Job growth, income, and GDP is better under democrat presidents - by a lot.

So you think, as a confirmed far Left Communist that permanent far left one party rule is the answer? We had the same shit under Carter and the economy boomed under Reagan.
What is ultimately best regardless of who is in charge instead is that republicans are never elected ever again.

I still don’t get where you guys get the ideas the American left is communist. Nothing about our ideology relates to communism. You guys clearly have no idea what the term means.
I still don’t get where you guys get the ideas the American left is communist. Nothing about our ideology relates to communism. You guys clearly have no idea what the term means.
They just use the word to (a) scare themselves and each other, and (b) justify their actions.

Modern day Archie Bunkers. Arrogant ignorance.
What is ultimately best regardless of who is in charge instead is that republicans are never elected ever again.

I still don’t get where you guys get the ideas the American left is communist. Nothing about our ideology relates to communism. You guys clearly have no idea what the term means.
No, you Democrats are the enemy of America and need to be destroyed politically, which will happen this November. We will not be ruled by you Communist c*nts, ever!
No, you Democrats are the enemy of America and need to be destroyed politically, which will happen this November. We will not be ruled by you Communist c*nts, ever!
Name a policy of democrats you think is communist.
it’s worth telling you if you didn’t know. It’s worth telling you if you assumed it was better under republicans without actually knowing the data.

Biden‘a job growth numbers are historic by themselves. 8.7 million jobs have been created under Biden so far. Now, while inflation certainly is a problem right now, pretending it is all that matters is fallacious and disingenuous. This is especially important because every other economic metric has been doing quite well under Biden. Hell even if a recession hits under Biden (which i admit is a possibility), it won’t change the fact that Republican job growth is shitty. Trump‘a job growth specifically was pitiful in comparison to Biden’s.

It may be that job growth is generally better under dems, but, the Trump and Biden presidencies are different. Under covid, blue states were shutting things down under Trump, which negatively affected his job numbers, and then under Biden, everything was opening up again, which positively affected his numbers.

For those two, I just don't think it's a fair comparison because of the situation involved.

Also, as for unemployment numbers, the months leading up to April 2020, trump had 3.5% to 4% UE rates. It wasn't until covid hit and everyone started lockdowns that the UE rates jumped.
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"Dem pandemic"? Damn crazy is what you are.

Trump could not even crack 3%, never mind being anywhere near "record GDP growth" before pandemic.

In 2021 we've had 5.7% GDP growth, which is right about double of Trump's best YoY growth.

Of COURSE it went up. We opened the fucking country up after the dem panic shutdown. A fucking horse could have been fucking president and would have seen the GDP go up. Tell me what Biden did to cause GDP to rise. Be specific or admit he did nothing.

And last quarter? MINUS 1.5% and the 2nd quarter is looking even worse. We are in a recession. A BIDEN RECESSION.

Most people don't know, much less care what the god damned GDP is. What do they care about? That it now costs MORE THAN DOUBLE to fuel their cars than it did the day Biden took over and cancelled Keystone. 105% to be accurate.

THAT'S what people care about.
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Gas prices double.

Inflation at a 42 year high.

No new cars available.

Used car prices astronomical.

Baby food shortages.

Trucking companies collapsing by the hundreds daily.

Income growth: 5%

Inflation: 8%

Real income: Down -3%

GDP: Down 1.5% Q1 2022

Border Crisis absolutely out of control

Pouring money into Ukraine and doing nothing to secure our own border.

Yea, things are going really well. November will demonstrate to the country that REAL Americans are tired of democratic bullshit.
welcome to xiden’s america
Tell me what Biden did to cause GDP to rise. Be specific or admit he did nothing.
Yep, it's always the same Tails-I-win, Heads-you-lose games with you braindead partisans.

If something goes well in economy while Trump is in office, well thats proof enough he caused it. If something good happens while Biden is in office you want nothing less than economic papers on policy effects.

You bitch and moan that Biden's expansionary policy singlehandedly caused inflation, but to conceed that expansionary policy causes...economic EXPANSION reflected in the GDP? Nuhh thats crazy talk.

I tell you what partisan tools - go fuck yourself, either score everyone by policy or by primitive economic condition correlation, you can't have it both ways.
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And last quarter? MINUS 1.5% and the 2nd quarter is looking even worse. We are in a recession. A BIDEN RECESSION.
Cool story, but thats not how recession is defined.

You know who projects second consecutive quarter GDP contraction? NO ONE

P.S. where is your policy analisys to credit Biden for a recession no one but you projects? Oh thats right, you don't actually give a shit about serious economics, you just like to spout partisan shit.
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it’s worth telling you if you didn’t know. It’s worth telling you if you assumed it was better under republicans without actually knowing the data.

Biden‘a job growth numbers are historic by themselves. 8.7 million jobs have been created under Biden so far. Now, while inflation certainly is a problem right now, pretending it is all that matters is fallacious and disingenuous. This is especially important because every other economic metric has been doing quite well under Biden. Hell even if a recession hits under Biden (which i admit is a possibility), it won’t change the fact that Republican job growth is shitty. Trump‘a job growth specifically was pitiful in comparison to Biden’s.

Shut up stupid and stop your lying or I'll turn you in to the ministry of truth
Name a policy of democrats you think is communist.
Open borders to dilute GOP votes,
Closing professorships to conservatives,
Control of MSM propaganda
The minister of truth, (even though it didn't happen, they tried)

Those are without research, I'm sure there are a lot more...
it’s worth telling you if you didn’t know. It’s worth telling you if you assumed it was better under republicans without actually knowing the data.

Biden‘a job growth numbers are historic by themselves. 8.7 million jobs have been created under Biden so far. Now, while inflation certainly is a problem right now, pretending it is all that matters is fallacious and disingenuous. This is especially important because every other economic metric has been doing quite well under Biden. Hell even if a recession hits under Biden (which i admit is a possibility), it won’t change the fact that Republican job growth is shitty. Trump‘a job growth specifically was pitiful in comparison to Biden’s.

So why do they push policies that erode and cancel out these metrics you are celebrating??
No, you Democrats are the enemy of America and need to be destroyed politically, which will happen this November. We will not be ruled by you Communist c*nts, ever!
That's true.
The fat, orange, fuck is out of office and hopefully into in orange prison suit.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praised a communist.
Trump's cult praised communism.

Then, they gave it a shot.

Lol I love how you present this long list when all of those things are related to the same issue. Trust me I noticed. Your facade was a weak attempt. Oh and just you know, inflation is high all over the world.

I mean either way dude you might as well vote democrat. Republicans fail you.
The U.S. is still an engine of the world pulling other nations. There are a few other engines. Japan has a low inflation rate. We printed up trillions and trillions of dollars while reducing fossil fuel supplies domestically and bowing to the whims of the globalists. The reserve currency status keeps reducing in real terms as the world middle man. The economy did not need all the trillions printed up as Biden and the Progs rewarded their cronies. And frankly they are printing up money behind the scenes as the world debt is like a huge mountain now.
That's true.
The fat, orange, fuck is out of office and hopefully into in orange prison suit.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praised a communist.
Trump's cult praised communism.

Then, they gave it a shot.
That fat orange fuck tried to get the National Guard there to keep a lid on things, and those in-charge of security said "NO". So the 400 or so protesters who overran the police got into the Capitol. They had no guns. It was a protest against a "stolen election", nothing more.

That fat orange fuck tried to get the National Guard there to keep a lid on things, and those in-charge of security said "NO". So the 400 or so protesters who overran the police got into the Capitol. They had no guns. It was a protest against a "stolen election", nothing more.

View attachment 655303

Horseshit, it was Pence, not Trump who called in the National Guard.

That fat orange fuck tried to get the National Guard there to keep a lid on things, and those in-charge of security said "NO".
You're FOS.
That's what HE claimed, not backed up, of course, with any facts.

So the 400 or so protesters who overran the police got into the Capitol. They had no guns. It was a protest against a "stolen election", nothing more.

View attachment 655303
Again, you're FOS.

Who brings tactical gear to a "protest"?


You're a delusional gaslighter.

That, only works on the gullible. (Trump's cult)
Horseshit, it was Pence, not Trump who called in the National Guard.

Pence called the NG on J6. No good, too late, they were at home watching on TV.

Trump called on the 4th to get them there for the 6th. These are the most recent links I can find:

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