Jimmy Carter Rushed To Hospital For Emergency Surgery To Relieve Pressure From A Brain Bleed

If he does die, Schiff won't be pleased due to television coverage interrupting his public Shampeachment.

BREAKING: Former President Jimmy Carter checks into Emory Hospital for brain procedure

I wish him well. He might have been.... ok he was a terrible president, but he has been a semi decent human being out of office.
Hope he recovers.
A terrible president, how?

Oh good heavens. Bad economic policy. Bad nuclear policy. Badly rushed attempt to free Iran hostages, which ended up leaving perfectly good, armed and fueled military equipment in a stadium in Iran (I believe Iran still has, and uses some of our US military helicopters). Price controls that created an energy crisis, and gas lines. My father was a school teacher in the 70s, and remembers coming in to rooms that had frost on inside of the windows, because they turned off the heat at night. Energy crisis. Let's turn off the heat in schools. Stagflation. We had the "Misery index".

Take a simple example. You know all those spent nuclear fuel rods we keep whining about? Do you know that you can reprocess those fuel rods, and covert them back into usable fuel? France, and Russia, and one other country, has been doing this for decades on decades. They don't have a big problem of what to do with spent fuel rods.

Do you know why we sit around trying to figure out where we can bury them in the ground, instead of reusing them? Because Jimmy Carter, in the 1970s, passed a law banning reprocessing spent fuel rods. Why..... Because Jimmy was worried that reprocessing could result in more nuclear bombs being built.

Not joking. This is real thing.

His policies, economic, social, political, all were some of the absolute dumbest crap I've ever read about. We are still even to this day, now 50 years later, still dealing with some of the bad policies put in place by Jimmy Carter.

And he was a notoriously weak president internationally. The Ayatollahs were intentionally screwing with him. They knew he wouldn't really do anything, like bomb them or have a special forces raid. They all knew that. That's why as soon as Reagan won, and was entering office, they knew not to screw with Reagan, and released the hostages.

He was a terrible president by any possible measure.

I respect Mr Carter for being a good person. I'll give him that. He was no Bill Clinton, or any other awful typical politician.

But good as he might be as a person... he was horrific as a president. Just horrific.
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What 'damage' would this be then?

How about "radical Islam" for starters? That's probably his most prominent legacy.

What "radical Islam"? Can't you be specific?

Meet the true father of the Islamic Revolution: Jimmy Carter

I always say, if you can't articulate your own point ----- you never had one.

I have better things to do than trying to explain history to you.

You've been trolling threads here all day, so no you don't have better things to do. You just went into battle unarmed. And you think your link will get you out of it. It won't.

That leaves me with all kinds of freedom to pick and choose what I want out of your link, so I'll do just that.

Your source here, Canada Free Press (seen here in the mendacity spectrum)


>> "an overtly Christian, extreme right website that peddles conspiracy theories such as Obama being an Islamic Terrorist and 9/11 as an inside job. They also promote pseudoscience such as human influence human influenced Climate Change Denial and Creationism.

Canada Free Press routinely uses strong loaded wording that always favor the right such as this: New Poll Results Freaking out Democrats. When it comes to sourcing they favor right biased sources and occasionally use sources that we have rated as Questionable.

A factual search reveals numerous failed fact checks.<<

....spends about half its hot air (calling it Carter's real legacy") whining about how wonderful the Shah was, forgetting to mention that the only reason the Shah existed was that the CIA came in and deposed the democratically-elected Mohammed Mossadegh, and the Iranian people hated the oligarch Shah ever since. So you can blame (again) the Dulles Brothers for that. One of their earlier escapades in the Upfucking of the World that was their evangelistic mission. Unfortunately that was 1953, when Carter was in the Navy.

Couple of other tidbits at random:

>> Determined to end dependency on foreign oil, Jimmy moved to regulate domestic oil prices. The result was the creation of a price-gouging OPEC cartel that sent oil prices soaring, created rampant inflation, and drove the U.S. economy into deep recession. <<​

Cute, except that Carter de-regulated domestic prices, to the limited extend a POTUS can do anything about them at all, and except for the fact that OPEC was founded in 1960 -- when Eisenhower was in the WH.

Just a small sample of mendacity. Here's another, notice what he leaves out:

>> Jimmy went on to relinquish control of the Panama Canal <<​

Ignoring the fact that (Teddy) Roosevelt "took" Panama from Colombia (his term) in the first place in some of the most blatant early US imperialism, also ignoring that Panama had been pushing to fix the terms since 1903 and particularly since 1964, and ignoring that in so doing Carter was executing the principles of the Tack-Kissinger Agreement of ten years later (1974). Yahoos who cried the blues about rendering unto Panama what was rightfully Colombia's included such political luminaries as Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond.

Now here's his whiny appeal-to-emotion:

>> As soon as Carter assumed the oath of office, the White House became peopled with characters out of Li’l Abner’s Dogpatch, including the family matriarch “Miz” Lillian <<​

Apparently the whiny little bitch wants to mock Southern culture and vernacular using a cartoon stereotype. My, how objective, huh.
Terrible president, screwed-up political philosophy. Good man as a private citizen. I wish him well.

He sucked as POTUS, but I think he was just stupid, not evil. I think his heart was good.

I hope he recovers and enjoys the remains of his life.
Former President Jimmy Carter enters the hospital for surgery.
ATLANTA (AP) — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was admitted to a hospital on Monday evening for a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain, caused by bleeding due to his recent falls, his spokeswoman said.

The procedure is scheduled for Tuesday morning at Emory University Hospital, Deanna Congileo said in a statement.

Carter has fallen at least three times this year, and the first incident in the spring required hip replacement surgery. He traveled to Nashville, Tennessee, and helped build a Habitat for Humanity home after getting 14 stiches following a fall on Oct. 6. And he was briefly hospitalized after fracturing his pelvis on Oct. 21. He received a dire cancer diagnosis in 2015 but survived and has since said he is cancer-free

Former President Jimmy Carter enters hospital for surgery

:dunno:All the work to atone for years, and see the Great Douche seeing you go.
Keep living Jimmy, you can have better to put you to dirt.

I feel sorry for Jimmy, outside of being President, he is a really nice guy and doesnt deserve to suffer. Maybe try letting go of your blind hatred for even one second though
Didn’t agree with his politics, however he is a good God fearing man. I hope he has a speedy recovery. My best to him and his family.
Former President Jimmy Carter enters the hospital for surgery.
ATLANTA (AP) — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was admitted to a hospital on Monday evening for a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain, caused by bleeding due to his recent falls, his spokeswoman said.

The procedure is scheduled for Tuesday morning at Emory University Hospital, Deanna Congileo said in a statement.

Carter has fallen at least three times this year, and the first incident in the spring required hip replacement surgery. He traveled to Nashville, Tennessee, and helped build a Habitat for Humanity home after getting 14 stiches following a fall on Oct. 6. And he was briefly hospitalized after fracturing his pelvis on Oct. 21. He received a dire cancer diagnosis in 2015 but survived and has since said he is cancer-free

Former President Jimmy Carter enters hospital for surgery

:dunno:All the work to atone for years, and see the Great Douche seeing you go.
Keep living Jimmy, you can have better to put you to dirt.


He's a goner and Trump will indeed piss on his grave as deserved; But not the whole bladder ....gotta save some for Ginsberg.

As long as he dies.

Second worst president in history - gave North Korea nukes in an act of outright treason. There is a special place in hell waiting for Jimmy.
Yep, the Great Douche is the bottom worst.

No, that would be Potentate Obamugabe - the filthy fuck who used the IRS against political enemies, the pile of shit who spied on the opposition candidate in a presidential election, who ran a massive embezzlement racket in Ukraine to steal American foreign aid and put it in his own pocket, who gave cash to Iran to fund their nuclear program, who created and supported ISIS.

Jimmy though, he is a traitor pile of shit in his own right.

It's just the truth....

Democrats on this forum are some
Deranged fcuks! And thank you for being you lol

Carter had his good points....but I still have a bladder full of liquid blessing waiting for his grave top.

The seeds you sow in this life, so shall you and all those stuck on this hatred, reep. I don't know what planet you bastards live on, but God do not like ugly and if anybody is loooonnnngggg over due for some good ol fashion payback, its conservative white mf's who hate just for the sake of hating...good luck bitches, your gonna need it.

Fuck you and fuck Carter....his disrespect for the uniformed services was well known even though he was a Navy man. His further irresponsible insertion of big useless mouth turds into another administration's efforts to repair America qualifies him for the recycled dog food club. He had a distinguished career as a habitat for humanity contributor
But that has been overshadowed by his
Notably childish politics....some people need the grave to cease the tourettes-like flapping of their facial anuses. He's one of them.

As long as he dies.

Second worst president in history - gave North Korea nukes in an act of outright treason. There is a special place in hell waiting for Jimmy.
Yep, the Great Douche is the bottom worst.

No, that would be Potentate Obamugabe - the filthy fuck who used the IRS against political enemies, the pile of shit who spied on the opposition candidate in a presidential election, who ran a massive embezzlement racket in Ukraine to steal American foreign aid and put it in his own pocket, who gave cash to Iran to fund their nuclear program, who created and supported ISIS.

Jimmy though, he is a traitor pile of shit in his own right.
Listen, I know for a fact, both Obama and Carter will rest peacefully when their time comes. I also know for a fact, that the hand of God will be welcoming with warmth. I doubly know for a fact that Donald Trump and his supporters will grind against the hot coals of hell when their time comes, because the ugly Nazi hatred you mindless retarded racist shit bags have shown time and time again warrants such.

You white racist bastards, from slavery to the Holocaust all have lost in those battles. Nigga's is fucking your women, laughing in your faces and the Jews rule the world....so nothing you've done thus far has made a impact so agregious the world has stopped for you. So why don't you get off the hate train and board the Love Boat, there's plenty of room on the bottom!!:dance::dance:

You duplicitous retarded fuck....
You speak of tolerance with the same mouth that spews such hatred? I wouldn't wipe my ass with your tongue you cowardly non entity. You don't speak for God moron you don't even speak for intelligence.

As long as he dies.

Second worst president in history - gave North Korea nukes in an act of outright treason. There is a special place in hell waiting for Jimmy.
Yep, the Great Douche is the bottom worst.

No, that would be Potentate Obamugabe - the filthy fuck who used the IRS against political enemies, the pile of shit who spied on the opposition candidate in a presidential election, who ran a massive embezzlement racket in Ukraine to steal American foreign aid and put it in his own pocket, who gave cash to Iran to fund their nuclear program, who created and supported ISIS.

Jimmy though, he is a traitor pile of shit in his own right.
Listen, I know for a fact, both Obama and Carter will rest peacefully when their time comes. I also know for a fact, that the hand of God will be welcoming with warmth. I doubly know for a fact that Donald Trump and his supporters will grind against the hot coals of hell when their time comes, because the ugly Nazi hatred you mindless retarded racist shit bags have shown time and time again warrants such.

You white racist bastards, from slavery to the Holocaust all have lost in those battles. Nigga's is fucking your women, laughing in your faces and the Jews rule the world....so nothing you've done thus far has made a impact so agregious the world has stopped for you. So why don't you get off the hate train and board the Love Boat, there's plenty of room on the bottom!!:dance::dance:

You duplicitous retarded fuck....
You speak of tolerance with the same mouth that spews such hatred? I wouldn't wipe my ass with your tongue you cowardly non entity. You don't speak for God moron you don't even speak for intelligence.

Listen, you white pile of vomit, you diaper wearing piece of shit, you gotdamned right I spew hatred, cause I loathe you white racist whores who coware behind Trump. And bitch you don't like the way I talk, than fuck off.

What happened to your doggy?

As long as he dies.

Second worst president in history - gave North Korea nukes in an act of outright treason. There is a special place in hell waiting for Jimmy.
Yep, the Great Douche is the bottom worst.

No, that would be Potentate Obamugabe - the filthy fuck who used the IRS against political enemies, the pile of shit who spied on the opposition candidate in a presidential election, who ran a massive embezzlement racket in Ukraine to steal American foreign aid and put it in his own pocket, who gave cash to Iran to fund their nuclear program, who created and supported ISIS.

Jimmy though, he is a traitor pile of shit in his own right.
Listen, I know for a fact, both Obama and Carter will rest peacefully when their time comes. I also know for a fact, that the hand of God will be welcoming with warmth. I doubly know for a fact that Donald Trump and his supporters will grind against the hot coals of hell when their time comes, because the ugly Nazi hatred you mindless retarded racist shit bags have shown time and time again warrants such.

You white racist bastards, from slavery to the Holocaust all have lost in those battles. Nigga's is fucking your women, laughing in your faces and the Jews rule the world....so nothing you've done thus far has made a impact so agregious the world has stopped for you. So why don't you get off the hate train and board the Love Boat, there's plenty of room on the bottom!!:dance::dance:

You duplicitous retarded fuck....
You speak of tolerance with the same mouth that spews such hatred? I wouldn't wipe my ass with your tongue you cowardly non entity. You don't speak for God moron you don't even speak for intelligence.

Listen, you white pile of vomit, you diaper wearing piece of shit, you gotdamned right I spew hatred, cause I loathe you white racist whores who coware behind Trump. And bitch you don't like the way I talk, than fuck off.

You give yourself too much credit jackass.
I wouldn't waste the energy needed to either like or dislike you. Exposing you for the bitter little failure that you are is plenty for me.

It's been fun stepping on your low functioning mind.... now get a job and get off public assistance parasite.

I can feel yourJealousy of successful people right through the screen....you haven't succeeded because failure is in your genes.

No, that would be Potentate Obamugabe - the filthy fuck who used the IRS against political enemies, the pile of shit who spied on the opposition candidate in a presidential election, who ran a massive embezzlement racket in Ukraine to steal American foreign aid and put it in his own pocket, who gave cash to Iran to fund their nuclear program, who created and supported ISIS.

Jimmy though, he is a traitor pile of shit in his own right.
Listen, I know for a fact, both Obama and Carter will rest peacefully when their time comes. I also know for a fact, that the hand of God will be welcoming with warmth. I doubly know for a fact that Donald Trump and his supporters will grind against the hot coals of hell when their time comes, because the ugly Nazi hatred you mindless retarded racist shit bags have shown time and time again warrants such.

You white racist bastards, from slavery to the Holocaust all have lost in those battles. Nigga's is fucking your women, laughing in your faces and the Jews rule the world....so nothing you've done thus far has made a impact so agregious the world has stopped for you. So why don't you get off the hate train and board the Love Boat, there's plenty of room on the bottom!!:dance::dance:

You duplicitous retarded fuck....
You speak of tolerance with the same mouth that spews such hatred? I wouldn't wipe my ass with your tongue you cowardly non entity. You don't speak for God moron you don't even speak for intelligence.

Listen, you white pile of vomit, you diaper wearing piece of shit, you gotdamned right I spew hatred, cause I loathe you white racist whores who coware behind Trump. And bitch you don't like the way I talk, than fuck off.

You give yourself too much credit jackass.
I wouldn't waste the energy needed to either like or dislike you. Exposing you for the bitter little failure that you are is plenty for me.
It's been fun stepping on your low functioning mind.... now get a job and get off public assistance parasite. I can feel your
Jealousy of successful people right through the screen....you haven't succeeded because failure is in your genes.

Yeah, everybody's a fuckin failure but you good for nothing whiners. That's all you white mfs do is whine to daddy Trump cause the jobs left your one pony towns, the coal mines are gone, bla bla bla, if anybody is on welfare, SSI its you southern white trash heeps. Your race is becoming a joke, every time I see one of you mf's I break out in laughter....poor as hell, standing on street corners with handout signs, ww with 5 nigga babies at Walmart by herself using a welfare card, her nigga at home playing video games, yous mf's are pathetic...but proud to white again.....let me tell you what else is white...TOILET PAPER!!:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

So how long have you been unemployed Amoeba?

Yep, the Great Douche is the bottom worst.

No, that would be Potentate Obamugabe - the filthy fuck who used the IRS against political enemies, the pile of shit who spied on the opposition candidate in a presidential election, who ran a massive embezzlement racket in Ukraine to steal American foreign aid and put it in his own pocket, who gave cash to Iran to fund their nuclear program, who created and supported ISIS.

Jimmy though, he is a traitor pile of shit in his own right.
Listen, I know for a fact, both Obama and Carter will rest peacefully when their time comes. I also know for a fact, that the hand of God will be welcoming with warmth. I doubly know for a fact that Donald Trump and his supporters will grind against the hot coals of hell when their time comes, because the ugly Nazi hatred you mindless retarded racist shit bags have shown time and time again warrants such.

You white racist bastards, from slavery to the Holocaust all have lost in those battles. Nigga's is fucking your women, laughing in your faces and the Jews rule the world....so nothing you've done thus far has made a impact so agregious the world has stopped for you. So why don't you get off the hate train and board the Love Boat, there's plenty of room on the bottom!!:dance::dance:

You duplicitous retarded fuck....
You speak of tolerance with the same mouth that spews such hatred? I wouldn't wipe my ass with your tongue you cowardly non entity. You don't speak for God moron you don't even speak for intelligence.

Listen, you white pile of vomit, you diaper wearing piece of shit, you gotdamned right I spew hatred, cause I loathe you white racist whores who coware behind Trump. And bitch you don't like the way I talk, than fuck off.

What happened to your doggy?


I suspect this person is an imposter. It's use of cultural terminology is forced and unnatural. Pretending to be a minority..
Clumsily constructed hot button psychology
From behind a hot glass bowl no doubt.

No, that would be Potentate Obamugabe - the filthy fuck who used the IRS against political enemies, the pile of shit who spied on the opposition candidate in a presidential election, who ran a massive embezzlement racket in Ukraine to steal American foreign aid and put it in his own pocket, who gave cash to Iran to fund their nuclear program, who created and supported ISIS.

Jimmy though, he is a traitor pile of shit in his own right.
Listen, I know for a fact, both Obama and Carter will rest peacefully when their time comes. I also know for a fact, that the hand of God will be welcoming with warmth. I doubly know for a fact that Donald Trump and his supporters will grind against the hot coals of hell when their time comes, because the ugly Nazi hatred you mindless retarded racist shit bags have shown time and time again warrants such.

You white racist bastards, from slavery to the Holocaust all have lost in those battles. Nigga's is fucking your women, laughing in your faces and the Jews rule the world....so nothing you've done thus far has made a impact so agregious the world has stopped for you. So why don't you get off the hate train and board the Love Boat, there's plenty of room on the bottom!!:dance::dance:

You duplicitous retarded fuck....
You speak of tolerance with the same mouth that spews such hatred? I wouldn't wipe my ass with your tongue you cowardly non entity. You don't speak for God moron you don't even speak for intelligence.

Listen, you white pile of vomit, you diaper wearing piece of shit, you gotdamned right I spew hatred, cause I loathe you white racist whores who coware behind Trump. And bitch you don't like the way I talk, than fuck off.

What happened to your doggy?


I suspect this person is an imposter. It's use of cultural terminology is forced and unnatural. Pretending to be a minority..
Clumsily constructed hot button psychology
From behind a hot glass bowl no doubt.


Its truth matters..

An old poster
Listen, I know for a fact, both Obama and Carter will rest peacefully when their time comes. I also know for a fact, that the hand of God will be welcoming with warmth. I doubly know for a fact that Donald Trump and his supporters will grind against the hot coals of hell when their time comes, because the ugly Nazi hatred you mindless retarded racist shit bags have shown time and time again warrants such.

You white racist bastards, from slavery to the Holocaust all have lost in those battles. Nigga's is fucking your women, laughing in your faces and the Jews rule the world....so nothing you've done thus far has made a impact so agregious the world has stopped for you. So why don't you get off the hate train and board the Love Boat, there's plenty of room on the bottom!!:dance::dance:

You duplicitous retarded fuck....
You speak of tolerance with the same mouth that spews such hatred? I wouldn't wipe my ass with your tongue you cowardly non entity. You don't speak for God moron you don't even speak for intelligence.

Listen, you white pile of vomit, you diaper wearing piece of shit, you gotdamned right I spew hatred, cause I loathe you white racist whores who coware behind Trump. And bitch you don't like the way I talk, than fuck off.

What happened to your doggy?


I suspect this person is an imposter. It's use of cultural terminology is forced and unnatural. Pretending to be a minority..
Clumsily constructed hot button psychology
From behind a hot glass bowl no doubt.


Its truth matters..

An old poster

Figures....it's pretty easy to see the synthetic layers of attempted cultural theft and I also recognize the patterns of a poser....a person with more than one posting moniker ....

He/she/it is trying to sound Ghetto but lacks the genuine speech patterns needed to Barf out a genuine diatribe ...truly an identity crisis on wheels

Carter is one of the toughest presidents out there....how many can survive all he has survived at his age....

But if you enjoy opining for the death of a guy who builds free homes for people, still teaches sunday school every week, so be it.....I guess it's the Christian thing for you to do....

You guys act like Carter ordered us to invade Iraq

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