Jimmy Carter: "Leave Gay Marriage To States To Decide" (Right On Jimmy!)

"by the will of the voter" HAHAHAHAHA We do not live in a majority mob rule country. Something about the law which tells government what IT CAN NOT DO and protects the rights of the individual, the minority. The United States Constitution, an interesting document that few here have read and I suggest you do. Here we have the Constitution which limits the power of government in favor of the rights of the individual and we have so called "conservatives" wanting majority mob rule to give power to the government to tell a certain group of people what they can not do. As UNAMERICAN as it gets sports fans. No true conservative supports granting government the right to deny law abiding same sex couples the right to marry through the power of government. Secular government grants a marriage license and that is all and there is no valid Constitutional reason to deny gay couples that right. Get over it. Your claims about gays in the military were invalid and a crock of shit same as your gay marriage claims.
"by the will of the voter" HAHAHAHAHA We do not live in a majority mob rule country. Something about the law which tells government what IT CAN NOT DO and protects the rights of the individual, the minority. The United States Constitution, an interesting document that few here have read and I suggest you do. Here we have the Constitution which limits the power of government in favor of the rights of the individual and we have so called "conservatives" wanting majority mob rule to give power to the government to tell a certain group of people what they can not do. As UNAMERICAN as it gets sports fans. No true conservative supports granting government the right to deny law abiding same sex couples the right to marry through the power of government. Secular government grants a marriage license and that is all and there is no valid Constitutional reason to deny gay couples that right. Get over it. Your claims about gays in the military were invalid and a crock of shit same as your gay marriage claims.

minority rights were established by majority vote-------------why is that concept so difficult to grasp?
"by the will of the voter" HAHAHAHAHA We do not live in a majority mob rule country. Something about the law which tells government what IT CAN NOT DO and protects the rights of the individual, the minority. The United States Constitution, an interesting document that few here have read and I suggest you do. Here we have the Constitution which limits the power of government in favor of the rights of the individual and we have so called "conservatives" wanting majority mob rule to give power to the government to tell a certain group of people what they can not do. As UNAMERICAN as it gets sports fans. No true conservative supports granting government the right to deny law abiding same sex couples the right to marry through the power of government. Secular government grants a marriage license and that is all and there is no valid Constitutional reason to deny gay couples that right. Get over it. Your claims about gays in the military were invalid and a crock of shit same as your gay marriage claims.

would you make it illegal to believe that homosexuality is an abnormal human condition? Was Orwell right?
Anti gay bigotry is just bigotry not racism.

Then why did you say it was racism? Then again, you're a guy who wants to be a lesbo in the Internet, you're not the brightest bulb. BTW, Jesus was against racism, but he hated queers. He even said hate the sin, love the sinner, well, except fucking homos, hate them. It's in fact the only time he used the word "fucking" in the Bible.

I didn't. You misconstrued an analogy. I said that rich white parents are "ideal" is all. You're the one that first played the "ideal" card.

What is truly "ideal" for children is parents who love them and care for their needs, period.

Right, when you said the ideal was white people, that was an "analogy." And that every issue in the end becomes race to liberals is just coincidence. And that it's actually not an analogy is just to be ignored. You're just lame. Though that men and women are the same except their sex organs is still your lamest argument. Followed by that parents are just baby sitters who need to feed kids and keep them from running into the street, sex doesn't matter. Though it does, you want to know which sex are the better parents. And you have no long term memory. You're not even a lesbian, you're a guy who's never been on a date and knows nothing about women or children. Maybe read a book and then come back and try it when you learn something
would you make it illegal to believe that homosexuality is an abnormal human condition? Was Orwell right?

Yes, Orwell was right. And so was anyone else who studied/studies how cults operate.

LGBT is a cult. It is a cult of deviant sex behaviors insisting the rest of the world give them special treatments. They are behaviors, not race or a state of being. We are living the extension of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. We are the Brads and Janets, and their culture is raping us in our sleep. Watch the movie when you get a chance if you want to know precisely what's being done to all of us, and the reasons why [the ultimate goal of the madman at the castle was to create the perfect boy-sex slave that nobody could deny him; and to at least make bisexuals out of all heterosexuals: to convert the hetero culture completely over to...well...just watch the movie]

Really, if you just wanted a case-study about where this cult got started, picked up momentum and spun outward for converts, using a very powerful and rich media arm [GLAAD] to spread their imprinting, look no further than this movie. It's about an hour and a half long. It's a better primer than six years of intensive research with federal funding. And you'll get a more complete account of it straight from the horse's mouth. They weren't even shy about letting us know..
would you make it illegal to believe that homosexuality is an abnormal human condition? Was Orwell right?

Yes, Orwell was right. And so was anyone else who studied/studies how cults operate.

LGBT is a cult. It is a cult of deviant sex behaviors insisting the rest of the world give them special treatments. They are behaviors, not race or a state of being. ..

More bat guano crazy.

Homosexuals are people who are attracted to the same gender, who have suffered from years of systemic discrimination.

Want a tragic- yet telling example? A movie is coming out soon on Alan Turling- brilliant mathematician, and one of the key people who broke the Nazi codes in WW2

During World War II, Turing was a leading participant in wartime code-breaking, particularly that of German ciphers. He worked at Bletchley Park, the GCCS wartime station, where he made five major advances in the field of cryptanalysis, including specifying the bombe, an electromechanical device used to help decipher German Enigma encrypted signals. Turing’s contributions to the code-breaking process didn’t stop there:

Homosexuality was illegal in the United Kingdom in the early 1950s, so when Turing admitted to police—who he called to his house after a break-in—in January, 1952, that he had had a sexual relationship with the perpetrator, 19-year-old Arnold Murray, he was charged with gross indecency. Following his arrest, Turing was forced to choose between temporary probation on the condition that he receive hormonal treatment for libido reduction, or imprisonment. He chose the former, and soon underwent chemical castration through injections of a synthetic estrogen hormone for a year, which eventually rendered him impotent.

This is what Silhouette and her kind lead to- in this case a genuine hero who helped defeat the Nazi's in WW2- disposed of by society- legally- because he had consensual sex with another man.

The real slippery slope is the one that leads us back to when homosexuality was a crime, and that is what Silhouette and her kind would lead us down.

All you've done is demonstrate that nazis are quite like yourselves, in that nazis also resented and beat back any resistance to their way of thinking. So they just happened to disagree with the homosexual lifestyle. You just happen to use the same tactics today to beat back anyone who resists the spread of the LGBT culture. Both repugnant cults use the same justification to get at different ends. Yet the means are what we're talking about, aren't we? You're saying they are justified by the ends. That's the same thing the nazis said FYI....Gotta beware of that "logical thinking"... The nazis wanted to put jews and other dissenters to death in the gas chambers to realize the unchecked spread of their "ideal white race". The LGBTs want to put honest conversations about their culture in the gas chamber so they can realize the unchecked spread of their ...well...you've seen the pride parade pictures...must I post them again?...

And all you've done is paint out how longstanding and entrenched the compulsive sufferers of untreated childhood sexual misimprinting has been part of the unfortunate human condition. The solution isn't to normalize the suffering. The solution is to reveal it and understand it first.
All you've done is demonstrate that nazis are quite like yourselves, in that nazis also resented and beat back any resistance to their way of thinking. So they just happened to disagree with the homosexual lifestyle. t.

You didn't read anything other than "Nazi' did you.

Once again- British war hero- the primary person behind beating the Nazi code system Enigma- was arrested for having sex with a man, and his career ended, and he was chemically castrated.

This is the slippery slope that you are leading people back to.

Homosexuals are people who are attracted to the same gender, who have suffered from years of systemic discrimination.

Want a tragic- yet telling example? A movie is coming out soon on Alan Turling- brilliant mathematician, and one of the key people who broke the Nazi codes in WW2

During World War II, Turing was a leading participant in wartime code-breaking, particularly that of German ciphers. He worked at Bletchley Park, the GCCS wartime station, where he made five major advances in the field of cryptanalysis, including specifying the bombe, an electromechanical device used to help decipher German Enigma encrypted signals. Turing’s contributions to the code-breaking process didn’t stop there:

Homosexuality was illegal in the United Kingdom in the early 1950s, so when Turing admitted to police—who he called to his house after a break-in—in January, 1952, that he had had a sexual relationship with the perpetrator, 19-year-old Arnold Murray, he was charged with gross indecency. Following his arrest, Turing was forced to choose between temporary probation on the condition that he receive hormonal treatment for libido reduction, or imprisonment. He chose the former, and soon underwent chemical castration through injections of a synthetic estrogen hormone for a year, which eventually rendered him impotent.
This is what Silhouette and her kind lead to- in this case a genuine hero who helped defeat the Nazi's in WW2- disposed of by society- legally- because he had consensual sex with another man.

The real slippery slope is the one that leads us back to when homosexuality was a crime, and that is what Silhouette and her kind would lead us down.
.Once again- British war hero- the primary person behind beating the Nazi code system Enigma- was arrested for having sex with a man, and his career ended, and he was chemically castrated.

This is the slippery slope that you are leading people back to.

Tell me when I have ever advocated that Lawrence v Texas be overturned? You can do whatever you want in private. You just cannot tell society we have to legitimize it in marriage. Your argument is "if we can't get every single thing all the time that we want legally, including forcing the majority to bow legally to our repugnant private behaviors, then naturally, any resistance to our forward momentum is = to our forced chemical castration".

That argument has the same amount of weight as me saying that if we give you gay marriage federally protected, the next thing you know, you'll be suing or arresting pastors for refusing to redact the Bible's teachings as to homosexuality...

I guess the question is, which of the two: Silhouette-style resistance or the LGBT cult has displayed an actual manifest or series of manifest acts that suggest their extremism knows know boundaries...??

Uh, yeah, that would be the cult that just recently tried to subpoena pastor's sermons in order to force them to redact the Bible's teachings against homosexuality. Ding Ding! You win that prize...
.Once again- British war hero- the primary person behind beating the Nazi code system Enigma- was arrested for having sex with a man, and his career ended, and he was chemically castrated.

This is the slippery slope that you are leading people back to.

Tell me when I have ever advocated that Lawrence v Texas be overturned? .

Slippery slopes are like that. I have never advocated for incest, yet you keep claiming that is where marriage equality will take us.

Once again

.Once again- British war hero- the primary person behind beating the Nazi code system Enigma- was arrested for having sex with a man, and his career ended, and he was chemically castrated.

This is the slippery slope that you are leading people back to.
Once again- British war hero- the primary person behind beating the Nazi code system Enigma- was arrested for having sex with a man, and his career ended, and he was chemically castrated.

This is the slippery slope that you are leading people back to.

Like I said last page in response to that same point:

Tell me when I have ever advocated that Lawrence v Texas be overturned? You can do whatever you want in private. You just cannot tell society we have to legitimize it in marriage. Your argument is "if we can't get every single thing all the time that we want legally, including forcing the majority to bow legally to our repugnant private behaviors, then naturally, any resistance to our forward momentum is = to our forced chemical castration".

That argument has the same amount of weight as me saying that if we give you gay marriage federally protected, the next thing you know, you'll be suing or arresting pastors for refusing to redact the Bible's teachings as to homosexuality...

I guess the question is, which of the two: Silhouette-style resistance or the LGBT cult has displayed an actual manifest or series of manifest acts that suggest their extremism knows know boundaries...??

Uh, yeah, that would be the cult that just recently tried to subpoena pastor's sermons in order to force them to redact the Bible's teachings against homosexuality. Ding Ding! You win that prize..."
Once again- British war hero- the primary person behind beating the Nazi code system Enigma- was arrested for having sex with a man, and his career ended, and he was chemically castrated.

This is the slippery slope that you are leading people back to.

Like I said last page in response to that same point:

Tell me when I have ever advocated that Lawrence v Texas be overturned? "

That is the slippery slope where your kind is trying to take us

Once more- the story of Allan Turling.

Once again- British war hero- the primary person behind beating the Nazi code system Enigma- was arrested for having sex with a man, and his career ended, and he was chemically castrated.

This is the slippery slope that you are leading people back to.

Homosexuals are people who are attracted to the same gender, who have suffered from years of systemic discrimination.

Want a tragic- yet telling example? A movie is coming out soon on Alan Turling- brilliant mathematician, and one of the key people who broke the Nazi codes in WW2

During World War II, Turing was a leading participant in wartime code-breaking, particularly that of German ciphers. He worked at Bletchley Park, the GCCS wartime station, where he made five major advances in the field of cryptanalysis, including specifying the bombe, an electromechanical device used to help decipher German Enigma encrypted signals. Turing’s contributions to the code-breaking process didn’t stop there:

Homosexuality was illegal in the United Kingdom in the early 1950s, so when Turing admitted to police—who he called to his house after a break-in—in January, 1952, that he had had a sexual relationship with the perpetrator, 19-year-old Arnold Murray, he was charged with gross indecency. Following his arrest, Turing was forced to choose between temporary probation on the condition that he receive hormonal treatment for libido reduction, or imprisonment. He chose the former, and soon underwent chemical castration through injections of a synthetic estrogen hormone for a year, which eventually rendered him impotent.
This is what Silhouette and her kind lead to- in this case a genuine hero who helped defeat the Nazi's in WW2- disposed of by society- legally- because he had consensual sex with another man.

The real slippery slope is the one that leads us back to when homosexuality was a crime, and that is what Silhouette and her kind would lead us down.
Well that might be true if I had MANIFESTED some type of hype in that direction. However, the LGBT camp is already trying to destroy not just freedom of speech but also freedom of religion; the entire 1st Amendment to force their lifestyles into the center of pubilc mores against the public's will by threatening to arrest pastors in Texas. This is exactly what the nazis did in the early days. Suppression of speech. Then it morphed into the gas chambers for dissenters who disobeyed. That is a MANIFEST actuality in the present day, not some theoretical supposition you're putting out about words your putting into my mouth about some "predictable future event"...not based in demonstration, fact or reality.
Well that might be true if I had MANIFESTED some type of hype in that direction. However, the LGBT camp is already trying to destroy not just freedom of speech but also freedom of religion; the entire 1st Amendment to force their lifestyles into the center of pubilc mores against the public's will by threatening to arrest pastors in Texas. .

Once more- the story of Allan Turling.

Once again- British war hero- the primary person behind beating the Nazi code system Enigma- was arrested for having sex with a man, and his career ended, and he was chemically castrated.

This is the slippery slope that you are leading people back to.

Homosexuals are people who are attracted to the same gender, who have suffered from years of systemic discrimination.

Want a tragic- yet telling example? A movie is coming out soon on Alan Turling- brilliant mathematician, and one of the key people who broke the Nazi codes in WW2

During World War II, Turing was a leading participant in wartime code-breaking, particularly that of German ciphers. He worked at Bletchley Park, the GCCS wartime station, where he made five major advances in the field of cryptanalysis, including specifying the bombe, an electromechanical device used to help decipher German Enigma encrypted signals. Turing’s contributions to the code-breaking process didn’t stop there:

Homosexuality was illegal in the United Kingdom in the early 1950s, so when Turing admitted to police—who he called to his house after a break-in—in January, 1952, that he had had a sexual relationship with the perpetrator, 19-year-old Arnold Murray, he was charged with gross indecency. Following his arrest, Turing was forced to choose between temporary probation on the condition that he receive hormonal treatment for libido reduction, or imprisonment. He chose the former, and soon underwent chemical castration through injections of a synthetic estrogen hormone for a year, which eventually rendered him impotent.
This is what Silhouette and her kind lead to- in this case a genuine hero who helped defeat the Nazi's in WW2- disposed of by society- legally- because he had consensual sex with another man.

The real slippery slope is the one that leads us back to when homosexuality was a crime, and that is what Silhouette and her kind would lead us down.
So I'm all about leaving you alone to do your business in private. You've yet to demonstrate I'm about anything but that. However, I've demonstrated how you folks are currently engaged in the fearful activities you're theorizing falsely that you suppose I'm up to. You are projecting your fears that what you're already up to will be done to you.
Anti gay bigotry is just bigotry not racism.

Then why did you say it was racism? Then again, you're a guy who wants to be a lesbo in the Internet, you're not the brightest bulb. BTW, Jesus was against racism, but he hated queers. He even said hate the sin, love the sinner, well, except fucking homos, hate them. It's in fact the only time he used the word "fucking" in the Bible.

I didn't. You misconstrued an analogy. I said that rich white parents are "ideal" is all. You're the one that first played the "ideal" card.

What is truly "ideal" for children is parents who love them and care for their needs, period.

Right, when you said the ideal was white people, that was an "analogy." And that every issue in the end becomes race to liberals is just coincidence. And that it's actually not an analogy is just to be ignored. You're just lame. Though that men and women are the same except their sex organs is still your lamest argument. Followed by that parents are just baby sitters who need to feed kids and keep them from running into the street, sex doesn't matter. Though it does, you want to know which sex are the better parents. And you have no long term memory. You're not even a lesbian, you're a guy who's never been on a date and knows nothing about women or children. Maybe read a book and then come back and try it when you learn something

I never said there was no difference in genders either. What I said and maintain is that the gender of parents doesn't matter. Children can be raised by two men, two women or a man and a woman and there is no difference in the outcomes of the children.

Our children are fine, and your arguments have failed. Gays are marrying, gays are having kids. Get over it.
Our children are fine, and your arguments have failed. Gays are marrying, gays are having kids. Get over it.

OK too stupid to breathe, my position is you should go to the legislature, not the courts. If you don't stop your endless overt lies, you are about to be the second person on my ignore list with NYCarbineer, and for the same reason. I'm sick of posting over and over, that isn't what I said, that isn't what I said, that isn't what I said. I do the same thing to you to make that point and you don't get that either.

Here's the rule. You can post all the endless inane liberal drivel in response to my posts you want. But if you ignore what I say and endlessly post that I said something I didn't say, then I will ignore you. When you say moronic liberal tripe, I can answer it or not. When you keep saying I said something I didn't, I feel compelled to address that I didn't say that.

The choice is yours. I'm not playing with you anymore on this point. Stop saying I said things I didn't. But feel free to be an idiot. Straight up.
Our children are fine, and your arguments have failed. Gays are marrying, gays are having kids. Get over it.

OK too stupid to breathe, my position is you should go to the legislature, not the courts. If you don't stop your endless overt lies, you are about to be the second person on my ignore list with NYCarbineer, and for the same reason. I'm sick of posting over and over, that isn't what I said, that isn't what I said, that isn't what I said. I do the same thing to you to make that point and you don't get that either.

Here's the rule. You can post all the endless inane liberal drivel in response to my posts you want. But if you ignore what I say and endlessly post that I said something I didn't say, then I will ignore you. When you say moronic liberal tripe, I can answer it or not. When you keep saying I said something I didn't, I feel compelled to address that I didn't say that.

The choice is yours. I'm not playing with you anymore on this point. Stop saying I said things I didn't. But feel free to be an idiot. Straight up.

And I don't care what your opinion on the matter is. The judicial branch is there for citizens to redress their grievances and the gay citizenry is doing that. Whine bitch moan all you want to, but we're still going to get equality by redressing our grievances using the system the founders set up for us.

You said that straight parents are the "ideal". That's no different than me saying right white parents are the "ideal". Both are opinions that have no bearing on civil marriage.

Didn't you already leave in a huff with a "I'm not speaking to you"? Well geez, you sure go back on your word a lot.
Our children are fine, and your arguments have failed. Gays are marrying, gays are having kids. Get over it.

OK too stupid to breathe, my position is you should go to the legislature, not the courts. If you don't stop your endless overt lies, you are about to be the second person on my ignore list with NYCarbineer, and for the same reason. I'm sick of posting over and over, that isn't what I said, that isn't what I said, that isn't what I said. I do the same thing to you to make that point and you don't get that either.

Here's the rule. You can post all the endless inane liberal drivel in response to my posts you want. But if you ignore what I say and endlessly post that I said something I didn't say, then I will ignore you. When you say moronic liberal tripe, I can answer it or not. When you keep saying I said something I didn't, I feel compelled to address that I didn't say that.

The choice is yours. I'm not playing with you anymore on this point. Stop saying I said things I didn't. But feel free to be an idiot. Straight up.

And I don't care what your opinion on the matter is. The judicial branch is there for citizens to redress their grievances and the gay citizenry is doing that. Whine bitch moan all you want to, but we're still going to get equality by redressing our grievances using the system the founders set up for us.

You said that straight parents are the "ideal". That's no different than me saying right white parents are the "ideal". Both are opinions that have no bearing on civil marriage.

Didn't you already leave in a huff with a "I'm not speaking to you"? Well geez, you sure go back on your word a lot.

No, I said I wasn't responding seriously, I never said I'm not speaking to you until now. You seriously have very little reading comprehension. And also dumb bimbo, you don't use quote marks for paraphrasing, you use them for actual quotes. I never said that. And again, yes, anyone who opposes gay marriage is a racist, I got it.

Also note there was no question mark. I am informing you that you're just tired now. You can say whatever you want to say to my posts, but you must represent my view accurately. It's your choice. I don't give a crap either way. But I'm done with the endless loop of you don't even know what my argument is, and you aren't bright enough to screw with, you don't get it.

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