Jobless claims skyrocket under Biden.

President Dufus will have a disastrous economy.

What do we expect? When he was VP poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it, taxes increased, health care was screwed and we had dismal economic growth.

Only idiots voted for him.
And yet Tramp did worse, LOSING over 2 million jobs

Only IDIOT MORONS voted for Tramp.
Job losses were due to the pandemic, and due to Givernors shutting down state economies. Trump didn’t shut anything down.

You have to remember that these dishonest Democrats always blame their failures on somebody else and always take credit for some else's success.

Expect President Dufus and his Useful Idiots to blame all of his failures on Trump.

That is just the way those lying assholes roll.
Isn't that the trump way Blame everyone for his fuk ups?/ haven't seen shit yet....all of these people coming over the borders---they will have kids and so on and so on ....
Biden has destroyed America--already
You're wishing Put your fn wishes in one hand and bullshit in the other and see which comes true first
President Dufus will have a disastrous economy.

What do we expect? When he was VP poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it, taxes increased, health care was screwed and we had dismal economic growth.

Only idiots voted for him.
And yet Tramp did worse, LOSING over 2 million jobs

Only IDIOT MORONS voted for Tramp.
Job losses were due to the pandemic, and due to Givernors shutting down state economies. Trump didn’t shut anything down.

You have to remember that these dishonest Democrats always blame their failures on somebody else and always take credit for some else's success.

Expect President Dufus and his Useful Idiots to blame all of his failures on Trump.

That is just the way those lying assholes roll.
Isn't that the trump way Blame everyone for his fuk ups?/ haven't seen shit yet....all of these people coming over the borders---they will have kids and so on and so on ....
Biden has destroyed America--already
You're wishing Put your fn wishes in one hand and bullshit in the other and see which comes true first
yes, I knew it--you are not smart at all
President Dufus will have a disastrous economy.

What do we expect? When he was VP poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it, taxes increased, health care was screwed and we had dismal economic growth.

Only idiots voted for him.
And yet Tramp did worse, LOSING over 2 million jobs

Only IDIOT MORONS voted for Tramp.
Job losses were due to the pandemic, and due to Givernors shutting down state economies. Trump didn’t shut anything down.

You have to remember that these dishonest Democrats always blame their failures on somebody else and always take credit for some else's success.

Expect President Dufus and his Useful Idiots to blame all of his failures on Trump.

That is just the way those lying assholes roll.
Isn't that the trump way Blame everyone for his fuk ups?/ haven't seen shit yet....all of these people coming over the borders---they will have kids and so on and so on ....
Biden has destroyed America--already
You're wishing Put your fn wishes in one hand and bullshit in the other and see which comes true first
yes, I knew it--you are not smart at all
Face the truth schmuck Biden has done more in his few days as president than the perverted ah trump did in 4 years
Job losses were due to the pandemic, and due to Governors shutting down state economies. Trump didn’t shut anything down.

Biden killed all those energy sector jobs, energy prices have risen sharply. Biden was left a growing economy by Trump but Traitor Joe©™ is trying his hardest to wreck it. When we see the 1st quarter of 2021 growth numbers that will mark three straight quarters of growth, all thanks to Trump's economic policies.
Face the truth schmuck Biden has done more in his few days as president than the perverted ah trump did in 4 years

You really are twisted.

Under Trump, Americans had the best real wage growth in 40-years.

And so much more that Trump did positively on the economy (not to mention numerous peace deals on the world stage). I guess that in the twisted minds of leftists that is indeed "perverted".
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

Why do Democrats always try to blame other people for things that are manifestly their fault?
Does this help?
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

Yeah right, I've studied that a pinch because of a long relationship since ended. Dude is a full blown psychopath & half sociopath, and his wife is a half blown sociopath with bits of psychopath. A match made in hell really, after 30 years they shared their skills with one another. The psychopath would be in prison if not for the sociopath, no shit.

According to the "experts" these traits are becoming far more common in society. Well yeah, there's a blue wave isn't there, 24/7 misinformation, bad intentions & social media will do that.
It all goes back to the late 70s when Jimmy Carter thought it would be a good idea to allow mentally ill people back into society. Most of the government and the P and VP are all confirmed cases that should, but arent put away.
President Dufus will have a disastrous economy.

What do we expect? When he was VP poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it, taxes increased, health care was screwed and we had dismal economic growth.

Only idiots voted for him.
And yet Tramp did worse, LOSING over 2 million jobs

Only IDIOT MORONS voted for Tramp.
Job losses were due to the pandemic, and due to Givernors shutting down state economies. Trump didn’t shut anything down.

You have to remember that these dishonest Democrats always blame their failures on somebody else and always take credit for some else's success.

Expect President Dufus and his Useful Idiots to blame all of his failures on Trump.

That is just the way those lying assholes roll.
Isn't that the trump way Blame everyone for his fuk ups?/ haven't seen shit yet....all of these people coming over the borders---they will have kids and so on and so on ....
Biden has destroyed America--already
You're wishing Put your fn wishes in one hand and bullshit in the other and see which comes true first
yes, I knew it--you are not smart at all
Face the truth schmuck Biden has done more in his few days as president than the perverted ah trump did in 4 years
Face the truth schmuck, xiden has done more in its few days, to bring AMERICA and its workers to its knees, raise taxes, sign a bill that allows 95% of the chinese flu monies to leave AMERICA, as fraud/fake president.
Just seems we need a common name for Joe :abgg2q.jpg: Who is Joe?

A. Mad Joe Robinette & the Kosher Commie
B. Vegetable Joe (Veggie Joe)
C. Xiden
D. Creepy Joe
E. Behind the Mask
F. China Joe
G. Dribbling Joe
H. Stuttering Joe
I. Other
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?
Biden made this mess with a stroke of a pen. You cannot blame anyone now. Your party has control.
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

Why do Democrats always try to blame other people for things that are manifestly their fault?
More than two months are required to undo four years of damage.

Yep, 770,000 is a pretty good start. Biden should be able to undo everything in no time...dumbasss.
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

Why do Democrats always have to deal with Republicans messes?

Before you people start again blaming the global China flu pandemic on Trump, remember that Trump and the Republicans left Democrats with a lowering unemployment rate of 6.2 percent, a Dow approaching 32k, gas prices below $3.00, a border under control, and no trouble in the Middle East. Compare ALL of those same metrics and criteria from Trump to Biden and how they are better under Biden?
Makes sense. He has destroyed tens of thousands of jobs with the stroke of a pen.

It is what they want. People dependent on government. Unemployment will be over 10%, if not higher, while he is illegitimately in office.
FOUR WEEK Average Jobless Claims fell to 746,250,
Makes sense

from your BREITBART link;

Jobless claims can be volatile week to week so economists like to look at the four-week average. This fell to 746,250, a decline from the upwardly revised average of 762,0000 for the prior week.​
Just seems we need a common name for Joe :abgg2q.jpg: Who is Joe?

A. Mad Joe Robinette & the Kosher Commie
B. Vegetable Joe (Veggie Joe)
C. Xiden
D. Creepy Joe
E. Behind the Mask
F. China Joe
G. Dribbling Joe
H. Stuttering Joe
I. Other
Job losses were due to the pandemic
The TRUMP Pandemic!
the chinese flu belongs to xiden....thats the 1 pretending to represent AMERICA
TRUMP is in florida....retard
There is no Xiden, Trump owns the Trump Pandemic.
deny, deflect, twist to live right up to the definition---retarded demonRAT
it is the --chinese (xiden) flu....
Still the TRUMP Pandemic.

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