Jobless claims skyrocket under Biden.

President Dufus will have a disastrous economy.

What do we expect? When he was VP poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it, taxes increased, health care was screwed and we had dismal economic growth.

Only idiots voted for him.
And yet Tramp did worse, LOSING over 2 million jobs

Only IDIOT MORONS voted for Tramp.
Job losses were due to the pandemic, and due to Givernors shutting down state economies. Trump didn’t shut anything down.

You have to remember that these dishonest Democrats always blame their failures on somebody else and always take credit for some else's success.

Expect President Dufus and his Useful Idiots to blame all of his failures on Trump.

That is just the way those lying assholes roll.
Isn't that the trump way Blame everyone for his fuk ups?/ haven't seen shit yet....all of these people coming over the borders---they will have kids and so on and so on ....
Biden has destroyed America--already
You're wishing Put your fn wishes in one hand and bullshit in the other and see which comes true first
yes, I knew it--you are not smart at all
Face the truth schmuck Biden has done more in his few days as president than the perverted ah trump did in 4 years

Prove it.

He is certainly raising the debt faster
You remember the 2 trillion trump gave to the 1% ?/ Any trickle down to you??
links please
Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

How was that the Republicans mess? The Democrats was glad the COVID was around during the Trump Administration. It was the Democrats that wanted to lock down the country for almost a year. The unemployment was very high at the time, because no on was able to work. Many small businesses either filed for bankruptcy or went completely out of business. Then along came the Masks Mandates and the social distancing.

View attachment 469258
If Trump just listened to scientists, he would have been a hero for protecting us from the "china" virus. Instead, he just let the "hoax" run rampant.
.Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Like I always say, if shit stain demonRATS didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Hey, welcome back, Peewee.

Jobless claims skyrocket under Biden.

Thank you, President Trump!
So 2 week ago it was Trump's economy but now it's Biden's? Will it be Trump's economy again in a few weeks when jobs numbers are up again?
you're telling your story, you tell us.
chinese flu is on xiden, the over 500,00 people a week signing up 4 unemployment is on xiden, gas going up a buck (i know, 2 cents in your area) in less then 2 months is on xiden
anything else mrs know nothing?
A simple, "yes," would have sufficed.

Oh, and did you blame Trump for the rise in unemployment when he handed out stimulus with unemployment checks last year?
Under Trump, Americans had the best real wage growth in 40-years.
Except for the millions of Americans who LOST their jobs!!!
There were 7,466,000 unemployed when Tramp stole the 2016 election , and 10,130,000 unemployed when he crawled away.
who gives a fuck...that was then, this is retarded demonRATS love TRUMP, because thats all you BRAG about---daily
Well, no, when it was now back then, rightards claimed the president wasn't responsible for the millions of job loses.
If Trump just listened to scientists, he would have been a hero for protecting us from the "china" virus. Instead, he just let the "hoax" run rampant.
Science? Lol
It isn't always 100% accurate. Just take it from Dr. Fauci...who flip-flops on the idea. And he was the highest paid government employee at the time. That has to tell you something about a guy who has no idea. Mask on....mask off...mask on....blah blah blah.

If Trump just listened to scientists, he would have been a hero for protecting us from the "china" virus. Instead, he just let the "hoax" run rampant.
Science? Lol
It isn't always 100% accurate. Just take it from Dr. Fauci...who flip-flops on the idea. And he was the highest paid government employee at the time. That has to tell you something about a guy who has no idea. Mask on....mask off...mask on....blah blah blah.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

How was that the Republicans mess? The Democrats was glad the COVID was around during the Trump Administration. It was the Democrats that wanted to lock down the country for almost a year. The unemployment was very high at the time, because no on was able to work. Many small businesses either filed for bankruptcy or went completely out of business. Then along came the Masks Mandates and the social distancing.

View attachment 469258
If Trump just listened to scientists, he would have been a hero for protecting us from the "china" virus. Instead, he just let the "hoax" run rampant.
Fauci would be better suited as a meteorologist as many times as he changes his mind or is incorrect.
If Trump just listened to scientists, he would have been a hero for protecting us from the "china" virus. Instead, he just let the "hoax" run rampant.
Science? Lol
It isn't always 100% accurate. Just take it from Dr. Fauci...who flip-flops on the idea. And he was the highest paid government employee at the time. That has to tell you something about a guy who has no idea. Mask on....mask off...mask on....blah blah blah.

Except its more come the tornados and hurricanes, and melty glaciers that will flood and then refreeze, right after the locusts appear and the river turns red.....oh sorry, it missed us.
Just seems we need a common name for Joe :abgg2q.jpg: Who is Joe?

A. Mad Joe Robinette & the Kosher Commie
B. Vegetable Joe (Veggie Joe)
C. Xiden
D. Creepy Joe
E. Behind the Mask
F. China Joe
G. Dribbling Joe
H. Stuttering Joe
I. Other

I refuse to have my ability to mock him limited in any way. I shall continue to work from a selection of nicknames, including Dementia Joe, President Asterisk, Grandpa Badfinger, and President Houseplant, and add to them on occasion as inspiration strikes me.
Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

How was that the Republicans mess? The Democrats was glad the COVID was around during the Trump Administration. It was the Democrats that wanted to lock down the country for almost a year. The unemployment was very high at the time, because no on was able to work. Many small businesses either filed for bankruptcy or went completely out of business. Then along came the Masks Mandates and the social distancing.

View attachment 469258
If Trump just listened to scientists, he would have been a hero for protecting us from the "china" virus. Instead, he just let the "hoax" run rampant.

You mean the way President Houseplant is "listening to scientists" by insisting that schools remain shut down despite numerous experts saying there's no reason?

Anyone cheering for the Democrat Party should have their tongue shrivel up and fall out of their mouths the instant they presume to utter the word "science".
If Trump just listened to scientists, he would have been a hero for protecting us from the "china" virus. Instead, he just let the "hoax" run rampant.
Science? Lol
It isn't always 100% accurate. Just take it from Dr. Fauci...who flip-flops on the idea. And he was the highest paid government employee at the time. That has to tell you something about a guy who has no idea. Mask on....mask off...mask on....blah blah blah.


So you figure the efficiency of masks in blocking viruses changes daily the way the weather does? THAT'S your idea of "Science!"?
Tiny Tony doesn't do much for the stereotype that drunken dwarfs are stupid as fuck and should rise no further than shoe shine boys at the airport.

Free advice: Don't trust runts.
Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

How was that the Republicans mess? The Democrats was glad the COVID was around during the Trump Administration. It was the Democrats that wanted to lock down the country for almost a year. The unemployment was very high at the time, because no on was able to work. Many small businesses either filed for bankruptcy or went completely out of business. Then along came the Masks Mandates and the social distancing.

View attachment 469258
If Trump just listened to scientists, he would have been a hero for protecting us from the "china" virus. Instead, he just let the "hoax" run rampant.

You mean the way President Houseplant is "listening to scientists" by insisting that schools remain shut down despite numerous experts saying there's no reason?

Anyone cheering for the Democrat Party should have their tongue shrivel up and fall out of their mouths the instant they presume to utter the word "science".
You owe houseplants an apology. What did they ever do to you?
Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

How was that the Republicans mess? The Democrats was glad the COVID was around during the Trump Administration. It was the Democrats that wanted to lock down the country for almost a year. The unemployment was very high at the time, because no on was able to work. Many small businesses either filed for bankruptcy or went completely out of business. Then along came the Masks Mandates and the social distancing.

View attachment 469258
If Trump just listened to scientists, he would have been a hero for protecting us from the "china" virus. Instead, he just let the "hoax" run rampant.

You mean the way President Houseplant is "listening to scientists" by insisting that schools remain shut down despite numerous experts saying there's no reason?

Anyone cheering for the Democrat Party should have their tongue shrivel up and fall out of their mouths the instant they presume to utter the word "science".
You owe houseplants an apology. What did they ever do to you?

Hey, I'm rude to everyone else. Why should houseplants be any different?
Just seems we need a common name for Joe :abgg2q.jpg: Who is Joe?

A. Mad Joe Robinette & the Kosher Commie
B. Vegetable Joe (Veggie Joe)
C. Xiden
D. Creepy Joe
E. Behind the Mask
F. China Joe
G. Dribbling Joe
H. Stuttering Joe
I. Other

I refuse to have my ability to mock him limited in any way. I shall continue to work from a selection of nicknames, including Dementia Joe, President Asterisk, Grandpa Badfinger, and President Houseplant, and add to them on occasion as inspiration strikes me.

ILMAO, especially @ President Houseplant
Just seems we need a common name for Joe :abgg2q.jpg: Who is Joe?

A. Mad Joe Robinette & the Kosher Commie
B. Vegetable Joe (Veggie Joe)
C. Xiden
D. Creepy Joe
E. Behind the Mask
F. China Joe
G. Dribbling Joe
H. Stuttering Joe
I. Other

I refuse to have my ability to mock him limited in any way. I shall continue to work from a selection of nicknames, including Dementia Joe, President Asterisk, Grandpa Badfinger, and President Houseplant, and add to them on occasion as inspiration strikes me.

ILMAO, especially @ President Houseplant
This one waters itself. And fertilizes.
If Trump just listened to scientists, he would have been a hero for protecting us from the "china" virus. Instead, he just let the "hoax" run rampant.
Science? Lol
It isn't always 100% accurate. Just take it from Dr. Fauci...who flip-flops on the idea. And he was the highest paid government employee at the time. That has to tell you something about a guy who has no idea. Mask on....mask off...mask on....blah blah blah.

If he was involved in the Manhattan Project we would be speaking German. Those left of us alive.
Just seems we need a common name for Joe :abgg2q.jpg: Who is Joe?

A. Mad Joe Robinette & the Kosher Commie
B. Vegetable Joe (Veggie Joe)
C. Xiden
D. Creepy Joe
E. Behind the Mask
F. China Joe
G. Dribbling Joe
H. Stuttering Joe
I. Other

I refuse to have my ability to mock him limited in any way. I shall continue to work from a selection of nicknames, including Dementia Joe, President Asterisk, Grandpa Badfinger, and President Houseplant, and add to them on occasion as inspiration strikes me.

President Houseplant , winner. Lol.

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