JNap To Exempt Muslim Women From Patdowns


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[The Final Insult: Napolitano to exempt Muslim women from airport patdowns. This clueless buffoon, "Its a bright warm sunny day in April, 2009, the War On Terror is over!" "The primary threat to America's security today is the returning Iraq War Veteran!", now wants to exempt all Muslim women from airport patdowns but continue the assault on potential three year old terrorist American children in wheelchairs. All of this brought to you courtesy of America's first Affirmative Action president.
The University of Michigan's affirmative action program works like this: At the GPA that 100%of black applicants are accepted, only 10% of whites get through the door. Think about that. After receiving twenty years of affirmative action graduates from the U of M, look what it did to Chrysler and GM. Do you hear the sound of a toilet flushing in America's future?]

"Excuse me?


Pssssst TSA: Doesn’t this sorta defeat the purpose?!

According to Judicial Watch, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napalitano is actually considering waving airport pat downs for Muslim women who consider them offensive. I consider them offensive, too – do I get an exemption, too?

The demand came last week from the politically-connected Muslim rights organization that serves as the U.S. front for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Calling the searches “invasive” and “humiliating,” the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) advises Muslim women wearing religious head covers known as hijabs to reject full-body checks before boarding planes.

Those who are selected for the secondary screenings should remind Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers that they are only supposed to pat down the head and neck and that they should not subject Muslim women to a full-body or partial body pat-down, according to CAIR’s advisory. It further says that, instead of a body search, Muslim women can request to check their own hijab and have officers perform a chemical swipe of their hands."

The Final Insult: Napolitano Considering Exempting Muslims From Airport Pat Downs « Nice Deb
[The Final Insult: Napolitano to exempt Muslim women from airport patdowns. This clueless buffoon, "Its a bright warm sunny day in April, 2009, the War On Terror is over!" "The primary threat to America's security today is the returning Iraq War Veteran!", now wants to exempt all Muslim women from airport patdowns but continue the assault on potential three year old terrorist American children in wheelchairs. All of this brought to you courtesy of America's first Affirmative Action president.
The University of Michigan's affirmative action program works like this: At the GPA that 100%of black applicants are accepted, only 10% of whites get through the door. Think about that. After receiving twenty years of affirmative action graduates from the U of M, look what it did to Chrysler and GM. Do you hear the sound of a toilet flushing in America's future?]

"Excuse me?


Pssssst TSA: Doesn’t this sorta defeat the purpose?!

According to Judicial Watch, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napalitano is actually considering waving airport pat downs for Muslim women who consider them offensive. I consider them offensive, too – do I get an exemption, too?

The demand came last week from the politically-connected Muslim rights organization that serves as the U.S. front for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Calling the searches “invasive” and “humiliating,” the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) advises Muslim women wearing religious head covers known as hijabs to reject full-body checks before boarding planes.

Those who are selected for the secondary screenings should remind Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers that they are only supposed to pat down the head and neck and that they should not subject Muslim women to a full-body or partial body pat-down, according to CAIR’s advisory. It further says that, instead of a body search, Muslim women can request to check their own hijab and have officers perform a chemical swipe of their hands."

The Final Insult: Napolitano Considering Exempting Muslims From Airport Pat Downs « Nice Deb

I dont find this at all surprising. I also dont expect it to become policy, the back lash would be tremendous.

This was debunked two years ago when the lie first started. Shows how desperate the nits are that they have to use a two year old phony story to get votes.

the source goes to an article from 3/20/2012, which uses a source from November 2010.

Wouldn't they have done this already?

This was debunked two years ago when the lie first started. Shows how desperate the nits are that they have to use a two year old phony story to get votes.


Really, do you have anything to back that up?

I dont doubt it, But I do doubt anything stated by the left.

This was debunked two years ago when the lie first started. Shows how desperate the nits are that they have to use a two year old phony story to get votes.


Really, do you have anything to back that up?

I dont doubt it, But I do doubt anything stated by the left.
There was a long, long thread about it right here at USMB two years ago.

You are free to ignore that and to not research it but instead knee-jerk like the idiot you are.

So, did this ever happen?


Jeez. What a failboat this post turned out to be.
I mean who posts a two year old story about what Naplitano is GOING to do, but never did, as some sort of proof that she MIGHT do it?


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