Jimmy Carter: The Original George Santos: Carter called himself a nuclear physicist during 1976 campaign after just 6months nuclear submarine training

Sounds like Jimmuh is on his last legs, but he'll go to the grave knowing he wasn't the biggest fuckup to ever grace the halls of the white house.

That stuttering shit clown has lapped him and continues to pull away.

But thanks for the Misery Index Jimmuh! Those years of swapping license plates with my neighbors so I could get gas and that 23% mortgage made me a fan! Enjoy slipping back up satan's asshole.
He was an engineering major in college and Naval Academy and went to 9 months of specialized nuclear reactor training in the Navy. In the late 1940's and early 1950's there were very few 'nuclear engineering' degrees in American schools, all training would have been on the job. 9 months of Navy and school training would be intensive, more so than most college courses and they would not waste time sending idiots to such schools. So yes, he was indeed a nuclear engineer, and anybody who needs to snivel and cry and demean that as nothing just because he was a Democrat is probably a moron who wouldn't be allowed anywhere near anything complicated in the Navy of that era, probably be lucky to land a job painting stripes in parking lots and failing at that most of the time.
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yea i went there. i go boldy where other mere mortals don't dare to go! this guy was a fraud

The fact check says the story is true. Jimmy Carter is a realio, trulio nuclear physicist. I have a friend who was a nuclear engineer at Chalk River, in the 1970's, and Carter was a real hero of his, which is surprising, since he's a hardcore conservative.
The fact check says the story is true. Jimmy Carter is a realio, trulio nuclear physicist. I have a friend who was a nuclear engineer at Chalk River, in the 1970's, and Carter was a real hero of his, which is surprising, since he's a hardcore conservative.

Nuclear engineers and nuclear physicists do calculations. They create and run complicated codes which analyze nuclear phenomena such as the chain reaction in reactor cores, or they design nuclear power plants and stuff like that.

Carter was a nuclear worker. By his own admission, he was sent in to turn a few bolts and get out before he received too much dose. Countless people perform such manual labor at nuclear power plants today. They are not nuclear engineers; they are power plant outage or decommissioning workers.

The Wapo article states:
In one minute and 29 seconds, Carter had absorbed the maximum amount of radiation a human can withstand in a year.

Carter stated in 2008:
“They let us get probably a thousand times more radiation than they would now,” he said. “It was in the early stages, and they didn’t know.”

It's complete nonsense.

In 1952, radiation dose limits may have been about three times what they are today...

Today, they are 5 REM per year. That's 5 Roentgen Equivalent Man.

1000 times this amount will surely kill a person. 200 times this amount will as well. 1000 REM kills ya.

At most, Carter received a few times what is allowed today. The fact that he has lived to be 98 pretty much proves this point.

Without a doubt, Carter was not a nuclear engineer/physicist. No nuclear engineer would say something so ridiculous about radiation doses, which is so fundamentally incorrect.

On the positive side, his work for Habitat For Humanity for decades is quite admirable.


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