACT that there is no difference in outcomes between children with parents of the same sex and children with opposite sex parents. None...no difference in outcomes so your "ideal" simply doesn't matter. I mean if you're going to play the "ideal" card, "ideal" parents would be rich and white.
I am curious as to why an avowed Libertarian such as yourself would encourage Government to stand in the way of consenting adults getting married?

Strawman. I oppose government marriage. All of it.

Then why aren't you posting about ending all marriage rather than just for homosexuals?

Libertarians I know defend the rights of an individual when his actions do not harm anyone. Why would you not defend homosexuals being able to marry the person of their choice?

Because he needs the "validation". :lol:

thats funny, the validation seeker is you. always has been. now you want the federal government to mandate your validation and force the rest of society to accept it. you are a sick human being, a bigot, and a liar.

What is it you think you're forced to accept?

How does my civil marriage of six years today have ANY affect on you?

OMG, are you that fricken stupid? you want the government to force its citizens to accept homosexuality and gay marriage as normal human conditions. you want to tell pre-pubescent teens that they can go either way or both ways and its just hunky dorry. you want to deny mammalian biology and encourage male/male and female/female sexual relations.

and lets be truthful, this is all about sex and who you do it with. mammalian homosexuality is not normal, its an aberation. you say you can't help it, and I accept that. but your genes are screwed up, you have a genetic abnormality, just like someone with MS has an abnormality.
Strawman. I oppose government marriage. All of it.

Then why aren't you posting about ending all marriage rather than just for homosexuals?

Libertarians I know defend the rights of an individual when his actions do not harm anyone. Why would you not defend homosexuals being able to marry the person of their choice?

Because he needs the "validation". :lol:

thats funny, the validation seeker is you. always has been. now you want the federal government to mandate your validation and force the rest of society to accept it. you are a sick human being, a bigot, and a liar.

What is it you think you're forced to accept?

How does my civil marriage of six years today have ANY affect on you?

OMG, are you that fricken stupid? you want the government to force its citizens to accept homosexuality and gay marriage as normal human conditions. you want to tell pre-pubescent teens that they can go either way or both ways and its just hunky dorry. you want to deny mammalian biology and encourage male/male and female/female sexual relations.

and lets be truthful, this is all about sex and who you do it with. mammalian homosexuality is not normal, its an aberation. you say you can't help it, and I accept that. but your genes are screwed up, you have a genetic abnormality, just like someone with MS has an abnormality.

The fact of human sexuality is that 99% of sexual activity between two humans is done for non-reproductive purposes.

It is normal for humans to have sex that is not intended for reproduction.

Humans cannot be compared to all other mammals for the purpose of establishing what is 'normal'.

'Normal' sex for dogs, for example, is to copulate over a short span of a few days, every 6 months or so. How does that in any way belong in any measure of what is 'normal' for humans?
Then why aren't you posting about ending all marriage rather than just for homosexuals?

Libertarians I know defend the rights of an individual when his actions do not harm anyone. Why would you not defend homosexuals being able to marry the person of their choice?

Because he needs the "validation". :lol:

thats funny, the validation seeker is you. always has been. now you want the federal government to mandate your validation and force the rest of society to accept it. you are a sick human being, a bigot, and a liar.

What is it you think you're forced to accept?

How does my civil marriage of six years today have ANY affect on you?

OMG, are you that fricken stupid? you want the government to force its citizens to accept homosexuality and gay marriage as normal human conditions. you want to tell pre-pubescent teens that they can go either way or both ways and its just hunky dorry. you want to deny mammalian biology and encourage male/male and female/female sexual relations.

and lets be truthful, this is all about sex and who you do it with. mammalian homosexuality is not normal, its an aberation. you say you can't help it, and I accept that. but your genes are screwed up, you have a genetic abnormality, just like someone with MS has an abnormality.

The fact of human sexuality is that 99% of sexual activity between two humans is done for non-reproductive purposes.

It is normal for humans to have sex that is not intended for reproduction.

Humans cannot be compared to all other mammals for the purpose of establishing what is 'normal'.

'Normal' sex for dogs, for example, is to copulate over a short span of a few days, every 6 months or so. How does that in any way belong in any measure of what is 'normal' for humans?

sure, dog sex is different from human sex, wow, I bet no one but you knew that. :cuckoo: what you don't see is two male or two female dogs copulating.
Because he needs the "validation". :lol:

thats funny, the validation seeker is you. always has been. now you want the federal government to mandate your validation and force the rest of society to accept it. you are a sick human being, a bigot, and a liar.

What is it you think you're forced to accept?

How does my civil marriage of six years today have ANY affect on you?

OMG, are you that fricken stupid? you want the government to force its citizens to accept homosexuality and gay marriage as normal human conditions. you want to tell pre-pubescent teens that they can go either way or both ways and its just hunky dorry. you want to deny mammalian biology and encourage male/male and female/female sexual relations.

and lets be truthful, this is all about sex and who you do it with. mammalian homosexuality is not normal, its an aberation. you say you can't help it, and I accept that. but your genes are screwed up, you have a genetic abnormality, just like someone with MS has an abnormality.

The fact of human sexuality is that 99% of sexual activity between two humans is done for non-reproductive purposes.

It is normal for humans to have sex that is not intended for reproduction.

Humans cannot be compared to all other mammals for the purpose of establishing what is 'normal'.

'Normal' sex for dogs, for example, is to copulate over a short span of a few days, every 6 months or so. How does that in any way belong in any measure of what is 'normal' for humans?

sure, dog sex is different from human sex, wow, I bet no one but you knew that. :cuckoo: what you don't see is two male or two female dogs copulating.

So what? I've just proven that comparing humans to other animals is not a valid comparison, so it doesn't matter what dogs do normally.

How often do you see dogs using contraceptives?
More importantly and to the legal point, forcing states to allow gay marriage is forcing a state to incentivize a home where 100% of the time, one of the natural parents of children in it is missing. It incentivizes homes where children will never get experience with the opposite gender as a parent to them.

It incentivizes a home where a child who happens to be the opposite gender of the "gay parents" learns to see him or herself as "unnecessary as part of a family unit". That self-image a child may carry into his adult life. The child internalizes this message as YOU are unnecessary. They lack the nuances of adults in understanding complex and weird arrangements. They tend to see things in black and white. Things that are obvious.

Marriage is to be considered on behalf of children FIRST and adults second. In that order. And that is because children cannot vote or hire powerful lobbiests to promote their welfare in this legal battle, this question. So judges have to err on the side of caution where they and the state's rights to protect them are concerned.

Also, with gay marriage will come gay lawsuits against christian charity orphanages. It's already starting where these orphanages have seen the writing on the wall and are closing their doors to these unfortunate kids, after 100s of years of being in the business of caring for their welbeing. This means that secular orphanages will open, where "openly gay" people will be running them, guaranteed. See my signature or a gay pride parade near you for why this is an imminent danger to children.
thats funny, the validation seeker is you. always has been. now you want the federal government to mandate your validation and force the rest of society to accept it. you are a sick human being, a bigot, and a liar.

What is it you think you're forced to accept?

How does my civil marriage of six years today have ANY affect on you?

OMG, are you that fricken stupid? you want the government to force its citizens to accept homosexuality and gay marriage as normal human conditions. you want to tell pre-pubescent teens that they can go either way or both ways and its just hunky dorry. you want to deny mammalian biology and encourage male/male and female/female sexual relations.

and lets be truthful, this is all about sex and who you do it with. mammalian homosexuality is not normal, its an aberation. you say you can't help it, and I accept that. but your genes are screwed up, you have a genetic abnormality, just like someone with MS has an abnormality.

The fact of human sexuality is that 99% of sexual activity between two humans is done for non-reproductive purposes.

It is normal for humans to have sex that is not intended for reproduction.

Humans cannot be compared to all other mammals for the purpose of establishing what is 'normal'.

'Normal' sex for dogs, for example, is to copulate over a short span of a few days, every 6 months or so. How does that in any way belong in any measure of what is 'normal' for humans?

sure, dog sex is different from human sex, wow, I bet no one but you knew that. :cuckoo: what you don't see is two male or two female dogs copulating.

So what? I've just proven that comparing humans to other animals is not a valid comparison, so it doesn't matter what dogs do normally.

How often do you see dogs using contraceptives?

we spey and neuter dogs, do you recommend that for humans?

humans are mammals with large brains, other than brain size we are no different from dogs, chimps, dolphins, lions, or elephants. Our biological reproductive sex organs are designed for one purpose only, to reproduce our species. Because of our larger brains we also use our sex organs for pleasure and fun. But biology cannot be ignored, the human rectum was not designed to be penetrated by a penis, the vagina was designed for that purpose (and it works very well). Same sex bonding and friendship is normal and good for everyone involved. Same sex sexual activity is an aberation and is damaging to society.

Anyone who claims that a little boy raised by two lesbians will grow up with normal male feelings is fooling themselves, same for a little girl raised by two gay men.
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..Same sex bonding and friendship is normal and good for everyone involved. Same sex sexual activity is an aberation and is damaging to society.

Anyone who claims that a little boy raised by two lesbians will grow up with normal male feelings is fooling themselves, same for a little girl raised by two gay men.

You have hit the root of the issue with those statements.
What is it you think you're forced to accept?

How does my civil marriage of six years today have ANY affect on you?

OMG, are you that fricken stupid? you want the government to force its citizens to accept homosexuality and gay marriage as normal human conditions. you want to tell pre-pubescent teens that they can go either way or both ways and its just hunky dorry. you want to deny mammalian biology and encourage male/male and female/female sexual relations.

and lets be truthful, this is all about sex and who you do it with. mammalian homosexuality is not normal, its an aberation. you say you can't help it, and I accept that. but your genes are screwed up, you have a genetic abnormality, just like someone with MS has an abnormality.

The fact of human sexuality is that 99% of sexual activity between two humans is done for non-reproductive purposes.

It is normal for humans to have sex that is not intended for reproduction.

Humans cannot be compared to all other mammals for the purpose of establishing what is 'normal'.

'Normal' sex for dogs, for example, is to copulate over a short span of a few days, every 6 months or so. How does that in any way belong in any measure of what is 'normal' for humans?

sure, dog sex is different from human sex, wow, I bet no one but you knew that. :cuckoo: what you don't see is two male or two female dogs copulating.

So what? I've just proven that comparing humans to other animals is not a valid comparison, so it doesn't matter what dogs do normally.

How often do you see dogs using contraceptives?

we spey and neuter dogs, do you recommend that for humans?

humans are mammals with large brains, other that brain size we are no different from dogs, chimps, dolphins, lions, or elephants. Our biological reproductive sex organs are designed for one purpose only, to reproduce our species. Because of our larger brains we also use our sex organs for pleasure and fun. But biology cannot be ignored, the human rectum was not designed to be penetrated by a penis, the vagina was designed for that purpose (and it works very well). Same sex bonding and friendship is normal and good for everyone involved. Same sex sexual activity is an aberation and is damaging to society.

Anyone who claims that a little boy raised by two lesbians will grow up with normal male feelings is fooling themselves, same for a little girl raised by two gay men.

Then why is 99% of human sex done for purposes other than reproduction? Is it abnormal for humans to have non-reproductive sex?

Should we outlaw it?
State rights are important, but restrictions on gay marriage opposes personal freedom for gay people.
But a federal mandate to approve gay marriage means states will be forced to incentive homes where children are where 100% of the time one of the natural parents of that child will be absent. Marriage is an incentive to the parents of children to stay together and raise them. Male and female. Both sexes are necessary for the rounded development and self-image of the child.

Otherwise the child grows up to see his or her gender as "unnecessary" or his siblings gender as "unnecessary"...

Then we should outlaw adoption.
OMG, are you that fricken stupid? you want the government to force its citizens to accept homosexuality and gay marriage as normal human conditions. you want to tell pre-pubescent teens that they can go either way or both ways and its just hunky dorry. you want to deny mammalian biology and encourage male/male and female/female sexual relations.

and lets be truthful, this is all about sex and who you do it with. mammalian homosexuality is not normal, its an aberation. you say you can't help it, and I accept that. but your genes are screwed up, you have a genetic abnormality, just like someone with MS has an abnormality.

The fact of human sexuality is that 99% of sexual activity between two humans is done for non-reproductive purposes.

It is normal for humans to have sex that is not intended for reproduction.

Humans cannot be compared to all other mammals for the purpose of establishing what is 'normal'.

'Normal' sex for dogs, for example, is to copulate over a short span of a few days, every 6 months or so. How does that in any way belong in any measure of what is 'normal' for humans?

sure, dog sex is different from human sex, wow, I bet no one but you knew that. :cuckoo: what you don't see is two male or two female dogs copulating.

So what? I've just proven that comparing humans to other animals is not a valid comparison, so it doesn't matter what dogs do normally.

How often do you see dogs using contraceptives?

we spey and neuter dogs, do you recommend that for humans?

humans are mammals with large brains, other that brain size we are no different from dogs, chimps, dolphins, lions, or elephants. Our biological reproductive sex organs are designed for one purpose only, to reproduce our species. Because of our larger brains we also use our sex organs for pleasure and fun. But biology cannot be ignored, the human rectum was not designed to be penetrated by a penis, the vagina was designed for that purpose (and it works very well). Same sex bonding and friendship is normal and good for everyone involved. Same sex sexual activity is an aberation and is damaging to society.

Anyone who claims that a little boy raised by two lesbians will grow up with normal male feelings is fooling themselves, same for a little girl raised by two gay men.

Then why is 99% of human sex done for purposes other than reproduction? Is it abnormal for humans to have non-reproductive sex?

Should we outlaw it?

of course not, what a stupid thing to say
State rights are important, but restrictions on gay marriage opposes personal freedom for gay people.
But a federal mandate to approve gay marriage means states will be forced to incentive homes where children are where 100% of the time one of the natural parents of that child will be absent. Marriage is an incentive to the parents of children to stay together and raise them. Male and female. Both sexes are necessary for the rounded development and self-image of the child.

Otherwise the child grows up to see his or her gender as "unnecessary" or his siblings gender as "unnecessary"...

Then we should outlaw adoption.

another stupid comment. Did you miss a dose of your meds last night?
Then why is 99% of human sex done for purposes other than reproduction? Is it abnormal for humans to have non-reproductive sex?

Should we outlaw it?

Your logic is flawed.

Making something legal and pushing it into society as "normal via marriage" are two different things. It was the problem the dissenting Justices had with Lawrence v Texas. They presumed, and rightly so as it turns out, that gays would use the decriminalization of sodomy as a shoehorn to push their activities into the fabric of society "as normal" using marriage.

It is legal to smoke cigarettes. And it is also abnormal and deadly to smoke cigarettes. The lungs were made for air. Likewise, using the anus as an artificial vagina is also abnormal, but legal. It too causes disease and death at an accelerated rate over normal sexual behaviors. HIV and other STDs are transmitted much more easily via the anus and colon than the real vagina.
Then why is 99% of human sex done for purposes other than reproduction? Is it abnormal for humans to have non-reproductive sex?

Should we outlaw it?

Your logic is flawed.

Making something legal and pushing it into society as "normal via marriage" are two different things. It was the problem the dissenting Justices had with Lawrence v Texas. They presumed, and rightly so as it turns out, that gays would use the decriminalization of sodomy as a shoehorn to push their activities into the fabric of society "as normal" using marriage.

It is legal to smoke cigarettes. And it is also abnormal and deadly to smoke cigarettes. The lungs were made for air. Likewise, using the anus as an artificial vagina is also abnormal, but legal. It too causes disease and death at an accelerated rate over normal sexual behaviors. HIV and other STDs are transmitted much more easily via the anus and colon than the real vagina.

Then we should legalize lesbian marriage but not gay male marriage?


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