Jobs Joe! Economy is defying naysayers and added a whopping 372k Jobs in June!!

Are you retarded?
Trump supported a Ukraine that would not ask to join NATO.


Did ya really think posting bullshit would fool anyone, nutjob?

Here's Zelenskyy meeting with NATO into in June, 2019...

... and here's Trump supporting Ukraine in September, 2019...

Sell stupid elsewhere.
Here is oil rigs in use. Trump let it trickle down to nothing and Biden has seen it build back up. You are either disingenuous or dumb, which is it?

View attachment 722491


Did ya really think posting bullshit would fool anyone, nutjob?

Here's Zelenskyy meeting with NATO into in June, 2019...

... and here's Trump supporting Ukraine in September, 2019...

Sell stupid elsewhere.
There’s a difference between helping one nation and encouraging it to join a military surrounding Russia and you’re an idiot if you don’t understand that.
Supporting Ukraine was the right thing to do.
So in your mind, supporting the Ukraine borders and the citizens of Ukraine is far more important than the citizens of Afghanistan. Got it!

Specifically, what strategic purpose mandated that we enter into a proxy war with Ukraine?

I mean other than President Biden's desperate need to cover for his son's maleficence in his business dealings in Ukraine. Oh, and Democrats' pathetic need for a distraction from the massive catastrophe they have caused here at home.

Why do the Democrats demand we immediately get into a proxy war with Russia just months after the catastrophic surrender in Afghanistan?

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Specifically, what strategic purpose mandated that we enter into a proxy war with Ukraine?

I mean other than President Biden's desperate need to cover for his son's maleficence in his business dealings in Ukraine. Oh, and Democrats' pathetic need for a distraction from the massive catastrophe they have caused here at home.
How else could Biden, Zelensky and Putin pilfer 100s of millions of dollars?
Which president hasn't supported Ukraine?
As you know, President Trump successfully supported Ukraine with sanctions on Russia and provided support for Ukraine without entering into a proxy war with Russia.

As you know too, President Biden instantly reversed all the policies Trump put in place.
Specifically, what strategic purpose mandated that we enter into a proxy war with Ukraine?

Russia was seen as a rival nation, one on par with us. To allow them unrestricted expansion would have made them even more so. Putin is on record as to wanting to bring back the old USSR.

Strategically this war has been a huge win for the US and NATO. Russia has been exposed as a paper tiger and if not for their nukes we would care less about them than we do Nigeria.

Russia has now had to rely on Iran and NK for weapons and rounds as they have been stymied by little old Ukraine.
Russia was seen as a rival nation, one on par with us. To allow them unrestricted expansion would have made them even more so. Putin is on record as to wanting to bring back the old USSR.

Strategically this war has been a huge win for the US and NATO. Russia has been exposed as a paper tiger and if not for their nukes we would care less about them than we do Nigeria.

Russia has now had to rely on Iran and NK for weapons and rounds as they have been stymied by little old Ukraine.
Russia is on a par with us only in the number of nuclear weapons in its arsenal.

Russia is on a par with us only in the number of nuclear weapons in its arsenal.

Exactly. Prior to them invading Ukraine everyone feared their military. This is the reason Trump wanted them to be able to be a part of the G-7.

But now those days are gone, the only reason anyone cares about Russia any longer is their nukes.

You're sooo senile, gramps, you don't know the difference between "rig count" and "field production of crude oil." :cuckoo:
SHUT UP trashbag! I've owned this thread including you - what you have to say is about as good as Sunny Hostin's hair, that looks like an old, worn-out mop.


Whatever spin you want to put on the numbers, whatever you want to call them, Trump's were HUGELY bigger than Biden's.

And did you see my post where I Extended Trump's rising numbers to what they would be now, if he were still president ? 550 Million Barrels/Month.
Swallow that, Fake Boy.
It is very telling how you all like to pretend that 2020 never happened, that somehow Trump was only the POTUS for 3 years and not 4.
So you're saying that all the economy numnbers of the first half of 2020 were Trump's fault ? That's like pinning the blame for the Charles Manson murders, on the victims.

And are you pretending that the THIRD QUARTER of 2020 never happened ? It had the highest (by far) GDP growth in US history (33.8%). And the 4th quarter was very fine too.
And then, along came Biden........GAG!!!! :eusa_sick::frown:
Biden loves the high gas prices (when they weren't affecting the election). His game is to get people to drive less, use less gasoline, and drive the oil companies out of business.

Dude needs to be more than impeached. He needs to be locked up, maybe with a straightjacket.
So you're saying that all the economy numnbers of the first half of 2020 were Trump's fault ? That's like pinning the blame for the Charles Manson murders, on the victims.

And are you pretending that the THIRD QUARTER of 2020 never happened ? It had the highest (by far) GDP growth in US history (33.8%). And the 4th quarter was very fine too.
And then, along came Biden........GAG!!!! :eusa_sick::frown:

I do not assign blame/fault. I look at the data. Blame is a partisan game

Yes, we had the highest (by far) GDP growth in US history, which followed the largest GDP drop in US history. If you wish say Trump is responsible for one, then he gets both. But you only wish to assign the good things to Trump and none of the bad...another partisan game
Biden loves the high gas prices (when they weren't affecting the election). His game is to get people to drive less, use less gasoline, and drive the oil companies out of business.

Yet instead people are driving just as much and the oil companies are making profits like there is no tomorrow. They are producing to much oil and NG that we have record exports.

Biden sucks, he even sucks at trying to ill the oil industry.
I AM talking about HIS BLS "data" AND his speeches, and all of his BS.

His BLS data is done by the same people in the same manner as they were for Trump. If you deny one and not the other you are just being a mindless partisan drone.

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